Everything seemed harmonious to no end, yet there always lingered a sense of discord.
Director Xie, the main force behind the film, pursed his lips, squinting slightly as he focused on the screen.
"Her presence is too strong."
As the female assassin, Tang Shu was dressed in black, which in theory should have been the least eye-catching among the many bright costumes. However, paired with her fair skin and striking features, it was hard for her not to attract attention.
More so... this actress seemed to naturally exude an intimidating aura.
Born to be a protagonist.
"Let's pause for a moment."
Director Xie had to make a halting gesture to everyone, his gaze falling on Tang Shu, who was in the corner.
"Tang Shu, come here for a moment."
The latter approached with confusion. After Director Xie played back the video three times, she realized the issue with her performance.
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