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1.28% Pokemon Journeys (My Version) / Chapter 2: Chapter 1: Pokemon, I Choose You

Capítulo 2: Chapter 1: Pokemon, I Choose You

[2 Years Later...]

(One bright sunny morning in Pallet Town, flying Pokemon begin to take to the sky as the sun begins to rise.)

(Inside her bed room of Professor Oak's lab, young Mew is fast asleep in her bed, who is now a ten year old girl.)

(Sleeping next to her is her Eevee friend.)

(And lying between both of them is a Pokemon Egg.)

(The Pokemon Egg is orange-brown color and a pale tan crescent on it.)


(Eevee begins to open its eyes and begins to wake up.)

(Eevee then walks over to Mew and licks her face.)

(Mew soon begins to wake up and turns her head to see Eevee.)

Eevee: "Eevee." (Morning.)

(Eevee says.)

(Mew yawns and says.)

Mew: "Morning Eevee."

(Mew then sits up and stretches her arms as she yawns.)

(She then leaves out of bed as she picks up the Egg and opens the window that is next to her bed.)

(She sees the sun rising as a new day is beginning.)

(Her long dark teal hair spread down her back while wearing a baby blue color pajama, and her light blue eyes shine in the sun.)

Mew: "It's a brand new day, and today is the day I start my Pokemon Journey, right Eevee?"

(Mew replies, turning to Eevee.)

(Eevee happily says.)

Eevee: "Eevee!" (Yeah!)

(Mew then closes the window so she can get dressed for the journey, and takes her little egg along with it.)

[Moments later...]

(Mew is walking to the lab who is now wearing a white tank top with a black sleeveless jacket, blue shorts, and black and light blue color shoes.)

(Her hair is down to about her waist and she is wearing a red and white color cap with a green stylized "L" on the front.)

(She also has a large pink bag with the long strap on her right shoulder.)

(One of the things inside is her Pokemon Egg that is also wrapped by a blanket so it will be protected and warm.)

(Eevee happily follows Mew down the stairs until they reach Professor Oak's lab.)

(She soon walks into the lab and sees her human friend, Gary Oak, another trainer who will be starting his journey.)

(Standing next to him is a small Pokémon that resembles a light-blue turtle.)

(It has large, purplish or reddish eyes and a slightly hooked upper lip.)

(Each of its hands and feet have three pointed digits.)

(The end of its long tail curls inward.)

(It's also wearing a shell that is brown on the top, pale yellow on the bottom, and has a thick white ridge between the two halves.)

Mew: "Hi Gary."

(Mew says.)

Eevee: "Eevee!" (Morning!)

(Eevee happily says.)

Gary: "Hey Mew. About time you got up,"

(Gary says.)

Mew: "Very funny Gary, the other two trainers aren't even here yet."

(Mew says.)

(She notices the Pokemon next to Gary and kneels down to it.)

(She happily says.)

Mew "Hello Squirtle. It's nice to see you too."

Squirtle: "Squirtle." (Good morning.)

(Squirtle says.)

(Mew then turns to Gary.)

Mew: "I see that Squirtle is the Pokemon that you choose."

Gary: "Yeah. Grandpa gave him to me. Of course, he and I are pretty close."

(Gary says.)

Squirtle: "Squirtle." (That's right.)

(Squirtle happily says.)

Mew: "Squirtle agrees."

(Mew says.)

(Then the two kids and Pokemon begin laughing.)

(Suddenly, they hear Professor Oak scream and notice a strange yellow light close by.)

Gary: "That sounds like Grandpa."

(Gary says.)

Mew: "Let's see."

(Mew says.)

(The four then hurry into a different part of the lab to see the professor has collapsed on the floor with smoke coming out of his body and seems to have burn marks as well.)

(Professor Oak lifts his head and says with a weak smile.)

Professor Oak: "Good morning Mew, glad to see you're up."

Mew: "Professor, you're all burnt!"

(Mew says, shocked.)

Gary: "Are you alright?"

(Gary asks, shocked.)

