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42.08% Star Wars: Aiden the Bounty Hunter / Chapter 109: Ere We Go

Capítulo 109: Ere We Go

I don't own star wars

Killa wrapped the gloves around my hands as I stared nervously at the red material of the boxing gloves. "…This cannot be a good idea." I noted thoughtfully as the crowd began to cheer and clap as a familiar white furred Cathar with red hair entered the ring the crowd roared joyfully as she waved. At ringside she was joined by a familiar green armored Mandalorian stood nearby, armed and ready for anything unfortunate.

"You'll be fine. You are quite competent." Killa noted oddly complimentary while tightening the wrapping on my gloves.

"And if you get the shit kicked out of you Nike will patch you up." Seis said with an excited smile on her face in my corner. "And if you don't get the shit kicked out of you we'll all play doctor anyway."

"Go! BRO!!" Rattletrap cheered from the good seats, with Nike and Caradoc right up front, as X-E clapped politely as if she was at the damn opera. He was waving a homemade sign that said 'Roll em over Roland!' which while clever I felt was unnecessary, and I also wondered where he got it.

"Thoroughly thrash your opponent Captain!" X-E shouted politely as Circe approached me, Mirai joining us as well in the outside of the corner. "Bob and weave!"

"Keep your guard up!" Caradoc shouted, miming a boxing stance. "Protect your face!" he roared over the crowd.

"How do you feel Roly?" Circe asked, wearing a rather tame but still tight knee-length shorts and shirt, showing off her athletic body. Which honestly seemed far better suited for this. "Butterflies?"

"Not… particularly." I said hesitantly.

"Look, it's all in good fun, just don't let him hit you too hard, he is a professional boxer. And It's only five rounds."

"Mom didn't teach me to box." I noted as Killa patted my bare shoulder as I tried to stand up, but she held me down.

"But she taught us to fight. And you were always scrappy. Now just stay calm and collected and you'll be fine. Above all else give the people a good show."

I took a deep breath, nodded my understanding, and stood up, tapping my gloves together in readiness. As I did there were a few wolf whistles from the crowd, even Circe looked me up and down.

"Roland when did you get ripped?" she asked giving me a playful smile. Granted I was a little more muscular than when she last saw me but it wasn't like I had a six pack.

"You live on Kashyyyk for three years with Uncle Caradoc, see how you do." I replied as Seis gave me a playful growl.

"Okay. I got to go do the announcing thing, remember to keep your guard up and don't use your feet. Oh. And don't shame the family." She added casually with a smile walking to the center off the ring, "Mirai, quit staring at my brother's abs!" Mirai coughed quietly in her helmet and walked away as Killa patted my shoulder and exited the ring through the rubbery ropes.

Circe held the mic to her lips and began, "Ladies, gentlemen and… yes…" she shaded her eyes playfully and smiled, "I think I see a hutt in the audience!" the was a bit of chuckling and even a deep throated hutt laugh as she continued, "Welcome to Luna IV Charity exhibition match! Thank you all for donating and participating to keep our beautiful colony going! My brother and I were born and raised here and we're more than happy to help raise credits for the cause! Now help me welcome another Luna IV son, Up and coming champion of the middleweight Coruscant circuit, Eren Wesley GORDON!!!" she cheered as the crowd erupted into a chant.

"Ere We GO! Ere We GO! Ere We GO!" it brought back rather unfortunate memories of Juggalo II… at least in this arena I wasn't fighting a horrific monster. However, the chant kept roaring as a green-skinned Mirialan charged to the ring, tossing off his boxing coat and raising his green-gloved fists to the crowd.

"Ere We GO! Ere We GO! Ere We GO!"

"I get it. it's his bloody name shortened, give it a rest!" grumbled Seis but the crowd seemed to have a different opinion.

The rather handsome and fit Mirialan male let his eyes wander the crowd before settling on Circe, and letting his eyes wander her as she approached me. "And in this corner!" she said, ignoring him. "Is the challenger! My brother, Roland Firemane!" the cheers weren't nearly as loud, but with an intimidating Wookiee and an over-excited Jawa the crowd seemed to come around as Circe raised my hand to greet them. The crowd chuckled good-naturedly as I scratched the back of my head.

"Alright boys I want a good clean fight. No hitting below the belt, and no sucker punches. Five rounds, three minutes. Let's give everyone here a good show, now touch gloves and come out swinging."

