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17.64% The Dragon's Dance: Maekar's Legacy (Completed) / Chapter 3: Chapter 3: The Rogue Prince

Capítulo 3: Chapter 3: The Rogue Prince

106 AC

Small Council Chambers

As the Small Council droned on and on about tariffs or something I began to fall asleep. To keep awake and to pass the time I began to play with the marble ball. The marble ball for the Master of Ships is blue, it's a way of showing that you have punched in and shown up at work which I find ridiculous, an idea brought up by my grandfather, no wonder it was ridiculous. I wonder which future king ended this practice. The scribe should simply mark attendance instead of this. And we should all have badges like that of the Hand of the King instead of these balls that could potentially injure people.

"Maekar. stop playing with that and pay attention, the tariffs that we are talking about are needed to help fund the fleet that you have been asking for," Viserys remarks as Rhaenyra fills his cup. This Viserys is no fun, ever since Aemma died he has been throwing himself into work to bury his feelings, maybe he should remarry.

"Well, I am quite certain that the gold already allocated for the ships that are currently being built is more than enough," I reply with a frown. Currently, ten dromonds are being built in the shipyards of King's Landing. The first batch of ten among the fifty planned to help establish a solid Targaryen fleet to lessen the dependency on the Velaryons.

"Yes, the ships have their gold, it's everything else that you want for which we need to find more gold," Lyman Beesbury replies as he opens a new ledger. "The new permanent administrative and logistical organization that you wish to bring to the Navy means that there will be more salaried bureaucrats, salaries which come from the Royal Treasury. The designated areas in the Kingswood and at Crackclaw Point where the trees are set aside purely for shipbuilding means woodcutters and forest guards on the Royal payroll."

Beesbury gives out the breath he is holding before taking a new one in and saying, "This is not even taking into account the plan to build a naval base on the other side of the Blackwater with its own special Royal dockyards and a school for officers. Not to mention, the special needs of this 'Admiralty' that you have already established."

Poor Beesbury was on the verge of a stroke but fortunately, Otto came to my rescue, "No matter how ruinous these expenses seem to be, I am certain that they will pay for themselves in the long run. Not only will this help to demonstrate the power and prestige of the Crown, a Royal Fleet is needed now more than ever with the Triarchy showing their avarice openly towards Westerosi shipping."

"The danger posed by the Triarchy to us is the only reason why I allowing these expenses," Viserys nodded. "Once they learn that we have a fleet of our own, maybe they will stop extorting our ships."

Ah yes, extortion, it is the whole reason why I am in this chamber in the first place. I have a feeling that Daemon purposefully sent his goons to extort my tenants to provoke me into retaliating and starting a city-wide turf war. Which would force Viserys into picking sides, after Baelon's death he must have believed that his position as heir was now undisputed. Unfortunately, he miscalculated and what resulted was not only his exile but a one-sided turf war in my favor. Everyone with half a brain cell knew that I was responsible for the murders in the Street of Silk and it was only the beginning.

For two weeks after his exile, my men began to hunt down and do hits on Daemon's most loyal officers in City Watch under my aegis forcing most of them to flee the city. And that was where I miscalculated, for this all culminated one fateful dawn when a night patrol of the Fire Watch and a morning patrol of the City Watch met at the Cobbler's Square. The resulting bloodbath left all ten men dead and that was when Viserys finally put his foot down. I hoped that he would be too busy wallowing in self-pity to bother me in my power grab, but I was wrong.

I was removed from command of the Fire Watch and thrown into the Small Council while all officers of both the City Watch and Fire Watch were brought to the Red Keep, and every one of them was threatened with execution should the fighting continue. That ended the fighting with cold peace between the Watches.

Corlys Velaryon storms into the chambers, is he even allowed to do that, "Three of my ships have been taken by the Triarchy and what does the Small Council plan to do about my ships and crew other than dither about court business?"

Everyone looks at me for some reason, oh right, I am the Master of Ships, I slowly turn to Corlys who is positively fuming at my laxity, "We are still building the fleet to deal with the Crabfeeder. As for your crew, I believe that it is your job to pay compensation to their families. As for the ships that you have lost I am certain that the shipyards of the Hull will be able to produce more ships to recover what was lost."

That does not placate the Seasnake, "I don't want compensation and you are right, I can replace what was lost in ships but that is not what I want. I want to seize the Stepstones by force, kick out the pirates, and burn out this Crabfeeder who is feeding my men to the crabs."

