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9.37% ENJOYING KOREA / Chapter 3: PAST

Capítulo 3: PAST

It was still dark, with small hints of light flashing in the sky of the vast forest, announcing the imminent dawn.


At an indeterminate point in the large forest, a deer let out a mournful groan as it began to move violently in agonizing desperation to deny its terrible fate.

However, no matter how much it struggled with all its might, the unfortunate animal seemed doomed.

Its head was pressed against the ground by the knee of a naked person, who had a dirty and wild appearance!

The animal's muzzle was held by a hand that stifled its cries of pain, while the other hand was tearing into its flesh and piercing between the broken ribs on the side of its body.

The strange individual on top of the animal, despite having a pitiable appearance, seemed unfazed by everything that was happening. He was as still and solid as a rock.

How could a person do this?

Did he have abnormal strength to kill a deer in this manner?

And why on earth did this person look this way?

The answers to these questions were very simple.

This individual did not have super strength; in fact, he was even weaker than the average human at this moment.

He had this appearance because, technically speaking, he had just arrived in this world in a very... strange way.

He had taken advantage of the circumstances in which he found the deer.

Somehow, the animal had terribly injured its legs, perhaps in a fall while running in fear, perhaps due to the action of a hunter. The fact was that it was lying completely immobile.

And the man now on top of it had seized the opportunity to kill it and thus satiate his voracious hunger.

Little by little, the animal's desperate movements began to fade, at the same speed that life escaped it with its last breaths.

When the animal stopped moving, the man withdrew his hand from the animal's chest, revealing a small camping knife with which he had pierced the quadruped's heart.

He sat down next to the deer's body, as if resting from the effort of killing the animal.

After a moment of rest, the man began to cut the animal's skin, skinning the flesh from the hide. However, he only did so with one of the legs, leaving the rest of the body intact.

Suddenly, the man took the freshly cut piece of meat to his mouth and, without saying a word, began to eat it!

He hadn't even cooked the meat!

Like some kind of caveman, the man continued eating calmly, leaving no raw meat on the bone!

"Phew... I think I've reached the limit of this body."

With a slight sigh, the man responsible for this cruel act stood up and shook off the excess blood from his hands, as well as from the knife he still held.

This individual had a naked body, very dirty, with remnants of mud, fresh blood, and grime all over.

All this filth and dirt stuck to his body gave him the appearance of a savage or a madman who had lived his entire life isolated in nature.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

This guy was none other than that 'man' who had emerged from the eggshell the terrifying night before!

However, unlike the strange and emaciated appearance he had when he emerged from that egg, now his physique was much more similar to that of a normal person, even more so.

In the parts where there was dirt, his skin showed a healthy color, very different from the initial sickly pallor he had.

His hair, though short, was growing slowly, showing a shiny black color. His beautiful blue eyes, which initially appeared very apathetic, now seemed to sparkle with great vitality and intelligence.

"I think it's time to leave this forest and find out what kind of world I've ended up in... that damn old man, he could have at least explained better what the hell I was supposed to do."

The man muttered strange things while looking around. After making sure he was alone, he started walking off the path, through the vegetation, without giving a glance to the corpse he had thrown to the side of the trail.

He walked a short distance to a specific point in the dense forest, a particular tree.

At the base of that tree, there was a large backpack, the kind tourists use for their hiking trips.

That backpack, along with the knife he still held in his hand, had been stolen from a tourist center near the local temple he had passed less than an hour ago. Since all the guests had abandoned the place due to the terrible weather phenomenon the night before, a tourist had left their backpack unattended, making it the target of this man.

Thanks to hiding in the underbrush, no one saw him commit the theft, allowing him to continue on his way without arousing suspicion.

Although he could have stayed at that sanctuary to clean himself completely, everything was in chaos.

Moreover, he wanted to avoid raising any suspicion of his presence at all costs, so he only took what was necessary and quickly left the place.

"From the language spoken... the features of most of the locals... this country seems to be Korea, the southern side... Damn, I never thought I'd end up speaking this language so easily... is this also that old man's doing? of course, it must be his doing... haaa."

