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11.42% STAR WARS: Galactic Sex Adventures / Chapter 4: Chapter 4 - Hot Tattooine Night

Capítulo 4: Chapter 4 - Hot Tattooine Night

There is no greater feeling than waking up with a beautiful woman in your bed. And as I woke up the next morning after a night of unbridled sex I can reiterate how great it was. I awoke to smell of vanilla and sweat, breathing in Yura's scent like it was drug. 

She was snoring ever so slightly but it didn't bother me in the least… I didn't want to move, and I didn't want to wake her… what I wanted was to be inside her and spend the rest of the day trying to make twi'lek-human babies the natural way… Which, for those who don't know basic galactic biology, it takes genetic manipulation for certain sentients to produce a cross species child…

But fuck I would have fun trying… again, and again and again…

 I gently kissed her forehead, causing her to emit a delighted moan as she rolled over, smiling dreamily about… well vainly I hoped that it was 'me' just by how happy she looked. But her movement allowed me to actually get out of bed without disturbing her. I made my way to Short-round's room. If he had a lead on this Rodian Yuebba I wanted to know about it and get it done quickly…

I opened to door to his room to the recognizable sounds of a woman moaning in pleasure. And I hoped to the force that I wasn't about to see him getting his jollies off… I did not want to know what a jawa looked like without a hood… any hood.

But thankfully it was just a holo-vid. One I actually recognized as Kitty and Cream… a popular underground holo-vid in the academy staring my favorite of all time Holo-girl, Milky Way. She was a pure white Cathar girl; she was a little modified with huge breasts so firm and an ass so round you could bounce blaster fire off of them but… seriously who fucking cared? She was good at what she did… so good in fact that her vids were essentially banned in the academy, not just because most of them were pro-republic propaganda filming but the sheer fact that she was so popular all the male troopers were watching her vids rather than the instructional training programs. It was quite a day when some fucking idiot (and I assure you not me) installed it into the VR program.

Let me reiterate. The actual rule was 'All holo-vids starring 'Milky Way' are not allowed anywhere on the grounds and those caught with one in possession will be punished to the fullest extent of Imperial code'.

But I'm getting off topic, and right now I wanted to know why I was watching Milky Way take Throbacca's (the wookie holo-man) massive wookie dick up her tight, surgically expanded plump ass. "Short-round why are you watching Holo-girls?... without actually watching holo-girls?"

There was a sound of clattering above and a vent that I didn't know was there opened revealing Short-round. "Eh… I wasn't really watching it I just like the white noise… it was My Little Bantha a second ago…" he said staring thoughtfully as Milky Way's fingers thrust desperately into her pussy to intensify her pleasure with the wookie dick, anally penetrating her…

Milky Way released an ear shattering and quite frankly dick hardening yowl as Throbacca slammed his, far too big for her ass, wookie cock as deep as he could go. Causing her beautifully yellow cat eyes to roll erotically up into her head as she came like a broken facet, squirting what was probably piss and pussy excretion all over Throbacca's leg fur. He gripped her braided mane of hair and pulled. Dominating her and filling her with thick ropey wookie cum letting out a roar surprisingly subtitled at the bottom.

"Get pregnant with seed or we do again!"

Of course he was anally penetrating her, so maybe it was a mistranslation… or more likely an intentional mistake on his part story wise.

"Alright…" I replied simply, turning away from the vid. But before I got back to business… "I uh… I want a copy of that." I pointed sheepishly at the screen as Milky Way, tongue lolling and eyes mad with pleasure screamed at Throbacca to take more of his prize.

"Ultra-holo or regular portable?" Short-round replied apparently scrounging in a toolkit in the vent.

"Ultra-?!" I began but quickly caught myself, Ultra holo-girl vids were essentially banned across the galaxy, far too real for all but the most perverted of hutts… "Uh… you uh… you have her on Ultra-holo?"

