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20% Fate/Demon Reborn / Chapter 5: Annoying Goldie and Unbelievable Revelation

Capítulo 5: Annoying Goldie and Unbelievable Revelation

She appeared before the three of them. Avenger slowly raised her Katana with a right hand and pointed at Iskandar. Three Servants looked at her with different expressions. Lancer surprised, Saber narrowed while Rider just smiled. She glared at him and yelled.

"Who is the fool who dared to call me?! The lord of these lands!"

"Oh-ho! A Servant and I can already tell you are powerful!" commented Rider as he looked at her with shining eyes. "You will be a great addition to my army!"

Avenger narrowed her eyes. "King of conquerors, your arrogance knows no bounds if you think I will join your army." She turned towards two other Servants and pointed her weapon at them. "I'm the king of this country and all of you better remember it."

"Heroic spirit from Japan? But that's against the rules." Said a white-haired woman who was silent until now. Avenger quickly glanced at her. Something about this woman felt wrong, she didn't seem like a human to Avenger.

"What a joke." Suddenly said a new voice said and all Servants looked at the new person. A blonde man with red eyes appeared from spirit form and stood on the street light pole. He was in full golden armour. "Two barbarians dare to call themselves kings when in truth I'm the only king in this Heaven and Earth."

Avenger didn't know who was this Servant but she could easily tell that he had a lot of divinity inside him. 'Demi-God? Well, this may work in my favour.'

"And who will be you?" asked Rider who was pitched by someone. Looking down he saw his Master. "What is it, boy?"

"Rider, it is the Archer who killed Assassin." Rider's Master whispered to his Servant while Goldern Archer glared at them.

"None of you deserve to know my name yet. Still," the blonde man looked at Avenger. "Even from here I can feel something wicked and wrong inside you. Who are you mongrel?"

'Should I tell them?' she wondered. No, her identity was a strategic advantage which she wasn't going to lose so easily.

"Avenger, you only need to reveal your class, it will be more than enough." her Master said thought mental link and a devilish smile appeared on her face. 'Oh, I'm curious what kind of reactions they will have.' Avenger laughed before raising her Katana at the sky.

"I'm the one who shouldn't have been summoned! I'm the vengeance from the past! I am the eighth Servant, Avenger!"

All of those who were in the port froze. From Servants in front of her to the Masters who were hiding in the shadows. Even two Masters who were far away hiding at church and the mansion were affected by the sudden declaration.

"Avenger?" slowly asked Saber with clear surprise in her voice. Lancer and Rider both were shocked as well, however, Iskandar brought a hand to his face and examined her carefully. Even Archer was silent right now but unlike others, he was staring at her with irritation. Avenger noticed it and smirked at him, while Archer clenched his teeth once he saw it. I can feel how divinity that is running through his veins. My, it will interesting dealing with him.

The white-haired Master was probably the most surprised by such a revelation. The Master of Rider scared more than before asking. "Wait! How it is possible?! There only seven Servants! There is no way the eighth Servant can exist!"

"I agree." stated Saber as she pointed the invisible sword at Avenger. " The Grail war has only seven Servants. State your true class!" Avenger hissed before speaking.

"Watch your tongue, knight. I'm was summoned as Avenger class and if you doubt it then feel free to test me." She smirked as she continued. "It will my pleasure to burn you alive."

Lancer who had been watching Avenger suddenly stood between two Servants with his red spear pointed at her. "I don't know who you are Avenger." He moved and stood in battle position. "However, the one fighting Saber right now is me and I'm not going to let you interfere in a duel between knights. Behind him Saber smiled, pleased by the chivalry of Lancer

'Master, says that Lancer so far is the best candidate for an alliance. However, it seems that his honour as a knight won't allow him to accept someone help to fight Saber.' She glanced at others. Both Rider and Archer were carefully watching her, waiting for her response. 'Bastards.'

"Avenger, if possible we need to avoid open conflict while so many Servants here." said Lelouch and Avenger started to think about ways to avoid fight while Archer was near. The blonde man seemed as most powerful Servants beside herself and Saber.' Try to find information.'

"Those are big words coming from the foreigner who dared to start a fight on my land. All of you stand on my territory without my permission. In my time passers-by had to pay to for such luxury." She lowered her Katana. "Seeing how none of you knows about my presence I'm ready to forget about such rudeness but I demand tribute."

"Ha-ha." Started to laugh Archer who bent over and placed his arms on his stomach. "What nonsense! You are indeed a joke if you think I will lend you anything." As he said that two golden portals opened behind him, a sword and spear appeared in the ethereal glow as Archer aimed the portals at her. "Such foolishness deserves nothing but death, mongrel."

