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37.14% I Cast Fist (Celestial Grimoire - DxD) / Chapter 13: Chapter 13

Capítulo 13: Chapter 13


'Did a Jesus. 0/10. Don't recommend getting shishkebabed by the True Longinus. A bunch of assholes are in town and causing trouble. Might want to check it out.'

Blurry eyes stared at the message, her drowsy brain doing its best to decipher and translate what it meant. Her confusion was overcome by a sense of panic as she finally understood the meaning behind it.

"Shit!" Kuisha jumped out of her bed, quickly throwing something over her nude form while she contacted the rest. Most of them had also been woken up by the message and were in the same situation as her, though a few were still sleeping.

'Someone pick me up! I have a Phoenix Tear with me!' Their King messaged them all.

Kuisha appeared in his home. Sairaorg was holding the fragile bottle with a grim look on his face with Regulus standing next to him with the same expression. They had only one Phoenix Tear, and it was supposed to be used only in emergency situations. And what was this if not an emergency situation?

Michael… the big idiot had barged into their lives, plopped his big ass down and made himself comfortable, acting as if he had been one of them for years now. He might not be part of the peerage, but he was one of them! He was family! And someone had attacked him?

A burning rage flowed through her. Kuisha saw the same in her King's eyes. They might be going into a fight against an opponent with the deadliest weapon in existence, but there was no hesitation within them. One of theirs was attacked and that was all that really mattered to them.

No words were exchanged between the two as she teleported them away. That's when they hit their first obstacle. Kuisha tried bringing them right into the ward covering Michael's neighborhood, but she hit right into a barrier that blocked them from entering.

She was forced to teleport them right outside its range. It took her only a moment to realize how subtle and complicated this barrier was. It covered the entire ward, blocking any information from going in or out of it, making it appear as if nothing was going on inside it. This was clearly a targeted attack, judging by how prepared their enemies were.

They flew around the outskirts of the ward, discovering the rest of the peerage shortly after and Michael with them. There were a bunch of humans in neat black suits twitching on the ground around them, but she ignored them, her eyes focused on their friend. Briefly, she caught onto Cori's face, noticing how pale she was, her eyes quivering as she stared at Michael in horror.

Kuisha found out why the moment they landed next to them. Her expression was probably the same as Cori's. How could it not be after seeing his state?

Michael had a massive hole in his chest. His insides were visible for all to see. A majority of his heart was just gone, so was his left lung. Fuck! Even a part of his spine was missing! She couldn't understand how he was even standing in his state!

For that matter, she looked at the trail of blood leading to his house, how did he even walk all the way here? Probably puppetered his body with Ki, her mind supplied since the method he used to fly was something like that.

Sairaorg stepped forward, fingers already opening the glass bottle of the Phoenix Tear, prepared to pour it in his wounds. Michael, however, raised his hand and stopped him before showing him a message on his phone, one that he had typed in before they even arrived.

'I'm already healing myself.' 

He started typing something else while they all focused on his wound, seeing how his flesh was being regenerated at speed visible to the naked eye. It looked slow, but that was because of how bad his injury was.

'Don't waste it.'

Sairaorg stared at him for a moment before nodding and accepting his decision. Her King then carefully handed her the bottle before clenching his fists as his attention turned to the people on the ground.

"Were they the ones that hurt you?" The fury in his tone was clear to all who heard him. The people on the ground paled and started muttering that they hadn't done anything like that.

Michael showed them another message, one that… confused them, to say the least.

"They made fun of you?"

"We didn't!" They protested. "We just wanted to know what was going on!"

Michael added some more words on his phone.

"They made fun of you by asking questions?"

He pointed at the hole in his chest in response to that, and she grimaced. Kuisha didn't know that much about biology, but it was probably impossible to speak with his condition. Fuck… she was still trying to understand how he was even alive!

They knew Michael was abnormal. That became obvious after her second meeting with him.

Michael heard her mention Touki, so he figured it out on his own in a week while also working out a way to utilize his Ki to create his impossible food.

He was fascinated with Magic, but due to his low reserves, he wasn't capable of using it to its full potential, so he casually decided to replicate Magic with technology, sometimes even mixing the two together.

He wasn't content with his own abilities, so he developed his own spells that utilized Ki and improved his fighting skills to the point where he outmatched them all in pure skill.

