Long Yu looked at the others and said, "She agreed. There is an empty apartment on this floor, and you can live there. However, you must take care of the apartment and not destroy anything. The owner may return in the near future. When they come back, I will help you find another place to live."
Hearing this, the five people breathed a sigh of relief and nodded. Soon, Yao Ran came with the key to unit 2001.
She handed the key to Long Yu and said, "Here are the keys and the spare keys for these two metal doors."
Long Yu took the key, and the corner of his lips curved up slightly, "Thank you."
The two men looked at him in shock when they saw the curve of the corners of his lips.
Seeing their reactions, Long Yu glanced at them and introduced Yao Ran. "Her name is Yao Ran, and she is the owner of unit 2003."