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Capítulo 3: Rescue

At night, Kakashi, who had eaten dinner with Guy, returned to his house.

Looking at the empty courtyard, Kakashi is feeling a little bit sad at the moment, the feeling of being alone was really not good.

Kakashi picked up the short white sword and keep waving it under the moonlight.

Sword technique is composed mainly with slashing, and other basic moves such as stabbing, cutting, blocking, etc.

His Hatake clan sword technique is also inseparable from these basic moves.

The bright moonlight shines on the white sword, the light flashes, and Kakashi still waving without stopping with one question in mind.

What isn't danger of this world?

In another part of Konoha, in the dim light room, Sandaime are listening to Anbu's report.

"Oh? Kakashi is fainting today because of practicing with Guy?"

"Yes, Hokage-sama."

"Okay, I understand."

Anbu hearing this, instantly disappeared from this place.

Sandaime then puff his cigarette and said with emotion: "Kakashi, it looks like the death of Yondaime really getting into you."

Sandaime then looks outside the window, he feel that the pressure on his shoulders was much bigger now but relaxing as well.

Sandaime are very optimistic about Kakashi's future. In Kakashi's generation, only Kakashi has this kind of mind and temperament to support Konoha. At first, Sandaime doesn't need to hurry things up. He doesn't bother thinking about it, but because of the death of Yondaime he feels relaxed again even if he is old now. He needs to start looking for a new Hokage candidate who he can mold into a perfect tool even if he himself retires unlike the previous one, Minato who was a mistake. Only reason he gave him his position was because death toll were quite high in the war and he need a dummy who can keep blame working under his orders. Also day by day, the reputation of Minato was increasing in battle field and he need to stagnant it. He thought that Minato was simple minded easy to use but didnt recognise him to be a dragon in snake skin. If not for his death, hiruzen's reputation would be down to mud that would have been exposed and he would never reclaim his position.

Kakashi is Yondaime's disciple. Whether it is Strength, wisdom or temperament, he is the best choice to become the new Hokage. In the younger generation, no one can beat him and with no one around easy to influence.

It's just that Kakashi's mentality has always been a big problem.

The death of white fang made Kakashi indifferent to his teammates. Later, because of Obito's reasons, this has been solved, but then the death of Obito and Rin made Kakashi depressed again.

The darkness of Kakashi's heart is also growing, especially the death of white fang!

This has always been a thorn in Kakashi's heart.

Yondaime had arranged for Kakashi to secretly protect the pregnant Kushina in order to let Kakashi witness the birth of a new life, thus changing the darkness of his heart.

But, it seems after the death of Yondaime it is failed too, something he could use.

Sandaime sighed and thought: "Kakashi, don't let me down."

Kakashi who is practicing with his sword in his house, did not know the thoughts of Sandaime.

Right now Kakashi has a sense of urgency to increase Strength! In this World, strength is something really important.

He don't know how many times he have swung his sword, Kakashi is feeling numb and actually doing the slash subconscious.

Silver-haired teenager, both eyes, red and black, the left eye is even scarred, with a black mask on his face, and under the mask, he is constantly breathing heavily.

"Not enough! Not enough!" Kakashi roared.

Suddenly, there was a rush of heat in the left eye and Kakashi screamed and drop on the floor.


Kakashi did not expect that his Sharingan would react when practicing.

"It seems I need to seal the Sharingan as soon as possible." Kakashi breathed a sigh of relief. After the pain in his left eye disappeared, Kakashi stood up and put the white sword back into the scabbard and walked back to his room.

Kakashi sat quietly on the bed, constantly studying the four symbols seal in his mind. The complex and profound techniques are also unveiled under Kakashi constant research.

In the following week, Kakashi follow Guy's Taijutsu training during the day, practiced with his sword at night and studied the four symbols seal.

Not only he now completely adapted to his new body, but his sword skill has also grown a lot. More importantly, he almost completely understands the four symbols seal.

