Tang Shu put down her phone and threw herself back into the work of revising the design diagrams.
Wen Nuan, who was messing with a few components behind her, saw that she had finished her call and lifted her head.
"Was that a call from your agent?"
"Yeah, it's quite funny, isn't it?"
"You're really something, you know. I saw the news online too, and I must say, it's truly spectacular."
Hearing Wen Nuan's comment, Tang Shu was surprised and turned to look at her for a moment.
"A researcher like you follows entertainment gossip? You seem quite busy all day long."
Although she only came here once a week, judging both by the irregular schedules of everyone in the lab and by the progress of the project, it was no easy job.
That she still had time for gossip despite such a challenging project was amazing.
Wen Nuan laughed, setting down the model that had taken shape in her hands, "Do I look like a bookworm to you?"
"Not in the least."
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