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35.71% Messing With Canon With A Shop…Wait What!? / Chapter 5: Gacha Is My Lifeline!?

Capítulo 5: Gacha Is My Lifeline!?

More! More profit! Whats the number one mobile type that gains money in droves? Why gacha games of course! Dragon ball legends, duel links, fate/grand order! Though I decided to use a method that can influence the story depending on the rng. Read to find out~


The first thing Cobalt did was hold back a scream of everything. Excitement, confusion, horror you name it. By eating ice cream you can get Napoleons Noble Phantasm. A Noble Phantasm! Not only that but his skill Imperial Privilege. Fucking Imperial Privilege!

What it does is, by the insistence of the owner, all skill no matter how impossible it seems will be able to achieve the skill in a short amount of time. Any skill within it's limitations. From Izuku Midoriya gaining properties of other quirks, to Subaru gaining any skill he wants from Reinhard. He doubt it can copy divine protections but the skills given to Reinhard is another story. Swordsmanship, gun slinging, cooking, driving! Any skill from the most mundane to as high as a B rank can get you.

He can also eat it too! For a total of $15 you can potentially get a weapon of great destruction or a skill that grants you others as long as you want them. Though the chances to get the others are more likely.

Light of possibility grants the owner to appear as the embodiment of expectations and possibilities. To anyone who is a enemy will see a rainbow appear when facing the owner of this skill.

Meanwhile Napoleons Firepower support(cannon) is as what it sounds like. Grants the owner B rank scaling cannon attacks. Interestingly enough, this skill doesn't just apply to basic cannons or just Napoleons. It will change depending on what form of cannon you use as long as it's considered a cannon. So let's say a certain police girl with a infatuation for cannons uses a howitzer. The skill will grant her a B rank scaling attack in a form that best suits her and the howitzer. In fate it's a attack that can do some damage. Outside of fate Cobalt doubts anyone will come out unscathed unless your a planet buster.

All in all, the worse is technically Light of Possibility but it can be great for those trying to inspire others.

He grinned and put the ice cream back and went to his post behind the counter. He had received a ticket of some kind, hoping for more free stu-.

"Whoa! It's some kind of store! A store in another world!"

"Yuzu come back here!"

The owner blinked. A small girl, maybe 10 or 11 years old, came in the shop with practical stars in her eyes. Soon followed a girl about the same height and maybe same age reaching out to grab the girl. Sisters maybe? One had brown hair the other black. Wait…don't these two look familiar?

"Girls don't run off like that! It can be dangerous here. We gotta go back." Thats when a tall guy came into the shop. Oh fuck. Oh no. This is not good.

Orange hair. Two younger sisters maybe? Looks like a delinquent? Always got that glare in his eye?

No doubt about it…

It's was mother fucking Kurosaki 'one of everything' Ichigo. The literal mutt of bleach and I'm not saying that as a insult. He's literally every race in Bleach. Human, Quincy, Shinigami, Hollow, Fullbringer. You name it and somehow he had a connection to it.

And from what he looks like, it's pre canon Ichigo. A Ichigo…that's still being monitored by fucking Aizen!!

Cobalt face froze and his eyes dulled. Fear crepted up like a snake, wrapping around his body, bearing its fangs at his throat. "H-hey! W-welcome to the Shooting Star! A shop of another world!" He barley squeezed out without stuttering. Yuzu squealed in excitement. "I knew it! It's a isekai! Isekai is real Karin!" Karin stared dumbly at Cobalt and shakily turned to her sister.

"You got to be kidding me. No way! I don't believe it! I need more evidence!" She gripped her hair and shoot her head in denial. Ichigo was slackjawed. When they entered the light chasing Yuzu, they were met with a field of grass and hills. The air was clean and warm carrying the scent of wet nature like morning dew. The sky was bright with stars somehow still shining through and colors you see in pictures of space remained.

"Y-your kidding me? So that door I found…let us to another world?"

"Door? Huh same way as Mitsuri." Cobalt muttered, still shakened by the potential of having one of the best anime villains on his ass. He can ban him sure but it's still Aizen! You don't want a Aizen knowing you exist especially when you are a shop keeper that can lead to other worlds!

No! Focus! He got customers to attend too! He can think about Aizen later, it's time for money! He took a deep breath to calm his nerves and gave them the best smile he can muster. "Yes this is indeed another world. The purpose of this world is this very store your in, The shooting Star. Here I sell many unique things from snacks that can improve your performance to future products such as clothes, weapons and abilities." Yuzu wildly grinned and started looking at my wears. Karin was still having a crisis over the fact they may or may not be in another world.

Ichigo face plamed. "Why can't I have a normal life? Why a store too? I'll bite. So what's so special about these snacks. Is that all your selling?" He picked up a chocolate bar and doesn't see anything special.