He understood it because of original Kakashi's Talent is really high.

Today Kakashi went out as usual, but at the moment of opening the door, an uninvited guest came.

"Hatake Kakashi, Hokage-sama has called you." The man wearing an animal mask said coldly.


After the anbu hearing this, with a flash he disappeared.

Kakashi sighed and knew that today there is no chance to a practice.

These days, practice has made Kakashi gradually fascinated by the feeling of increasing strength, especially the feeling of growing up stronger every day. That feeling is really fascinating.

Nowadays, it is the golden time of body growth. If he trains harder, he will get stronger.

Original Kakashi is doing too many missions, which makes him got no time to practice. Although he got a lot of experience about fighting and stealth, his strength has not made much progress.

Now Kakashi is naturally taking the time to improve his Strength.

Because of Sandaime calling for him, even if there is no problem, he is afraid that after meeting Sandaime , his practice time with Guy will be over.

Konoha experienced Kyuubi's attack, not only Yondaime is dead, even a lot of ordinary shinobi also died, the injured shinobi is even more numerous.

So, there must be a lot of mission pilling up.

Because Sandaime has only called him now, Kakashi felt a little surprised.

It stands to reason that the day after the funeral, he should be sent out to execute mission, but he did not expect it to drag for a week.

However, although Kakashi could not understand this, he was glad.

If he was sent out to execute mission at the time, he is afraid that he will have trouble completing it.

Now with Guy's help, Kakashi has mastered all the original body Ability. Even if he needs to complete the mission, he won't have any trouble.

After a few moments, Kakashi appeared in the office of the Hokage.

"Hokage-sama." Kakashi said respectfully.

"Oh Kakashi, you have arrived." Sandaime said kindly.

"Okay Kakashi, although I know that you are busy practicing recently, but the village is in need of manpower, so I can only trouble you to do a mission." Sandaime said with a slight apology.

"It's okay Hokage-sama, this is the duty of Shinobi. Can you let me know what kind of mission?" Kakashi asked with a hint of curiosity.

After all, this is his first mission after coming to this World, and he still has some small expectations.

Sandaime handed a Scroll to Kakashi and said, "This is A-rank mission. The content is written on the Scroll. When you are ready, you should go today."

"I understand." Kakashi said and took Scroll.

Sandaime looks at Kakashi's back, no one know what he is thinking about.

Kakashi took the Scroll and didn't go home immediately. Instead, he goes to Guy's home. At this time, Guy was still at the door. Seeing Kakashi came, he greeted enthusiastically. "Kakashi, today you are late, you are slacking even in this youth."

"Sorry Guy, but just now Hokage-sama gave me a mission so we can't practice together during this time." Kakashi said with apologetic face.

Guy is a bit disappointed. After all, it's better to practice with Kakashi than to practice alone. Practicing together is making them stronger faster.

Even so, Guy said with enthusiasm: "Ah, its okay Kakashi, the mission that Hokage-sama has personally gave you must be a difficult mission. I have to work hard too, now I need to first run 100 times around Konoha."

Kakashi faintly smile when sees Guy running to train harder. The friendship between men, sometimes he does not need to say too much.

Kakashi returned to his home, packed up his thing and then left Konoha.

Not far from outside of Konoha, Kakashi took the mission scroll out and looked at its content. Kakashi couldn't help but frowned. "The land of snow? It is troublesome, that place is not safe. So am I supposed to perform the flash back the snow princess movie."

Kakashi puts aside the Scroll and use a small Katon to burn it.

After reading mission scroll, it's important to destroy it. This is shinobi's secret style and one of the basic rules.

The mission at the land of snow is not difficult. The daimyo there found out that some people had tried to rebel, so he asked Konoha for help. But he did not ask to fight against these rebel, instead to send his daughter from his country.

But this Mission is defined as A-rank Mission, which is naturally not as simple as that.