"I am not prepared to start a war with the Triarchy," Viserys shakes his head, "And as you heard Prince Maekar, the Royal Fleet is not yet ready."

"But my fleet is ready and this Crabfeeder is not the Triarchy," Corlys retorts.

"We all know who is providing the Crabfeeder with his ships and tender," Viserys replies with a scoff.

Grand Maester Runciter answers, "It would be a grave mistake for Westeros to be embroiled in a war with the Free Cities, never once in our history have we ever done this, and for good reason."

Lyman adds, "The losses incurred by a war with the Free Cities would be incalculable."

Corlys then turns his gaze to Lyman, "What reason does the Crabfeeder have to fear the Iron Throne? The King's brother has seized Dragonstone while the other started a turf war in the city with those who were meant to keep the peace."

I was wondering when his dig at me would come, I merely rolled my eyes and sipped my wine.

He continues, "Daemon has occupied Dragonstone for nearly six months now and the Crown has done nothing, absolutely nothing."

"I will caution you Lord Corlys, being married into the King's House does not make you his equal," Otto warns.

Viserys speaks up before a tussle begins between Otto and Corlys, "I have acted, Lord Corlys. Envoys have been sent to Braavos, Pentos, and Volantis to find a common cause against the Triarchy. My brother is working tirelessly to prepare the Royal Fleet and in time the matter of the Stepstones will be settled in a manner favorable to us."

That was when Rhaenyra spoke up, "You have dragon riders Father, send us, we shall fly with the Velaryon fleet and put an end to the problems of the Stepstones," Upon hearing her speak everyone looked at her in surprise.

Viserys softly chuckles before saying, "It isn't that simple, Rhaenyra, you are a girl of nine namedays and you are the heir to the Iron Throne. To put you in the field of battle will be utter foolishness." Ah yes, the heir to the Iron Throne, I was the first one made to swear obeisance to Rhaenyra upon her being named as Princess of Dragonstone in exchange for Viserys overlooking my turf war and not punishing my men for their blatant murder. And I thought the Small Council seat was my punishment.

"Then let Uncle Maekar do it, he has Vermithor, it would be a show of force," She replied undauntedly.

"At least the princess has a plan," Corlys answers with approval. A plan to get me killed, I thought as uncomfortable silence descended into the chamber.

Before Rhaenyra could say more, Otto speaks up, "I believe Prince Maekar should decide on what to do about the Stepstones. He is the Master of Ships and the only adult dragonrider in the Royal family with a battle-ready dragon." My mother and Daemon have been so conveniently thrown away.

As everyone looks at me yet again, "Give me two years, I will not only have the fleet ready but also an army. We will not only burn out the Crabfeeder but also force the Triarchy into the negotiating table. At the same time, we occupy the Stepstones in the name of the Iron Throne and garrison it with an army loyal to the Iron Throne."

"That is acceptable, more than acceptable," Viserys nods pleased with my answer as are most of the Small Council except for Corlys.

"Two years, I don't have two years. We need to take action now," Corlys responds.

"Feel free to take whatever action you wish to Lord Corlys on your own but the Crown will intervene only once we are at full strength," Viserys replies and that is exactly what Corlys has been waiting for this whole time. Corlys nods and leaves the chamber, he gets the answer he wants to hear. I wonder if Viserys did this on purpose.

Then Runciter says, "I believe that the best way and least bloody way to deal with the Triarchy is to have someone in the Triarchy's High Council on our side and advocating on our behalf. Thereby forcing Crabfeeder away from preying on Westerosi ships."

"And how exactly do you intend on accomplishing that," Lyonel Strong asks turning to him.

"Marriage," Runciter answers, "A marriage of the Royal family into one of the powerful houses of the Triarchy could result in our tensions with the Triarchy lessening."

"Are you suggesting that I marry into a family from Lys or Tyrosh," Viserys asks incredulously.

"The Seven Kingdoms will never accept a foreigner as a queen," Otto scoffs.

"Not a Queen. I wasn't suggesting the King but rather the Prince," Runciter answers turning to me and does everyone else.

Not this again, I thought with a groan.

Viserys nods, "That would be a splendid idea." Of course that is a splendid idea for Viserys, it removes me from tying myself to any powerful family in the realm while at the same time, nobody would call it a bad match. Perhaps I should marry into the Rogares and let them run amok like they did in the Lyseni spring, that will make Viserys eat his words and his tongue.

