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46.15% Re:Earth - My Next Life as a Superstar / Chapter 6: Chapter 6: Meet and Greet (silent war)

Capítulo 6: Chapter 6: Meet and Greet (silent war)

[A/N: To address the comment in the previous chapters, won't drop your name, I wanted to answer through comment but for some reason Inkstone won't let me reply to really long comments. Anyway, in regards to Tony just accepting things willingly, what he really cares about will be shown later. Moreover, I think the issues presented in the comment would be addressed in further chapters. I'm already quite far off, probably already at the second arc as of writing this note. Anyway further information will be in author thoughts below-]

Cattleman's Ranch

Tony was inside the now deserted cowboy themed steakhouse, beside him is the owner of the restaurant, Luis Huang. 

Luis is one of the neighbors Tony and the Dunphy's were quite close with, Luis was also a member of the country club that Jay was part of.

"Tony, are the producers of Starstruck really coming?"

Luis nervously asked as he waited for the doors to open, to which Tony responded by taking out his phone and looking through his text. After which he smiled at Luis before saying-

"Yeah and a few others…"

Tony left his side as he headed for Haley, Phil and Claire who were talking to each other. Which was mostly just Phil and Claire telling Haley about all the things she should be prepared for when she signs the contract.

Hearing their conversation Tony smirked as he sat beside Haley, it was a really daring move but he didn't go so far as to put his arms around her- not yet at least.

"Claire, Phil, trust me, as long as I am here, those guys won't dare give Haley a contract that would do her harm. Also with this start, she could probably be one of the first singers that gets signed to my label!"

Tony's words made both Phil and Claire sigh as they gave the young man different responses.

Phil had a weird look of acceptance and reluctance on his face while Claire had a mix of apprehension and assurance on. 

Seeing their expressions, both Haley and Tony let out soft chuckles as they turned their heads, Tony to the left and Haley towards her right which resulted in them looking each other in the eye.

When they matched gazes a weird tension formed between them, although Phil and Claire were sitting right in front of them, both Haley and Phil felt a weird desire suddenly explode in their chests.

Unfortunately this tension quickly dissipated with the sound of someone clearing their throat. 


Startled, Haley and Tony turned to the source of the sound and found Dale Squires standing near the entrance of the restaurant. Behind him were familiar faces, which made one person squeal in excitement.

"Tori! Andre! Jade! Blake! Robbie! Kat! Oh my god! Oh my god! Someone pinch me! Pinch me! OWW!"

"You asked for someone to pinch you"

Ignoring Cam and Mitchell's small act near the bar counter, Tony stood up, he cleared his throat as he straightened his suit-

"Ahem, hello Dale, it's been what? Two weeks?" - Tony

"Yeah, just about right, but really… we only speculated it, the plotline for your childhood sweetheart was just made for drama, didn't know it was true" - Dale

"Well, you're not really ON the mark but pretty close, anyway-"

Tony paused as he focused on the group behind Dale, he waved at them as he continued-

"How have you guys been doing?!"

With a smile Tony greeted the friends he had been with for a good 2 years, except Tori who entered Hollywood arts at the end of 9th grade. 


After his greeting everyone pushed Dale back as they had a huge group hug with Tony-

"Ok ok, I know you guys missed me but there's no reason to-"

Tony was calmly talking when he felt something and immediately stopped his talk as he shouted.

"HEY! Who grabbed my ass!"

"Sorry" x 2

His words received an instant reply as everyone separated and both Jade and Tori apologized but their apology received a confused look from Tony who then said-

"Wait… I only felt one hand though?"

Silence suddenly fell on the group as everyone was waiting for the other "victim" to speak up.

"Uhm… I also had my but touched-"

Robbie spoke, and when he did Tori was quick to say-

"I know I grabbed Tony's ass, I his was meaty and thick"

"Hey!" - Tony

The two had such an exchange but then Jade froze, she looked at her hand in horror as she screamed-


After which she rushed into the hall looking for a bathroom.

"I guess she was the one who molested Robbie, and here I was expecting a schrodinger's ass scenario" - Tony

"At least we didn't have to describe what we kind of ass we groped" - Tori

Tony gave Tori a disapproving look as he retorted.


To which Tori responded saying-

"I mean… well… okay- sorry?"

Hearing her response, Tony could only give her an exasperated sigh as he spoke.

"Fine, I forgive you"

As he said that he approached Tori with a hug which she accepted with a smile.

"And just a minute ago he was flirting with his childhood sweetheart, now he's two timing right in front of her with Tori"

Andre commented on the side to which made both Tori and Tony look towards him as they said retorted in unison saying-


But their response made Andre simply nodded his head towards the others as he used an open palm to present the pair as saying-

"See? They even sync on instinct"

Tori and Tony did not react like they were ashamed though as they simply separated like their hug had no hidden meanings. 

