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33.33% HOTD: Targaryen Requiem / Chapter 3: New King/Crowned Prince

Capítulo 3: New King/Crowned Prince

-Location: Kings Landing, Crownlands- 

-Date: 101 AC- 

-POV: Rhaegar Targaryen- 

I'am with Laena, we are currently having lunch together and talking about Vhagar. 

"Do you think I'am compatible with Vhagar?" Asked Laena. 

"I don't see why not. My grandfather and your grandfather were brothers. So you may be able to bond with her. She's ancient so you'll have to try hard." I said to her. 

Vhagar was old, everyone knew that. But she was still a dragon and dragons live for a long time. She's over 100 years old by now, and she's seen war. 

I know Laena will bond with her, but it may be difficult. My grandfather just died, so her bonding with Vhagar is out of the question for now. 

"Vhagar is a dragon that has seen war. So she will not accept a weak rider. Do you think you have what it takes?" I asked her. 

I want her to use caution when trying to bond with Vhagar. These dragons have personalities, so trying to bond with them isn't easy. Especially with dragons that have had multiple riders. 

"I don't know, but I will not give up. It's my dream to ride Vhagar." Said Laena with some determination. 

"Good. How about you train with me? I train daily with uncle Daemon, and it isn't prohibited for women to train. Your mother may object, but knowing how to defend yourself isn't a bad thing." I said. 

I said this because of the war that will come later. She isn't dying this time around, so having her know how to fight is something good. 

I will do that same for Rhaenyra when she's older. I couldn't care less about gender, if you can fight, you should fight. 

That's also something I will change when i become king. Expanding Kings Landing, creating jobs, a functioning sewer system. And a military base for the knights. 

There is so much open land outside of the gates that it's sickening. It's so damn crowded in Kings landing. 


I have an entire list of improvements I'm implementing when i become king. 

I also have some ideas about expanding outside of Westeros. I want to conquer Essos and other places on this planet. 

But that's for another time. 

(A/n: I'll make a aux chapter dedicated to his plans for the future.) 

Laena and I finished our lunch and went to the garden. She likes flowers, especially the blue ones. 

"Can I see your dragon?" She asked as she picked a flower and smelled it. 

"Sure, we have to go to the courtyard. Haedes is too big to fit in the garden." I said as I took her hand. 

We walked towards the courtyard with the king's guard following close behind. 

When we made it there, we could see some knights training. Uncle Daemon was there too. He hasn't formed the gold cloaks yet, so he has nothing to do. 

Lady Lyanna seems to be shooting a bow. Apparently she was the best archer in the north. Putting most men to shame. 

As we drew closer to my uncle? I could see a black shadow cast over me and Laena. And with a huge gust of wind, Haedes landed before me and Laena. 

Haedes had grown in the past four years. She was now as big as a house. She barely fit in the courtyard as she could peek over the gates. 

She moved towards us. Laena hide behind me as she was trembling. When Haedes got close, she rubbed her head against me. 

She purred like a huge cat. She closed her eyes and nudged herself against me. I felt her scales and scratched underneath her eyes. 

For something as dangerous as a dragon, they sure are tame when it comes to their riders. 

"Come, she won't hurt you. Surprisingly she likes people. She doesn't live in the dragon pit, so that could be a reason why." I said to her as I took her hand and placed it on Haedes. 

Laena's eyes lit up with joy after feeling her scales. I could hear uncle Daemon laughing, and then being scolded by lady Lyanna. 

Oh yeah i forgot to mention that she pregnant. Yeah she's having I baby soon. Kinda slipped my mind because she doesn't act like a pregnant woman. 

She prefers to do everything herself, and if she can't, she gets angry. Uncle Daemon takes the brunt of it, so it's fine. 

"It seems your dragon missed you nephew. She and Caraxes have been circling Kings Landing for hours." Said Uncle Daemon.

I gave him a blank stare and sighed. His fucking pervert of a dragon got mine pregnant. I know dragon can change their gender and produce eggs asexually. But they can still do it the traditional way. 

She laid two eggs, a pure white egg and a purple, red, and pink egg. I gave the white egg to Lady Lyanna. It's for her child. And the other egg went to Aunt Gael. 

She never had a dragon, so she got that egg. Right now the dragon is still a baby. It can't even fly. She named it Starfyre. 