"I got everything on Ultra-holo… I'll have it ready for you later…" he replied, apparently stopping the vid with a controller just as Throbacca grabbed Milky's arms and dragged her upwards, freezing the frame at quite frankly the best possible moment. Her breasts pointing upwards, her tongue lolling… and If you squinted close you could practically see Throbacca's dick slamming against the walls of her stomach as he went balls deep…

I fucking love Milky Way… and you would not believe how pissed I was when my sister's found and destroyed my vid of her… In an odd way watching Short-rounds vid got me thinking about Kavilla and Tolara. I do miss them a lot sometimes. They are ruthless, loyal to the empire, expert torturers and cold blooded killers but…

You know. They loved me… they were not like that when it was just me and them. They asked me about my health. How were my studies and training going? Did the need to talk to my instructors? Did they need to kill my instructors? Did they need to have a violent conversation with any bullies?... Okay they were still cold blooded killers but their hearts were in the right place…

And you know… they never told my Mother about my particular tastes. Dormund Kaas nobles, especially from the Kane family, did NOT socialize with zeltron harlots, or zabrak gigolos or cantina twi'lek dancers even if Dormund Kaas offered their services… and my Moff Mother, Altora Kane, did not tolerate them in the slightest… one good way to get out of her good graces? Get caught with an alien.

I'm not kidding; there was this lieutenant Moff, Basdan something or other, he got caught with his pants down and balls deep in his Chiss assistant/bodyguard. The guy was a war hero, and all of a sudden he was banished to some frontier outpost on Hoth without his Chiss to keep him warm… now it was just republic blaster fire…

Mother did not like aliens and her son was a xenophile… I certainly wasn't going to fucking tell her. And neither were my sisters. But it's still an awful feeling and moment when your older siblings find your porn stash. Especially while wearing full imperial officer regalia and turning the experience into an, unfortunately rather arousing, lecture. They tried to fix me… I wasn't offended, I knew it wasn't personal. Again, they loved me, maybe just a little more than they really should, they didn't want Mother to disown me or worse, send me to an imperial 'correction' camp…

 I assure you nobody get's 'corrected' and get to tell anyone else about it.

So they treated me to a 'specialist' on Kavilla's Star Destroyer: The Deterrent. It was all hush hush and very flattering considering what my sisters went through to get it to happen. I think they secretly knew I had a thing about women in power, so they had a woman in imperial officer regalia to 'encourage' me to enjoy the superior stock of Imperial perfection, a wondrous redheaded woman with, dark skin and large breasts and wide seductive hips. Yes, they hired me an escort, and one I naturally would've been attracted to consider how 'alien' she was. How her physical traits matched Milky Way's as if to transfer my lust.. But… I didn't want that.

She understood enough, I managed to convince her that it was nothing personal I just wanted my first time to be special… memorable. It wasn't about her… she was very nice and open. I think her working name was Imperial Rose or something. Anyway she managed to convince my sisters that we did the deed and we moved on… She even left me her contact information in case I changed my mind. My sisters had already paid her for the job after all so it was sort of, put on hold…

I guess though… I am getting off track… sorry. I just wanted to reminisce for a bit…

Anyway… Right. Short-round…

"Hey back on topic!" I shouted up at him, "You said you had a lead on Yuebba right?"

"Right." Short-round replied, lowering himself from the ceiling by a grappling hook on his belt, "Threetwo, a droid who owes me for a modulator fix, works in a cantina owned by Torga the Hutt. I put the word out while you were entertaining the boss lady last night…" I ignored the jab, and released a short sigh. I was going to have to remember to inform Short-round about the concept of knocking… and socks on the doors…

Wait, we didn't have doorknobs…

"So… Threetwo?" I asked, trying to get him and myself back on track.

"Right. Threetwo spotted Yuebba this morning recruiting some muscle. He said a handful of Duros I think… they're planning some sort of heist and hiding out in an old burned out moisture farm…"

I scratched my head… that was… unfortunate. I'm not some invincible jedi or bad ass bounty hunter (yet), a handful of Duros? That's what, five extra blasters at most? Short-round is handy but he's not a fighter. And Yura? I don't really know about Yura talents outside the bedroom or the cantina…

And I didn't have armor, gear, or a fancy wrist rockets. I had my modded rifle and my pistol… and then I remembered I needed to catch Yuebba alive…

"Fuck…" I mumbled out load. Short-round looked at me funny.

"You got the boss lady for that boss…"

"No. I mean…" I rubbed my temples, I suddenly had a headache. "…How am I going to handle a gang of Duros, and take the target alive Short-round?"

Short-round gave me a noise that sounded suspiciously like 'I don't know' but far more condescending. "No idea." He clarified, but held out a handful of marble sized orbs the color of clear sky, "But I got these flash bangs I whipped up, those might help if we need them…" I took one and examined it; it had a small barely noticeable button in the center. "Just press and hold for two seconds before throwing, then duck."