I get up from my chair, "We can deal with my marriage once we deal with the King's marriage. And if that is all my Lords, Your Grace. I believe that it's time that I retire for the day for I have a fleet to build, thank you very much."

I take my ball and leave, let the rest of the council chew Viserys on that. I have a job to do, for all my grandfather's supposed prosperity he left me less than ten battle-ready galleys. They say that a wise king prepares for war during times of peace. It seems that Old Jae didn't get the memo on naval warfare.

The Next Day

Small Council Chambers

"There better be a good reason why I have been summoned here," I groused as I sat down in my chair and placed the ball in its designated place.

I began complaining, "There are many problems that I need to solve. There is one amongst the shipwrights guild and the lumberjacks. Not to mention a feud between the senior and junior officers."

I stop to take my breath before continuing, "Also, there are supply problems with the construction of the naval base. To add to that the old bozos in the guilds need to be taught assembly line production which is needed when all fifty ships are to be the same in design.

When everyone thinks that I am done, I continue, "Plus there are problems with the recruitment of sailors and oarsmen that need to be addressed. And finally, I need to train a proper core of officers who know what they are doing. The current officer corp is simply too small."

Otto replied, "This is an urgent matter that takes precedence above all else," He pointed to the Elder Dragonkeeper who entered the chambers.

"A dragon egg has been stolen, Your Graces, My Lords." He began to speak. I have a feeling that I know where this is going. "It occurred during the Hour of the Rat and the thief eluded us."

"How is this possible? There are fifty dragonkeepers in the Dragonpit and none of them saw a thing. Should I station that Fire Watch back in the Dragonpit if this is the state of security for the dragon eggs," Viserys asked angrily. He looks rather well dressed, more so than usual, perhaps the rumors that he is courting Laena Velaryon are true, though he acts uncomfortable with the whole thing which I find odd since I figured that he had a fetish for banging twelve-year-olds, or was it fourteen.

The Elder answers, "Prince Daemon was the culprit, Your Grace, he knows the Dragonpit better than some of us." I find that statement objectable, if there is anyone who knows the Dragonpit from the back of their head, it is me. I spent a whole fucking year inside that pit.

"Daemon," Viserys breathes, "Of course it's Daemon."

"The Prince has left a missive explaining his actions which might shed more light on the matter," Otto explains as Runciter takes out a missive from his robes and reads it out loud.

"It is the pleasure of Daemon Targaryen, Prince of Dragonstone and Rightful Heir to the Iron Throne to announce that he is to take a second wife in the tradition of Old Valyria.

She is to assume the title of Lady Mysaria of Dragonstone, her grace is with child, and is to have a dragon's egg placed in the babe's cradle as is the custom of House Targaryen."

"The Prince has invited you to his wedding, Your Grace," Runciter says as he rolls up the missive, "It is in two days."

I decide to speak, "Can we believe that Daemon's whore is actually with child. I seriously doubt that either of them can have children. Daemon has been married to Lady Rhea for nearly nine years now. And he has spent around six of those years with her in Runestone and yet they remain barren. Daemon has been fucking whores left and right in King's Landing ever since coming here, I haven't seen a single silver-haired bastard running around in the streets so far. If he hasn't sired a child by now on anyone, he never will. If he does we can call it a miracle. Daemon is undoubtedly impotent or severely infertile."

Even Moon tea is not a hundred percent contraceptive and Daemon has certainly fucked more than a hundred whores in King's Landing.

"As for his whore, She has no doubt taken so much Moon tea in her entire life that I seriously doubt if her womb is still alive." I finish and Runciter nods with me.

"It is true, repeated use of Moon tea is not good for the womb for the tea can destroy the womb," Runciter replies.

"Regardless, Your Grace, this is nothing less than sedition," Otto says to Viserys.

"I strongly agree, Your Grace," Lyonel agrees with a nod.

"Daemon wishes to provoke me, to answer him is to give him what he wants," Viserys responds.

Lyman joins in, "The realm is watching, Your Grace."


"What would you have me do? Send him to the Wall, or perhaps put his head on a spike," Viserys answers sarcastically.

"Daemon has seized Dragonstone, along with his remaining loyalists in the City Watch who have escaped with him in the weeks following," Otto points out.

"Which dragon egg did he take?" Rhaenyra suddenly asks the Elder Dragonkeeper. I am not surprised that he stole the dragon egg from the Dragonpit, with both Dreamfyre and Silverwing in King's Landing, there are no egg-laying she-dragons in Dragonstone with the remaining eggs either taken by the Dragonkeepers or eaten by the Cannibal.