(Professor Oak sheepishly laughs and says.)

Professor Oak: "I'm fine. I was just having trouble with the Pokemon I caught a few days ago. I found it chewing one of the wires in the lab and it shocked me with Thunderbolt."

Gary: "What Pokemon was it? A Voltorb?"

(Gary asks, curiously.)

Professor Oak: "No. It's a different electric type Pokemon."

(Professor Oak says.)

(Mew looks around and notices something yellow sticking out from behind the bookcase.)

Mew: "Huh?"

(Mew says, confused.)

(She then walks towards the bookcase, and Eevee follows behind her.)

(They both take a peek to see the Pokemon is a short, chubby rodent Pokémon.)

(It is covered in yellow fur with two horizontal brown stripes on its back.)

(It has a small mouth, long, pointed ears with black tips, and brown eyes.)

(Each cheek is a red circle that contains a pouch for electricity storage.)

(It has short forearms with five fingers on each paw, and its feet each have three toes.)

(At the base of its lightning bolt-shaped tail is a patch of brown fur.)

(Mew smiles and says.)

Mew: "Hello."

(The Pokemon reacts.)

Pikachu: "Pikachu!"

(And turns to see Mew and Eevee.)

(Pikachu stands on fours and releases sparks of electricity from it's yellow cheeks.)

Pikachu: "Pika."

(Mew smiles and says.)

Mew: "Hello. What are you doing back here?"

(Pikachu isn't backing down and is still ready to perform an electric attack.)

(Mew then reaches her hand out.)

Mew: "Is it alright if I pet you?"

(The Pokemon is surprised to see that it's not trying to force her to grab her.)

(The girl is being calm, patient, and gentle.)

(The Pokemon nods its head.)

Pikachu: "Pikachu." (Okay.)

(Mew then reaches her hand to the Pokemon and pets it on the head.)

(The Pokemon smiles and walks to Mew and Eevee.)

(Mew then picks him up and brushes his tail, much to its satisfaction.)

(Eevee walks to the Pokemon and says.)

Eevee: "Eevee." (Hello.)

(The pokemon turns to Eevee with a smile and says.)

Pikachu: "Pika." (Hi.)

(Eevee then climbs on Mew's shoulder and the human stands on her two feet.)

(Then walks to Gary, Squirtle, and Professor Oak.)

(Professor Oak notices the Pokemon Mew is holding.)

Professor Oak: "I see you found the Pokemon I was able to catch, and kind of gave me a shock. It's name is Pikachu."

Mew: "I see,"

(Mew says.)

(Then turns to the Pokemon.)

Mew: "Hello Pikachu, it's nice to meet you."

Pikachu: "Pika Pikachu." (It's nice to meet you too.)

(Pikachu says.)

(Mew then asks.)

Mew: "Professor, is it alright if I can raise Pikachu."

Professor Oak: "For some reason, I knew you were going to ask that. Of course you can raise Pikachu."

(Professor Oak says.)

Mew: "You hear that Pikachu looks like we'll be friends. Right Eevee."

(Mew says.)

Eevee: "Eevee!" (Yay!)

(Eevee happily says.)

(Just then, the Professor brings you two different trays with different items.)

Professor Oak: "Okay, here are your Pokedex, 20 Pokeballs and guide book for your journey."

(Professor Oak says.)

Mew and Gary: "Thank you,"

(The two children say.)

(They each take their items and put them in their bags.)

(After getting their items, the kids, Pokemon, and the professor leave the lab and walk down the stairs to see Adriana, Daisy, Zeraora, and many of the forest Pokemon come over to say their farewells.)

(Adriana hugs Gary as they both say their goodbyes.)

(Daisy also says her farewells to her little brother as well.)

(Mew and Zeraora share their hugs as Eevee introduces her friends to Pikachu and say goodbye to her friends.)

(Mew says.)

Mew: "I'll miss you all, and I'll be able to return home as soon as I can."

(Zeraora growls in reply.)