"Well they'll probably help but..." I looked at my thread thin clothes. "…I'm going to need something a little more shock resistant…" But then I remembered I was broke… my 'down payment' wasn't exactly going to help me afford new gear… at least not in a way Yura or I would enjoy.

"What about shock resistance?" Speak of the sith lord, Yura entered Short-round's room, completely in the nude. Short-round didn't even care… I mean would you, if a sexy twi'lek woman was walking around nude? But I mean, if he actually liked watching Yura in the buff he certainly didn't express it.

"I need… uh…" I stared at her. I know I got a good look at her last night... a lot… and a better look this morning. A lot… but I will never get tired of watching her move around… "Armor. I need armor…" I needed to look away, I couldn't afford to get distracted… actually I couldn't afford a lot of things…

"Oh right I almost forgot…" she… fuck, where was she actually keeping them? Never mind. She handed me a stack of credits, a little more than 8000. "Here you go. The money you gave me, plus interest…"

"Wait… why are you giving me back the money? Why are you giving me more?" I asked astonished, it was clearly more than double what I had given her, it just didn't make sense.

"Well…" she began, stretching in front of me as she spoke. Her stretching was distracting to say the least."If you die. I go back to the cantina and become the local rental speeder bike again. I like my employment status right now, thanks…" she smiled coyly, and just a little flirtatiously at me as I intently watched every curve of her body, every jiggle of breast or ass, and each distinctive sway of her erotic lekku as she moved. She was fucking trying to rile me up and I fucking loved every second of it… Something to unfortunately take care of later…

"But why give me money?"

"Its an investment. I quite like having you alive and around so…" she wrapped her arms around my neck, smiling lovingly at me as she held me complete attention, "…You'll just have be creative and pay me back later… I accept multiple payments in various forms…"

"I can work with that…" I placed my hands on her ass and she began swaying against me, as if enticing me to dance with her… Enticing me to a lot of things…

I fucking love Yura, she is just perfect.

"So… are you planning to get dressed anytime soon?" I asked finally as we waltzed slowly out of Short-round's room, her blue lips tenderly, but barely brushing against mine as the door shut behind us.

"…I figured at the rate we're going right now there wouldn't be a point…" she chuckled throatily, giving me the best bedroom eyes since Milky Way in Ewok Jungle Fever (not remotely what it sounds like). I internally whined at that, now all I wanted to do was pin her against Short-round's door and try to break it down while thrusting inside her until something gave way… preferably our release.

But I had to focus on the task, I needed to succeed in Torga's trial run or she was going to be taken away… and while I would now shoot at Mandalorians to prevent that I would distinctly prefer not to…

I kissed her, prodding my tongue past her lips and claiming her's as my own. She moaned, and practically drooled into my mouth. It was wet, and messy and I was rapidly bashing away at my sense of duty and reason… not to mention scolding myself for mercilessly groping her full and perfect ass. She was gasping for breath now as the sheer thrill of my caressing flowed through her body with a wave of pleasure, practically cringing in delight as she felt my fingers lurch closer to her holes…

But I quickly pulled myself away from her lips and pressed her against the door, panting heavily myself. "…Fuck…" I groaned, pissed at myself for almost losing control again…

She chuckled delightedly stroking and caressing my red hair, "I was trying… you were trying… fairly sure we were succeeding..."

…I fucking love Twi'leks, and Yura especially.

"I promise…" I whispered, for some reason utterly exhausted, apparently fighting myself can do that. "When we're done with this job, I'm locking us in my room and filling all your holes with as much of me as I can…" she quivered at the oath of fucking I had given her, as if a tiny orgasm was sent blissfully through her body at my very words. "But until then, for force sake…" I laughed slightly, not believing my good fortune with meeting her, touching her, loving her. "Please stop tempting me… fuck, you know you don't have to." I pulled away from her she continued to smiling lovingly at me as her round ass pressed erotically against the door, "Just… Fuck… moderation okay?" I practically fucking pleaded with her.

Honestly I don't know who is the real 'slave' in our relationship… she could've told me to shoot my mother and I would obey. Granted I wouldn't need much convincing but you get the point.

