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"Alright, everyone, pay attention. This is the new transfer student from abroad, his name is Ro... R-Robert Lee? What a complicated name, anyway, try to help him with whatever he needs."

(NA: Remember that Asians have difficulty pronouncing the letter 'R')

In the middle of a classroom, the current teacher spoke while trying to get the students' attention.

Standing at the front of the classroom next to this teacher, Robert looked at all the students sitting at their desks.

Some were writing, others were chatting, while some seemed to be dozing off. However, the vast majority paid little attention to the teacher who was struggling to pronounce our protagonist's name.

Only a few students, especially some girls, seemed interested in his arrival, but the rest just glanced at him briefly before returning to their own affairs.

Nevertheless, for our protagonist, this was the least of his concerns as he was currently in the midst of a great harvest.

Ding, ding, ding

[New mission! As a form of reintegration into society, enroll in the same high school as Yu Ijin – status: completed, 10 additional points earned]

[Congratulations on meeting a main character: Sung Hyun-soo from 'Silent War', you've earned 1 additional point]

[Congratulations on meeting a main character: Cheo Gunner from 'Silent War', you've earned 1 additional point]

[Congratulations on meeting a main character: Lee David from 'Silent War', you've earned 1 additional point]

[Congratulations on meeting a main character: Sung Kyu from 'Silent War', you've earned 1 additional point]

[Congratulations on meeting a main character: Wang Darryl from 'Silent War', you've earned 1 additional point]

[Congratulations on meeting a main character: Min Sophie from 'Silent War', you've earned 1 additional point]

[Congratulations on meeting a main character: Song Anna from 'Silent War', you've earned 1 additional point]

[Congratulations on meeting a main character: Woo Mia from 'Silent War', you've earned 1 additional point]

[Congratulations on meeting a supporting character: Gong Eunice from 'Silent War', you've earned 1 additional point]

[Congratulations on meeting a supporting character: Young Jae from 'Silent War', you've earned 1 additional point]

"Holy shit... coming to this school was definitely a good idea,"

Robert thought to himself as he observed how many significant people he had met today and how many points he had earned.

In just one morning, he had accumulated 23 additional points!

"Alright, go sit at an empty desk, ask one of your classmates to help you with the book while you get yours."

"Understood, teacher."

Robert wasted no time and did as the elderly teacher instructed, not because he was a good student, but because he wanted to stop standing in front of everyone and make use of his additional points.

Surveying the classroom, he noticed several empty desks, so he chose the one farthest away, right next to the group where most of the protagonists of the story 'Silent War' were concentrated, especially the girl with yellow hair named Min Sophie.

Without delay, he approached and placed his briefcase on the side of his desk, sat down, and directed his gaze towards the blackboard, pretending to pay attention.

'System, I want the update to be able to see detailed information and statistics of the characters I meet'

Ding, ding, ding

[Request accepted! The system will update and be temporarily out of service for a few hours.]

Following the request, the holographic screen dimmed and displayed a loading bar with the word 'Updating' below it.

"It's better to update the system now since I sense things will get interesting in the future, and the information I can gather from different people will be crucial."

"Hey... new boy."

Suddenly, Robert felt someone whispering from the front, trying to get his attention.

Startled out of his thoughts, our protagonist turned to see who was calling him.

It turned out to be a girl with short purple hair named Gong Eunice, a secondary character from the story 'Silent War' according to the system, who was whispering to him.

Robert just smiled at the gestures the girl made, not wanting to engage in conversation. It's not that he wasn't interested in interacting with a woman, since during his time in the army barracks, he had indeed 'interacted' with several female officers and soldiers who were on military duty.

His current appearance, physique, and youth made him a target for several women, and he had enjoyed this benefit, just as he did in his previous life.

The issue was that right now, he didn't want to associate with a character who wouldn't benefit him, especially not a secondary character like a high school student.

The system's rating was there for a reason, not just for show—it must have had significance.

Although the system assigned 1 point whether he met a protagonist, a main character, or a secondary character, it might seem trivial to anyone else, but Robert knew it was entirely different.

Knowing whether someone was a protagonist, main character, or secondary character likely related to the types of interactions he needed to carry out different action plans.

For example, earlier today before arriving at school, if the mother and son he met at the coffee bar had been mere secondary characters, he wouldn't have paid them much attention and wouldn't have considered returning to that place.

Instead, something inside him told him he should interact with those two people again because something interesting could come out of it.

The same could be said of his current situation. If the person speaking to him were the boy named Hyun, or the other girls who were main characters in the story 'Silent War,' he wouldn't have any issues striking up a conversation.

This wasn't because he was discriminatory or anything of the sort; it was simply a selection of his targets.

The women he slept with in the army barracks weren't even characters in a story, but their interaction was solely for sex and nothing more, as they knew what they were there for.