Eren looked like he's been able to avoid the regular look of a boxer. Meaning he still had a pretty handsome face. His green hair was tied back in a short ponytail and he had at least fifteen green mirialan tattoos on his youthful face. I was told, one for every major upset in the ring. "Good luck." He said, sounding both smug and encouraging as we tapped gloves and walked back to our corners waiting for the bell.

The ringing hardly echoed around the arena when he lunged from his corner like he was on a springboard, the crowd cheered as his fist moved like with a hiss and a slam as it connected against the back of my gloves as I blocked the punch and the fight began in earnest. He was testing me at first; that first heavy attack was to test my reflexes, and how I'd react. I think he was impressed but then he spent the rest of the round teasing me, jabbing, bobbing and darting as he avoided or blocked my punches.

…He kept bopping me. His fist would dart between my defenses and tap against my face. I was moving in slow motion compared to him… then. BAM. A right hook from nowhere as the bell ended the first round. I stumbled into my corner as Killa and Seis 'tended' to me. And by that, I mean they glared at Eren as Seis squirted a bottle of water into my face.

"He's a lefty." Killa noted coolly, "Watch out for it. He likes to jab with his right before he brings out his hook." She eyed me firmly, "He also drops his right, he's flashy and likes to show off."

"And ideas for what I should do?" I asked her as my own private crowd began to cheer for me.

"Actually punch the guy…" Seis noted sarcastically. And the bell rang for the second round. We came out swinging, he was starting to get serious. His punches came faster and harder, I could just barely avoid taking the full damage from them.

"I thought you were supposed to be some local hero." He said suddenly, and rather smugly.

"Not me. My dad." I said, avoiding his sudden jabs, apparently getting me to talk was to be a distraction.

"Oh yeah?" he asked, fainting with his right before trying a left hook only to have me block it. "I hope he wasn't the one to teach you to fight. Come on! We're supposed to give the people a show! No one wants to see a one-sided fight."

"So you're talking bad about my dad?" I hit him with a jab, a laughed as he smirked.

"Come on I gave you that one." He noted lazily while dropping his guard. "Come on I'll give you another free one." He then gestured to his chin, "Go on. Really give it to me."

"Ere We GO! Ere We GO! Ere We GO!" went the crowd as the cheers from my friends overrode them slightly.

"Deck him Bro!"

"Hit him Captain!"

"Go Roland!"

*Unintelligible Wookie roar!

I pulled back, and swing… but he raised his hand up and slammed his fist into my jaw as I backed away. A few in the crowd roared their disapproval a little. He just shrugged, "Nah… nevermind."

I rubbed my jaw, annoyed. And remembered a few choice lessons my mom once gave me. But since I couldn't really do half those things in this boxing match. I settled for a tried and true sith lesson she once taught me, and I got angry. Like the opening for the first round I lunged at him and swung, he raised his hand to block it. But I suddenly held back in a faint, bobbing and weaving quickly to bring my other hand around and slammed it into his unprotected jaw as he actually stumbled at the blow. The crowd erupted from the heavy blow, cheering wildly as he quickly recovered and came at me with furious blows. Apparently, the hit pissed him off a little. Good.

I turtled the blows only for a moment before I countered, giving him no chance to rest as the crowd cheered us on. Practically trading hits at this point until the bell rang, ending the round; and I realized just how sore I felt. As I sat down facing him he looked thoroughly annoyed. Even angry…

…I knew immediately that the next few rounds were going to suck.

And I was proven right, as soon as round 3 started his fist came down on me like a Mandalorian Basilisk droid. I felt the blow through my glove, it stung like a bee. I tried counter-attacking, body blow combinations, and jabs to the head trying to keep him off balance but he was faster than he looked, avoiding a few of my blows and protecting his face. Like I said, he was a handsome guy, and in this profession you don't stay that way unless you can actually fight.

And as I took hit after it to my body I realized that I was grossly outclassed… and that thought made me angry. So as I took a hit to the side of my face, I forced myself to recover quickly, and swing my fist upwards towards his own jaw in and uppercut. His jaw connected with my fist and was taken off his feet, slamming to the mat. The cheers were immense, the first guy to hit the mat wasn't the amateur but the professional. He got to the two count, before getting back to his feet. Looking thoroughly furious.

"Get him again bro!" Rattletrap danced in his seat, waving his sign to the disappointment of the people behind him.

"Go for the eyes Roland!" Seis roared from the corner as Circe and Mirai cheered loudly at ringside.

"That's illegal go for the body blows!" Killa corrected as Eren's cornermen were erupting in cheers. Except, strangely, for one nameless elderly weequay corner man who merely nodded in approval at his fighter's humbling.

