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81.46% Star Wars: Aiden the Bounty Hunter / Chapter 211: A Round or Two

Capítulo 211: A Round or Two

I don't own star wars

Our ship touched down in the hanger, rattled ominously, and stilled as Rattletrap dragged a wagon of components passed my room. "I'm on it!" he said rather cheerfully before lifting a floor panel, grabbing an armful of random components, and dropping into the hole.

"…Okay…" I noted as Oriana and Lala joined me on the elevator to the first floor as Nerri checked a datapad.

"This is the place we're supposed to meet the contact." She handed Oriana the datapad, "…This is a stupid idea."

"Thanks for the confidence." Lala noted, not nearly as sarcastically as I think she should've been.

"There is literally nothing to stop this man from shooting us." Nerri noted, picking up a spare blaster rifle, checking the sights, and priming it.

"Well, Ideally you would stop him." Oriana noted but Nerri shrugged.

"I might deter him, yes, but if he has more guns than us, we're probably out of luck."

"Then we break his shit." I said, lifting the crate and hauling it to the moderately repaired ramp. It was a miracle it lasted this long.

"Kal we just got here they probably haven't arrived yet." Lala noted as the ramp opened and we stepped out. "Holy shit!" she jumped as an impeccably dressed sith pureblood stood rigidly before us. Long black hair and prominent brow. He was watching us. "…How long has he been there?! He wasn't there when we got here!" she hesitated as I put the crate down, watching him closely. "…He looks like a butler."

"…Indeed." He spoke calmly, he was also the only other person in the hanger. He had come alone… "I am Gaeves." He eyed the crate for a moment, "Open it." he said firmly, commandingly. I didn't like him. Oriana however exited the ramp and his eyes flickered to her. He liked what he saw.

I REALLY didn't like him

"Kal. Open the crate." She said, and I obeyed. Opening the crate as he glanced at the bottles. Taking one, he pulled out the cork and sniffed. Nodded, recorked it and placed it back in the crate before pulling a small purse from his pocket and tossing it to Oriana.

"Might I borrow your lug?" he asked, addressing Oriana as she checked the purse.

"…Kal." she said, eyeing me as I closed the crate, and lifted it. Gaeves gestured to me to follow him as he led me slightly out of the hanger and towards a very expensive looking speeder. Oriana followed, hand on a blaster at her waist as he opened the back of the speeder.

"If you don't mind." He said politely as I loaded the crate into the back of the speeder. "A pleasure. Don't rob from us again or I'll rip your lungs out." He said, with the air of casual indifference. He bowed politely, and briefly, before getting into the speeder and driving away.

"…I didn't like him." I noted as Oriana turned to walk back into the hanger.

"You don't have to like him you just need to like getting paid." She noted, shaking the bag. "And we got PAID." I snorted as she smiled, wrapping her arm around mine. "How about we go out and celebrate, might be nice eating out."

"That's a good idea." Rattletrap noted suddenly appearing outside the ship. "…Cause we're not going anywhere…" he said sheepishly as the ship popped and spluttered, "…Don't mind that."

"Did you break the ship?" I asked, trying very hard not to yell at him he is a family friend… and older than me.

"Well not any more than it was already broken!" he replied indignantly. "We just can't fly the darn thing for a while. Give me some time to fix it I'm just one jawa!"

"Well…" Lala slid down the ramp and latched onto my other arm, "We could go and see if there's any work for a prospective group of bounty hunters…" she tapped my holo-mask, turning it off as she grinned. "I know a pretty decent place near here, pretty good food."

"I'll stay with Rattletrap." Nerri said, watching as Rattletrap began taking a wrench to the ship, "…He might need somebody to reach high shelves."

"Hey!" Rattletrap replied indignantly.

"Alright then." Oriana noted as I found myself being dragged along by the pair of beauties… So, it wasn't so bad. "We'll be back later."

Wherever we were going it was apparently within walking distance and surprisingly not in a lower district. A heavy neon sign flickered on and off as we approached what looked like a dive bar. "Rykrr's Roundhouse?" I grumbled curiously as Lala grinned.

"Oh yeah. You're going to like this place Kal, Baby."

She entered first, as Oriana and I followed. It was bigger than it looked.

