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70% Ben 10: The next MARVEL of the world / Chapter 5: Unintentionally Meeting MARVELS

Capítulo 5: Unintentionally Meeting MARVELS

<Author's note: I left a few easter eggs here. Let's see who can catch them.>

Jean Grey POV

It was a hot day and I was out playing with my best friend Annie. Both our moms were busy with preparing lunch and dad was out at work while Annie's dad went out shopping. 

"Come on red, you gotta keep up," Annie called out while we were playing tag. She was always better than me at sports.

"Wait up!" was all I could say as I noticed a car pass by about to hit Annie. "Look out!"

I tried to reach her. I knew I wouldn't make it but I tried anyway. The whole time I felt strange. It was like I could feel everyone around me.

I heard a scream and I heard the car try to swerve. Yet as everything was moving both in slow motion and high speed did it happen.


Both me and Annie were carried away from the street and taken to the sidewalk. I didn't notice the cop cars following the car that almost hit my best friend. All I noticed was the sudden shift in emotions I was feeling.

"Are you two alright?" asked the man that saved us. Except it wasn't a man. He looked more like a dinosaur than anything else.

I wasn't sure what was going on but I could feel anxiety, worry and then relief coming from him, while Annie seemed to feel surprised, panic then relief. The stranger's voice seemed to move really fast. Wait, he didn't say anything after he asked if we were okay. What is going on?

"Yeah, we are fine," Annie said as she looked at our savior. "Thank you for saving us."

"Just doing my job," he said as he put us down and faced the direction the cars went.

"Wait," I said, finally finding my voice. "Who are you?" 

He seemed to be putting some thought into it but to me it was like he was muttering everything all at once. He then turned to me as his visor lifted to show his blue smiling face.

"Call me XLR8," he said as his visor went back down and he went off in a flash. I heard my friend say he was cool but looked kinda creepy.

"He isn't that creepy," I snapped at Annie only to get a shocked look.

"I didn't say anything…" she said as she looked at me suspiciously.

'What is going on?' I started to ask myself, beginning to freak out.


Reed Richard POV

"They are finally going to let us help," I told my coworker Victor Wener von Doom. 

"It is about time," Victor says, sounding rather annoyed and smug. "You'd think they would hire me far sooner."

I met Victor back at Empire State University while I was getting my third science degree. He is a brilliant man, but he is also arrogant and proud. But I am glad to have met someone who can rival my intelligence as much as he does.

I still remember when I read the criticism that he wrote about one of my thesis. I was honestly more impressed with the correction he made than angry. However, I wouldn't be the proud scientist I am today if I didn't correct one of his works.

From that we have grown a rivalry built on the respect we have for each other's intelligence. 

"Focus Richards," Victor said, bringing me out of my reminiscing. 

I turn to see the leader of this sting operation General Thaddeus 'Thunderbolt' Ross and the infamous Lieutenant Michael Steel.

"Gentlemen," the general says, getting both me and Victor's attention. "I'd like you to meet your new commanding officer."

"What do you mean General?" I ask rather perplexed. 

"It means that from today onward you will be working for me in the newly formed unit SACT," Lieutenant Steel says.

"This is preposterous," Victor says displeased. "We were promised a chance to demonstrate our scientific advancements to you General Ross. Not some lower rank soldier."

Although angered by the comment, Lieutenant Steel didn't make a move or say a word. He just stood there with a stern expression.

"Well you will have to suck it up," General Ross said. "If you want someone in a higher position you will have to impress Lieutenant Steel here."

He then just droned on about procedures, different requirements and so much more I thought my body was just sagging like melted plastic. I decided to just pass the time thinking up equations for my next project. And looking at Victor, he seemed to have the same idea.

He finally left after some time of his long winded speech. Now we are with the Lieutenant for the time being.

"Now listen well you two eggheads," he said loud enough to give us a startle and get us to almost forget our equations.  "I let you join because they said you two are the smartest there is. We are going to test that."

He starts to make us walk with him to a room where there are maps of the whole country and each individual state. There were also many pictures and documents of different alien creatures. 