The man murmured listlessly as he lifted the backpack and walked calmly. After stealing and thoroughly examining the backpack, he found many pamphlets written in a language he recognized from his previous world but never thought he would speak.

However, as if by magic, just a small glance at that strange writing was enough to understand everything it said!

Not only that, but he began to speak the language so naturally that it greatly surprised him.

In just a few seconds, he managed to learn the Korean language!

This is something that would possibly make all the BTS fans jealous.

But how could a newly created being, no matter how human it seemed, know all this? Moreover, leaving that aside, how the hell could this being even speak Korean? This was truly something supernatural.

Nevertheless, thanks to this, he could roughly deduce where he had ended up.

From the type of money he found in the tourist's wallet and the different tourist brochures accumulated at the bottom of the backpack, he deduced that he was in the country of K-dramas and K-pop.

After a short walk, guided by the sound of falling water, the man arrived at the riverbank.

Wasting no time, he placed the backpack on one of the rocks and jumped straight into the small pool at the bottom of the small waterfall nearby.


"Phew!... Ahhh! this is what this body needed!"

The man exclaimed with a pleased tone as he began scrubbing his entire body to remove all the dirt he had accumulated over the hours.

Patiently, he started cleaning off all the dirt covering his body. All the mud and blood, all the grime that had dried on his skin, were completely washed away.

After cleaning himself, he got out of the water and looked inside the backpack for a small towel with which he dried his body.

Now that he was clean, his figure could be better appreciated.

His height was above average, almost reaching six feet two inches.

Unlike a few hours ago, his skin looked very healthy, with a slightly tanned white tone. His body, though no longer emaciated, showed some muscular definition.

And his manly face, now completely clean, denoted a certain maturity, as if he were a young man in his twenties.

In just a few hours, his body had undergone a truly astonishing metamorphosis!

From being a completely repulsive amorphous mass, to a terrifying and grotesque giant fetal form, to becoming a man diametrically opposite to his original form... This was madness!

Indeed, this guy is not human, not at all.

After drying himself off, he pulled out a pair of jeans, a t-shirt, and a pair of sneakers from the backpack.

After dressing, he grabbed the backpack and tossed it into the bushes; it was no longer useful to him.

It was a relief for him to find a foreigner staying in that place near the temple because, if it weren't for that, he would have had to settle for the clothes of one of the locals, which probably wouldn't have fit him.

Right after getting dressed, he sat still on a rock, contemplating the whole place, which was starting to brighten with the rising sun on the horizon.

"Well, now what? I came to this world at the whim of that damn old man... What the hell am I supposed to do?"

The young man murmured to himself as he reflected on everything he had experienced so far...


(POV: ?)

Dark... everything is dark.

I can't see anything, I can't distinguish anything.

Why can't I see anything? Is something covering my eyes?

I try to raise my hands to check, but I realize I can't feel the movement of my hands.

Is something wrong with my hands?

I try to squeeze, grab, shake... I try everything, but I can't do anything. I still can't feel them.

What... what the hell is wrong with my hands?

I try to move my body, but just like with my hands, I don't feel any movement.

I can't feel anything!

'What the hell happened?!'

My complaint echoes distantly, as if I were speaking in my mind.

'Why can't I speak normally?!'

Without even knowing if my lips or eyelids are moving, without being able to hear anything apart from my own thoughts, this feels like a nightmare!

Not only can I not move, but I also can't feel anything!

I can't even hear, smell, or taste... I realize that I have completely lost my bodily senses.

How the hell did this happen?!

'Wait, calm down, don't panic... there's nothing to gain by losing control.'

I tell myself, trying to stay calm while thinking about everything I can remember.

I try to squeeze my mind to the maximum to understand what the hell happened.

Just as I'm trying to remember how I ended up like this, a faint light starts flickering, quickly grabbing my attention.

It was small, but little by little, and as if it were approaching, it starts growing, becoming more and more intense, illuminating everything around me.

What initially felt like a small, cozy warmth began to burn as if I were standing in front of a blazing furnace!

'Damn! It's too intense! I can't see anything! Argh!' – I try to scream, but my voice only resonates in my mind.