Eren was mad now, mad was good. Sometimes, but not when you had to think on your feet. So my own assault began. Block, blow, blow, block, sway, dodge, bob, weave, uppercut, superman punch! Eren bounced on the ropes and snorted angrily, coming back at me again as I danced around the ring to the cheers of the crowd. At this point I think they were only concerned with the fight, not who they supported.

With the exception of a few…

"Get him! Get him! Knock his block off Roly!" Circe cheered, jumping up and down excitedly as the connections came again and again.

"Keep your guard up boy!" Caradoc roared, pushing his way down towards the ring, (because who was going to stop him.) "Guard up! Don't get cocky!"

Then as if the jinx it Eren hit me with a powerful haymaker from nowhere and I heard the dull ringing of the bell. For half a second, I thought it was in my head. The crowd suddenly roared back to life as Eren raised his arms and the chanting came around again.

"Ere We GO! Ere We GO! Ere We GO!"

"Shut up!" Seis snarled angrily, but she mostly went unheard as I crawled back to my corner and Eren to his. "Alright. Alright, that right there Roland? That's what you need to keep doing."

"Hitting the mat with my face?" I asked blearily as Killa wiped my brow with a wet cloth.

"No. You idiot. Those punches! Go at him! He was totally surprised!"

"Because he didn't expect Roland to fight back so hard. Roland. You need to watch his moves now, counter him more often."

"Ugh you're Green-Eyed Killa trained by Blackjaw! You're supposed to be aggressive!"

"Roland is not in a fight to the death, this is a sport. Sports need strategy." Killa replied coolly.

Then the bell rang and I left my corner a little more confused than when I went into it. My corner girls argued shrilly with each other as my Sister and Uncle roared words of encouragement. Mirai too, that was kind of nice of her

The fourth round was us dancing around each other, both of us didn't want to be the first to make a move. Finally, he lost patience and struck, Killa was right, countering. I swayed out of the way of the blow then went at his body with a combination attack before a hard-right cross along his face. He growled quietly to himself, shaking off the hits before coming at me again.

Then I screwed the pooch. He fainted and quickly raised up my guard, but the attack came from his other hand, slamming against my jaw and crumbling my defenses as he delivered several combinations of his own. My head rattled as if everything had been knocked loose as my feet left the ground and I hit the mat.

"Get up Roland!" Seis shouts, echoed in my head as Circe roared out.

"Do your best! But stay on your feet!"

"Come on boy get up!" Caradoc added as the number four echoed around me. Then "FIVE!" I sat up and scrambled to my feet for the crowd to cheer too.

"You are tougher than you look." Eren noted calmly.

"I have a lot of stamina…" I replied, raising my fist weakly. "Bring it on." He actually gave me a nod of respect, seconds before he connected his fist with my face.

…I don't really remember the fourth round. But I do recall sitting down as Killa and Seis fussed over me.

"Fuck Roland your face is being used as a punching bag!" Seis noted as Killa wiped blood from my lips.

"I would hope you don't intend to let him do that to you again in the final round Roland!" Killa noted angrily, with strangely a hint of a Ryl accent in her voice.

"…Is that a Ryl accent?" I asked looking at her curiously. "…I didn't know you had that. I like it."

"It comes out when I'm…" she glared at me, "Never you mind." She mumbled, "Just. Focus… alright. You can do fine when sufficiently encouraged to."

"…So… maybe he needs some encouragement…" Seis noted, and gave me a very knowing smile. "Tell you what Roland. You knock his ass down again and I'll give you a big kiss in a location of your choosing." She said coyly, giving me a smile.

"You'll what?" Killa said indignantly. "That's not encouraging!"

"Okay. Do it twice and you can spend an evening with Killa…" she added with a smile as Killa blushed.

"What are you even saying?!... and why are you over here?!" she said surprised, addressing the nameless elderly weequay cornerman from Eren's corner as he nodded his head in approval. Chuckling silently as he walked away back to Eren's corner. "…I don't understand what that was, but don't go promising things you don't mean Seis!"

"I total mean it." Seis noted as the bell rang, "Kick his ass Roland!" she cheered as I got to my feet. Strangely my mood improved.

…I was calmer… I was even having fun… and because I was calm I saw his attack coming. His fist moved in slow motion as I breathed deeply through my nose. I slid under the blow and my fist darted up toward his jaw, connecting hard with it as my other hand came around and slammed full on with his face. Making him stumble backward as I darted forwards and slammed my fist again into his stunned face. Sending him to the mat as the crowd cheered raucously.