But what immediately drew my attention was the octagonal fighting cage in the center of the place. There was a large bar currently occupied by half a dozen thuggish looking men, a tall protocal droid tended the bar with one, two, three pairs of hands, polishing cups and pouring drinks one after the other. There were dozens of tables and booths, currently being tended too by attractive girls of varying races: twi'leks, humans, cather. A green skinned twi'lek, one of her lekku swung across her neck like a scarf, she was wearing a tight baby blue mid-drift baring top, that showed a lot of cleavage and threatened to burst, and tight booty-shorts that showed off a lot of leg and a lot more curve. She smiled prettily at us, "Table for three?" she asked as Lala grinned.

"Yep." Somewhere close to the cage.

"There aren't any fights tonight." She said, looking apologetic but Lala waved it off.

"That's fine." She waved us to follow her, Lala's eyes obviously staring at her tight booty-shorts covered rear as she led us to a table.

"Someone will be with you soon." She said sweetly, walking away. I admittedly watched her go, as she passed a table with one occupant. He was rather plain looking, but I could tell immediately that he wasn't going to cause trouble. As soon as she passed his hand took a handful of her rear, but quickly pulled away as she turned, still smiling at him. They shared a remarkably pleasant conversation for a guy who just grabbed a girls ass. But he held out a credit chip…

She glanced around quickly before taking it and slipping it into the pocket of her shorts, walking away. he got up and headed toward the direction of the bathroom… she went to the bar. A man with a remarkably shiny bald head got up from behind the bar. He had a gigantic bushy mustache, and was wearing a tight buttoned-up shirt, and a long black tie…

…That man was dangerous. I could tell, he had a lot of muscle, and a few faint scars on his face. he wasn't an average bartender. But she said something to him. He nodded with a cheery smile and she walked off toward the bathroom.

"Kal, we ordered for you."

"What?" I blinked at Oriana as she handed a togruta girl the menus. She was dressed similarly to the twi'lek, but the twi'lek filled it out more. She walked away.

"Oriana said we should order for you while you're doing the whole 'sizing up the room' thing…" Lala added, smiling at me as she rested her chin in her hands on the table. "We got you beef stroganoff."

"…Oh." I noted, unsure what to say and honestly a little embarrassed. I hadn't really eaten out in a long time. Normally I make sure I have ins and outs. "…So…" I began, looking around, "…What sort of place is this?"

"A fight club." Lala replied lazily, "Sometimes the Rkyrr has 'underground' above-ground fights." She gazed at me, smirking.

"…You were hoping I beat the hell out of someone here, weren't you." I noted as Oriana rolled her eyes exasperatedly.

"Yeah… for money!" she replied sitting up, "…but tough luck. Food's good though."

"…Alright." I smiled. I do love beef stroganoff. It was the only thing Mother really knew how to make, I honestly hadn't had it in a while. I got up, heading towards the bathroom. "I'll be right back." Lala waved as Oriana's ruby eyes scanned the room briefly.

I quickly found the bathroom; it was surprisingly clean as I entered. And quickly realized that one of the stales was occupied… by two people.

"MMn. Mmmn Slurp…" a recently acquainted booty-shorts-covered rear could be seen beneath the stall, squatting before a pair of spread legs. So apparently the waitress was giving the man from earlier a blowjob… "MMn SLURP-POP!-AH!!" she giggled slightly, "Did you like that baby?"

"Oh gorgeous you know what you're doing…" he chuckled as she moaned, her booty shorts rear quivering and wiggling as I watched for a moment. Debating… and then not caring. If a man was getting a blowjob in a bathroom it was none of my business. In fact, good on them. "Hey come on you only have ten minutes. "She said in a hush whisper as I let the door shut, stepping into the bathroom. "Shhhs!" he suddenly hissed as if I couldn't hear or see them.

"Oh 'shhs' yourself…" she whispered, "…I know what will keep you quiet…"

"Oh fuck." He cursed under his breath as I did my business. Listening to the soft suckle of her mouth as she cooed under her breath.


I had just started to wash my hands as I glanced in the mirror, listening to his restrained grunts as his feet stretched out around her squatting frame and she went still.

"Shit-shit-shit!" he hissed quietly under his breath, "Oooh…" it was a good effort. If I wasn't part Shistavaanan I probably wouldn't have noticed. He relaxed, as she moaned, softly sucking as he finished in her mouth, his hands apparently stroking her lekku as she wiggled delightedly.

"There… all better…" she whispered as I made my way to the door

"Ooh baby worth every credit." He sighed.