"What are these things?" Victor asks bluntly.

"That is what Area 51 wants to find out," Lieutenant Steel answered pointedly. "Here at SACT we take care of any alien threat that has appeared on earth. However we don't have the firepower to stop these threats."

He then proceeds to show us the documents of these aliens. It explained what they look like, what their abilities are and even where they appeared. 

It was all very fascinating, but I noticed some discrepancies and from the look on Victor's face, so has he.

"Excuse me sir," I raised my voice to make sure I got his attention. "I noticed something about these aliens."


"I have checked the coordinates and dates and noticed an inconsistency."

"I too have noticed one," Victor says while looking at the papers.

"What would that be?" he asked us, seeming rather interested in what we had to say.

"Well, Firstly it seems like these aliens move in a group and divide the workload among themselves," I answered.

"Secondly, it appears there are two groups of these aliens," Victor says as he shows a pair of pictures of each alien. "The first group to appear has this strange badge while the other doesn't."

The Lieutenant takes a closer look and seems to agree with our deductions. "Anything else you noticed?"

"Well, we might be able to triangulate both groups' positions if you give us some time," I say unsure. I made sure to signal Victor to not say anything else as we awaited the Lieutenant's commands. 

"Very well then," he answered placidly. "I'll also need you to develop some equipment to capture these things. Am I understood?"

"Yes sir," both me and Victor answered. I'm a little surprised since Victor doesn't respect many people but I suppose this man does have a commanding and authoritarian kind of voice.

After he left Victor turned to me with an annoyed face. "Why didn't you tell him the next state and city they would appear in?"

"Because, he would very likely not believe us and have other people look into it," I answered calmly. "Plus with this we have more time to develop something to capture these aliens that actually works and not just some rushed equipment."

Victor simply sniffs at my response but doesn't say anything. And so we got started on the blueprints. Victor focused on weapons to fight the aliens and I focused on the traps and restraints.

'It might be interesting to study these creatures and see how intelligent they are,' was all I could think of as I worked.


Max Eisenhardt POV

I have been traveling for a while. I reserved a strange message after me and my wife finally built a home. The man who gave me the message was a strange scientist who appeared out of nowhere.

~Flash back~

"Hello there," a man with a lab coat said. "How have you been?"

"Who are you?" I asked the man cautiously.

"Ah, yes. We weren't supposed to meet but you can call me a friend," he said without truly answering my question. "Now then, I came to give you a warning."

I was alarmed to hear this. Especially since I don't know who this man truly is or what he wants.

"A friend of yours wants me to tell you that you are in danger. Take your wife and move to the US," he said as he began to walk away."

"Wait. Who sent you?" I asked, confused.

"An old friend of yours, or perhaps he will be one. I honestly can't remember since the timelines are a mess. But that 'Watcher' said that it would be fine so I did the favor anyway," he said in a tangente. 

I was beyond confused at this point. What does he mean? Who is he? Who sent him? Why did he come? Too many questions flud my mind. But before I could ask more he was gone.

~Flash back end~

After that I managed to get my wife and our unborn child on a boat to the States. She was confused and worried but I promised her that everything will be fine. I didn't know what danger there truly was.

I received a message saying that they will be checking me and my coworkers at the steel factory for something. I later discovered they were remnants of the Natziez attempting to remove the Jewish from Germany, permanently. 

I saw my coworkers, my friends… my brothers die at the feet of these mad men. I asked them if they attacked our families as well. They just laughed.

'It's happening again,' I thought. 'I can't do anything to stop them.'

I was glad I heed the warning the stranger gave me, but the memories and pain that came with them was too much. I remember how my mother died while she was with me. I remember my friends being tortured and experimented on like rats. I remember when I used my abilities in my pain riddled mind.


The sound of metal fighting against great pressure sounded all around us. At first no one took heed or even noticed, until a pipe went flying towards one of the men. Little by little more metal began to attack more people. Everyone panicked and began to run around like headless chickens. So with that thought that's what I made them, headless.

After everything was over, only 4 of the Jewish workers had died in this sudden attack, but all 14 Natziez lay dead on the ground.