After being completely blinded by that flash, little by little, my field of vision starts to dim, allowing me to see more clearly.

By the time everything normalizes, I realize I am no longer in that dark space.

On the contrary, I am now in a completely different place.

I am in an enormous white space, so vast that the sky and the ground seem to meet on the horizon.

It was daytime, or at least I believed so since I could see clearly. However, this might not have been entirely true.

In the sky (or whatever could be called that) there was no characteristic blue color of a daytime sky; everything was white.

The expansive ground was made of what seemed to be a kind of white rock resembling marble, but without any imperfections.

"Now, where have I ended up?... Huh? Ehhh?! My voice! I can speak again!"

Suddenly, I realize that my voice is coming out of my mouth, filling me with immense joy.

"My mouth... wait... yes, my hands are back!"

I raise my hands and see them. They were just as I remember them, at least from what little I can recall.

I bring my hands to my face and start touching it, feeling a great familiarity.

I look down and see my whole body, completely naked, but that was the least of my concerns.

I had regained full functionality of my entire body!


I even jump for joy because of this.

The cold sensation on my feet makes me smile; the touch my hands can perceive fills me with immense happiness.

I don't know what the hell that dark space was, but the experience I felt was too terrifying; I hope not to experience a paranormal event like that again, whatever it was.

"Ahhh... now I understand something about blind, deaf, or mute people... although it was only for a moment, the feeling was horrible."

After the joy subsided, I refocused my gaze on this entire place.

"What the hell is this place?"

In the distance, I could only see many formations resembling clouds, which were everywhere.

They weren't in the sky; rather, they seemed to be at ground level, like fog. However, considering the apparent distance they were at, they should have had diameters of tens of meters.

It wasn't at all like fog. Those cloud-like formations were as thick as the clouds you see through airplane windows.

"Didn't they call those types of clouds Cumulonimbus?... I can't quite remember."

Without paying much attention to the clouds, I try to see in the distance if I can recognize anything beyond the fluffy formations that decorate the entire landscape.

However, after a long time of looking around and walking everywhere, I see nothing. No buildings, no presence of plants or animals... in this place, nothing living could be felt.

I even realize that I can't feel even a slight breeze, nothing. I couldn't even feel the passage of time.

'Damn... is this another paranormal event?'

"A very lonely place, don't you think, Robert? Although for my sake, I'm starting to get used to it."


As if in response to my thoughts, I suddenly hear someone's voice coming from behind me, making me turn quickly.

Just a moment ago, there was nothing behind me, I swear!

I had been walking and turning around everywhere without seeing anyone!

However, right now there was something, something that seemed to have appeared out of nowhere.

A large dark wooden table had appeared, beautifully decorated, much like one of those huge Victorian tables you can see in old English palaces.

At each end of the table were two chairs, large and beautifully decorated as well, padded both on the backrest and the seat.

However, it wasn't the table and chairs that caught my attention, but the person sitting in one of those chairs.

A man of very good appearance for his age, who appeared to be in his fifties or sixties, was looking at me calmly, with some curiosity.

Strangely, he seemed to be dressed in an elegant blue Tom Ford pinstripe suit, like those worn by top New York executives.

'How... What... When...?! Where did this guy come from?!'

It wasn't just the fact that this man had appeared out of nowhere along with the table and chairs, but I began to feel really strange in his presence.

It wasn't a feeling of dislike or aversion, but something different.

It felt... familiar?

"The What, How, and When don't matter right now, so don't dwell on trivial things. Come, sit with me, it's time to talk business," the old man gestured for me to sit in the empty chair.

I just stood there, silent, doing nothing.

I don't know what the hell is happening here, nothing makes sense!

Is this a dream? Is it one of those so-called lucid dreams? Or is it a vivid dream?

No, I don't think this is any of those cases, it feels too real to be one.

So, what is this?

"I repeat, I need you to sit down so we can continue," the older man insisted again in a calm voice, but his eyes showed a slight gleam.

Did his eyes just sparkle?

Although it was impossible for that to happen, I couldn't analyze further whether what I saw was real or an illusion because suddenly I felt my whole body go numb.