She laughed and walked past me heading towards 'our?' room. "Alright, alright… just let me get my clothes on and we'll go shopping…"

I met her at the exit ramp of the ship as she approached in the 'jedi' robes she came in. "Is that all you brought by the way?"

She looked down and shrugged, "What these? Yeah pretty much… I'm a slave remember? All my clothes were owned by Torga… and the rent on them was ridiculous…"she smiled teasingly at me, opening the robe just enough to give me a peak of the round curves of her breasts. "…But does it really matter what I wear around the ship?"

I shook my head in disbelief; I would probably die happy never leaving my ship again with her in my room. But I had to focus my hormonal brain and stay on task. "Yes actually…" I replied searching as much of my mind as possible to find an excuse I would believe as well. "…Sometimes less is more…" as I led her arm and arm down the ramp towards the market I added as it came to mind, "…Swimsuits for example, underwear and lingerie, something skin tight and…" for added effect I gave her fleshy malleable ass a squeeze under her robe, getting an undignified squeak from her. "Easily accessible…"

She laughed slapping my hand away playfully but giving me a grin that would arouse a celibate jedi. "Fine I get it! We'll get something for me too…" she shook her ass a little at me as she walked ahead, "Something we'll both like…"

It took awhile to find a decent armory. And even then we only managed to settle on an old torn apart mandalorian chest plate that had seen better days. but it might just stop a blaster round or two. Greaves weren't as important or arm guards so they were cheaper and probably scavenged off long dead troopers. Republic or Imperial: they weren't helping them now.

Yura had insisted I also get a coat, an old duster that had seen better days. But the look she slipped the tailor jawa made me suspicious so I asked… "What was that about?"

"Hmm? Oh right the jawa…" she waved him off, "The coat isn't exactly… for you… they guy it was made for just didn't come to claim it so I gave him a little convincing…"

"Normal 'convincing'..." I asked, rubbing my fingers together in the universal sign of bribery, "…or 'me' convincing…" I smiled as we left.

"Normal… jawa's are notoriously resistant to twi'lek charms unlike handsome, human bounty hunters…" she smiled and dragged me into a shop run by a human woman;for all women. It didn't take her long to find some things. It doesn't matter what she wears Yura can, and does, make anything look sexy.

But exiting the changing stall dressed in a black tube top and tight black pants made me want to take her right back into the stall and take it all back off. She also bought something for more sociable gatherings and more… personal ones… honestly with lingerie like that why wear anything at all? What she didn't buy was a 'traditional' twi'lek headdress. She looked fine without one but I thought it would just improve her image so I bought her a plain black covering that left her lekku mostly exposed but covered the sides of her face.

She actually seemed really pleased at my gift… it made me feel all warm inside when she asked how she looked in it…

Fucking Perfect... Shut the fuck up, I know it's cheesy…

So armed and ready we headed back to the ship, I needed after all to get directions… either to Threetwo himself or from Short-round. Thankfully, Short-round had all the information we needed, and I didn't need to try and find a droid named Threetwo, force knows how many of those there are…

We couldn't go there with the ship, so we rented a small speeder from yet another of Short-rounds friends… I know I give him a lot of crap, but seriously? Best buddy ever, and I know a few wookies. The drive took hours out of the day until it was long past noon. I couldn't really tell tattooine time but I think almost sunset… The only real problem was that the old burned out farmhouse Yuebba and his mercenaries were hiding out in had NO cover… nothing but desert around it with only a few high dunes to hide behind. They would see us coming a mile away and shoot us full of holes…

"Well shit…" I grumbled, using a set of Short-round's patented homemade binoculars. "…I see two of the Duros on guard… under a sort of lean-to but no Yuebba, and I don't know how many more…"

Yura gingerly took the binoculars from me to look herself, "…They don't look so tough… probably cheap thugs fresh on the job… they're not even holding their blasters, they got them on the crates near them in the shade…"

"That make's two of us…" I grumbled, I got to admit, wearing old armor and scouting the place out like a real profession didn't exactly improve my confidence.

"…I think they're playing pazaak…" she added looking at me. "…So…" she took my blaster pistol from my belt and examining it for a moment set it to stun, "…How are you going to do this?"