Not to mention how he gained the ability to turn his nails into claws. They thought that was a sign that he had some Youkai or some other inhumane blood in his ancestry. That would've made perfect sense considering his talent with Ki.

But nope, he was one hundred percent human. That meant that he had figured it out on his own, probably with Ki if they had to guess. It made sense since Ki was lifeforce, after all.

Regardless, the point was that Michael did the impossible just because he felt like it. They had already accepted that and didn't even see anything unusual about it.

They even came to an agreement to completely ignore it whenever he did something like that. Mostly as a little prank since it was so obvious he wanted to boast about how great he was.

But this? This just made it apparent just how much of a freak of nature Michael was. Especially because the first comparison that came to her mind was the Violence of Heaven! Hell, she wasn't even sure if Vasco Strade himself could survive with a wound like this one!

That's how much of a monster Michael was. Not only did he survive with his heart and even spine blown out, but he could even walk around and joke about it.

"We just wanted to know what the hell was going on in the city!" They protested with the same response. "The group of Magicians in the East side have disappeared. The vampire coven that recently moved in has been eliminated. Fuck! Even all the Grigori members were wiped out!"

This wasn't an attack targeted at Michael or them specifically. No, this was a systematic assault on every single supernatural in the city.

"Then why are you still alive?" Ladora stared them down, eyes already transformed into slitted ones.

"We don't know and that's the problem!" They were terrified for their lives. "The vampires and the Magicians are one thing. They didn't have any connection with major organizations, but the Grigori…"

The Fallen Angels could wipe out their Agency in a single night. The Grigori had mellowed down over the years, just like the Devils, but there were plenty among them that would happily butcher the Agency.

This could even be turned on them since they also hadn't suffered any losses. Though if Michael, one of their contractors, was attacked then what about the rest? They would have to check, but he took priority.

Michael pointed towards his house before he started walking back. Cori immediately jumped to help him, but Ladora held her back, shaking his head at her. "Let him walk on his own."


"He's not weak."

"We'll see what we can find and forward it to you," Kuisha told the people from the Agency before they walked after Michael.

They ended up surrounding him from all sides as they escorted him back. The area around his home was littered with craters, looking similar to their training ground. There were also corpses of five humans lying around.

Once they entered his house and made sure there were no other enemies lurking around, Liban and Beruka went out to check on the rest of their contractors. They returned shortly after, informing them that they were all safe.

So why had Michael been attacked? For one, because there was a ward around his neighborhood. It just wasn't feasible to set up and support a ward around a city this big, so they opted for placing one only around his home.

And two, which Michael informed them after he finally recovered enough to speak, because they had been sensed frequently visiting him.

None of them took that well because that implied they were the reason he was attacked. Michael was nearly killed simply because he was their friend.

"What a joke. I released a game about mythical heroes and someone called Heracles immediately came knocking on my door," he joked as if he had already gotten over the fact that he had nearly died.

Michael was probably acting this way for their sake, assuring them that he was fine in his own way. Not that it made them feel any better.

"Man, the world even threw the True Longinus at me for my crimes of spreading the Gacha." He laughed with a grin and tapped his head. "Fucker should've went for the head. Heh, I'll make sure to remind him of that when I see him next time."

"Don't joke about that!" Cori cried out, fists clenched as tears fell down her cheeks.

"I'm fine," he told her with a soft voice.

"You nearly died!"

"But I didn't. And that's all that matters. I'm alive and have almost fully recovered."

Michael wasn't wrong, but that didn't stop them from worrying. All of them cared for him as if he was part of their peerage, their family.

"How sure are you that you were attacked by the True Longinus?" Ladora changed the topic.

"Pretty sure. I've read your primer on Sacred Gears and have seen how it looks," Michael replied and showed them a little illusion of the spear and its wielder. All of them memorized his appearance, marking him for death right there and then.

"And he had an accomplice," he continued and switched the illusion, now displaying a man with glasses. "This one's name is Georg, and he has Dimension Lost."

"What?! How sure are you about this?"

"He wrapped them up in gray fog and teleported them away. Unless there's another Sacred Gear with similar abilities…" Michael looked at them, giving them a chance to interject. He continued when none of them did, "Well, then he has Dimension Lost."

"So two Longinus users are working together. Dimension Lost, the most versatile one, and the True Longinus, the most powerful of the thirteen."

"Seems like it." Michael shrugged. "There might be more thought."

"Why do you say that?"