Avenger glared and clenched her fists. A second later a dozen of matchlock guns appeared in the air around her. All of them aimed at Golder Archer. "Come on, Archer. I dare you." She said with low tone. Tension raised in the air with all other Servants watcher silently, waiting for one of them to make a move.

However, this situation was interrupted by the new quest. Out of thin air appeared a new figure clad in black smoke, though black armour could have been seen just underneath the haze. The most visible aspect was the glowing red visor. Berserker! Immediately concluded Avenger when she felt a giant amount of raw power coming from a new Servant. Archer who as until now aiming at her turned to look at Berserker who was silently staring at him.

"You dare to look upon the King, rabid dog?!" when he didn't hear the answer, Archer's portals started to move and now aimed at Berserker. "Die, mongrel!" he shouted as he shot a sword with high speed at Berserker. However, instead of dodging Berserker stood in place. The next move surprised even Avenger. Within a fraction of a second Berserker took into his hand the oncoming sword and blocked the following spear.

"Impressive." she heard her Master. Lelouch wasn't able to see what Berserker did exactly but seeing how a black knight was holding Archer's sword while spear was lying nearby, he managed to conclude. "If this Servant has such speed and strength then I may be wrong about Lancer. However, we still need a Master who is willing to cooperate with us. And so far only the Masters of Saber and Rider are here."

While he said it, Archer shouted, angered by Berserker's act of thievery. Berseker managed to lower blonde man to the ground, making Archer even more furious. More and more portals were opening behind him as he launched more weapons at Berserker. 'Swords, spears, hammers and so on. So far only old weapons but all of them powerful. Who is this Archer?'

"Nothing will remain of your corpse, mongrel!" he shouted as more portals appeared behind him. However, suddenly he froze, Archer slowly looked at a far distance with scrawl as he murmured something under his breath before turning to all other Servants. "Mongrels! See that you have culled your numbers by our next meeting. Only a true hero is worthy of looking upon me." He then glared at both Avenger and Berserker. "Next time one of you will be lying among the worms." Once he finished he went into spirit form, leaving the battlefield.

"It would appear his Master isn't as stubborn as Archer." Commented Rider. Saber let out a sigh before looking at Berserker who stared back at her for a few seconds before exploding with anger as he roared and rushed at her.

It would seem that it wouldn't be Avenger who intervened in the duel between Saber and Berserker. The black knight was furious in his attack as he tried to hit Saber with a street light pole that changed and became black and red.

"So that is his Noble Phantasm." Rider concluded as he watched the fight between them progress. Avenger glanced at another knight who was silently staying off to the side. She expected Lancer to rush in and stop Berserker from intervening in his duel with Saber but he just stood there.

'What happened with 'duel between knights' and 'chivalry'.' she thought, however, upon closer look she noticed how Lancer bit his lower lip and how his face has darkened. 'Oh, is his Master ordering him to stay and wait for the opportunity to stab Saber in the back? If it so then Lancer is sure doesn't look happy with it.'

"Avenger." called her Master. "For now, aid Saber. Her Master is here and if we manage to protect two of them, Saber will be obliged to at least answer our questions." Avenger looked at the situation before her and the white-haired Master of Saber. Something was wrong with her, the redhead warlord could easily tell it but they needed answers.

"Very well." Smiled Avenger, hungry for a fight as she jumped towards Berserker. The black knight was focused on Saber, so he didn't see her attack. With great power, Avenger kicked him in the side and send black knight flying into a shipping container behind him. Her opponent immediately stood up before picking up a pole that was divided in two and rushed at her. He tried to hit with two of them but Avenger managed to dodge one and cut in half another with her Katana.

Berserker roared and was about to make another attack but instead jumped back as Saber appeared before him, invisible sword in her hands aimed at his chest. Once their combined enemy was few meters away, both female Servants stood next to each other, their swords aimed at common foe between.

"Why are you helping me, Avenger?" asked Saber, not taking her eyes off Berserker.

"You still haven't paid your tribute to me. I can't allow you to die without having given it to me." Laughed Avenger. Berserker roared again but then Rider who was silent until now decided to make his move. His chariot ran over the black knight, as lightning followed. Berserker wasn't expecting it and was caught off guard. Now lying on the ground, the black Servant slowly raised itself and looked at three Servants before him.

"And what are you doing, Rider?" asked Avenger with curiosity in his eyes. The giant man laughed.

"Oh, I just got bored watching you fight and wanted to have some action as well." He said and pointed his sword at Berserker. "Besides, this guy only knows how to roar and siding with him will be boring."

"You won't try to recruit him into your army?" wondered Saber.