Good question. Fuck I didn't know! I was winging it…

"Fuck I don't know!" I told her. What? It was the truth. "I'm winging it…"

She smiled calmly, "Okay relax... just...." She frowned thoughtfully while looking through the binoculars again, interrupting her own instructions "…Well we can't just attack them full out in the day. So…" she narrowed and shaded her eyes as she looked at the two suns of tattooine, "…Nightfall then… they won't see us until it's too late…"

"When they will promptly shoot you two full of holes…" Short-round said flatly, "Nice knowing you two…"

"You're not coming?" she asked surprised.

"I'm not a gunslinger I'm a mechanic!" he replied indignantly, "I can't even shoot a gun!"

"You could throw grenades…" Yura pointed out helpfully, not quite getting yet that he was more of a coward than a hindrance.

"With these arms?!" he replied waving them around under his robe, "I'd catch myself in the blast."

"Alright that's enough…" I said flatly, "…We're thinking like troopers, going in guns blazing… what we need is to think like bounty hunters… and bounty hunters would use…" It came to me like a force vision, I turned to look at Yura.

Now imagine, hot sun, bare skin, sexy wet/sweaty twi'lek. She had a certain shine to her, like she had been polished with liquid silver…

"…Bounty hunters would use a distraction…" I smiled knowingly at her as my plan formed completely…

The guards had changed shifts once night fell. A new pair of inattentive Duros were playing pazaak in the now unnecessary shade of the large lean-to. They had left their blaster rifles nearby, but still dangerously out of reach. That gave Yura just enough time to get in their heads as she stepped into the firelight of the campfire.

"I'm sorry!" she shouted 'nervously' in huttese, I imagine she was using an accent or a voice or something to give the Duros the impression of a poor lost twi'lek girl just looking for help. "I'm so sorry sirs, but can you help me?" she held up her hands as if to show she meant no harm, she had given me back my blaster pistol… the plan after all wouldn't work if they saw her as a threat. 

"Oh my!" she said as they collected their blaster rifles and shambled towards her, "What big blasters you have!"

…I was starting to think at this point Yura would do well as a Holo-girl with that sort of acting

The Duros quickly circled her, examining every nook and cranny of her curvy body. One of the bastards actually copped a feel of her shapely backside. And Yura, not being one to miss an opportunity, moaned erotically as if the touch pleased her against her will. "Oh I'm so sorry sirs!" she said, seemingly apologetic, "Please don't touch me like that… I'm so sensitive…" Fuck she could make any word sound seductive…

The looks on their faces would've been funny if it wasn't such a dangerous moment…

One of the Duros, apparently torn between 'inspecting' Yura further and reporting. Quickly decided on reporting rapidly, to return and then inspect her more. He promptly ran inside the farmhouse as the remaining Duros stared lecherously at Yura's backside, barely keeping his gun on her as she fidgeted adorably (and distractingly) in front of him…

Soon the other Duros returned with the original two in tow along with Yuebba, who seemed less amused and aroused by Yura.

"Who the fuck are you?" he asked rudely, aiming his blaster carbine directly between her bountiful and wondrous breasts, that pulled their attention.

"Please sir…" she said, milking her breathless huttese accent as she spoke, "I'm just a poor lost dancer! My speeder broke down not too far away. Could any of you perhaps help me fix it? Maybe…" as her hands slowly lowered to her breasts. Giving them the impression that she felt it was safe to lower them, but also providing them with a framing of her bust. "…maybe one of you can get a ride?" the duros guards quickly glanced between each other mumbling in their guttural language as Yura gasped 'correcting' herself. "Oh! I mean to 'give me a ride' yes? Please, sir I'm afraid I can't afford to pay for the parts…"

Yuebba was not fully buying into her lines, but he also really wanted to… Sure, this seemed like the kind of dialogue you'd find in a cheap holo-vid… not that he'd know that of course. But a sexy, desperate twi'lek in the middle of nowhere?

…What self respecting scoundrel wouldn't exploit that?

"You're a dancer?" he asked sounding skeptical, but more like he was trying to clarify what she said.

"Oh yes sir!" Yura replied enthusiastically "I dance in Mos Espa."

"What kind of dancer?" he asked, lowering his rifle, as the Duros followed his lead.

"Cantina sir… I dance with the band on stage." Yura replied. Sure she could've said something more exotic, but she wanted them to ask for something more… something a desperate woman might not want to be forced into, but she simply had no choice. Scumbags loved that shit.

Honestly this was all Yura. I fucking love her.