This new sensation was like a tingling that ran down my back, but I couldn't quite interpret it.

Did that old man do something? I don't know.

However, I try not to dwell on things too much. Right now, I have nothing but questions in my head, and there's only one other person here.

Maybe this man can help me.

I walk slowly forward to sit down, as if cautious that something might happen. However, nothing bad happens.

I mentally sigh and take a seat, feeling how the suede of the chair's upholstery makes direct contact with my skin.

'This feels good, very good... wait a moment...'

Only now do I realize that I've been naked this whole time in front of this man!

Although I'm not entirely bothered by openly displaying my body, I'd prefer a thousand times over to be facing a beautiful woman, not a middle-aged man.

"Interesting... it seems you felt no fear," the old man mumbled. "Any ordinary human would have been petrified with fear... you seem to be special."

"Huh? Feel fear? Why would I feel fear?"

"Never mind, pay me no heed. Let's move on to what concerns us," the man smiled and reached into his coat, as if searching for something. Then, he pulled out a pair of very curious glasses and put them on.

With a quick movement of his other hand, a golden sheet appeared in it, as if by magic, and he began to read from it.

"Alright... let's quickly review your life. Robert Jovanovich, born in Russia on August 20, 1994... You were raised within the Ruska Roma, a criminal syndicate where you learned your trade... At the age of 20, you were recognized as the best in your field... unfortunately, you died at the age of 30 in Paris while undertaking a suicidal job... yes, that's correct, you are dead."

Those words made my mind go blank for a moment.

"Wait, wait... Robert Jovanovich... is that me?"

I hadn't thought about it until now, but... what was my name?

Right now, besides being able to speak and think, I didn't remember much about my past, that was a fact.

However, all the rollercoaster of emotions and anxiety I've been through since I woke up until now kept my mind so occupied that I didn't even worry about my name!

It's only now that my mind started to release, like a broken dam, a flood of memories.

"Robert Jovanovich... born in Russia... ahhh, yes... it's true... now I remember... yes, I'm starting to recall."

At that moment, I begin to remember my life.

As if a dam had burst, multiple memories flood my mind.

How could I forget something like that?

I begin to remember my childhood in Eastern Europe... I remember the cold and hunger I experienced in communist Belgorod... I remember when I entered the Ruska Roma, the adoptive 'family' that took me in... the skills and abilities they taught me... I remember my first victim... all the blood I shed from the rest of my victims... I remember what I did...

Without realizing it, with each memory that passes before my eyes, my face was losing its expression of surprise.

Little by little my countenance changed from someone a little anxious to being unusually calm.

Having all my memories, remembering my personality, immediately manifested itself in my expressions, which stopped being fearful and became calm.

Without me realizing it, my body seemed to remember everything I experienced at the time, what I became.

A killer, one of the best, that's what I was.

But how did I die? I don't remember that.

"Can you... Can you repeat what you said?" – I murmur calmly.

"Did you not understand me? I think I said it as clearly as possible" – the old man answered calmly – "You died Robert, your life completely expired"

"No, no... when did I die?"

"Hum? You died in 2021, in Paris, after killing most of the G20 leaders, especially the president of the United States, can't you remember?"

At that moment, as if a flash illuminated my mind, the last memories of the last moments of my life began to flood my head!

"Wow... that's how it was huh" – I murmured calmly, as if I had just understood something.

The old man smiled when he saw my expression and shook his head.

"I guess this isn't what you expected to see after you woke up, right?"

"No, it's not... well, I didn't think I'd wake up. Not after being shot to death."

I let out a sigh and settled back on the mat of my chair trying to relax.

Now I could understand what was happening and why I was here.

Just as the guy in front of me suggested, I died.

A horrible death... there was no doubt.

He knew that this job was a suicidal act, but it was something he had to do, not because it was a job, but because with it he would avoid endless conflicts in the future, avoiding a global catastrophe.

But the cost of doing so was being hunted to death.

I don't know how many men I killed that day, maybe it was hundreds, but at least I was able to see the faces of those bastard politicians when life left their bodies.

And at the same time, mine too.