"As I said, he only knows how to roar. I doubt he can even reject my proposal with normal words." Now three Servants were against one and no matter how strong Berserker might have been, it would be insanity trying to fight against them. It would seem that their enemy understands this as well. Not making another attack, Berserker instead transformed into spirit form and disappeared. "Well, that went better than I expected."

"As I said, he only knows how to roar. I doubt he can even reject my proposal with normal words." Now three Servants were against one and no matter how strong Berserker might have been, it would be insanity trying to fight against them. It would seem that their enemy understands this as well. Not making another attack, Berserker instead transformed into spirit form and disappeared. "Well, that went better than I expected."

Avenger had to agree with Rider. Her first battle and so far it was easy, then again Berserker was more focused on Saber than her. The question comes to her head. What was Lancer doing the whole time?

"Forgive me, Saber." Speaking of him. Lancer stood on his place, slightly bowing his head. "But my lord ordered me not to stop Berserker. I couldn't do anything. Please, forgive me, Saber."

Saber smiled before speaking. "It is okay, Lancer. I don't blame you, in fact, I want to finish our duel." Lancer smiled before speaking.

"I wish the same thing, Saber. However, I'm afraid that I cannot do it now, my lord calls for me." he turned away and was about to leave when he said. "Let's finish our fight next time."

"Very well, Lancer." Answered Saber and another knight left. She then turned to Avenger and Rider. "I should thank the both of you as well. Even though we are enemies you helped me."

Rider just waved away her thanks. "Don't think about it. I just wanted to do at least something this night and not just sit and watch others fight."

"Hm, I still need my tribute, Saber." This time female knight tensed remembering how Avenger demanded them to pay to her. "I think I have an appropriate demand for you and your Master." She glanced at the white-haired woman before returning her gaze to Saber. A wicked smile appeared on her face. "Let's become allies!"

Both women in front of her stared at her with disbelief. Saber had surprised expression and her eyes were wide.

"A-an alliance?"

"I mean that's a little..."

"Wait!" Rider shouted suddenly. "I ask you to join my army and Saber looks at me with anger and now she considers Avenger's offer. That's unfair!" Rider sounded offended as of he was the kid whose toy was taken away.

"Stay silent, idiot!" yelled his Master before glancing at Avenger. She smirked when the boy scared by her hid behind his Servant. "Emm, Rider I think we need to go."

Rider wanted to ask why but his Master looked at him with a pleading look. Iskandar sighed before speaking to them.

"It would seem my Master is already tired by events of this night. We will take our leave but I hope to see two soon."

Avenger turned back to her potential allies. "So what is your answer, Saber?"

Before Saber could answer, her Master interrupted.

"We are thankful for your assistance, Avenger. But we can't take your offer." She said with determination.

"Irisviel." whispered Saber, her Master looked at her with a warm smile. The female knight was silent before speaking. "You heard my Master, Avenger. I won't accept your proposal."

Avenger had a neutral expression, a little annoyed by quick rejection. "It's okay." said her Master in her head. "While a shame such an outcome is to be expected. Still, we can ask some questions at least." Avenger agreed.

"Such a shame. That means that next time we meet you will most likely be my enemy." Saber nodded.

"Maybe, but it is the Grail War after all."

"Hm, very well. In that case, at least answer my questions." Both of them glanced at each other before nodding to her. "Where can I learn all the information about this war? I was summoned at the last moment and neither I or my Master know all the rules about this war."

Saber's Master had a surprised look. "You don't know the rules?"

"Yes, my Master isn't very knowledgeable about the Grail War."

"Not my fault."

'Actually, it is.' thought Avenger after hearing her Master who sounded offended. "So?"

It would seem that white-haired woman now known as Irisviel would be the one to answer her question. "I-All the Masters and their Servants need to register at the church in the city."

"Church?" asked redhead Servant a little bit annoyed to learn this.

" there a problem?"

"Depends." said Avenger before turning away. "Still, a shame that you don't want to ally with me but so be it." As she made to leave she suddenly stopped. "By the way, during all of this, I couldn't help but feel like someone was watching us."

Irisviel looked a little nervous before speaking. "Is that so?"

"Indeed." Avenger said. The next second a weapon appeared in her hand. Saber stood on the guard when she saw it. It was a huge mini-gun with Japanese decorations on it. However, Avenger pointed at the side of the red crane. A second later dozens of shoots were made and went towards it. Red crane became covered in the fire before it exploded. "Now, I'm calmer."

She looked back and smiled when she saw horrified expression on Irisviel and concerned look on Saber, it would appear Irisviel knew something. "Well, have a good night. This ruler of Japan would see you next time." She said and transformed into spirit form.

To be continued


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