"See you later?" she asked just as I shut the door. Their later plans were none of my concern.

…However as I made my way back to the table… the new arrivals were.

They came in together, four rough and tumble looking men: thugs. A blue twi'lek, a human, a rhodian and a weequay. They looked fit, and tough. Particularly the twi'lek, he had sharpened his teeth to fangs, a prominent practice with warriors, and men pretending to be warriors. They were armed, vibroknives and blasters. But they were secured in their various sheaths. They were looking around, I sat at the table. Oriana and my eyes on them as the twi'lek snarled, baring his teeth as he grabbed a nearby waitress and spoke harshly to her in huttese. I couldn't make it out.

"Trouble?" Oriana asked me as Lala looked between us.

"…Just some thugs I think." I noted, looking away from them. They glanced right over us, still looking around the room. "…They're not looking at us, if they were bounty hunters there would be tells." The rest of the bar, apart from the bald mustached bartender lost interest in the group, but they kept looking around. The Twi'lek become more and more irritated by the second…

Then the obvious reason why showed up.

The two from the bathroom left the bathroom, she was giggling flirtatiously with her 'friend' and slapped his shoulder playfully before realizing the four thugs. A look of annoyance, but fear cross her face just as our food arrived… and admittedly I lost interest in the oncoming drama as the smell of that stew reached my part-shistavaan nose.

"Bitch what did I tell you!" the twi'lek snarled in huttese, quickly approaching her with his backup as the man behind her tried to shield her from them.

"Fuck off Tatku we're through." She said as she took her 'friend' by the arm and they began to make their way towards the bar… which was an odd decision, it wasn't a way out. He grabbed her lekku, and yanked. She screamed.

"We aren't done until I say we're done you schutta!" I dipped my spork into my food as the 'friend'.

"Don't talk to her like that!"

There was the sound of fist on bone as the twi'lek swung into the friend, sending him away as the twi'lek screamed. The friend crashed onto our table and my food went flying…

…Huh… I should've seen that coming… but I couldn't through all of this UNYIELDING RAGE. The 'friend' groaned on the broken table trying to get up. But I put my foot on his shoulder, keeping him there.

"…You're in luck Lala, you're going to see Kal fight." Oriana noted, holding her sandwich and watching as Lala bounced on her seat excitedly.

"…Stay there." I noted firmly to the 'friend' a fresh bleeding cut over his eye as the twi'lek tossed the girl to his buddies and approached us.

"I'll teach you to fuck my women…" the twi'lek snarled in huttese reaching for the 'friend' before I grabbed his arm, "what the-ARRRGH!!"

…Arms aren't meant to be bent that way… he struggled and danced as I twisted his arm into lock, walking him easily away from the fallen 'friend' as his rhodian thug tried to respond by reaching for his blaster.

"No blasters!" roared the bartender firmly, his voice deep and commanding. Like an imperial officer.

But the rhodian didn't listen. It was the last thing he heard. The droid with six arms suddenly had six blasters and they peppered the rhodian sending him sprawling as the patron's screamed in shock.

"No. Blasters." The man repeated, but there was a twinkle in his dark eyes as he glanced at me. His mustache twitching…

…It was then I noticed that the octagonal arena cage door was slightly opened… and it was right behind 'Tatku'… huh.

"…Alright then." I said casually. Booting Tatku into the ring.

He crashed through the gate and landed in the center as I causally strolled in. rotating my neck and cracking my knuckles. "Fifty of the red-head!" shouted the bald bartender and suddenly a betting pool was up. His friends quickly joined us, both drawing their vibroknives. Apparently, those were allowed…

They weren't going to help them.

"You… boshka!" snarled Tatku as he got up, drawing his knife as they surrounded me. The Human shutting the gate as I glanced at all three, examining the way their held their knives, their stances. "I'm going to wear you skin as a condom! As I rape that fucking schutta!" he screamed angrily, almost drooling in rage as his eyes went manically wide.

"…You ruined my meal." I noted, that took him off guard long enough for my fist to connect with his face.

"ARGH!!!?" he stumbled back as his backup attacked me. The human struck first, but only the air as I moved. Catching and twisting his arm so he dropped his vibroblade, then I used him as a shield to deter the weequay before tripping the human to the ground and closing the distance on him. He swung twice, back and forth, an easy dodge. Before I caught him and threw him over my shoulder.

