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100% Heroines are obsessed with me / Chapter 43: Xiao Fan's death

Capítulo 43: Xiao Fan's death

The Magical City ☞

»» The Moon Tavern

In a dim corner of the tavern, no one expected what was about to happen. Shayo Fan, who was quietly sipping his drink, felt cold eyes piercing through his back. He cautiously turned around to see a figure in a black cloak, covering his entire body, and a mask hiding his face.

"Who are you?" Shayo Fan said in a low, wary voice.

The mysterious man sat down at the table in front of him, in complete silence. He didn't lift his mask; only a voice as cold as ice came from his mouth: "I've tested my patience for too long, and now… time's up."

Shayo Fan's eyes widened when he realized who it was. "Alex Schober?"

Alex didn't give them time to think or respond. In a swift motion, he violently flipped the table, sending glasses and cups flying like thorns. Both Shayo Fan and Raymond instinctively raised their hands to shield themselves from the chaos.


The table shattered with a deafening crash, and the flying shards of glass hit their faces, making them stagger. Alex seized the moment, darting like lightning and delivering a powerful punch to Raymond's neck. There was no time to escape or defend.


The sound of bones breaking was clear. Raymond fell to the ground, his eyes gleaming with regret before they dimmed. Blood poured from his ears, as if everything inside him was bleeding out.

"Raymond!" Shayo Fan screamed, his words helpless to save his loyal follower who lay lifeless before him.

Anger engulfed him. His blood boiled, and the chi surged through his body like burning flames. With a single step, he gathered his strength and attacked Alex violently.

"You'll die here!" he yelled, trying to land a devastating blow.

< Punch >

But Alex was faster. With one hand, he caught Shayo Fan's fist as if it were nothing. His eyes under the mask gleamed with contempt. "Weak, just as I expected…"

Shayo Fan didn't give up, attempting to lift his knee to kick Alex, but the latter dodged the attack with ease. Alex wasn't going to wait long. In the blink of an eye, he aimed a punch at Shayo Fan's abdomen, but the latter moved quickly to block it… unaware that the fatal kick was headed for his face.

< Kick >

Shayo Fan hit the ground hard, his head spinning after the violent blow. He tried to get up, but his body felt heavy. Alex didn't give him any chance to recover; another blow, this time to his jaw, sent him crashing into the middle of the tavern.

"Ah!" Shayo Fan screamed as his body collided with one of the tables, and the bottles on it crashed over his head and shattered.

The people in the tavern stopped talking. Screams were heard here and there, and women ran in fear of the inevitable fate they saw in Alex's eyes. Everyone in the tavern was retreating, some recording with their phones, while others hid under the tables.

There was no doubt about Alex's intentions. His eyes were fixed on Shayo Fan as he staggered, trying to stand. Alex walked toward him with steady steps, his fist raised, ready to finish off whoever was still standing in front of him.

< Punch > < Punch > < Punch >

The punches kept landing on Shayo Fan's disfigured face, making it impossible for anyone to recognize him anymore. Blood spattered everywhere, and the onlookers in the tavern watched the scene with chills running down their spines.

"He's going to kill him!"

"Where are the guards?!"

"Stop right now!" came a voice from behind Alex. He turned to see four guards in tavern uniforms approaching him. Their eyes filled with concern, their faces tense.

Alex turned to them coldly, his eyes gleaming under the mask. "Really, I don't have time for interruptions."

At that moment, Shayo Fan saw his only chance. Using whatever strength he had left, he got to his feet, staggering, then rushed toward the door. He didn't look back, didn't stop, he just ran.

"You won't escape!" Alex shouted, trying to chase after him, but found one of the guards blocking his way. With a swift blow, he knocked him to the ground and sprinted toward the exit.

But the other three guards had surrounded him. Alex tried to get rid of them quickly, and another fight erupted inside the tavern.

Outside, Shayo Fan was limping through the dark street. His face was smeared with blood, and every step was a fight for survival. He kept glancing over his shoulder, looking for any shadow of Alex that might appear at any moment.

When he reached the end of a narrow alley, he stopped, panting. He knew that running was his only chance to stay alive.

"I'll be back for revenge, Alex… I'll make you pay dearly for this."