Everyone was looking at me in shock, disbelief and a bit of fear. I just stood there, unsure of what to do until somewhere in my mind I heard someone yelling to run. So that's what I did.

It has been quite a few years since that day. I don't think of the lives I have taken or the lives I managed to save. I instead think of the looks that my coworkers were giving me. For some reason I believed they would call the cops and have me taken in for what I am and not for what I have done.

I finally arrived in the States. Although it has been a while I am still looking for my family. My child will be 10 soon and I haven't seen her yet. 'I am such a terrible father.'

"Hey mister, are you okay?" asked a childish voice.

I look up only to see a child no older than 10. Some part of me hoped he was my son but his appearance suggests otherwise. 

"I am fine," I answered hoping he was like most and just left me alone. He didn't. 

He had a pensive face and said "You look like you could use some company."

He then sat down next to me. Quite the persistent child.

He looked ahead and was just humming to himself a rather strange song. I haven't given music much thought since I ran away from Germany but I could tell he was singing something new.

"What is it that you want child?" I asked in the most authoritarian voice I had, hoping to scare the child away.

"I want to help you," he informed me.

"I don't need help."

"But you seem sad. And I thought I could help you feel better."

The child persisted, leaving me bewildered by the situation. The child is clearly smart for his age, and he seems to have an awareness well beyond his years. 

"Are you like me child?" I ask now curious.

"I'm not sad or old if that's what you're asking," he said rather cheekily. 

"No!" I responded heatedly, causing me to take a deep breath. "Are you special?"

He had a thoughtful look but his hand quickly went to the watch on his left wrist.

"I guess you can say that, everyone says I have a way with words and understand people really well," he finally said after letting the watch go.

"I suppose I can tell you then."

And so I told him my story. At first he was shocked, then worried, then he had a look of understanding and finally he was pensive. He truly is mature for his age.

"I don't think I can help you but maybe someone with our gifts can," he suggested as he started to think more about his little thought. "I know. Look for a man named Charles Xavier, he is a famous geneticist. Maybe he can help you with that. He did come up with the theory of human evolution."

This child is truly something else. I couldn't help but smile at him as I stood up. "Thank you little one."

"Hey, I'm not 'little one'!" he yelled rather indignantly. He then said quite proudly, "My name is Ben Tennyson."

"It is a pleasure to meet you young Tennyson. My name is…" I paused. This will be a new life for me and for my family once I find them. And I don't want any enemies to find me. "My name is Erik Lensherr."

He looked quite surprised, as if he had heard the name or of me before. But then he smiled and said with a big toothy smile, "It's very nice to meet you Mr Lensherr."

As he left to possibly look for his family I stood up and walked to the nearest library. It's time to look for some help.


Clint Barton POV

I have been given a variety of jobs while working with shield. Good old Nick Furry has offered a lot in exchange for it. Still better than when I worked at the circus.

Although I almost ruined my helping Natasha, I'd say it was worth it. Plus I'm even the amazing Laura Cardellini, or agent 19 to everyone else, who I'm planning on marrying. What could possibly go wrong?

"Agent Barton I need you to locate and observe Max Tennyson," Nick Furry said as soon as I entered his office.

"I'm sorry sir?" I asked, questioning my orders for the first time.

After getting a clearer directive of my orders I still had to ask, "Why do I need to observe a senior citizen sir?" This order just doesn't sit right with me.

"I have some suspension about this man but I need your help to verify them," he answers calmly.

Okay if I just wait long enough maybe he will give me more infor-

"You will be accompanied by agent 19."

Damn this bastard using the honey trap on me. And damn me for falling for it. I just can't say no when it comes to my girlfriend

As we traveled to the state that seemed to be the most likely that this Max Tennyson would be. Although being with Laura didn't prepare me for seeing our target with children. Too different to be siblings yet their similarities says their relatives.

"What is he thinking?" I asked outraged by the mission. "Is this guy a foreign nation's spy or something? How can he send us to spy on them?"

"Barton, relax. Take deep breaths," Laura instructs me as I'm seethe with rage. "There must be a reason for him to send us here."