For a bated moment everyone stays silent as we wait for him to reply and when he does, "It was Dreamfyre's dragon egg. The one chosen for Prince Baelon."

And that releases the floodgates as Viserys angrily gets up, "Otto assemble our best men, Maekar you will be flying overhead to ensure that Caraxes doesn't do anything stupid."

Viserys determinedly answers, "I will go to Dragonstone and drag Daemon back to face justice if that is the last thing I do,"

Otto protests, "Your grace, it's too dangerous. As your loyal and faithful Hand, I cannot allow you to throw yourself in such danger. My apologies, Your Grace, but Daemon is without limit. Let me go to Dragonstone with Prince Maekar we shall retrieve the egg and see to it that he and his men evacuate the castle and the island."

In the end no matter what, I will still have to go, oh joy.


Ser Criston Cole looked around as he followed Lord Hand Otto as their retinue walked up the bridge leading to the castle. Of all the things that Criston would have expected in his life, getting involved in the Targaryen family drama would have been the last of it. Yet, here he was, first a sworn shield of Princess Rhaenyra and now a knight of the Kingsguard, chosen in place of the great Ser Ryam Redwyne. Dreams could come true, at least for him they did.

That one tourney in Maidenpool changed his life more than he would have ever dreamed about. First defeating both Princes Daemon and Maekar in the melee and then Prince Daemon in the joust. But it was crowning Princess Rhaenyra as the Queen of Love and Beauty his greatest achievement above them all, a child of surpassing beauty who would undoubtedly grow into a woman of greater beauty.

Through the smoke of the steaming vents of the island of Dragonstone, they stood waiting until shapes emerged from the smoke from the other end of the bridge. Criston placed a hand on the pommel of his sword in case things went awry.

Then they arrived from the smoke, Prince Daemon with a dragon egg in his hands and his pale mistress Mysaria by his side and the gold cloaks following them.

For a few moments, nobody spoke but simply stared at each other until Prince Daemon broke the silence "Welcome to Dragonstone Otto,"

Ser Otto forcefully replied, "Your illegal occupation of this island is at an end. You are to relinquish the dragon's egg, disband your army, banish your whore, and leave Dragonstone by the order of his grace, King Viserys the first-"

Prince Daemon interrupts Ser Otto, "Where is the King? I don't see him."

Ser Otto scoffs, "His grace, would never lower himself to entertain such a mummer's farce."

Prince Daemon sardonically smiles before looking at him, "Look at you Ser Criston, risen so high in the world. And all from a Dornish son of a steward."

Criston did not blink, he couldn't let Prince Daemon get under his skin, those taunts followed him since his boyhood in Blackhaven where everyone would look down on him for his mother was Dornish, this was nothing new for him and the Prince's jealousy was not worth responding to.

Ser Otto snorts, "This is a truly pathetic show Daemon, are you so desperate for the King's attention that you have resorted to sulking about like a common cutpurse trying to steal castles and dragon eggs."

Prince Daemon laughs, "I am simply keeping with the traditions of my house, the same as my brother did for his children."

Otto angrily replies, "Those traditions are for the trueborn children of royalty not for baseborn bastards fathered on a common whore."

Nonchalantly Prince Daemon explains, "Lady Mysaria is to be my wife," A second wife, the faith saw bigamy as an abomination.

Otto responds hotly, "This is an abomination, with every breath you soil your name, your house, and your brother's reign."

"Ah, but our love knows no bounds," Daemon mockingly replied.

Ser Otto then raised his neck and spoke to the gold cloaks behind Prince Daemon, "And what of you, men of the City Watch, aiding the Prince in his treason? One would have thought that you would have learned your lesson, especially after what happened to your fellows in the city."

A dark look passed across Prince Daemon's face upon mention of the murders in King's Landing. It was obvious who was responsible for it and Prince Daemon did not like it.

Prince Daemon angrily responds, "The King made me their commander as such they follow me for they are loyal to me. And the recent events occurring in King's Landing have proven that it is not safe for my men. Especially with the apathetic nature by which their murders have been investigated and it has been more than six months and no justice is yet forthcoming for my men and you expect them to be loyal to you after this."

Ser Otto retorts, "Your men were caught extorting the people of King's Landing who happened to be tenants belonging to Prince Maekar. They should have known better than trying to extort a Prince of the Realm."

"He is no Prince," Prince Daemon angrily snarls before stretching out his hand with the dragon egg, "You want the egg, come and take it."