Now, he couldn't do the same with this girl because things could get a little complicated, given the type of girl she seemed to be. No way did he want to get involved with a spoiled brat and endure her tantrums.

"Hey new guy, are you ignoring me?"

Eunice spoke again, now with a mischievous smile on her face as she looked over Robert's shoulder, trying to strike a seductive pose.

"Haha... she sure is persistent,"

Robert smiled again at the girl's actions, opting not to give her a concrete response. Deciding not to play along with Eunice, Robert turned to his left, completely ignoring her.

"Sorry to bother you, but could you lend me your math book?" Robert spoke to Min Sophie, the girl next to him. Like other girls, she had also shown some interest in our protagonist. However, it wasn't the romantic type of interest or anything like that.

Robert wanted to see if he could have a good conversation with her, but things didn't turn out as he expected. The blonde-haired girl didn't respond immediately; instead, she seemed a bit confused about how to react at the moment.

"Hmm? Did she not understand what I said?"

Robert wondered internally as he saw the girl appear somewhat anxious.

Suddenly, he felt someone glaring intensely from the side, so he discreetly glanced sideways.

He saw Gunner, the redhead boy who had a strong build for just a high school student, looking at him with disdain and a hint of hatred, yet assessing him at the same time.

"Oh... this is interesting... could this girl be his girlfriend or something?" Our protagonist didn't know what was going on between these two, but he found it amusing.

"I'm sorry if I was too direct, sorry for making you uncomfortable," Robert apologized with a smile and didn't press her further.

"N-No, I..."

Without paying further attention to the blonde girl who started stuttering, Robert pretended to look at the blackboard and see what the old teacher was writing


"Eunice was really persistent, huh? Thankfully, the teacher called her before the bell for break rang; otherwise, she'd be stuck to me like glue."

Robert walked through one of the school hallways, receiving curious looks from many students, his appearance and physique clearly standing out.

"But that group from 'Silent War' is a bit interesting... especially that guy named Gunner."

Our protagonist was walking towards the exit like all the other students at the institute, glancing curiously around at the high school's infrastructure while recalling everything about his first day at school.

While he pretended to pay attention in class after his brief interaction with the blonde girl, he analyzed all the people sitting in the classroom, especially the aforementioned group.

Starting with the protagonist named Hyun, who seemed like a fragile boy who didn't stand out physically or emotionally; he looked like he could break a couple of bones with any bad hit due to how skinny he was. However, according to the system, he was the protagonist, so he must have something interesting, just not externally apparent.

The only notable thing about this boy named Hyun was that his eyes showed great interest, almost as if it were admiration, directed towards the brown-haired girl named Woo Mia.

Woo Mia was a young and beautiful girl with a great body for her supposed age, so it wasn't surprising that she was the target of several boys, including the famished Hyun. However, she seemed to be in a dilemma, as her worried face indicated that something was bothering her. The fact that her gaze alternated between the girl named Eunice and the redhead named Gunner hinted that her anxiety had something to do with them.

Speaking of Cheo Gunner, the redhead, that boy was indeed something special. His physique was out of the norm for any civilian Robert had crossed paths with so far, exuding the typical aura of a school bully. Did he practice martial arts or some fighting style?

The blonde named Min Sophie, who seemed to be in some sort of relationship with the redhead, also had a pretty face and a good body, not as much as Mia's, but they were on par.

But what stood out most among all these girls was the black-haired Song Anna, who had boobs that surpassed those of all the other women involved. However, it seemed that she wasn't the smartest of them all, showing a bit of foolishness in her actions.

The rest of the boys, David, Darryl, and Kyu, who seemed to be Gunner's friends, completed the group, with nothing important to mention about them other than they were guys interested in talking about bets and sports topics.

However, one of them, the boy named David, glanced furtively and surreptitiously towards where Sophie was, with eyes clearly showing longing.

It seems Hyun was in love with Mia, but Mia wanted something with Gunner. The redhead, in turn, seemed to have something with Sophie, who was David's romantic target.

"Oh, youth, being in love with people who don't even realize it... I hope they don't come from a story about love triangles or any teenage drama shit."

Just as he was reaching the exit, he saw Ijin, who was standing near the school gate.

"Wow, you're really acting like a responsible older brother, huh," Robert approached and patted Ijin's shoulder.

"Isn't it obvious? An older brother should wait for his younger sister to go home," the fair-haired boy responded firmly.

Robert stood still as a metaphorical drop of sweat fell down his forehead. Ijin might be the most prodigious young man when it comes to using weapons and hand-to-hand combat, but his common sense and responses were a bit far from ideal.

And after living with him for over half a year, Robert had learned to understand him.

"Well, you're doing fine, I guess? Anyway, I'll head straight to my apartment. I think it's unnecessary for us to come together tomorrow since I know the way now."