Because the dragons scales shine like stars under the sun light. Starfyre doesn't leave Aunt Gael's side. He even try's to spit fire at Ser Gerald. 

"Keep your dragon away from mine. I don't want any mysterious eggs appearing." I said to Uncle daemon. 

"It's fine. Anyway, Lyanna's feet hurt, so I can't train you today. See Gerald is here, so ask him." Said Uncle Daemon as he held Lady Lyanna's hand. 

They both walked away, and headed to their room. Lady Lyanna would usually go to the godswood and sit under the weirwood tree. 

But now that's she's pregnant, she can't do a lot of things. Much to her disappointment. Which is why I try to help her a bit. 

"Let's go Laena. We have to find Ser Gerald." I said a I shoed Haedes away. 

She flew back to the kingswood with a red dragon and sandy yellow dragon following her. It seems Syrax has been roped into their little world too. 

Me and Laena began walking through the red keep, looking for Ser Gerald. But to no avail. It's like he's just disappeared. His wife is pregnant so it does make sense why he's not around. 

Oh, did I say how those two met? Well it was during a party, you know the party where in canon, Aunt Gael was taken advantage of and get pregnant. Well that didn't happen. 

King Jaehaerys invited everyone from across the realm to celebrate Rhaenyra's name day. It was the same party where I broke the Lannister twins nose and jaw. 

During the party Aunt Gael met Ser Gerald Dayne. He came with both his parents, as he's the heir of Starfall. 

So after a year, they got married, shocker. Now she's 8 months pregnant. Both Uncle Daemon and Aunt Gael think they'll have boys. It's a strong possibility. 

Well hopefully two healthy children come into this world. Because I can't stand it when children die, especially at birth. 

-3 Months Later- 

-Location: Harrenhal, Riverlands- 

-POV: Narrator- 

The Great Council of 101 as the lords had named it. Jaehaerys had gathered every lord in Westeros. Including all the houses in Dorne. 

Today was the announcement of the new ruler of Westeros. Rhaenys or Viserys. House Targaryen and House Velaryon knew the outcome of today's announcement. 

Even though Rhaenys hasn't pressed her claim for the throne. There have been others who have spoken on her behalf. 

Currently Jaehaerys was sitting on the throne, looking at all the lords in attendance. He sighed and summoned for them to bring the results. 

He was tired, and wanted to get this over with. 

"It is declared by all the lords paramount and lords vassal of the seven kingdoms, that Prince Viserys Targaryen made Prince of DragonStone." Said Jaehaerys as all the lords and Ladies clapped. 

Rhaenys just stood and silently clapped, at the surprise of some lords, who thought she would be bitter at the announcement. 

It was a decision made by Jaehaerys to pick his heir. If it was a world without Rhaegar, Jaehaerys would have ask the lords to choose. 

Rhaegar held his sister's hand while looking at the lords. He knew that a lot has changed due to him being here. He just hoped nothing else would change. 

-1 Year later- 

-Date: 102 AC- 

King Jaehaerys was ill. He has come down with some type of infection. He could barely move, so he was to stay in bed. 

This made Viserys take up the position a bit earlier. He hasn't been name king officially, but he's learning from Jaehaerys. 

Alysanne was taking care of him for most of the time. Rhaegar would do the rest. He would read to Jaehaerys when he had down time. 

This was Alicents job, but Alysanne kicked her out. Rhaegar was suspicious of Otto for sending his daughter here. Most likely to gain favor with the king. 

Alicent after leaving just stays with Rhaenyra now. But currently, Rhaegar is being groomed by Alysanne to be Prince of DragonStone. 

"As the heir you don't have many duties. But you have to be at small council meetings as a cup bearer for the lords." Said Alysanne. 

"Nope, I'm not doing that." Said Rhaegar as he crossed his arms. 

"Young man, you must do it. It's tradition." Said Alysanne. 

"I know that grandmother, but sometimes things need to be left in the past. No future king would pour wine for a lord. It doesn't sound right." Said Rhaegar. 

Alysanne looked at her grandson and sighed. She didn't like that he made a bit of sense, but she didn't express her feelings. 

"Well, you must go to council meetings. They're important." Said Alysanne. 

"I know, and I will go to them. But when I become king I'am changing some things." Said Rhaegar. 

"And what would that be?" Asked Alysanne. 