(Just then, a few of the Pokemon walk over to Mew and gives her small bags made of leaves that are full of berries and herbs.)

(Mew takes them and says.)

Mew: "Thank you, everyone. That's very sweet."

(Just then, a Butterfree, a friend of Mew gives her a special present.)

(It's a small bottle that has three heart shaped scales with rainbows on it, known as Heart Scales.)

(Then another Pokemon, a Rattata gives Mew a two small silver bells, known as Soothe Bells.)

(The last Pokemon, a Mankey, gives Mew a coin that is shaped like a Mewoth charm, but has a red necklace on it, known as an Amulet charm.)

Mew: "Are all these for me?"

(Mew asks.)

(The three Pokemon nod their heads with glee.)

Mew: "Thank you,"

(Mew says.)

(and takes the three items.)

(Then puts them in her bag for safe keeping.)

(After finishing saying their goodbyes, Mew, Eevee, and Pikachu begin their Pokemon Journey and part ways with Gary and Squirtle.)

(Soon, the three friends are walking down the road to get to the next town.)

(Mew then remembers and turns to the Pokemon.)

Mew: "Eevee. Pikachu. I forgot to mention, you'll need to have your Pokeball so you can be registered."

(Hearing this, Eevee shakes her head.)

Eevee: "Eevee Eevee." (No thank you.)

Pikachu: "Pikachu," (No way.)

(Pikachu says.)

Mew: "I understand you don't want to go in a Pokeball, but it will only take a second. I don't want another trainer to capture you by accident."

(Mew says.)

(Reluctant, both Pokemon decide to allow Mew to have them put in their Pokeballs.)

(Mew tap both Pokeballs on them, and they both are pulled inside.)

(The Pokeballs click instantly, and are both caught.)

(Mew then lets them both out, and both Pokemon are relieved.)

(Mew giggles.)

(She can tell those two do not like to be in a Pokeball.)

(Mew then brings out her Pokedex.)

Mew: "I like to check my new Pokedex out.

(She opens it and presents it to Eevee.)

(In a male voice, the Pokedex says. "Eevee, the Evolution Pokémon. A Normal Type. Eevee is rarely seen, and can adapt to severe habitats by evolving, changing its capabilities and form. Moves: Quick Attack. Swift. Baby-Doll Eyes. Takedown. Iron Tail.")

Mew: "Wow. You sure got some moves girl."

(Mew says.)

Eevee: "Eevee," (Sure do.)

(Eevee says.)

(Then points her Pokedex to Pikachu.)

Mew: "Now it's your turn."

(The Pokedex says, "Pikachu, the Mouse Pokémon. An Electric type. Pikachu have pouches on their cheeks that can store electricity, which they release if threatened. Moves: Thunderbolt. Thundershock. Quick Attack. Agility.")

Mew: "Looks like you got some good attacks too. I remember reading that female Pikachu have curved tails, and judging by your non curled tail, I say that you're a boy."

(Mew says.)

Pikachu: "Pikachu," (That's right.)

(Pikachu says.)

Mew: "Anyway, let's go find and catch some Pokemon."

(Mew says.)

(Pikachu and Eevee answer.)

Pikachu and Eevee: "Pikachu/ Eevee!" (Okay!)

(Mew, Pikachu and Eevee begin to look around for any Pokemon for them to capture.)

(They stop at a river and decide to sit there to relax.)

(Mew has her fishing rod set for any catch that might come.)

(Mew then begins playing the leaf flute, playing some music.)

(Eevee and Pikachu love hering Mew play her music, and some of the Pokemon nearby feel relaxed and mellow from the lovely music.)

(The music Mew is playing is similar to the melody that the Sing attack some Pokemon use, only this one doesn't put them to sleep.)

(Mew finishes playing and asks)

Mew: "What do you think?"

Pikachu: "Pika Pika," (It's great.)

(Pikachu says.)

Eevee: "Eevee Eevee," (As pretty as ever.)

(Eevee says.)

Mew: "Thank you."

(Mew says.)