"For starters, the Heracles wannabe was accompanied by five Magicians. I don't know if they were the ones residing in the city or not. It doesn't really matter because he told me that I will either survive and be recruited or I will die. It's pretty obvious that they are recruiting others. Potentially only humans? He got really pissed when he saw me using my claws and kept calling me an animal."

"Makes you wonder how many others they have recruited," Ladora mused.

"At least a few Sacred Gear users since they seem interested in those," MIchael told them. "The wannabe got disappointed when he heard I didn't have one."

"That does somewhat prove your theory about them recruiting only humans," Kuisha added her own thoughts. "The question is why and what is their purpose."

"Fuck if I know." Michael shrugged. "But I bet it's some stupid ass reason. Like fighting against injustice or whatever."

Sairaorg grunted. "Either way, you will probably need to move. I don't know if they will return, but I'd rather not risk you getting attacked in your home again."

"Fair enough." He nodded in acceptance. "I'll need to grab all my stuff. My laptop, my PC, all my consoles, and my batteries."

"You can come live with me?" Corri offered with hope in her eyes.

"We can help you move your stuff," Gandoma added.

They also needed to inform the Grigori of exactly what had happened here, so they wouldn't get blamed for this. Kuisha would have to do this, though… it might be better to forward this to the Satans and let them deal with it. A group of Longinus users running around and killing supernatural beings was something they needed to know about. Unless they were already aware of them, that is.

Michael's wound fully closed after he started stuffing himself with food, and they all let out a sigh of relief once they saw that. His eyes opened wide, and he suddenly raised his hands in the air in victory. He lowered them a moment later and tilted his head to the side.

"What happened?"

"I can do Magic!" Michael declared. Kuisha held her tongue, not pointing out the fact that he was already capable of doing Magic. He just lacked the reserves to pull out truly dangerous spells.


"Feast, hehe, your eyes on my glorious Magic!" He pushed his hands forward as a watermelon appeared in his grasp.

"That… wasn't Magic?" Misteeta said with narrowed eyes. Kuisha agreed with him considering she hadn't sensed any Magic Power being used.

"Maybe you have a weird food related Sacred Gear?" The younger boy offered, causing Michael to scowl.

"Then what about this!" A large gem appeared in his grasp next.

Again, there wasn't any Magical Power being used to create this… magical phenomena. They had no idea how he was actually doing it, but… this clearly wasn't Magic. Honestly, it was far more likely that Michael had developed some type of technology that mimicked the effect.

"I'm conjuring things out of thin air! How can that not be Magic?" Michael desperately kept insisting.

Kuisha wasn't sure if he was doing it on purpose, but she felt better seeing that Michael was acting like his usual self. She was truly happy that he had gotten over this without any issues.

"How about we start grabbing your stuff?" She helpfully offered.

"I swear it's the First True Magic, Denial of Nothingness!"

He was ignored as they went ahead and helped him move out all of his things. That's when something caught her by surprise, when they went to retrieve his so-called batteries.

One of his rooms upstairs was brimming with Magic. The entire place was filled up with chests, all of them full with all kinds of gems that were infused with Magic Power. This was not what she imagined when he told them about his batteries.

"What are you even planning to do with them?" She curiously asked.

"I don't know." Michael shrugged. "Use them for something, I guess."

Kuisha shot him an annoyed look before shaking her head. "Why gems?"

"Because they are very good at holding Magic Power," he replied and stared to the side. "Can also easily be turned into bombs."

That was interesting to know. Regardless, the rest of his belongings were moved, and they felt better knowing that he was no longer in danger. Again, they weren't sure if those guys would return, but it was better to be safe than sorry.


Fate/kaleid liner PRISMA ILLYA: Reagents - 100 CP

You have a source of reagents perfect for use in the Magecraft you have knowledge of. For example if you use Jewel Magecraft you have a stock of gems perfect for that use. They will restock after being used.



So about this Perk. It will greatly reduce his need for materials. That much is obvious. However, I will place a little condition. He needs to create something that is considered Magical in nature to start getting materials for it. His food and the Magic batteries are one example. Another would be a phone that can cast Magic for him. Once he makes the first one, he will start getting just enough materials to make another. 

Now, the question is how often should they restock? The moment they are taken out and used? Once a day, a week, a month? Honestly… I don't really care. Either way, he's getting free materials. Though I am partial towards the once a day or week. 

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