"True... my life... the shitty life I had... a life I can never complain about" – I murmured as a small smile formed on my face.

From a very young age I understood that the world was really rotten and that only the strong survived. I understood that being weak meant being at the mercy of another, to always live in fear.

As an orphan I understood that, if I didn't do something to change my sad reality, no one would do it for me. That's why I did everything a child could do to survive.

Day by day I was searching, seeking to be useful, to be able to excel in what I could do best, to prove my worth in this world, to avoid being devoured by life itself!

And a year later, my goal was fulfilled when I was received by the 'Ruska Roma', a criminal organization specializing in the training of professional assassins, who are trained from childhood to become true killing machines!

Because of my age and the way I could fight and steal without getting caught, I became a good candidate for training.

From eight to ten, those years I lived through a true hell in training, but I endured it, because my goal was not to die in the basements where they kept us locked up, my goal was to reach the top.

My acid tests were in Yugoslavia and Chechnya, taking advantage of the turbulent situation that both countries were experiencing in the 1990s and early 2000s.

Infiltrate and kill, plain and simple... that was when I had my 'baptism' in blood.

Many of the others died, but I and a few others survived.

What's more, not only did I complete my tasks, but I did so cleanly, managing to stand out among the new ranks of the Ruska!

And for the next 10 years, I became famous for all the work I did, always fulfilling all the missions given to me.

My fame was so great that several Eastern European organizations tried to get rid of me, but all they did was in vain!

The only thing they managed to do was increase my fame to higher levels.

And it was not only necessary to know how to fight or kill to do what he did, but also to know how to think, be intuitive and analytical.

I wasn't the tallest, the fastest, or the strongest of all the kids Ruska trained, but I knew how to use my head. It was useless to have such good physical attributes if in the end he died because he didn't know how to read situations.

Thanks to this, I was entrusted with this job, which would be one of the last I would do.

I knew that this was not only about avoiding political conflict, but also about controlling my overwhelming growth within the same organization.

However, I had no option to refuse, so I decided to embrace my destiny.

And that's how my life ended.

As an old Latin song says: 'He who kills with iron, ends with iron'

I never had hope to live peacefully. I didn't have time to worry about the punishments I would receive in response to all my sins.

From the beginning I wanted to reach the top, and so I did.

I completely enjoyed all the benefits gained since it was what I had worked so hard for.

I think I'm not wrong in saying that that was the life I was born for.

"Having such a complicated life, but enjoying it... How do humans say? It seems like God abandoned you, but the devil picked you up" – the sarcastic tone of the old man in front of me brought me back.

I only managed to smile slightly since that was something that could very well be true.

With everything I saw and everything I did, wouldn't it be correct to say that it was the devil who was guiding me all these years?

Because, in my opinion, God was conspicuous by his absence.

"Don't you think saying that is very hypocritical?" – I answered calmly.

"Oh? Why do you say that?"

"Why do I say that? Isn't it obvious, aren't you God?"

"Hahaha... no Robert, I am not the biblical God that people believe in, I am not even anything close to the concept of God that religious humans believe in" – the old man responded with a smile.

" What are you? A ghost? Death?" – I asked again

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you. So I won't waste my time explaining it. Better let's get to what concerns us."

The old man settled into his chair, as if he were preparing for something. At that moment a pile of files appeared on the table, forming small towers.

The old man reached out and grabbed one of those files, opened it and began to read.

"Well, let's see... umm... Oh... just look, it looks like you had a lot of fun, don't you?"

I only managed to sigh slightly. He didn't have to be a genius to know what the documents that had suddenly appeared contained.

Right now I was being tried for the crimes he had committed throughout my life.

But wasn't this way of reviewing my actions in life something exasperating? Maybe God, or in this case, doesn't this guy know everything by heart?

I didn't dwell on it as there was no point in doing so, so I just stayed silent.

After a while, the old man took another file, and so he went one after another reading the rest of the files, without saying anything about it.

It wasn't until he read the last of them that he let out a small whistle of surprise, staring at me.

"Lies, murders, adultery, theft... well, it seems that you have become infatuated with wanting to contradict the commandments of your God... you have so much death on your shoulders that you could well be called the grim reaper"

Internally I laughed at it since he was partly right.