"All sweets at the front counter can grant you [Minor Regeneration] and a small boost in your physical performance. All at the prices you find at a normal store." Ichigo sweatdropped. It can heal you? All these sweets can? He hummed before glancing at the other stuff when he spotted a freezer. "You got ice scream too? What can these do?"

He flinched when Cobalt grew a massive grin. "These are a recent addition. Ones I'm quite happy for." Yuzu and Karin stood next to their brother as Cobalt picked out two items form the freezer. One was a tub of vanilla ice cream and another was a weird popsicle.

"First is the tubs of ice cream. I only have three of the basic flavors but it has a nifty ability. If you eat each tub in the right order, without consuming anything in between tubs, you gain a unique ability based on Napoleon of a special universe."

"Huh? Napoleon? The French general? Why would I want a ability from him?"

"Ah, didn't you hear? Napoleon of a special universe. The Nasuverse." When Cobalt uttered a name, everyone felt a small pressure wash over them. The girls shivered thinking it was a breeze but Ichigo body went rigged. That name…it held weight. His instincts he honed battling thugs and delinquents shudder. Unknowingly, deep inside him something stirred a little.

Yuzu hummed. "I never heard of such a thing? What's so different about it that you would want to get powers from Napoleon?" She didn't know much about Napoleon only that he was a important guy from back then. Karin scoffed. "I still don't believe this hog wash. What supposed skills can you get from him."

The shopkeeper simply grinned and went to his computer and clicked on it. After a minute he turned the monitor to them. "These are the abilities you can gain from Napoleon of that universe."

Ichigo and Karins eyes nearly popped out their skulls while Yuzu oohed in awe. "I can get Napoleons cannon? Thats so cool! Hey Ichigo! Should we try it out?"

"W-what!? Forget about the cannon look at Imperial Privilege! Any skill you want as long as you want it! That much better then a cannon! Where would you get the ammo in the first place!?" Karin argued. Yuzu bumped a fist into her hand. "Oh your right!"

Ichigo deadpanned at her sister before growing serious. Should he really trust this guy? It's to much gain for the customer than the shopkeeper. Cobalt turned his screen back to him. "You don't have to decide now if you want to gamble for it. Lets move on to the next item. One I find much more appealing."

He pointed at the popsicle, on the wrapper it said 'sea salt ice cream.' Yuzu being opened mind commented first. "I wouldn't mind trying that. Sweet and salty sounds interesting." Karin shook her head. "I don't know about that but what's the catch? Don't tell me more skills from historical figures."

"Ah no not really but it has two special effects. For a one percent chance you can gain the ability to wield magic."





"WHAT!?" All three screamed. Ichigo and karin in disbelief while Yuzu scream excitedly. While clapping her hands. Ichigo was losing his mind! Another world but it's a shop that grants people bullshit powers and now can give you magic in the form of ice cream!? This is starting to get too ridiculous!

Cobalt was gonna mention Keyblade but he'll keep that tibbit a secret for now. Also not to go into a tangent on it. Besides Ichigo will be getting a weapon in the future.

Karin groaned before reaching into her pocket and pulled out…nothing. "Shoot. I left my allowance at home. Ichigo you got money? I want to give this a try…for evidence of course!" Ichigo glanced nervously at ice cream but he did want to see if it's true. Sure it's 1% but wouldn't hurt to try. Besides he was curious about the flavor. Ah wait a minute.

"I saw the poster outside. You set prices with American money right? 1 dollar is about 160 yen? You have change for a thousand?" He pulled out his wallet only when he felt his shirt being tugged. Yuzu had a single 1000 yen note, handing it to him. She had her allowance with her. "Lets buy three and come back when we have enough to buy three tubs of ice cream for each of us." Karin nodded and promised to give Ichigo her allowance. He sighed and didn't bother refuting knowing how stubborn the two were. Worse when backing eachother up.

Ichigo handed Cobalt 3000 yen and went to get two more sea salt ice cream while putting away the tub that was on the counter. Cobalt grabbed the yen and it disappeared in particles when he put it under the counter. "Money here works differently. Change comes in form of store credit that can be use to buy anything despite its pricing for a single credit. Since you bought three items you get three store credit. Your change would be $3.90 so it converts to store credit. A dollar per credit, rounds up the cents if it's 51 and above. You you now have 7 credit."

Ichigo grimaced as he would prefer money back but with the store credit he can get more stuff he guesses. Yuzu cheered and grabbed her popsicle and handed Karin hers. "Make sure to eat it all or you won't get any effects." Thanks to Mitsuri and Iguro he concluded, you have to eat the entire item for the effects to activate. So you can't just take a bite and save the rest for later, a good way for people to come back and refill often.