"Are you mad, you will not get out of this alive," Ser Otto incredulously asks.

"And neither would you," Prince Daemon responds with a dark smile.

"To choose violence here is to declare war on the Iron Throne, against your King, your brother," Ser Otto warns.

Prince Daemon flippantly replies, "I can live with that."

"Even if it means in the death of your supposedly unborn child and its mother," Ser Otto taunts which causes Prince Daemon to draw out his sword which in turn makes everyone including Criston unsheathe their steel ready for bloodshed.

Then after a few tense moments, a loud, shrill, and screeching noise was heard. Criston looked up in shock to see a red dragon come out of the cliffs and crawl its way toward them. It was undoubtedly Prince Daemon's dragon Caraxes, a red snake-like dragon with an absurdly long neck. It looked nothing at all like Princess Rhaenyra's Syrax. The dragon screeched out once more as Criston stood in fear as he slowly lowered his sword.

"Tell me Otto, do you fancy your chances with arresting me," Prince Daemon taunted with a gleam in his eye after a few tense moments.

Ser Otto who stood still the whole time, calmly replied, "Tell me Prince Daemon, did you really think that I came here alone."

Prince Daemon's eyes widened briefly before a loud rolling thunderous roar filled the skies the clouds above them darkened before a massive beast far bigger than anything that Criston had seen before descended from the clouds. Everyone on the bridge except Ser Otto and Prince Daemon crouched in fear as the Bronze Fury flew over them.

Ser Otto mockingly asked, "Tell me Prince Daemon, do you fancy your chances now."

Prince Daemon looks back with near unrestrained fury upon his face as he furiously whispers to himself, "That fucking bastard."

The Bronze Fury circled the citadel a few times before landing a little further away from the Blood wyrm. The Blood wyrm coiled back ready to strike but the differences in size were obvious to see for everyone. If the two dragons fought, the Bronze Fury would win.

"Give back the egg, Daemon, you know you have lost," Ser Otto quietly asked.

Prince Daemon didn't do anything for a while before throwing the egg, straight at Criston's face. Fortunately for Criston and the dragon egg, his reflexes were fast enough to catch the egg before it smashed into his face.

As Prince Daemon turned to leave, Ser Otto called out, "One more thing Daemon, I will be expecting, you, your whore, and your men to leave Dragonstone by tonight. If they don't then the Royal Fleet will launch an assault and any found illegally trespassing here will be put to death."

The Next Day

Small Council Chambers

As the Small Council filed into the room, I also noticed that Lord Corlys, my mother, and Lady Alicent entering along with Viserys and Otto. So this must be the day when Viserys picks Alicent as his bride instead of Laena and snubs Corlys for the hundredth time. I know for a fact that Alicent has been visiting Viserys for a while ever since Aemma died, I doubt they are fucking but I am assuming that she is more like an unpaid psychiatrist for him.

Though I am not sure why my mother is here, I wonder if it is about my marriage situation, I guess that my mother is searching for Saera's bastards for me. Ever since I decided that I didn't want to claim the Iron Throne, my mother has decided to turn her eyes to the East when it comes to finding me a wife. However, that won't be so bad now that I think about it as it will give me an excuse not to participate in the upcoming political games and a place in Essos to bear out the storms and maybe even the Dance itself.

I had a close shave with Daemon yesterday, it could have easily escalated into a Dance above the skies had he not been on the bridge and instead been on Caraxes' saddle.

Viserys walks to the front of the table and announces, "I have decided to take a new wife."

People inside the chamber hold their breath as they await the King's answer.

He finally speaks, "I intend to marry....." He turns to Alicent, "The Lady Alicent Hightower. Before this year's end"

Now that is a bomb that nobody except myself and Otto expected to arrive. Otto has been working on this since the moment Aemma died.

For a moment there is silence in the chamber as everyone looks on in shock, Corlys most of all. Otto is more than pleased with himself.

Corlys angrily gets up, "This is an absurdity. My House is as Valyrian as any other, the greatest power in the realm."

"And I am your King, and you seem to forget, you are but the second greatest," Viserys evenly replies with a slight nod towards me. So he is starting to appreciate me. I am now the damn reason why he is still King. Time to profit from this fortuitous turn of events.

Corlys glares at Otto before storming off and my mother breaks out laughing.

Percival_Lannister Percival_Lannister

And if you’re hooked and want to see what Maekar does next, head over to my Website at or for early access to new chapters.

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