"You do private work?" he asked leading her to stand with the campfire framing behind her while he sat in one of the lookout chairs, his lecherous eyes pouring over Yura like a cascade of slimy water…

"Oh!" said Yura, playing off embarrassment quite well, "…Not… often sir… and usually I have the band…"

"Well we don't have a band…" Yuebba cackled slowly, "But maybe you can make an… exception? We'd be happy to take you into town…" he spoke with a silky tone, but the dark chuckling of the Duros gave away his real plan.

"Oh my sir…" Yura began again, fidgeting in the firelight and playing the part of 'embarrassed innocence' so well. "I don't know…"

"Come on…" he whinnied, "It's just us out here… no one will see you…" then under his breath added, "…No one will tell."

"Well…" Yura began, seemingly conflicted with her decisions, "You'll take me into town right after?"

"Oh yes, when we finished!" he laughed dismissively, making sure his carbine was set to lethal and leaning it against his chair. "Go on. Shake your lekku for us!"

It was probably long enough… but Yura was never one to go half-assed on anything… especially when she was shaking it.

Honestly she had more talent for it then I originally thought, or maybe it was the firelight adding just a bit more hypnotic mysticism to the dance. But as she began swaying and gyrating in earnest to unheard music, all of the dark and horrible thoughts in the thugs and Yuebba's minds seemed to vanish and for one brief glorious moment they even considered not doing anything terrible to this poor, lost girl…

Then Yura's top 'accidentally' slipped her hands upwards upon her shirt revealing her breasts and she simply 'didn't notice' while continuing with her dancing. It took far more willpower then I expected them to have to not jump Yura right there. Then Yura 'noticed' that her wondrous orbs were on display and 'rolling with it'… she playfully covered them with her hands, turning away as the Duros catcalled and 'whistled' at her…

I'm not sure it they can, I just assumed that's what they were doing.

She swayed her hips as she squeezed her shoulders, making sure every eye was on her tightly clothed ass. Enticing them… teasing them… arousing them…

And then she had them… their hands were no longer on their blasters, they were on their 'guns'… unable to look away at the twi'lek goddess before them and unable to resist the primal pleasure that she awoke in them, they rubbed away at themselves trying to keep them as calm as possible as they watched her hands slowly and deliberately pinch her erect nipples… they couldn't see this of course from where they sat behind her but they certainly imagined it as she threw back her head to the night, her lekku swaying temptingly at them, begging them to grab hold. Then she finished them off. releasing a loud longing moan that screamed in their minds that she was ready for them… she wanted them… her ass was swaying hypnotically at them begging them to touch and squeeze…

I almost felt sorry for them… Yuebba went down first after my blaster pistol, set on stun hit him from behind, sending him forward onto the ground. Three of the Duros acted quickly. The remaining one, apparently more interested in Yura than living, and honestly I couldn't blame him, remained contentedly seated as he exploded in his pants… and then promptly his head followed.

The other three now panicking fired rapidly off into the darkness behind them not realizing I wasn't there. Stepping out of the firelight behind Yura I shot them all down… I smiled at her… she smiled back.

"The nipple pinching… that was for me right?" I asked playfully as I approached and bound Yuebba lying unconscious among the bodies.

"It was all for you Aiden…" she replied in good humor and promptly blew me a kiss as she adjusted her top. "These guys were just peeping toms interrupting your fun… nice shot by he way Short-round..." she added as he walked around the farmhouse holding my blaster pistol, chuckling with a chattering jawa sound.

"We'll even I couldn't miss at that range. You were right boss they expected someone taller…" he handed me back my pistol and I holstered it as I slung Yuebba onto my shoulder.

"Alright then… I can't believe that all worked out…"

Yura smiled as she kissed my check, "Well… technically I added a few ideas…"

"Uh huh… by the way, we're going to talk about your little exhibitionist tendencies…" I said teasingly, heading back towards the speeder as Short-round stripped the Duros of their weapons and valuables.

"Oh?" she asked in mock surprised, taking one of the Duros' spare pistols and holster for herself and walking beside me.

"Yes. At length… later tonight…" and with my free hand I gripped her ass tightly, pulling her along and closer to me as she laughed. "In great detail…" and added smugly, "…Repeatedly…"

"Oh, of course…" she laughed delightedly pulling Torga's holo-com for my pocket and giving him a call as Short-round struggled to carry so many rifles behind us…

It was a good day… a great success… and a hell of a start to a new career…


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