In the new setting, players take on the role of a creature called a "Fairy," tasked with finding Magical Girls in a fictional city and, through collection and development, assembling their own Magical Girl team.
The game added some management and strategy gameplay and optimized and improved the original turn-based combat, making a game that was previously not much fun finally become enjoyable.
But this still wasn't enough to make "Magical Girl Squad" a hit game.
There are many high-quality games out there, and stunning art or interesting gameplay doesn't guarantee a game will become a smashing success. Moreover, "Magical Girl Squad" was made by a small company, had been operated for a long time with hardly any buzz, and even a version update didn't bring in many new players.
What really made this game take off was a post on social media, consisting of just a few words:
——"Is this really me?"
Accompanying the post was a picture of the in-game Magical Girl development interface.