The sound of swift footsteps interrupted him, making his heart drop into his stomach. He slowly turned around to find Alex standing there in the darkness, like an inescapable ghost.

"This will be the last time you run, Shayo Fan…" Alex said, his voice as steely as iron, echoing through the dark alleyways.

Shayo Fan started running again, but this time his steps were slow, heavy, as if he were walking toward his inevitable end.




On the other side of the street, Amanda, the blonde-haired girl, was holding her phone, live-streaming to her followers.

| "Hey guys, today has been full of surprises! Did you hear about that maniac they're looking for?" |

|| 1/ TheDuck: No, they haven't found any trace of him.

2/ Princess: It's like he vanished.

3/ NinjaTurtle: I heard the police found the victim tied to a pole.

4/ TheColonel: He's really dangerous.

5/ Brave: Amanda, your filming of him really boosted your followers. ||

| "Yes! The followers increased a lot, thanks everyone!" |

Suddenly, her conversation was cut off by a scream piercing the night:

"Help me! Someone is trying to kill me!"

Amanda froze in place. | "Did you guys hear that?" |

|| 1/ TheBraveCat: Someone's calling for help.

2/ SnowWhite: It sounds like real danger.

3/ ThePrince: Amanda, don't go! It might be way too dangerous.

5/ TheBrave: Amanda, this is your chance to boost your followers even more! ||

Amanda looked at the comments, thinking. Fear was creeping into her heart, but she realized that this could be her golden opportunity.

| "I'm going to see what's happening..." |

Amanda headed towards the source of the sound, pointing the camera behind her as she advanced towards the alley. As she got closer, her heart dropped to her feet. In front of her, she saw it: Shayo Fan collapsing to the ground, with a masked man standing over him like a dark shadow.

"Ahhh!" Amanda screamed loudly, dropping her phone to the ground.




Shayo Fan ran at full speed, calling for help, but it was all in vain, as he found Alex had grabbed him by the neck and slammed him straight to the ground.

<Shock>After Shayo Fan hit the ground, Alex grabbed him by the hair and looked into his face, saying:

"You seem weaker than I expected."

"Let me go, I won't bother you again."

"Hahaha, let me ask you this: if you were in my position, would you let me go?"

Shayo Fan was silent after hearing Alex's words, knowing he was going to die, so he decided to blow himself and Alex up by gathering all his energy in his abdomen and releasing it in one strike.

"Hahahahaha, if I'm going to die, you're coming with me."

Alex felt the energy gathering around Shayo Fan's abdomen, and knew what was on his mind. So, he grabbed him by the neck and lifted him, saying, "Do you think you can kill me?"

Just as Alex finished speaking, he punched Shayo Fan in the abdomen with full force.

<Punch> Alex's hand appeared from the other side of Shayo Fan.

"Arrgh! Again, the energy is disappearing from my body… D… damn you!"

Alex looked at the corpse in his hand indifferently. When he tried to pull his hand from the hole it was in, he heard a scream that made him turn.

"It's that girl again."

Alex threw the body to the ground and walked toward Amanda, who was trembling in fear.

||1/Brave Cat: Hurry, call the police, there's a killer.

2/Princess: Amanda, run quickly!

3/Romantic: Nooo, my dear Amandaaa!

4/Courageous: Where are the police? They're late.||

Amanda felt terrified, and tears started to wet her cheeks when she saw Alex approaching her, so she quickly spoke: "Please, don't kill me."

Alex reached Amanda and looked directly into her black eyes and said, "Why shouldn't I kill you?"

"Well, well… because I… don't want to die… I'm still young, I haven't done anything to bother you, and I have a mother I need to take care of."

"How old are you?"

"16 years."

Alex was silent for a moment, then raised his hand. Amanda, noticing this, thought he was about to kill her, so she closed her eyes… Is this how my life ends? I haven't achieved my dream yet… Mom, I'm sorry, you'll live alone from now on…

"Um... why do I feel something nice on my head?!"

Amanda opened her eyes and found Alex stroking her hair, saying: "Yes, you're too young to die. And I think your mother would be sad if you did. It's not good to leave mothers sad, hehe."

Amanda was shocked by what was happening in front of her. She never expected the cold killer standing before her could say something so sweet. "Well, I think the police have arrived. Goodbye, and it's best not to go out at night, little one."