(Suddenly, Mew's fishing rod begins to move and pulls towards the water.)

Mew: "I got a bite,"

(Mew says, and quickly grabs the rod.)

(Mew struggles to hang on to the rod as the line is pulling it to the water.)

(Mew then puts all her strength and pulls out the Pokemon that has taken the bait.)

(Before Mew can react, the Pokemon falls at Mew, making her fall to the ground on her back.)

(Eevee and Pikachu become shocked to see Mew has fallen to the ground.)

(Mew looks up to see the Pokemon that is sitting on her stomach is a black pearl-like Pokémon encased within a spiky, blue-violet bivalve shell.)

(It has two round white eyes with tiny black pupils, and an enormously long red tongue.)

Shellder: "Shellder,"

(The Pokemon says.)

Mew: "Oh, it's a Shellder."

(Mew says.)

(Mew brings out her Pokedex and it says.)

("Shellder, the Bivalve Pokémon. A Water Type. At night, Shellder uses its broad tongue to burrow a hole in the seafloor sand and then sleep in it. While it is sleeping, Shellder closes its shell, but leaves its tongue hanging out.)

(Shellder says.)

Shellder: "Shellder." (Hello.)

(Mew smiles and says)

Mew: "Hello Shellder, it's nice to meet you. You want to tag along with me and my Pokemon."

Shellder: "Shell. Shellder," (Sure. Sounds fun.)

(Shellder says.)

Mew: "Okay then, welcome to the group,"

(Mew says, and taps her Pokeball on it.)

(Shellder goes inside the Pokeball, and after two shakes, it clicks, meaning that Shellder has been caught.)

(Mew sits up and says.)

Mew: "Yay! We got a new friend already."

(Pikachu and Eevee happily cheer.)

(After that, the three then continue on the road.)

(Suddenly, they hear a call.)

Pidgey: "Pidgey!"

(Mew, Eevee, and Pikachu look up to see a small, plump-bodied avian Pokémon.)

(It is primarily brown with a cream-colored face, underside, and flight feathers.)

(On top of its head is a short crest of three tufts.)

(The center crest feathers are brown and the outer two tufts are cream-colored.)

(Just under its crest are its narrow eyes which have white sclera and pupil along with its black irises.)

Mew: "It's Pidgey,"

(Mew says.)

(Mew extends her arm and Pidgey lands on it.)

(Truth is, this Pidgey is a friend of hers and Eevee.)

Mew: "Hey Pidgey, what brings you here?"

(Mew asks.)

Pidgey: "Pidgey Pidgey Pid Pidgey Pidgey. Pidgey Pidgey Pidgey?" (I want to come with you on your journey, like Eevee. Can I come too, please?)

(Pidgey asks.)

(Mew smiles and says.)

Mew: "Sure. How can I deny a request?"

(Mew then brings out another Pokeball and catches Pidge in the Pokeball.)

(Mew turns to Eevee and Pikachu.)

Mew: "Now we have two friends tagging along with us."

(Pikachu and Eevee are very happy.)

Mew: "Come on, we better try to get to the next town before the sun goes down,"

(Mew says.)

(Pikachu and Eevee agree to the idea and decide to make their way to the next town.)

(Suddenly, they hear a cry.)

Poliwag: "Poli!" (Help!)

(The three soon stop in their tracks and look to see a flying avian Pokémon that is very small.)

(It has rough, brown plumage on its head and three brown tail feathers.)

(It has narrow, dark brown eyes with white pupils and a short, hooked beak that is light pink.)

(The feathers covering its wings are pinkish-red with lighter tips, and it has a beige underside with two thin, horizontal stripes.)

(Its light pink feet have two toes in front and one in the back.)

(Black feathers cover its back.)

(They are chasing and pecking a small Pokémon resembling a blue, spherical tadpole.)

(It has large eyes and pink lips that can also act as suction cups for rocks.)

(There is a black and white swirl on its abdomen.)

(It also has small legs and no arms, a long, thin tail surrounded by a light-blue, semi transparent fin.)

