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8.88% Star Wars: Aiden the Bounty Hunter / Chapter 23: Aggressor Arc Part 5: Devotion to Duty

Capítulo 23: Aggressor Arc Part 5: Devotion to Duty

I don't own star wars.

The worst part of my job was the politics if you couldn't avoid them. Aiden Kane; I respected him. I even approved of him. It took a lot of ingenuity, courage, and unflinching familial loyalty to do what he did on the Aggressor. He had done it for free, and without being asked. His sister was in danger, and despite being a traitor, a deserter, and even declared dead, he did what he felt he had to do. A fine quality for any good Imperial. A shame hardly any of them have it.

I watched more of the footage at my desk, deep in thought, as he roared vengeance and rage through the ship killing many of the extremists. I listened to him declare that he would quote 'shoot that Havin in the dick and leave him dickless for the rest of his life'. I saw him protect Cipher 10 for blaster fire by shielding her with his own body as the remaining hostiles opened fire on them. I saw him keep his word on Havin…

Of course now… I was asked to make sure that he was completely stricken from our official records. It was very difficult to refuse someone who had a semblance of equal power over me as I had over them. The 'official' report was that a handpicked squad of loyalists was lead by our Imperial Agent Cipher 10 in a desperate and possibly suicidal rescue strike on the Aggressor before the Deterrent arrived and annihilated it. Not too far from the truth, but with a lot more of the usual Imperial propaganda twist.

There was a polite knock at my door. I didn't look away from my videos as I relayed my answer to it.


The door to my office opened and silently my eyes fell on who had entered, one of the many, many imperial clerks that answered directly to me. She was a beautiful blonde human, a low level information officer; that meant she was barely a little more than an office secretary really. But everyone answered to me in this department.

She saluted, her hand gently brushing away a streak of blond hair that protruded from her imperial cap. Her large firm breasts jutted out from her chest as she straightened her back and stood at attention. Sometimes I wondered where they even found women like her; it was as if they distinctly searched for women I would personally want to work underneath me.

I chuckled at my own joke, but she didn't hear my laugh.

She presented another well assigned stack of Holo-recordings, and spoke with her distinct Dromund Kaas accent, "Sir. I have more footage from the Aggressor."

I frowned at them, carefully examining them at a distance "…Is it raw footage?" I asked.

"No…" she said a little nervously, "…sir they came up from-" I suddenly shook my head and she froze mid sentence.

"Then I don't want them. I only want the original footage, and I want them untouched." I said firmly, "Nothing that could've been possibly altered. Everything else goes to the top after they are examined and properly doctored."

"But sir…" she began but I merely glanced at her and she obediently stopped speaking.

I have been told that I have a very 'cold' face. But personally I think that it's just my default expression, I have been in this business long enough to know when an emotional response is necessary. I have also been in this business long enough that a mere look from me is enough to give an immediate and completely obeyed silent command. But to make sure I got the point across. "…Was I not clear enough?"

"No Sir…" she replied quickly, saluting again, "I was just trying to clarify you orders." I nodded my understanding. I wasn't one of those who commanded solely on fear like some Moffs I could think of, giving my staff a bit of carrot just a small amount more than stick…

My eyes suddenly fell upon her alluring body… and I felt it was time for a bit of both.

"Sir, do you require anything else?" she asked obediently.

"Shut my door." I said finally, quickly pausing the vids of the footage on the many holo-screens at my desk.

"Yes sir." She made her way to my door her wonderful backside swaying temptingly as I watched.

"Then come back over here." I said firmly. It was time for a break, and some relaxation.

She hesitated but only momentarily, hardly noticeable really. But she obediently closed the door and began walking back to me with a grim determination. "Sir… perhaps you-" I held up a finger and she paused, silently I pulled my finger towards myself, in the gesture of calling her over.

She didn't say anything after that, dropping to her knees at my feet she slowly opened the zipper on my trousers and removed my quickly hardening length. I was big for a man my age, but when you had full command over beautiful younger women like her I didn't need much encouragement. She slowly stroked me, watching my face for any sign of pleasure; I found her blue eyes arousing as I reached maximum erection.

My face however remained stoic as I watched her carefully, waiting for her to 'do her duty'. Yes, you could call me a dirty old man but I didn't do this with all the beautiful clerks under my command. And it's not like I demanded it every day. I worked hours and hours at a time, sometimes uninterrupted for weeks at an end. I have even been commended by the emperor himself in my loyalty, devotion and duty.

I've heard my employees talking. I hear everything. Some of them even enjoy pleasuring me, I avoid the ones that think its favoritism or are going to try and move up the ranks like a honeypot. But the ones like her at my waist now… are the ones I come back to. The loyal ones, the ones that understood that this is the best way to help me relax and would assist me anyway they could.

The ones that can actually fit my length into their mouths…

She slowly moved down my length as she took me in, suppressing her gag reflex expertly as her eyes closed in bliss and she hummed delectably as if my taste aroused her. It might have, it only added to my arousal regardless. I leaned my head back and took a quick intake of breath, but I couldn't and wouldn't cry out as I felt her throat. I needed to maintain my indifference to her ministrations. In fact, this was an excellent opportunity to practice dealing with distractions. I turned back on one of the vids, examining it thoughtfully.