Alex left the place, leaving both Amanda and her livestream viewers in a state of shock.

||1/Monkey: Ooo, what's this? A killer with principles?

2/Snow White: Phew, I thought you were going to die, Amanda.

3/Fish: You're really lucky, honestly.

4/Boyka: Hahaha, I really thought you were going to die! Hahaha.||

Amanda wiped her tears and said, "It seems I survived by a miracle this time. What a crazy day."

Moments later, police cars arrived at the scene, and they took Amanda for questioning. As for Alex, he returned home. After showering, he lay on his bed, thinking about what he would do in the future.

"I wanted a peaceful life, but now I'm involved in a lot of problems. Should I leave? I don't think so... As long as I carry the title of a villain, troubles will keep coming to me, sigh."

Alex got up from the bed, unable to sleep, and went to the balcony, thinking about how to live in the future.



In one of the black cars, Jio Wan sat talking to his servants: "Where's my brother? I haven't seen him throughout the press conference."

"We don't know, we've tried contacting him, but to no avail."

"That's strange..." Jio Wan felt a bad premonition after hearing that, and his suspicion was confirmed when several vehicles surrounded them. "What's happening? Back up quickly!"

"The tires have been punctured."

Jio Wan locked the car doors quickly. "Thank God it's bulletproof. Call the police now!"

The servant hurriedly took out his phone to make a call, but was met with a message: |Call cannot be made.|

"Sir, the signal has been cut."


All the people in the vehicles got out, and one of them advanced with a steel-cutting chainsaw.

"$##@$" Jio Wan cursed.


The door was cut off and removed. One of the men grabbed Jio Wan and pulled him out of the car. "Stop, I'll give you double what your leader gave you, and let me go."

None of them spoke, and they pushed Jio Wan toward one of their vehicles.

"I'll give you triple... no, no, I'll give you five times, just let me go!"

"Shut up, this is what happens when you challenge the young lady."

<•••> Jio Wan was struck on the head, and he fainted. "Clean up the scene, leave no evidence of this incident. You know what the young lady will do to us."

"Yes." ×3


»House of the Su Family

Su Ming'er sat in the middle of the hall, with one of her lions beside her, and a maid in front of her.

"So, is there any useful news?"

Sweat dripped from the maid's forehead as she began to speak: "No, ma'am, but we found Doland."

"Where is he then?"

"He's outside."

"Bring him here."

The maid left the place, leaving Su Ming'er, whose eyes showed pain and sorrow. The lion, noticing his mistress's sadness, approached her and began moving his head near hers.

"It's okay, I'm just a little sad."

Meanwhile, the maid returned with Doland.

"Hello, Miss, what's the reason for your search for me?"

"Where is Alex, Doland?"

"Sorry, Miss, I have no idea."

Su Ming'er looked directly into Doland's eyes and released her pressure on him, causing everyone in Shanghai to feel it. Doland collapsed to the ground immediately after receiving this amount of pressure, bleeding from his nose, ears, and even his eyes.

"Where is my son?"

Doland gritted his teeth and spoke: "I have no idea."

Su Ming'er felt intense anger and wanted to kill Doland, but she remembered that he was the only person who stood by Alex's side, so she withdrew all her pressure and spoke.

"I apologize for my rudeness. I lost control of my emotions."

Doland felt helpless after hearing that, as he had come knowing that he wouldn't leave alive, so he spoke, saying, "It's okay, Miss."

Su Ming'er waved her hand. "Alright, you may leave. You, treat him."

There was no response to her words, and when she turned, she found the maid dead. "Did I release too much pressure? I didn't even use all my power."

Doland, who heard this, felt fear creeping into his heart. "What a terrifying woman, thank God the young master escaped from her grasp."


"Come, clean up the place."

|Yes, ma'am.|

A few minutes later, some servants entered, cleaned the place, and took Doland for treatment. Su Ming'er sat on the balcony, watching her lions play with each other, as a few tears fell from her eyes.

"Where have you gone, you fool? Do you want to drive your mother crazy, you foolish son?"

~~Minutes passed while Su Ming'er remained in this state until she sensed someone entering her estate, so she waited for them to come. It turned out to be an old man with a long beard wearing a black robe with a lily flower on it.

"Who are you?"

"My name is Lijin from the Lily Sect."

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