(The bird Pokemon continues to fly after it as it chases the blue Pokemon.)

Pikachu: "Pi Pikachu! Pikachu Pi Pika Pikachu!" (That Spearow! They're chasing that Poliwag!)

Eevee: "Eevee Eevee." (That's not nice.)

(Eevee says.)

Mew: "Come on, we gotta help."

(Mew says.)

(Pikachu and Eevee agree and hurry after it.)

(Mew calls out.)

Mew: "Pikachu, use Thunderbolt."

Pikachu: "Pika!" (On it!)

(Pikachu says.)

(Pikachu runs over and gives the Spearow an electric shock, causing it to fly away.)

(At the same time, Poliwag collapses on the ground, feeling very tired.)

(Mew picks the Pokemon up and sees the condition.)

Mew: "Poor thing, it must have been tired from running away from the Spearow."

(Mew then brings out her Pokeball.)

Mew: "Poliwag, I'm going to put you in the Pokeball for now. Until we get to the Pokemon Center, okay."

(Still weakened, Poliwag nods and allows Mew to put it in the Pokeball.)


(they hear multiple cries.)

Spearow: "Spearow!"

(The three turn their heads to see a huge flock of Spearow flying right towards them, and are they mad.)

Mew: "Uhh, should we run?"

(Mew nervously asks, turning to her Pokemon.)

(Both Pokemon nod their heads.) Pikachu/Eevee: "Pikachu/Eevee." (Yes.)

(With that, Mew, Eevee, and Pikachu begin to run away as the Spearow are chasing after them.)

Mew: "Those Spearow don't want to give up."

(Mew says.)

(She then yelps when a Spearow pecks at her.)

(Soon, they begin to attack Pikachu, and Eevee.)

Mew: "Hey, leave them alone!"

(Mew shouts.)

(Mew then runs as fast as she can and takes both of the Pokemon in her arms.)


(they all stop to see a river up ahead.)

(Mew turns her head to see the Spearow is still chasing them.)

(Mew turns to Pikachu and Eevee.)

Mew: "Hold on to your breath. We're going for a swim."

(Mew then dives into the water and begins to swim down the river.)

(She swims past a school of red fish Pokemon known as Magikarp, and it's evolved form, a large Gyarados.)

(Mew continues to hold on to Pikachu and Eevee as they swim down the river.)

(Where they'll end up, even they don't know.)

(Down the river, there's another girl who is fishing right by a waterfall.)

(She has orange hair in a small spiky ponytail and viridian eyes.)

(She is a yellow tank top, with blue shorts, and red suspenders attached, along with red, white and yellow shows.)

(Sitting next to her is a red backpack with blue straps.)


(the girl notices her line is being pulled in the water.)

(She quickly grabs hold of it and happily says.)

the girl: "Oh! Oh! Hey, I got a bite! Oh, wow, I really think this could really be a big one!"

(The girl then pulls as hard as she can, and ends up fishing out Mew holding her Pokemon in her arms and they land on the grass.)

(Mew and her Pokemon cough a bit as they are now out of the water.)

The girl: "Nah, it's just a kid."

(The girl says.)

The girl: "Oh and two Pokémon. Oh, are you OK?"

(The girl asks.)

(Mew then turns to Pikachu and Eevee.)

Mew: "Are you both okay?"

Pikachu: "Pika Pika," (I think I'm okay.)

(Pikachu says, nodding his head.)

(Eevee nods her head.)

Eevee: "Eevee Eevee." (I'm alright.)

(Mew turns to the girl.)

Mew: "Then we're all okay."

The girl: "That's good, but why were you three in the river?"

(The girl asks.)

Mew: "Well, Eevee, Pikachu, and I just started our journey and we saw a Poliwag being chased by a Spearow. We were able to stop it, and I put the Poliwag in my Pokeball so we can get to the nearest Pokemon Center."

(Mew says.)

(The girl smiles and says.)

The girl: "That's sweet. Anyway, if you're looking for the nearest Center. There's one in Viridian City not far from here."