She pulled away, a little hurt that she seemingly lost my interest. "Sir?" she asked but I quickly placed a hand on her head and hastily but gently pulled her back onto my length. I held my hand in her soft silky hair for a moment, placing her cap on my desk. Slowly I began moving her back and forth silently telling her to continue, she was hesitant at first but soon she continued all on her own, actually increasing her efforts.

She was very good, this was the third time I have relaxed with her and honestly I could see myself doing it again in the near future. But until then, I had "truth" to promote and truth to document.

I knew it was only a matter of time until Aiden would become a minor problem to Altora Kane. It was inevitable about her. I knew things about that family that would bring it crashing down to the slums of Dromund Kaas; well at least for Altora. Her daughters 'The Devils of Dromund Kaas' Tolara and Kavilla, were true Imperial officers, regardless of how Altora used them. I imagine many of the other Moffs would take great indifference and band against Altora if she tried anything on them.

I grunted suddenly, I was close. She looked up at me and sped up, ready to take my release and not looking away from my face. It was an 'unwritten rule' with my 'assistants' that when I released they swallowed. Not because it was a fetish of mine, although it was. But because when they were done they were expected to go back to work… the last clerk that had failed in obeying that rule ended up with my essence all down the front of her shirt. And she spent the remainder of the day in her bra without a word...

She's one of my closest advisors now. I would have to have a discussion about Aiden with her. Much later at night and at length…

I chuckled to myself again at the thought.

I gently held her on the tip of my dick head and released into her mouth with a relaxed sigh. When I finished, I could control my release with practiced muscle control, so slowly I filled her like a low pressure hose. Her cheeks bulged slightly as she obediently took the ounces of my cum. I pulled myself from her with a pop, a small trace of my seed leaking from her lips and flowing down her chin.

She opened her mouth to show me the amount and then pointedly swallowed my load, gasping as she opened it again and licking up the small amount of her chin. "…Will that be all sir?" she asked, just a little playful.

I was about to place myself back in my pants and give her the rest of the day off. But then looking at her and thinking about it, I began stroking myself again quickly hardening, she understood immediately and began sucking me off once more.

This time I was more open with my satisfaction as she rapidly deep throated me. I stroked her hair more prominently as I silently encouraged her for more. It was a little twisted but I felt like a proud father. She grunted unrestrained as she 'kissed' the hilt of my length with each desperate stoke, as if to say.

Cum, cum down my throat…

Normally I let them do what they wanted, even if I held the command. Sometimes I just wanted to get off and they quickly satisfied my desires. But this time I wanted something more personal. "Take it." I said suddenly, and she gasped at my voice and my actions as she pressed her lips to my hilt once more and I held her there, shooting load after load directly into her stomach, her eyes wide in surprise.

She was on her knees, her hands on my thighs gently caressing them, her back was arched and her curved rear was prominently in the air under my desk. She moaned in delight, or perhaps she just did it to make me feel satisfied. But even as I was holding her down for a dangerously long amount of time she continued to caress my legs.

'Enjoy it.' She seemed to say. 'Just enjoy me'…

Finally I let her go, and she let my dick slip gently from her wet mouth, while she began gasping desperately for air. She didn't pull her face away immediately, almost nuzzling my softening length with her supple cheek. Slowly, gently; she began to 'clean' me with her tongue, licking me like a primping cat. Not firmly enough to get me aroused again, just to make sure as she placed me back into my pants, that I was satisfied with her duty. "Will that be all sir?" she asked again, watching me knowingly.

"…Stand up, and face away from me." she obeyed, standing stiffly to attention, her deliciously tone buttocks at perfect eye level. "What do you see?" I asked, as my hands pressed tightly on and gently caressed her cheeks.

"I see what happened on the Aggressor, sir." She replied stiffly, softly gasping as I made her feel each molded caress of her buttocks.

"…And what happened on the Aggressor?" I asked, gently kissing one of her perfect cheeks as I continued.

She looked over her shoulder at me, and said, utterly mechanically. "…A Cipher Agent led an assault on the ship and rescued Tolara Kane." Just as on the vids Aiden roared a stream of curses up the hallways of the star destroyer at the retreating extremists. She ignored it entirely.

"…Yes… isn't that unfortunate?" I asked her conversationally, completely ignoring the fact that I was molesting her buttocks. And I squeezed her hard; she was pillow soft.

"S-sir?" she asked as she quivered just a little from my attentions.

"That man we aren't allowed to talk about." I said softly, watching the video as Aiden arrived at Tolara's cell and ripped into one of the guards with a vibro-knife. "…This would've been a career boost of the highest extreme. It's a shame his own parent ignores him… Isn't it an awful shame?" I watched her face, my own completely stoic.

"…Yes sir…" she said sadly. I sighed, and gave her a light slap on her butt cheek, in fact it was hardly a slap at all more of a pat. "Thank you Haley. That will be all." She saluted and made her way to the door. "…Are you busy later Haley?" I asked conversationally.