Rhaegar sighed and spent about an hour telling her all of his plans for Westeros. When Rhaegar finally finished. She was shocked. 

'This boys ambition is something else. He may be the greatest Targaryen king this family, no, this realm has even seen.' Thought Alysanne. 

"You men and your high goals. But it seems i cannot die yet. I want to see my grandsons dream come true." Said Alysanne as she hugged Rhaegar. 

Rhaegar hugged her back and closed his eyes. Rhaegar wanted to tell her about the immortality pill he has. But he knew she would refuse. 

She's dealt with a lot of death in her life. With her husband dying, I am sure she wants to rest. So he didn't say anything. 

He didn't want to burden her with an immortal life.

-2 Years later- 

-Date: 104 AC- 

Currently, Rhaegar is at the age of 12. He was in his black Targaryen Armor. Today was the tourney to celebrate his birthday. 

[Armor Image] 

King Viserys had invited all the everyone in the realm to celebrate. The former king, Jaehaerys Targaryen had died late last year. It took a toll on the former Queen, but she got through it with the help of Rhaegar and Rhaenyra. 

The tourney went by quickly and was won by Rhaegar himself. He had crowned Laena his Queen of love and beauty, cementing their relationship. 

Alysanne was proud of her grandson for achieving something at such a young age. After his win at the tourney, Viserys had agreed to Knight Rhaegar. 

In the throne room. All the high lords were in attendance for the knighting ceremony. Rhaegar kneeled before his father, and bowed his head. 

"In the name of the warrior, I charge you to be brave. In the name of the father, I charge you to be just. In the name of the mother, I charge you to defend the young and the innocent. In the name of the maid I charge you to protect all women." Said Viserys. 

"I shall be brave. I shall be just. I shall defend the young and innocent. And I shall  protect all women of the realm." Said Rhaegar. 

Viserys moved Blackfyre from left shoulder to right shoulder, causing Rhaegar to rise, and except Blackfyre from his father. 

"Rhaegar Targaryen, Prince of Dragonstone. The youngest knight is the seven kingdoms." Yelled Daemon from the crowd. 

Everyone cheered and started to celebrate Rhaegar's knighthood. 

Lyanna scolded Daemon for yelling, and punished him by telling him to take care of little Alyssa, his daughter. She held her son, Vaelor Targaryen. He was the spitting image of his father. 

Gael went up to Rhaegar and hugged him. Following her was a little boy with silver hair with one black streak. 

This was Arthur Dayne. Son of Gael Targaryen and Gerald Dayne. The man in question was carrying a little girl with black hair and violet eyes. This was Ashara Dayne, their daughter.

Rhaegar drank, and danced with his betrothed. 

-3 Years Later-

-Year: 107 AC-

It was a festive time in Kings Landing. Prince Rhaegar Targaryen and Lady Laena Velaryon are getting married. 

This was a big deal for the entire kingdom. Rhaegar was loved by all, including the smallfolk. 

Rhaegar would hand our food to the kids in the orphanage and buy clothing. He even built a small school for or of all ages to go too. 

Most of the people there were children, but there were some adults. He had already started to create new jobs with the master of coin. 

He created some new laws with the master of laws. The first law he passed was bathing. It was mandatory to bath every day. He even built some public bath houses for the common people. It was cleaned daily. 

There were also public bathrooms built with the new sewage system he funded. Now most of the water is recycled instead of being shot into the Blackwater rush. 

The filters work by taking out the impurities, such as shit and piss out of the water. 

It work somehow. Rhaegar honestly thought it would fail. 


Rhaegar was now standing before the high septon. He was officiating his wedding. Laena stood next to him with a cloak that had her house colors on it. 

The septon motioned them to turn towards each other. Lord Corlys removed her cloak, while Rhaenyra handed Rhaegar another cloak that had Targaryen colors. 

Rhaegar thanked Rhaenyra and placed the cloak over Laena's shoulders. Then they both spoke. 

""With this kiss I pledge my love"". Said the both

"And take you for my lord and husband." Said Laena with a smile. 

"And take you for my lady and wife." Said Rhaegar with a smile. 

"You are both man and wife. One flesh, One Heart, One Soul, Now and Forever." Said the High Septon. 

Both Rhaegar and Laena leaned in for a kiss. Beginning their marriage. 

To be Continued…


Kinda rushed the ending didn't I? 

Thanks for reading. 

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