When I was destroying all my targets throughout Europe, I earned the nickname 'Ярило' or Yarilo, who, according to Slavic mythology, was the husband of Morana, the Goddess of death.

Everyone within the Ruska Roma sarcastically said that I had been blessed by death itself, and thanks to that, I could do whatever I pleased.

"What will they say about me now that I'm dead? That I divorced Morana? Haha, most likely... Although, if I recall correctly, in Slavic mythology, Morana actually does kill Yarilo... Damn, is this fate?"

That question came to mind.

"Well, being the spouse of death would be quite fitting for you since 'Lust' would be the deadly sin that fits you like a glove. You messed around with every woman you casually met... girlfriends, daughters, or wives of your enemies... whether mature or young... that's not something you see every day, huh? Maybe Morana got tired of being jealous of you, and that was her revenge?"

The old man spoke mockingly in response to my thoughts.

"So, you can read minds, huh?"

The old man's words made me squint momentarily.

I knew this guy, who denied being God, was anything but normal, so I wasn't surprised that he could read thoughts. Besides, it's not like I had to hide anything now that I'm dead. But that didn't stop me from feeling vulnerable.

Nevertheless, I relaxed and didn't pay much attention to what he said. Instead, I began to recall all those intimate moments when I engaged with every woman who crossed my path.

Mature, young, blondes, brunettes, white, black, mixed-race, Latinas... all of them, without exception.

"Damn... I think sex is what I'll miss the most," I thought humorously.

Once I was asked what my life would have been like if I hadn't become a killer, and my answer was simple: If I hadn't died as a child, I would have become a damn Casanova through and through. The boyfriend of everyone, the husband of none.

And it's not an exaggeration, but since I turned fifteen, my sexual appetite also made me stand out among the women of the Ruska Roma.

Additionally, it's worth noting that my nickname Yarilo wasn't just because I was the husband of the Goddess Morana, but also because Yarilo himself was the Slavic god of carnal love.

Coincidence? Perhaps.

And just as the guy in front of me said, attacking my enemies through their women was one of the many strategies I carried out during my heyday.

"Ah... those were good times... really good times."

"You were quite a lost case, young man. But well, that doesn't concern me. I just want to ask you a question: Are you regretful of what you did?"

The old man's words, sounding as if they came from an elder, made me stop thinking about those good times, bringing me back to the present.

"Regret? What good would that do me? I wouldn't be so foolish even if you sent me to hell," I replied quickly, without hesitation.

Everything I did in my life was by my own choice after careful analysis of the situation. No one forced me to act in a way that wasn't my own.

My way of acting was a reflection of my own life.

Would I regret my own life? Never.

"Prideful... like every good hitman. Well done... you truly are the right one," the man smiled and raised his hand, making all the files disappear.

"You know, I thought it would take you longer to process the news of your death, but I see it's not the case. Let me tell you, you're not the first person with great pride to die suddenly, so I expected some drama. I even put a little pressure on you to see how you'd react, but you didn't even flinch. I congratulate you."

The man's words and the way he was looking at me made me remember what had happened before.

The tingling sensation I felt down my spine when he looked at me with those eyes, that feeling would be what many would experience as fear.

"Was he surprised because I couldn't experience it?"

Well, it wasn't that big of a deal. I don't know what kind of being this man in front of me is, but I can say that the aura emanating from his body is not something a normal human could withstand.

Due to my way of life, I lost fear even of death. And although that's somewhat counterproductive since fear is an essential emotion for keeping anyone alive, it didn't apply in my case.

"Thank you, but there's no need to be so condescending. Now, what comes next? I suppose I'm headed for hell, right?" I spoke calmly.

While this moment allowed me to reflect deeply on everything I had done in my life, I knew this wasn't the place for me. I was certain that my punishment must be much worse than spending eternity talking to some random guy in an empty world.

"Hahaha, straight to the point, I see," the old man chuckled lightly. "Well then, come on, it's time to send you to your destiny."


