It didn't take long during the interrogation of her for Zina to realize that she had been set up… and by none other than Daemon NorthSteed.
What she didn't understand was how on earth Zoric Sofyr could bite such a flimsy trap. A vision on how to end the war? She understood foretelling the famine made many see her in an otherworldly light, but thinking that she saw a way to defeat the rogues was a bit too much as far as she was concerned.
The days rolled by in such a haze, and finally, Zoric's eight days deadline went up. A deadline where Zina was supposed to recount the so-called non-existent vision.
Zina had been surprised at the specificity of the eight day deadline. That was until she realized the eighth day will be the time of the full moon. Either Zoric, or his advisors must have thought that Zina's powers must be at its peak that day, hence she would have no choice to spew the vision.
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