"Well, I hope you don't get into trouble. I don't want you to mess up Lieutenant Kang's itinerary," Ijin said as he watched Robert walk away.

"Relax, buddy, I know what I'm doing. If anything, those words should be aimed at yourself, since you're the one who tends to screw things up," our protagonist replied in a comical tone as he continued walking casually.

Ding, ding, ding [System Update Completed! Version 2.0 now operational] [Congratulations! Hidden Mission Completed: System Update. You gain an additional 5 points]

Suddenly, the holographic screen appeared in front of Robert, displaying a new message, causing him to pause briefly before continuing his walk.

"Well! It's about time you showed up. I'm eager to learn more about the people around me," Robert smiled inwardly as various plans began to take shape in his mind, knowing that obtaining confidential information about different characters would tip the scales in his favor in any event.

And not just that, his smile now was because he had not only updated the system but also accumulated an additional 8 points! Three points remaining from this morning after updating the system, and 5 points now.

"Hmm, let's see, my stats are a bit unbalanced right now. The highest points are in [Strength], followed by [Agility]. [Intelligence] and [Perception] are equal, while my [Vitality] is abnormally high without me doing anything special to achieve it," Robert began analyzing his next course of action regarding his stats, carefully choosing his next plan.

He needed to invest his points wisely. While today had been a good day for collecting additional points, there was no guarantee it would be like this every day, even though he had a feeling that things would improve from now on.

"Should I spend the few points I have, or wait to earn more and balance my stats better? I think I'll wait a bit... I shouldn't rush and spend recklessly. The system update was necessary, and now I'm not in a hurry to become stronger, so I'll wait to accumulate a bit more."

In the end, he made the most sensible decision and didn't spend what he had.

And apparently, it was the wisest decision.

Ding, ding, ding [Congratulations! Hidden Mission Activated: Thrift Leads to Prosperity – By not rushing to spend what you have, a person can become very fortunate in the future. You gain an additional 5 points]

"Damn, I knew it!" Robert exclaimed mentally, a smile spreading across his face. "I knew there was a trick!"

Today, in the short time he had been using the system, he realized that the supposed missions and rewards had a hidden meaning, and understanding their operation was necessary to make the most of it.

"So you're not a broken system that gives out points like crazy as in those reincarnation stories, huh? You have your tricks," Robert murmured.

And as if in response to his thoughts, a new message appeared on the holographic screen.

Ding, ding, ding [New Mission! Keep Your Body in Shape! While you're a human in the process of becoming transcendent, attend a gym to stay fit. Reward – 5 additional points]

"Okay... maybe you do give out points sometimes," Robert smirked ironically as he shook his head. He felt a bit foolish for praising his system as if it were something well-crafted, only for it to immediately throw him a mission that easily rewarded points.

However, as he had already deduced, this wasn't as simple as it seemed.

He looked around, trying to orient himself. It was getting dark, and the streetlights had been on for a while. Similarly, commercial establishments had lit up their neon signs.

To top it off, there were several gyms open on this street. Which one to choose?

This time, nothing was striking about any of their entrances to guide him inside, so he would have to try them all to find something that caught his attention.

"Well, I guess I won't be getting home early today," Robert said with a slight smile as he headed towards the first gym to begin his search.


"My son on duty told me that everyone at the barracks is doing a lot more drills on simulations to prepare themselves for any event like last year's," commented a middle-aged woman in sportswear, using a towel to wipe off the sweat dripping down her face.

"Don't even tell me. My brother who works at Incheon Port told me that because of that event, there are new naval security policies," another woman dressed similarly replied with a sigh.

These two women were inside a large aerobics training room located in one of the areas of a modern and cozy gym, which was currently filled with many people.

Both men and women, more of the latter group than the former, were here to break a sweat.

Even though spring hadn't quite arrived yet, everyone was starting to attend different training centers to look fit regardless of the season or weather.

Gym fever was at its peak, and not even the sky falling could stop them.

And in the reception area of this place, a new person was proof of this as he was signing up for the first time.

"Well then, that would be all, young Lee. At 'Top Fitness,' we'll take care of your training," a beautiful woman with glasses and black hair tied back in a ponytail spoke with a smile.

"I hope so," Robert replied as he glanced around the place, as if inspecting it. "I think I'll adapt well to this place."

"Then," the voice of the beautiful woman came from beside him, catching the young man's attention. "What kind of training would you like to start with, Robert? It seems you're already in shape, so you must have a basic understanding of training, right?"

The young man watched as the woman smiled at him while walking alongside the reception desk to stand in front of him. With a delicate movement, she removed the jacket she was wearing, revealing her attire.

Or, rather, the almost non-existent clothes she was dressed in!

She only had a red jacket on over her, but taking it off revealed that she was wearing a black lace bodysuit that highlighted her tight breasts and round butt. Furthermore, on the lower part of her, some really tight black nylon stockings covered her well-toned legs.