Mew: "Thanks. By the way, my name Mew, and you already met Pikachu and Eevee,"

(Mew says.)

Misty: "My name is Misty, nice to meet you,"

(The girl says.)

(Suddenly, they begin to hear cries and the girls turn to see the flock of Spearow's flying towards their directions.)

Mew: "They're coming back! Run!"

(Mew panics and runs to the bike.)

Misty: "Hey, what are you doing?"

(Misty asks.)

(Mew acts fast and puts her Pokemon in the basket of the bike.)

Mew: "I'm sorry about this, but I really need to borrow this."

(Mew says, and hops on the bike.)

Misty: "Wait, hey, that's my bike!"

(Misty panics.)

(But Mew already rides away with it.)

Mew: "I'll drop it off at the Viridian City Pokemon Center and you can get it there!"

(And Mew is already gone, taking Misty's bike.)

(Misty simply huffs in reply, not very pleased about her bike being taken.)

(Mew continues to ride the bike to get the Pokemon to the Pokemon Center.)


(Mew is struggling as she rides the bike.)

(That's because this is actually the first time she rides a bike, like ever.)

(She only sees Gary and some kids ride one, but never rides one herself.)

(Despite her wobbling and her lack of knowledge of riding one, Mew is determined to get her friends to the Pokemon Center.)


(Storm clouds begin to roll into the sky and rain begins to fall.)

Mew: "Just hang on now, guys, we're almost there."

(Mew says.)

(Mew continues to ride the bike the best she can.)

(She continues to wobble as she tries to keep her balance.)

(Sadly, the Spearows are able to catch up with them, and begin to peck at them like crazy.)

(Mew ends up riding the bike over a small cliff side and lands on the ground, because of the wet ground, they all fall off the bike and crash to the ground.)

(Mew looks up in shock to see both her Pokemon have fallen to the ground.)

Mew: "Pikachu! Eevee!"

(Mew tries to stand on her feet, but feels a very bad pain on her left ankle.)

(The best she can do is crawl to them.)

(She then places both hands on their heads.)

(She sees that the Spearows are still going to attack if she doesn't do something.)

(Mew then bring out their Pokeballs.)

Mew: "Pikachu. Eevee. You both need to get in your Pokeballs."

(Then Mew places them on the ground beside them.)

Mew: "I know you're both afraid of going in there, but if you're inside, maybe I can save you. Please, guys, please listen to me and go inside. After that, then - After that, just trust me!"

(Mew then begins to get up on her feet, but still feels a sharp pain on her left leg.)

(She then begins to walk a short step away.)

(Pikachu and Eevee notice Mew is practically limping on her left leg.)

(Mew then spreads her arms out and is ready to attack.)

Mew: "Alright Spearows, this time you'll be battling against me! I'm Mew from the Forest close to Pallet Town! I plan on being a great Pokemon Trainer and protect the Pokemon who are dear to me! I refuse to be defeated by the likes of you!"

(Mew says.)

(Eevee and Pikachu soon struggle as they begin to get up.)

Mew: "I'm going to battle, beat, and capture you all! Do you hear me?!"

(Mew adds.)

(Then says to her Pokemon.)

Mew: "Eevee. Pikachu. You both need to get inside the Pokeball, it's the only way!"

(Pikachu and Eevee then look in the Pokeball and then look at Mew.)

(Just then, Mew shouts.)

Mew: "Come and get me!"

(The Spearows soon begin to charge at Mew, and the girl isn't going to back down.)

(Seeing how much their trainer is willing to make a sacrifice for their sake, Pikachu and Eevee hurry to Mew's aid.)

(Pikachu and Eevee hope off their shoulders, much to Mew's shock.)

(Eevee then performs a move that releases a dark purple ball and fires.)

(Lightning then strikes at Pikachu, and then he unleashes a powerful Thunderbolt attack, striking at the purple ball of energy.)

(Just then, a large explosion occurs, pushing Mew, Pikachu, and Eevee in one direction, and pushes the Spearows the other way.)