"Grah!" he hit the mat hard on his back before I wrapped my legs around his arm, dropped to the ground and-


"GARGH!!" he clutched to his broken arm as he dropped the vibroblade. I tossed it lazily over the arena fence as he rolled on the mat sobbing. The human was getting up, but I got to my feet first before hitting him so hard in the stomach it lifted him from the floor.

Tatku recovered just quickly enough to find his human comrade hurled towards him as I threw him. They crashed into a heap together, dropping their knives as I casually collected them and tossed them both over the fence to the cheers of the crowd.

Barks of 'get em' and 'go on you can take him' and 'there's only one of him!'

They got to their feet, glanced for their weapons. "Egh…" growled Tatku before grabbing his human and shoving him forward. Surprised he stumbled forward before I grabbed his face and slammed my forehead into his nose. He dropped like a sack of potatoes, knocked out cold. the ringing in my head hardly affected me.

"Get him Kal, baby! Get him!!" Lala cheered hooting and hollering as Tatku reached into his jacket.

The blaster!

I closed the distance almost instantaneously, my hand grabbed his wrist and held him firmly. He could barely move his hand, "Y-you!" he hissed, lashing with his free hand, he hit me once. Twice. Right in the face. it stung; I'll give him that. "Son of a bitch!" he cursed.

I crushed his wrist in my hand, and he dropped the blaster.

"…Don't talk about my mother like that." I growled.

My hand swung hard across his face. he was bodily lifted from the ground and slammed into the fence. I still had his wrist, and I dragged him back towards me as my arm clotheslined across his neck. He flew towards the opposite fence to the roar of the crowd. I grabbed his head, lifted him from the ground and gave him two solid headbutts… he hung limply in my hand, my face covered in blood as a fang bounced off the mat.

"…Yeah. You're 'done' now… aren't you?" I asked, snarling, before slamming his face against the fence…


He screamed as the links acted like a dull cheese grater, shredding his face as I hurled him to the mat. I smoothed my hair out of my eyes as the crowd erupted in cheers and boos. "Fights over!" shouted the bartender as the waitress helped her 'friend' out of the club before anyone noticed. "H4n-D get that trash out of here!"

"Yes Mr. Rkyrr." The six-arm droid said, leaping over the counter and retrieving the bodies. Dragging or carrying them out.

"You. Red… I want to talk to you. Come here." I stared at him for a minute as I stepped out of the arena, Lala wiggled her hands as if 'scooching' me over to him. I sighed, and approached, Oriana joining me at the counter. "I'd like to thank you for handling that mess." He said, there was a certain. Confidence in his tone. As if making sure I knew that he could've handled it just as easily.

…And I believe he could.

"You fight like that often?" he asked, suddenly pouring me a drink. Ryloth Sake from the look of it.

"…Often enough."

"We like to make a habit of it." Lala smiled as Oriana glared at her.

"…We wouldn't mind making a little on the side. If that's what you're implying." Oriana added, as Rkyrr smirked.

"…I like you." He said, gesturing to Oriana. "And you're fun to have around sometimes Lacine." He added casually to Lala. "…Listen." He leaned on the counter, keeping eye contact with me. "I got a fight coming up. Territorial stuff. A lower level place wants to fight one of my guys for territory." He suddenly pushed a rag tag collection of credits towards me. Apparently, tonight's unexpectedly earnings. "I want to hire you to take his fighter out in the ring."

"…I can do that." I noted as Lala harrumphed and Oriana pushed the bag away. "…Apparently you have to work it out with my managers." I noted a little reluctantly… "…Also do you have a towel? I have twi'lek all over me." I mumbled angrily, wiping blood from my face as H4n-D soon returned, handing me said towel. "Thanks."

"You are welcome sir. FINE fighting!" he praised politely before leaping back over the counter.

"So 30%." Lala noted as Rkyrr flinched.

"Thirty!" he cursed, "I like you Lala but be reasonable. 20."

"25. And you feed Kal." Oriana noted, "…He didn't get to eat."

"Done." He grinned, "Pasi." He said as the root cause of the recent events returned. The pretty twi'lek fidgeted nervously.

"Yes Mr. Rkyrr."

"Give our guests the vip booth and get them whatever they want."

"Yes sir." She said, a soft sigh of relief as she smiled and led us to another booth.

…Lala's right. The food was good.

End of Chapter

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