When missions anticipated involving combat with other shinobi, it will be defined as a B-rank Mission. But now, an A-rank mission will be a lot harder. And his memory is correct, then doto and his men will try their best to stop him.

Although the land of snow does not have a strong shinobi village, but there are some snow shinobi, they can be called strong too.

The three people in the original Naruto movie are the best snow country shinobi.

Although their Chakra is not very good, their strength is still very strong.

Especially their leader, Nadare Rōga.

In the original work, according to the description of the Nadare Rōga, Kakashi was defeated by them, and fled with the princess to escape from land of snow.

It can be seen that original Kakashi is not their opponent at that time.

"What to do, if this Mission can't be completed, I am afraid Konoha's image will become even worse." Kakashi was helpless at the moment, he just reborn for a week now and he has experience this kind of fierce battle? This mission is really hard.

Now even if you want to find someone to practice with, it is too late. This Mission has time limit. The land of snow is not close, and he will need to take four days to arrive there.

"Forget it, I can only think about it as I go. The original Kakashi can go back alive, I don't believe that I can't."

Four days later, Kakashi finally reached the border of the land of snow.

The land of snow is a small country, and it is snowing all year round, so it is called the land of snow.

People here can't see sunlight for almost a year, and some places are just plain white.

Kakashi wrapped thin clothes, after all, it was only in October, so Kakashi didn't wear much.

Kakashi was wearing his Anbu clothes before but now he need to change it so no one can identify him.

After he wear ordinary civilian person clothing, Kakashi walked into the land of snow.

According to intelligence, the daimyo of the land of snow have found out his younger brother intentions, and a coup will be launched in the near future.

The land of snow right now is still calm, and there is no sign of coup.

So it seems that I still have a chance.

Kakashi then go to an Inn.

Late at night, Kakashi wore a black clothed and secretly sneaked into the daimyo's mansion.

The daimyo's mansion is very large, and Kakashi has spent a lot of effort to finally find the daimyo.

Kakashi took out the portrait and confirmed that the person in front of him was this country's daimyo.

Kakashi appeared in front of the daimyo.

Daimyo seeing Kakashi then asked cautiously, "Who are you?"

"It's okay, I am Shinobi of Konoha."At this time, Kakashi is wearing his anbu mask, answered with his cold tone without any emotions.

The daimyo sighed in relief, it's a good thing for the shinobi of Konoha to arrive now.

"You are finally here, take my daughter with you. I hope that you can take her away from the land of snow and send it to a man named Mifune in the land of craftman Please."

Kakashi nodded then said: "Where is your daughter?"

"Please follow me."

Passing through some corridor, Kakashi is being led to the room of Koyuki Kazahana.

"Koyuki, have you slept?"

"Ah Father, I hasn't slept yet, is there anything you need?" Koyuki looks very happy, maybe because her father is coming over.

"Haha, so you haven't. Father is a bit busy recently, so I may not be able to take care of you. So I sent someone to send you to Mifune-san in the land of iron to play. How about it?" The daimyo said with a smile.

Koyuki frown and said: "Father, I don't want to go to the land of craftman, I want to be with you. I will try to not disturb you from your work."

"This…" The daimyo are feeling helpless. If it is not because of the coup, he does not want his daughter to leave.

But this time, he didn't have any other choice. His younger brother left the land of snow for several years. But now he suddenly came back and learned a strange Ninjutsu. After that he seems to try to rebel.

The only thing that can be done is sending her daughter away from here.

As for why not look for shinobi to fight against the rebel?

The reason is very simple. Shinobi has regulations that must not participate in political struggles in other countries.

Right now it looks like political struggles between brothers.

Konoha can't intervene either, or it will cause opposition from other ninja villages.

If it was the former strong Konoha, these are naturally minor problems, but today Konoha is not as strong as before, especially since dead of Yondaime Hokage, Konoha right now is in weak period.

"Koyuki, you need to listen to me. When you come back, father will accompany you to have fun?"