"Like what? Are you even seeing what I'm seeing? That man is clearly just spending the summer with his grandchildren."

I haven't been this mad with someone since I learned that my circus dad was a thief. I found it really hard to calm down. I was glad when the kids ended up getting close to us. Thanks to that I had to force down my anger and compartmentalize the whole situation. 

The girl was a ginger with green eyes a blue shirt and white short pants. The boy had messy black hair green eyes, wearing a white shirt with a black stripe and green cargo pants.

"Sorry about that," the kid said as he picked up a frisbee.

"It's alright kid. Just be careful nextime," I say in a reassuring voice. The kid however looked at me like he didn't believe me.

"You should probably go back to your family," Laua said, trying to not make things weird.

"You're right. We should go," the girl said as she pulled the boy away. "Come on duffus, we need to go."

"Ow! Hey, quit it!"

Watching there interaction didn't help the knot I was feeling on my throat. Laura thankfully noticed and pulled me away to make a quick report.

"Agent Barton, Agent 19. Status report," called out my current pain and cause for anger.

"What the hell Furry!" I snapped as soon as he stopped talking. "You sent us to watch over civilians?"

Laura then pulled me aside and took over the conversation. "What agent Baron is trying to say is, 'what is your reason to observe this man?'"

A brief pause and that was enough for me to pop off again. And I would have if it wasn't for Laura keeping me in check.


That wasn't a good sign. "I know this looks bad agent Barton," he says as I hear in the distance a burglar alarm. "But I have reasons for you to watch over them."

I then notice a bright flash of green light somewhere. "Oh yeah? Like what?" I ask hoping for an answer only to notice a giant bug flying by and the RV following it.

"I don't want to sound disrespectful sir, but I have to agree with agent Barton," Laura said focusing on the communicator. "You can't expect us to just-"

"We have to go," I said and cut off the transmission. 

Laura seemed indignant but noticed my focused stare. She followed my line of sight only to see the RV speeding after what looks like a cross between different insects including a dragonfly and bee.

"What the…?" She started completely confused by the turn of events.

After 10 minutes trailing after the RV we noticed them bring the walking health hazard into the RV and drive away with a bright flash of red light coming out the windows. Okay, maybe Furry isn't off his rocker yet.

Following them to a distant hotel I noticed something I didn't before. The watch on the boys wrist was red, I could have sworn it was green when I met him in the park.

Soon they entered for a while leaving me and Laura to stake out. After almost an hour the boy walks out and heads to an arcade.

Me a and Laura decided to split up. I would follow the kid and she would watch over the rest. 

After some time the kid ended up hanging around some other kid who screams trouble. I ended up following to a train station only to notice the little thug charge up his body with electricity. 'That's definitely not normal.'

As I watched them I was just about ready to interfere when the kid grabbed his watch before transforming into a human fireball.

"Ah, stupid watch," the alien said seeming rather annoyed. 

After a quick fight, the delincuent seemed to absorb the energy from the kid and somewhat transform into the same alien. 

Once me and Laura reunited after a few minutes we went back to observing from a distance. They went to a bridge and fought the delincuent again after that though the kid ran away as the family just went back to the RV seeming to be in a somber mood.

I then grabbed the communicator waiting for Furry to answer.

"Agent Barton, agent 19. Status report," he said like our earlier conversation didn't even happen.

"We have confirmed that there is something suspicious about this family," I said as I watch the RV dissappear into the distance.

"What's the anomaly?" 

Laura then seemed to hesitate as she spoke. "It appears that one of the children is capable of shape-shifting into strange forms," she replied seeming to be in a daze.


His quiet spoke volumes. This has never happened before. I don't think any agent in the history of shield had to deal with something so impossible. 

"Return to base. I want a full report on my desk specifically and no one elses. Am I understood?" were his last words as we ended the transmission.

After the whole debacle I heard from a surprising rookie that he has been meticulous working to remove any evidence of the Tennysons involvement with the aliens. I asked the guy what his name was and he told me it was Nicholas Junior.

I didn't bother with him anymore but now I'm worried about what Nick is planning with that family.

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