Suddenly, the space seemed to tremble, as if an earthquake was happening! At that moment, a sudden invisible pressure began to emanate from the man in front of me, causing my entire body to feel pressed against my chair, unable to stand up!

"What the hell is this?!" This pressure seemed to oppress my mind, to squeeze my consciousness until it shattered completely! If it weren't for my stubborn will, I would have already passed out from the ominous sensation I was experiencing!

"What's happening?!"

"Well done, young man, looks like your mind can handle it," the old man in front of me spoke with an abnormal smile on his face.

Suddenly, beneath my seat, some kind of rays began to swirl, gathering into a single point and forming an electrical vortex, which slowly grew larger until it was several meters in diameter.

Within that vortex, amid what seemed to be lightning and rays, only a terrifying darkness could be seen, one that seemed to convey a cold sensation that made my bones crack.

And now I myself was floating above that vortex!

"Now is the time, young man. Once you enter the vortex, you'll reach the world I've designated for you."

"You want me to... jump into that place?!" With all my willpower, I tried to stay conscious, barely managing to do so.

Although I was not paralyzed by fear, my instincts were screaming at me that this dark place was something extremely vicious and evil!

It was the first time I had experienced anything I could consider evil!

'Wait a minute... What did he say?'

Just as my mind focused on that scary place, I realized the words the guy said.

"What do you mean when you say I'll go to the world I'm destined for?!"

"Hahaha, you will know when you arrive!"

*Whoooosh! *

At that, the old man pointed his hand at me and an invisible force began to press me downwards, towards the darkness of the vortex.

"The world you will go to is a special one, you will surely discover many good things in that place" – the subject's cheerful voice began to resonate everywhere.

"W-What the fuck are you saying?! Is this a fucking joke?!" – I shouted a little angry at the subject's words.

"hahaha, even receiving all that pressure you can grind my teeth, it seems that I chose well. But make no mistake, this is no joke. All the sins you committed are those that put you at my disposal, and as a mercenary and assassin I you are, I will use you properly"

The man's words turned cold, making my body feel an ominous sensation for the first time since I saw him, more than that coming from the black vortex under my feet.

He knew this guy wasn't normal and he was confirming it right now. The mere presence of him told me that this guy was some kind of Deity, a mystical being who could possibly kill me with a thought.

A demon? Perhaps, because of the pretentious way he dressed. As far as I'm concerned, he might even be Lucifer himself.

'Ah... it's true... God abandoned me, but the devil took me in' – only at this moment did I think about the words this guy said to me earlier.

Now everything makes sense.

"I'll be honest with you, your life is in my hands and I'll do whatever I want with it. If I say you're going somewhere, you'll do it, and don't even think about trying to get away from this responsibility by trying to commit suicide, because if you did, "Your body will break into a thousand pieces and your soul will be tormented for all eternity in a place that will make the hell of Ruska look like a field of flowers... if you don't believe me, deny what I tell you and you will be able to experience it."

This damn guy's words made my mind tense bitterly.

Even though I didn't like it, the whole situation was out of my hands. He didn't have the strength to do anything about it.

"Relax boy, it's not all bad news. In that world you could do whatever you want, you can take whatever women you want, of course, if you have the skills for it. Just try to give me a good show, you understand? I'm very bored." and you will be my entertainment, so have fun in that world as much as you can, soon we will see each other again."

Without even giving myself a chance to process everything he was saying, I was thrown into the black space of the vortex, quickly being sucked in.

"Oh, and don't worry, I've given you a little gift so you won't have any problems. Use your brains and your skills to get to the top and have everything under your feet!"

Those were the last ones I could hear before the vortex closed completely and my consciousness faded.



Robert, our protagonist, slowly stood up and let out a long sigh.

"I don't know what kind of game that old man wants to play... but I won't dwell on it too much. Whether or not I have my life in my hands isn't even up for debate... but if this is my punishment for a lifetime of deaths, so be it... I'll show that old fossil what I'm capable of."

With a small smile, the young man began to walk with firm steps, determination shining in his eyes and a slight smile forming on his lips.

"While something inside him suggested that all of this might be a mere illusion, his body and mind moved as if by inertia, as if they were enjoying a new mission!"

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