"Can I play anything?" Koyuki look with her big round eyes.

"Yeah, as long as you listen to me. I remembered you saying you want to be an actor right? Father will support you." Daimyo said with a smile.

"Really? Father is the best."

"Not good!" Kakashi suddenly felt alert, someone came over, and it was an Expert.

"What's wrong?" Fenghua said.

"Daimyo-sama, someone came over, and it is an Expert with killing intent!"

Daimyo complexion changed and said: "You need to go with Koyuki now."

Turning his head and taking out a necklace from his pocket, he hung it on the neck of Koyuki and said: "Koyuki, this is hexagonal crystal, you need to wear it everytime."

Although Koyuki is young, but she also noticed something wrong at this time: "Father, what happened? What happened?"

"Don't ask, go."

Daimyo said that as he looks at Kakashi.

Kakashi understood his intent, and then he grabs Koyuki, and flies away from the room.

Daimyo then a sigh of relief and revealed a smile. He said: "Koyuki is fine. Now let's see what you want to do, my younger brother, Haha."

Daimyo then slowly walked out of the door, when Dotō Kazahana comes over.

"Oh Doto? Why are you here so late? Still not sleeping, what are you going to do?" Daimyo seem to know nothing, laughing and said to Doto.

"Haha, big brother, what am I going to do, you still don't know?" Doto smirk as if everything was in control.

"Well, big brother, you are the daimyo for a long time, your acting skills are getting more and more exquisite. I really admire you."

"Haha... It's okay. If there is nothing else, I need to go."

"Big brother, you don't need to fool me. Just give me the land of snow's treasure and I can assure you to be safe. If not, even your daughter is in danger."

Daimyo frown and said: "Doto, I told you earlier, there is no treasure in the land of snow, why don't you believe that Koyuki is innocent, why should you involve her."

"Hahaha, why? From when we are small, you can get whatever you want, and I can only take what you have left. Why? Why? Because you were born a few years earlier than me? I am not willing! I leave the land of snow, learning Ninjutsu, suffering from hardships, just to come back and to get back what I deserve!"

"Doto, you!"

"Big brother, my dear big brother, you have no allies now. All these ministers have been loyal to me these days. You have nothing now."

"Oh, so I really am a failure. No one's loyal to me now."

"In the face of death, they don't have too many choices."

"Haha, okay then, are you here to take my life?" The daimyo said with a sad smile.

"Hand over the hexagonal crystal!"

The daimyo, said: "Hexagonal crystal? What do you want to do with hexagonal crystal?"

"Of course it is the treasure of the land of snow."

"I do not understand what you are saying."

"Hey, it seems that you are playing dumb now. I should go now to find Koyuki" Doto said with anger.

"What do you want to do with Koyuki?"

"Nothing, you can die now. For that Konoha's shinobi. I have already let Nadare Rōga to go to him. Do you think he can escape? Hahaha."

"You!" Before he can say anything else, he felt blood from his neck.

"Goodbye big brother." Doto said as he killed his own brother.

At this moment, Kakashi ran wildly within the snow, and didn't stop even for a moment because Kakashi felt that someone was following him, and that his Strength was extremely strong. He afraid that he won't be able to defeat the one that following him.

"Damn, this is not good. Right I am carrying a person, my speed is slowed down and sooner or later I will be caught up. It seems there's only one way left."

"Kage bunshin no jutsu!"

In an instant, another identical Kakashi appeared aside.

Kakashi gave instruction to the clone and then the clone left him by bringing Koyuki away.

The clone then vanished after moving a little far away.

Kakashi right now is thinking about the countermeasures in his mind.

As for why not let the clone stay, because Kakashi is not good at this kind of Ninjutsu. The clone doesn't have much power, and it is only good for confusing the enemy. For a fight, it is just a waste of Chakra.

After a while, Nadare Rōga has appeared in front of Kakashi.

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