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He’s mixed

Xu Chenyao still headed to the grocery store, she didn't have any groceries and she preferred home cooked food to ordering takeouts.

"I need to make another list of what I need right now.." she paused and made a mental note.

"Wok, large skillet, dumpling wrappers, firm tofu, vegetables, ground pork and chicken, eggs, soy sauce, cooking oil, rice, a spatula, steamer pot with steaming baskets and strainers."

She thought over it before entering the grocery store, her eyes widened immediately falling in love with the ambience.

"This is a nice store.."

And it was close by so she could drop by anytime, she saw in the sign they stayed until 10pm.

She grabbed a trolley and moved to the produce sections, 2 packs of grounded pork and chicken should be enough for her and she could get the eggs there as well.

"Maybe I should get some snacks as well, perhaps some Cheetos, Doritos, Oreos, a pack of coke and soju would do.."

She looked at her phone, it was already 7:15pm and she hadn't even bought anything yet.

Still on her phone, she bumped into a hard wall, which sent her crashing to the ground.

She braced herself for impact but it never came, slowly raising her eyes Xu Chenyao saw a devilishly handsome man in a blue colored yakuta robe, she looked down and saw him holding her hand.


Xu Chenyao apologized as she gained her footing, this was the second person she had bumped to today and he was even more handsome.



Xu Chenyao blinked mesmerized by how magnetic his voice was, it played in her ears over and over again like a sweet melody.

"Are you okay?" He asked again but his tone had changed this time.

"Oh, I'm fine thank you for catching me.."

Xu Chenyao noticed he had dropped a piece of paper and reached down to grab it.

"Angelica roots?"murmuring, Xu Chenyao shook her head as she stood up, if he was looking for these roots he won't see them in this grocery store.

"Excuse me sir, if you're looking for these herbs you won't find them here.."

The man looked down finally taking a good look at Xu Chenyao, she was gorgeous and maybe he was from country G, he loved the way she dressed.

"You can head to Tang district, there's a big herbal shop there you'll find whatever you're looking for there.."

The man nodded as he collected the paper and walked away.

Xu Chenyao pursed her lips, not even a thank you not that it mattered since he had also saved her from a crashing down.

Her eyes sparkled, he had the loveliest of features, she could tell he was mixed and that added a lot to his charm.

Dragging the trolly along with her, she headed to the produce section, she scrolled through the different brand of grounded beef, finding the one that suited her best.


Xu Chenyao raised her head to find the same man she had bumped into earlier behind her.

"Can I help you?"

"How do I get to Tang district?"

Xu Chenyao blinked, was this some kind of ploy to get her attention or was he actually being serious.

"You ask the'll take you."

"I'm not good with directions.." cutting her off and making Xu Chenyao frown. What did he want her to do then, it wasn't her problem if he wasn't good with directions.

"Too bad then.."

Xu Chenyao turned to focus on selecting a nice pack of ground beef when the man spoke up.

"Help me, if it's money you want I'll pay you but it's urgent I get this herb.."

Xu Chenyao ears tingled, his tone had changed completely, it still sounded like a melody to her ears but it's was cold and laced with annoyance.

Had he been pretending all this while?

"Do you have someone who is sick?"

Xu Chenyao decided to take it seriously since she was a doctor, no healthy person would buy these kinds of herbs.

"Will you help me?"

His tone was cold, his expression was cold but he still remained polite to her.

"I don't might turn to a kidnapper or a serial killer the moment I enter your car.."

The man expression darkened, was she making a mockery of him when he had politely asked for her help?

"I'm a man with principles and i don't like that you harbor these thoughts about me. No serial killer or kidnapper could look this good.."


He's narcissistic too!

The man hissed lowly, he had changed his mind he would just get the name of the shop and take a taxi there.

"Tell me your name at least.."

"Renji Lu.."

Xu Chenyao stared at Renji for a while before sighing, she guessed she was ordering takeouts tonight.


Renji nodded as he stared at the empty trolley, he shouldn't be the one to stop her from getting her groceries.

"Please continue with your shopping, I can wait.."

Xu Chenyao shook her head, the herbal store closed at 8:30pm and it was already 7:30pm, she would need at least 25 minutes more time to shop, and then the drive was about 25 minutes plus and minus the stops for traffic.

"Shops closes at 8:30pm we won't be able to make it if I continue shopping.."

Renji sighed, he really needed those herbs but he also didn't want to be of inconvenience to her.

"How about I take you out for dinner after we get the herbs.."

Xu Chenyao blinked, did this handsome man just asked her out for dinner, he had already gained so much handsome points and was ranking #1 in her list.

"You don't have to do that.." she politely rejected, she only wore this outfit when she had to see a patient, she didn't want to be seen everywhere with this yakuta.

"Alright I'm on a time limit so can we get moving?.."

Xu Chenyao nodded and moved, was he always this bossy or was he a pregnant woman with mood swings.

He switched from being polite to bossy within seconds.

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