Before they can try it out Ichigo remembered back in there world it was night. "Hold on what time is it?" Cobalt checked and its 9:50 am. "Oh thats right. You see the shop open and closes between 9:00 am to 9:00 pm. Thanks to other customers I determine that out times will eventually line up like theirs did. When you go back the door will connect directly to the store and time." Mitsuri one day found how convenient it was that despite being two different world, it was lined up in time, but Mitsuri came in during the afternoon and it was morning when the shop opened for the first time. The next day she came with Iguro it was suddenly the same time in both worlds.

Ichigo nodded and motioned his sisters to go home. "Oh before you all leave. As customers to the Shooting Star you all get these watches." He pulled out three watches in there metal stick state. "Place them around your wrist and then you can be alerted when the shop opens or any future events and deals I'll hold. It also tells the date and time and changes colors by telling it too."

Karin and Ichigo weren't keen on accepting but Yuzu grabbed them and bowing. "Thank you shopkeeper-san. We're grateful for your gift. Right guys." A hidden edge can be heard, causing the two sibling to nervously nod. Yuzu always kept a standard of politeness in the house and she'll make sure it stays even in another world!

With that the Kurosakis headed home. Ichigo instructed the two to eat their ice cream tomorrow and hide it in the freezer from dads sight. Yuzu was gonna argue but Karin agreed. "You don't want to wake up with a tummy ache Yuzu. Let's just eat it tomorrow. Just make sure dad doesn't eat it." Yuzu nodded determinedly. Magic was at stake! She can't let her dreams of being in a iekai be eaten from her!

"Oi vey. Finally this weird day can end." They appeared back in Ichigo room, the door shutting closed behind them. Yuzu and Karin headed to the kitchen to hide the ice cream, Yuzu leaving a watch stick for him on the bed.

"Well…I guess it wouldn't hurt to try it now. I'll need to save up if I want to buy more." Taking it out the wrapper, the baby blue popsicle seamed to sparkle but that could of been the lighting from it being lightly melted.

He gave it a lick and flinched. "Thats really salty! Eesh and people eat this?" He spend about three minutes eating the popsicle down to the stick. It wasn't as bad as he thought, though it can tone down the salt a bit.


Author: So I used a number generator for both magic and the Keyblade. 1-100 for magic and 1-4009. The Keyblade is based off the shiny pokemon odds in X and Y reduced by 87. I did this for all three characters. You'll be really surprised by what came out of it.


The watch stick blinked. He picked it up and the holographic screen appeared to his tired surprise. The usual effects has activated…. "Guess I'm just not lucky. These other effects aren't useful either. Though those odds are unbelievably small. Wonder if there's a way to increase them."

As he got ready for bed, Yuzu and Karin were in their rooms holding popsicle sticks. They couldn't help it! They were just too curious! Yuzu check her stick and wilted. "Awww. I didn't get it. I guess it fine. I should ask dad money to buy the three ice cream! Oh but can my stomach handle all three?"

Karin sighed disappointedly. "Damn no luck. And these other effects aren't useful. I gotta try that Napoleon Blessing, at least I get something out of it."

Soon they all went too bed unknowingly that tomorrow be the start of events around Ichigo.

Back to Cobalt he was going through the market to find out what to use his ticket on. The ticket part of the market feature in the computer. It will pick out three items out of a pool for tickets only and he gets to pick one. From claw machines to a roulette table, he can get something useful for now or something he can't promote for a while.

Clapping his hands together he bowed his head…

And prayed for something to make him more money!

Selfish he knows but he needs all the help he can get!

He tore the ticket, they turned into motes of light, when he got three options appear on the screen.

A pinball machine.

A recycler.

A capsule…wait…that's a Gachapon!

Holy shit his prayers has been answered! Gachapon originally were founded in Japan in 1960s for both children and adults. With the shop giving everything a form of effect he can only imagine what can come out of it!

He clicked yes to the Gachapon, a big white machine me materialized by the door. It was as tall as him and displayed instructions on how to use.

Get Ready to Gacha!!!!!

Using five Store Credit, you can roll for a capsule! From money to pets you can get it all! The rates are:

5% legendary!

10% epic!

30% rare!

55% common!

Also keep a eye out for the diamond ball! The rarest pull you can get! What it gives you…IS A SURPRISE!! Isn't that exciting? Don't be shy! Gacha it up!

Note that you can sell things you don't want for more credits!! But only rare and epic.

"So it doesn't take money? But credits? Do I get a employee discount I don't got spending money!" Cobalt grumbled when his computer dinged.

A message from unknown. Great. Just what he needed.