"GO ROLAND GO!!!" came a voice I didn't recognize… at first. But then I remembered it… it was the voice from the video of mom! I looked around into the crowd. And that was an obvious mistake as Eren roared and slammed his fist into my jaw… and out went the lights.

"Nine! TEN!" the winner by Knock down is. EREN WESLEY GORDON!!" roared the ref as my eyes opened and I sat up, groaning painfully at the ache in my jaw. Circe and Caradoc were already clambering into the ring as the crowd cheered at the show.

"Let's hear it for our volunteer Roland Firemane!" Circe said, cheerfully before immediately kneeling down next to me and ruffling my hair. "…Good job Roly." She said fondly before addressing the crowd again and approaching a quickly purpling Eren. Apparently, the bruises coming in quickly. "Thank you for your efforts Eren. How do you feel?"

Eren cleared his throat, eyeing my sister up and down approvingly. "I'm feeling pretty good, I could go all night if you know what I mean?" he said, trying to be charming.

Circe smiled, "I do…" she said seductively, then turned to Caradoc. "Uncle Caradoc it looks like he'll take on your challenge…" she said teasingly as the big wookiee towered over a now utterly nervous-looking Eren. And sniffed. "He wants to take on all comers!" she grinned as the crowd laughed and cheered. "But before my Uncle throws him around the ring let's give a big hand to my favorite Luna IV born boy! Roland Firemane!" she said as the crowd applauded while Seis and Killa helped me out of the ring towards the showers.

They gave me the courtesy of entering the showers on my own. I limped towards the bench in the middle of the stall, it allowed me to sit down while the water did the rest. Turning on the water as hot as it would go I stripped down and groaned as the heat stroked my sore and bruised muscles.

I lost track of time, but I don't think it was long when a voice interrupted me. "You did well." The Ryl accented Killa said, leaning absently on the shower wall as I jumped. She was… essentially naked wearing only a towel as she approached me, ignoring the fact once again that I was quite naked.

"Killa! What the heck are you doing?! What if someone comes in!"

"Well I shoved Seis in a locker and locked the door… so we have time." She noted, overwhelmingly seductive with her Ryl accent and her ridiculously pretty face. Then before I could react she leaned forwards, pressing her lips against mine as she forced me down on the wide bench. Lying on top of me as the water sheened her skin and her tongue probed into my mouth.

…I'm weak… admittedly I tried to resist for approximately 0.12 seconds before my hands wrapped around her towel and held her close to me. Our lips firmly locked together as if glued. Her hands gripped my face gently as my hands explored her unarmored body.

How can someone be so soft and rough at the same time?

Her body was incredibly muscular, but it felt plush and sensitive to the touch. She moaned as I reached her lekku, taking my hands and holding them firmly to the headtails feeling the scars on her lekku she shivered on me. She pulled away, letting my hands rest against her hips as she removed her towel and bared her body to me. She was a vision of fit, muscular perfection, and her body was unmarred by scars which was surprising…

"What do you think?" she asked, in that sexy Ryl accent and jumped slightly, her eyes widened as I gave her a response. "Oh… I see…" she mumbled with a grin, her soft hands gently brushing my erection as it bounced impatiently against her firm rear. She grinned down at me, slowly grinding her rear against my cock, "Let's see if this is as good as Nike makes it look…" she noted, raising up and lowering down.

We gasped together as she squeezed me relentlessly, her pussy stretching to vacuum tight perfect fit as she rested on me. Rubbing her stomach as she panted for breath. My hands instinctively went to her waist, rubbing her hips carefully as she leaned forward, resting her hands on my shoulders as she hiss. "Y-you're a tighter fit than I thought…" she hissed, "D-damn…" she collapsed on me, her breasts pressing against my chest as she kissed me again and began to move.

She felt amazing, in the water she looked amazing, and she even tasted amazing. Her hips moved up and down my length while her torso remained still, her pussy squeezing and quivering with each wet slap our bodies made together in the water while she continued to kiss me. My hands went to her soft rear, pulling her down further and further as she sped up, moaning uncontrollably into my mouth. Suddenly she squealed briefly, her body slamming against my waist as she trembled, her green eyes widening in surprise as an orgasm hit her, her pussy reacting lovingly around my length.

"Me too…" I pleaded desperately as I thrust, bouncing her up and down and letting gravity do its work as I approached, "Killa!" I hissed, pulling her close and releasing in her. She screamed in pleasure, throwing her body up as her head flew back, gasping in pleasure as I filled her, her body still quivering as she displayed it for me.