In short, a sexy gym bomb.

Apparently it wasn't the woman's intention to just wear a thread-type ensemble dresser right now. However, if someone could read her mind they would know that she was just apparently.

Well, what she really wanted was to see how this sexy boy who had arrived at her gym reacted.

For Seon-Joo, the receptionist and manager of this place, maintaining a good figure was very important. She always enjoyed being admired by men who ate her eyes, making her feel very good.

And of course, the majority of women responded assertively to any sign of flattery they received.

And from time to time, she could enjoy herself a little more by satisfying her various 'needs' with the men who always sent her hints.

But upon seeing the youthful face of our protagonist and his well-toned body, a need to annoy him was born inside him, as if it were a predatory feeling born in the mind of a mature woman wanting to taste a tender fruit.

Robert, who realized all this just by observing the way the woman behaved, smiled softly while internally laughing out loud at such an action.

"It's true, I'm not new to this, but I wish that Noona could guide me in whatever I need. I will be delighted if she is the one who advises me"

The woman, who heard the intimate way he spoke to her, was curious to know how this handsome young man had not become nervous when he saw her.

Of course, she noticed how the young man's eyes ran over her from head to toe, but her reaction was the complete opposite of what she expected.

Even the most 'experienced' men still gulped when they saw her, but this guy just smiled softly as her deep gaze seemed to want to hypnotize her.

'Ohh... what an interesting little man'

Seon-Joo thought to herself as that predatory feeling increased in her. It was not the first time that a man reacted this way to her figure, but it was when it was a little boy.

"Hum? Is something wrong happening noona?" – Robert asked as his face showed an apparent sign of concern.

"Ah, no, no, everything is fine, don't worry" – the woman smiled a little as she stopped thinking about how to have fun with him – "I guess we'll start with a multiple tests to see what you need more help with, follow me"

Seon-Joo walked towards the aerobics area ahead of the boy while she let him observe the entire view behind him to annoy him.

After a moment she stopped in front of an average guy who was helping a middle-aged lady.

"Well, we'll start with a warm-up Robert" – he pointed to the guy who was dressed in sports clothes and continued talking – "This is Coach Cho and he'll help you with your cardio exercises, when you're done look for me to start with the machines, okay?" ?"

Robert nodded with a soft smile as he watched the boss go somewhere else, not caring what that random coach might say to him.

As the woman walked away from her, Robert's cheerful eyes became indifferent as he looked at the woman's backside, as he was not only looking at her round, toned buttocks, but at the holographic screen of her in front of her. yours.

*Ding, ding, ding*

[Congratulations on completing the mission: Keep your body in shape! Reward: 5 additional points]

[[Congratulations on meeting a main character: Kim Seon-Joo from the +18 manhwa 'Fitness', you have 1 additional point]

[Kim Seon-joo is the owner of the 'Top Fitness' gym where the story of the manhwa takes place. She is a single woman who has not yet met a man who can make her complete. In the original story, she comes to feel feelings for the protagonist, but she decides to stay away from him so as not to damage the relationship he had with her childhood friend]

[Statistics: Human Race / HP: 10; MP: 00; Strength: 12; Agility: 11; Intelligence: 13; Perception: 13; Vitality: 15; Fatigue: 3]

"Interesting... really interesting," Robert murmured softly as he looked at this new information.

The new system update, while not providing much information, was fulfilling its purpose!

Not only did it tell him what kind of story the person in front of him came from, but it also displayed the necessary statistics to consider.

To say he was surprised would be an understatement.

"Hey, are you alright?"

"Hmh?" - just then, a man's voice snapped our protagonist out of his thoughts, turning his gaze to the person who had spoken to him.

"Um... your name is Ro-Robert, right?" - the person who called out to him was the forgettable Trainer Cho, who also had trouble pronouncing his name. "I heard the boss calling you that."

"Oh, yes, sorry for staying quiet, I got a bit distracted," the boy replied, giving him a sign of apology.

"Don't worry, when it comes to the boss, almost everyone gets distracted," the trainer smiled as he thought the young man in front of him might be embarrassed. "Let's start with the warm-up doing cardio, okay?"

Trying to change the subject, he began to execute the workouts that were copied by the quiet boy.

'Perhaps he feels embarrassed now... poor kid,' Trainer Cho thought as he only received signs of agreement from the boy.

And no wonder. Despite working here for more than half a year, even he himself sometimes got lost in that sway of hips when the boss strolled around everywhere.

However, despite having a certain interest in her, he knew he wouldn't find anything good if he tried anything more than their simple work relationship, because Seon Joo was a liberal woman, very liberal.

But little did forgettable Trainer Cho know, his boss had sealed his fate when she tried to play with our protagonist.

Load failed, please RETRY

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