[Soon enough...]

(the storm begins to disappear, and the Spearows are long gone now.)

(The bike has been burned and destroyed as the young trainer and her Pokemon are laying on the ground.)

(The three soon open their eyes to see each other.)

(Mew calmly smiles and says.)

Mew: "Well, we beat 'em."

Pikachu: "chu..." (Yup, we sure did...)

(Pikachu says, feeling weaken.)

Eevee: "vee..." (Yeah, we did...)

(Eevee replies, tired.)


(they all hear a loud screech.)

(They all turn up to see a large and majestic bird like Pokemon.)

(The Pokemon is huge, has vermilion, green, and white feathers, orange color beak and feathers on its head, and orange and yellow tail feathers.)

(The three are astonished to see the bird Pokemon flying over the rainbow that is shining over the sky.)

(Mew is able to sit up as she wonders.)

Mew: "What's that?"

(Her Pokedex says.)

Pokedex: "There is no data. There are still Pokémon yet to be identified."

(The three continue to watch as the Pokemon is flying over them, and over the rainbow.)

(Suddenly, one of the Pokemon's feathers falls off and begins to gently fall to Mew and her Pokemon.)

(Soon, the feather lands on Mew's lap.)

(Pikachu then sits on Mew's shoulder while Eevee does the same with the head.)

(Mew then takes the feather and gently puts it in her bag for safe keeping.)

(Suddenly, she hears someone calling out.)

???: "Mew!"

(Mew turns her head to see Misty hurrying towards them.)

Mew: "Misty? What are you doing here?"

(Mew says, confused.)

(Misty stops in front of Mew and asks.)

Misty: "Never mind about that? What happened? And what happened to my bike?"

Mew: "Oh... I'm really sorry Misty, but we ran into the Spearow and we crashed. Then Pikachu and Eevee let out their power and beat them, and I'm guessing the thunderbolt kind of, fried your bike."

(Mew says.)

(Then sadly sighs.)

Mew: "I'm sorry."

(Mist crosses her arms with a stern look on her face.)

Mew: "I'll find a way to make it up to you, but I need to get the Pokemon to the."

(Mew says as she tries to stand up.)

(Suddenly, she feels the sharp pain and almost falls over, making her Pokemon grow concerned.)

(Misty soon becomes concerned.)

Misty: "Your ankle."

Mew: "It... It's nothing. We just need to get to the Pokemon Center."

(Mew says, and begins to walk.)

(Misty notices Mew limping as she begins to walk.)

(Misty then picks up her bike in one arm.)

(Then walks to Mew, and places her arm around her.)

Misty: "Place your arm around me, I can help you walk there."

(Misty says.)

Mew: "Are you sure? I don't want any trouble."

(Mew says.)

Misty: "Well, like you said, you have Pokemon in need, and apparently, so do you. Besides, you can't walk with that ankle."

(Misty says.)

(Mew smiles and says.)

Mew: "Thanks Misty. I do hope we can still be friends, even after this."

Misty: "I would like that. Besides, anyone who cares about Pokemon is okay by me."

(Misty says.)

(With that, the girls begin to walk down the trail and up the hill.)

(Soon, they are able to see the next town, Viridian City.)

(Seeing the town, the group continue to walk down the hill to reach the city.)

(This is just the beginning of the amazing adventures of Mew, Eevee, and Pikachu.)

(Their journey is destined to be packed with non-stop action, millions of laughs, heart-pounding perils, and endless excitement.)

(Together they'll encounter fantastic friends, evil enemies, and meet creatures beyond their wildest imagination.)

(And as their story unfolds, we'll unlock the magic and mystery of a most wondrous place: The incredible world of Pokémon.)

[To be continued...]


Mew's Files

Pokemon: Eevee (Female). Pikachu (Male). Shellder (Male). Pidgey (Male). Poliwag (Male). Pokemon Egg

Items: 3 Heart Scales. 2 Soothe Bells. 1 Amulet Coin. Fishing Rod

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