We panted exhaustedly as my length throbbed inside her, practically screaming in joy as it shot load after a load of fresh seed into the beautiful bounty hunter. She relaxed softly, her hands stroking my chest as she grinned. "…Nike is quite greedy keeping you to herself…" she mumbled, hesitantly removing herself from me and standing beside the bench admiringly. "…Are you… still hard?" she asked, a little amazed as my cock throbbed to return inside her, her pussy dripping more than water in anticipation. I got off the bench, and carefully pressed her against the stall wall. She didn't resist as I kissed her again, lifting one leg as I prodded her lower lips with my erection. "…Get inside me." She whispered firmly, grinning as she gasped and I stretched her, "R-Roland." She cooed as I lifted her off the floor and pinned her to the wall. "Yes…"

I began in earnest, slamming deep inside her as I thrust to the hilt, she trembled and gasped her hands writhing on the wall as she moaned her approval. "Deeper! Go deeper!" she pleaded as I slammed hard against her, the wall vibrating with each firm thrust. "There!" she shrieked, "Right there!" she grabbed my face again, kissing me deeply as I continued my pace, gabbing the top of the stall wall and pulling myself as deep as I could go inside her as I felt her cum again.

"Killa!" I roared, unable to take it as I slammed against her, pressing my body tightly to her as her leg wrapped around my back and pulled me deep as I fired inside. "You… are amazing…" I breathed in reverence as I panted against her. Kissing her shoulders as she stroked my body with her hands and feet as if pulling my cum from her body.

"…You're a good kisser." She noted with a grin, speaking something in Ryl and gasping as my erection throbbed inside her. "Scorekeeper Roland…" she mumbled, trying to push me off, "You can not want another go…" she gasped fondly as I kissed her again, moaning as she tried to pull my into her mouth with her tongue. She shrieked suddenly as I completely lifted her from the ground, she wrapped tightly around me as she gasped nervously, and I began to thrust. "Roland! Ah!! OHH!!!" she moaned, wrapping tightly around me as I made her ride my length.

"One more time!" I pleaded, "One more!"

"You're going to break me!" she squealed in delight, her Ryl infused voice shrieking melodiously over the splashing water, "You're going to dominate me…" she cooed, shivering on my length as she came and I slammed into her pussy again and again as I pinned her to the wall.

"Just… one… MORE!!" I growled going harder inside her…

The wall however suddenly gave way and together we crashed on the floor, but we didn't care I just kept going inside her, deeper and deeper as she spread her legs wide for me and I kissed her. The pain from the sudden drop was completely ignored as I rubbed myself raw in her tight accepting pussy. "Killa!!" I declared, screaming my release, "I'm… cumming… inside!!" I pulled her hips up as she screamed my name, wrapping her legs around me as I came until my balls ached. Kissing her as I claimed her womb, her pussy stuffed with my seed.

"…Mark me as yours…" she breathed suddenly as we came down together, collapsing exhaustedly on each other as I took in her scent. "…May the scorekeeper bless us with a child…"

"Seriously!?" I asked waking up to look at her in shock.

She laughed, "No! Don't be stupid!" she slapped my face fondly. "I'm just messing with you…" but her Ryl accent only made me throb, and the idea of her becoming pregnant with my child… well I'm going to blame dad for that fetish. "Roland pull out!" she growled firmly, "I can't possibly go again…" I obeyed, but I kissed her again, and she moaned lovingly into my mouth.

BANG BANG BANG the door to the shower's rattled on its hinges.

"KIlla you bitch! How dare you shove me in a locker!!" Seis roared angrily as Killa grinned smugly and shrugged at me, we got off the floor and quickly rinsed off our sweat. Even sharing a towel as we dried each other off. "KILLA!!" Seis growled savagely, "I better have a fucking go next!!"

Dried and naked, Killa kissed me again, but spoke in the voice I was used to her speaking in. "…Later? At the house?" she said, smiling as I knew what she was implying. "…We can invite Nike." My erection returned, and she rolled her eyes, "At the HOUSE." She scolded, giving me one last kiss.

End of Chapter

Killa got lucky first! And Roland got knocked the fuck out… but that was expected, although I'd thoroughly believe that in a street brawl like Aiden he'd probably win… but that's just me. Another time perhaps.

Also in case I've never stated it before Ryl=French. Somewhere George mentioned he saw Twi'leks as French... so there's that.

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