You are quite lucky to pull the Gachapon. Not only is it your best money maker but the best way to attract customers. Never underestimate a gamblers determination. Now you have been struggling it's seems to earn profit. Thats mostly to due with two factors. Your customers aren't rich and your product is cheap. So everyday you can have three free pulls from Gachapon. See it as a employee/owner benefit. You can sell stuff you get but like it said only rare and epic. You can sell commons and legendary only to customers. Good luck~

Heavens rays shine upon Cobalt! He can feel his luck turning around! Tears welled up in his eyes as he now had a better chance of hitting his own quota!

Rushing to the machine he slid to his knees kneeling to the great and magnificent machine. "Oh great Gachapon! Let down your gifts to this poor owner down in his luck! I swear to take good care of you and make sure your tip top shape everyday!"

You ever seen a grown man pray to a machine with cult like worship? Now you have!

Cobalt grabbed the twister and turned it to the right. Gachapon rumbled and did a little jingle as if he was spinning a lottery wheel when it spat out…grey capsule.

"Ah. M-maybe the next won't be so bad!"

He rolled the machine once more…a grey capsule.

"Dude…what the fuck. Not even rares!"

With no hope he rolled it again expecting another grey…a blue one came out. Finally! It wasn't common but it's something he can potentially sell!

"It doesn't really explain what's consider the rarity's so hopefully it's generous." Cobalt twisted a grey capsule and it release a bunch of smoke. The smoke twisted and turned, morphing into a shape that grew smaller until it turned solid.

"A fucking skull?" In his hand was a skull with no jaw and a weird smoky game coming out of its forward. Information filled his head

Madman's Knowledge

Crush in your hand to-

I rushed to my room and into my closet and threw in into a corner and shutting it close. "Hell no. Nope. Nuh uh. Not even gonna pretend it exists." Lovecraft is not something he ever wants to even think about. Moving on!

"Maybe something that won't get me killed?" He grabbed the next capsule and opened it, the smoked twisting and morphing into…

"Isn't this a mana crystal from terraria?" A fist size blue star rest on his hand. A item that can grant 20 points if mana in the game. Crushing it in his hand he felt something pouring into his body and slightly more energetic. Checking his watch he was grinned.

Mana Crystal

Grants minuscule amount of Magic. Creates a mana container in a body on first use if body has no magic. Can be used 9 times. 1/9

His body formed a magic container though small. He doesn't have any magic spells to use nor can he use the basic fire ball. He would have to get a magic weapon form early terraria like the spark wand to use such little magic. Though this does grant him the opportunity to learn utility spells! Once he unlocks them of course.

"Not bad. Not bad at all. Now for the rare." Grabbing the blue capsule, he twisted it without any fanfare. Smoke wrapped around his hand, forming into…a crystal ball? The ball was a deep bluish purple and gave off soft glow. When the information came in he nearly had a heart attack!

Skill: Dragon Rage

A fixed skill commonly found in Dragon type pokemon or Pokemon draconic in nature. Cannot grow stronger. Usage depends on user.

Locks a user type slot: Dragon

Requirement: A strong sense of pride of one self above all else.

"A pokemon move? Type slot!? Isn't this overpowered!?" Cobalt went to crush the orb…it didn't work. "Huh?" A blink of of his watch caught his attention.

Cannot gain Dragon Rage

Does not meet requirements

"Oh come on! When can I become the overpowered one! I have pride…in money but that doesn't mean I'm not prideful of myself! Sigh. Guess I'll have to sell it. I haven't met anyone who's prideful of themselves. Mitsuri cares more about others, Iguro care mostly for Mitsuri. Ichigo later on maybe. How much can I sell it now?"

When he went to the computer the market app had a new tab for selling. Clicking on it, he only had the skill as the only option. "Only $500!? It's a Pokemon skill! One of the best early game ones at that." He scratched his hair, not knowing to sell it or save it for a future customer. He is short on money but it's not even been half of the first month.

"Maybe I'll sell-."


"Relax. This gotta be all synthetic. Shit can grow around the city remember? Besides we went through a random door at the base it could be a trap."

"Eh it's fine! You know I always stay strapped."

"Fine just be careful. I can't connect to any network. Something must be blocking it."

"Well only place I see is this weird store. Come on choom! Let's see what's up!"

Cobalt heard two voices outside. They were practically standing in front of the shop when he saw through the glass. "Who the hell are these two? Sheesh another world I don't know?"

Hopefully they are friendly.


If you know you know. Though from the way they talk it's obvious. Gacha has been a staple in many games form mobile to even console games. All in the name of RNG.

As for the Keyblade yes someone will get it…eventually…hopefully but it can happen with what I got planned!

Welp that's all and hope this story is as enjoyable as writing it for others.

Have a good day~

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