"…I have a few reports to go through tonight sir."

"Give them to Codi. Tell him if he has a problem with that he can talk directly to me. He might think I'm 'old and foolish' (his words not mine) but I know everything that happens in my department…"

"Yes sir." She replied, looking a little smug, "…Would you like me to visit you later tonight sir to assist you with any other… difficulties?"

"…Only if you wished to." I said without looking at her, "…In fact take the rest of the day off." I eyed her briefly, "You did very good work today. I am deeply satisfied with your efforts as always."

She gave me a very pretty smile, "Thank you sir…" then added with a longing look and a seductive lick of her lips, "I'll see you tonight." As she closed the door behind her I smiled, and shook my head. Ah, Youth.

…Speaking off…

I stared at the only blank screen on my display desk. It was my communications screen; I don't know why I even really had it. It didn't show any videos or calls just the vocal lines. But it was almost that time again, I would have to at least call.

I paused all the vids once more and I dialed the topmost number on my call list. It rung for a very long time, but I was determined. She might not like it but she was going to have to talk to me.

Finally after almost two solid minutes of waiting she answered.

"What?!" she asked bluntly. Very rudely, and completely disregarding standard protocol.

So really nothing new…

"Cipher 10." I said flatly, both of our voices were modulated but we knew who it was on each of our respective lines.

"Oh what now? I'm busy with something important!"

"Who is that?" asked a voice that at first I didn't quite recognize because it wasn't screaming violent profanities. "And why are you answering right now?"

"Shut up, don't say a word. I have to take this."

"But Newt…" the other voice whined pitifully.

"Just wait there, I will be right back." she said, surprisingly affectionate.

"Oh come on, I already got you off like Five times-"

"Shut up!" I could feel her embarrassment through the com, personally I didn't want to hear about it either but it was still very funny in hindsight "Not now, I promise I will be right back! It'll be quick."

"You better!" he groaned rather childishly.

I heard her stomping away and then the opening and closing of a few pneumatic doors, "…What?" she asked coolly, "Did you get off on that?" she added angrily.

"No." I replied honestly, "He knows your nickname?" I asked a little surprised; I could literally count on half of my hand the people that knew that name.

"Shut the fuck up, what do you want?" she hissed into the com, "I already told you to take your time with my new ship, and I'm not accepting any fucking awards from Altora, public or private. So what is this about?"

I was silent for a moment, and then I sighed, "…Are you going to be there this time?" I asked, letting the question hang in the air.

She hesitated, "…Where?" she asked coldly, as if she didn't really believed me and I couldn't blame her.

"…There is a very lovely twi'lek cuisine restaurant on Corusant-" I began but she quickly cut me off.

"I don't like twi'lek cuisine." She said coldly, "Good thing Milky is the cook on this ship."

"Well luckily for you there is also a dantooine restaurant across the street." I said knowingly, she always had a favored taste for that.

"Fine." She said finally, "…are you going to actually show up?"

"…I can only promise that I will try."

"…Fine." She flatly repeated again after a long accepting silence.

"You can even bring your new boyfriend if you like." I said with a joking smile she could not see, "I would be happy to meet the man who saved Tolara Kane almost singlehandedly."

"Keep him out of it!" she hissed angrily, surprising me; that sounded like a legitimate emotion, "I swear to the emperor if he shows up in just one newsclip…"

"Calm down Cipher 10." I said softly, "…Altora doesn't know. I've kept it all in house just like you asked. Your little boy-toy is safe for now."

She was quiet for a very, very long time, breathing her rage into the com. "…Thank you, Watcher Zero." She said finally with obvious sincerity. I was briefly taken aback, she hadn't sincerely thanked me in a very long time.

"…This com is completely secure Cipher 10." I noted, "…You can be just a little more candid."

"…Thanks, Dad." She said sarcastically, after another very long pause.

"Always Newt." I replied stroking my silvery white hair from my red eyes. "Was that so hard? I'm very proud of you…" I added honestly, before finally getting to the real point of the call, "…And Newt, Happy Birthday."

"In case you can't show up right?" she added softly, sounding a little hurt, "How many dinners does that make?"

I frowned and didn't answer the proper number but I remembered every one of them. But my job as the head of all the Watchers was very demanding, "…At least this year you have much better people to spend it with." I said honestly, "Until next week."

"Sure Dad." She replied unconvinced and we hung up.

I stared at the screen dejected for a moment then pressed a buzzer on my desk. "Rella."

"Sir?" came my young twi'lek secretary's reply almost instantly.

"Clear my schedule for five days from now. I'm not to be disturbed at all for that day. I'm going to Coruscant."

"Of course sir." She replied obediently, and apparently adjusted the schedule as requested, "Is there anything else?"

"Yes…" I said, suddenly feeling a little rejuvenated. Thoughts of Haley later tonight in my mind suddenly more prominent and I felt a little anxious. "Could you come into my office for a moment, Rella? I could use some help relaxing."

There was a pause on the line before the reply came, and she answered just a little seductively, but very cheerfully. "Of course sir, I'll be right there."

End of Chapter.

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