"Well Dale, did you bring the contract? But where are the producers?"

As Tony separated from Tori, he then proceeded to talk with Dale who was explaining all about how the producers didn't want to meet with him. Since most of the decision making about the final episode and the follow up season came from the producers.

As Tony and Dale were talking by the door, Tori made her way to Haley as the rest of the group was led to another table.


Tori spoke enthusiastically as she sat beside Haley who replied to her with a smile-


Tori then extended her hands as she continued,

"Tori Vega"

Haley grabbed her hands with a smile as she replied

"Haley Dunphy"

Phil and Claire saw some sparks fly and chose to leave the two to talk alone. But they did find a table that was close to theirs.

When they sat down they found that Tori's friends were sitting around a table that was just beside theirs. The two groups gave each other a knowing look as they returned their focus on the two young teens shaking hands.

"Heard you and Tony are great actors, we took classes together so I know just how great he is at acting. But from what I saw, you didn't really do any DEEP kisses, Tony was already quite skilled at that when we were 11."

Haley's words were calm and kind, the way she spoke didn't show any hostility but her words carried a challenge. 

Tori's friends had shocked expressions on their faces as they didn't know what to do with the information they just learned about Tony and Haley.

On the other side, Phil and Claire were both listening with expressions of anger but Claire had, in hers a hidden sense of pride flashing in her eyes.

"Honey I know it's…" - Phil

"Not now, I don't know if I should be angry at Haley and Tony or proud of Haley for snatching him early on…"

Claire spoke as she reigned in her feelings but she did not have time to separate her focus as Tori gave Haley her reply-

"Well kissing is just one small part of the act, Tony and I were top in the class on method acting, so, we were more into the childish and innocent love between teens. Oh! Sorry, method acting is a rehearsal technique where we LIVE as our characters. So Tony and I spent most of our highschool life living as Tori and Tony from the Starstruck. Its really gets quite confusing sometimes since we used our names for the act so we would at times, laugh about how we got too INTO our characters and- you know- forget that what we are doing was all an act"

The two continued to shake hands, Claire, Phil and the rest of the Hollywood arts gang were waiting with bated breaths for the reply of Haley. At this point Claire just told herself that this was all part of the Starstruck script.

Although Haley had yet to sign a contract or even be briefed on her role, Claire simply did this to calm her nerves.

"Is that so? That sounds really hard!"

Haley made a shocked expression on her face as she spoke with a worried tone.

"To live as a character and even confuse reality with fantasy, I hope your mind is still okay after all this time"

Upon hearing Haley's words, Tori remained calm, maintaining her smile. On the other hand Jade who was sitting beside her boyfriend Beck suddenly laughed. Both Haley and Tori maintained their calm as they continued to shoot passive aggressive words towards each other.

"Now this is a disaster"

Tony said as he stood beside Dale who was standing next to a cameraman who was filming the scene.

"To you but to me it's gold"

Responding to Dale, Tony sighed as he replied saying-

"How are you going to add these as scenes?"

To his question Dale turned to Tony with a smirk as he said-

"Who said they were going to be "scenes"?"

His response made Tony understand what Dale was going to use them for.

"I see- behind the scenes huh? Well that depends on what the contract states"

Tony spoke dismissively but Dale added-

"That's not for you to decide, the contract does not bind Ms. Dunphy, but it does allow her the choice to add or remove certain clips"

Dale's response made Tony sigh as he said-

"Try to limit your manipulation tactics, these two are not innocent chicks, they're crafty vultures"

Tony's words came unto dead ears though as he could see Dale grinning as he watched the catfight- through words, that was going on between Tori and Haley.

Their war with words lasted for quite some time, their snarky passive-aggressive argument made Cam and Mitch begin their own argument.

"I love Haley, I really do, but honestly, I believe Tori and Tony are a better match, OriOn forever!"

Cam whispered to Mitch who responded with a sassy tone as he replied-

"Well, I for one support Haley, ToriXTony may be romantic and REALLY hits home BUT! I've watched Tony and Haley grow up together and their story, although only known to me right now is far more endearing and cute when compared to ToriXTony-"

As he said those words Mitch pulled out a hastily made banner that read-

"OnE and OnLey"

Seeing the words on the banner, Cam was quick to realize that although the naming went against the conventions. It was, in fact, quite cute and amazing.

Their conversation went unnoticed to Haley and Tori but Andre and the gang noticed this, so did Claire and Phil. This prompted them to join in on Cam and Mitchell's argument.

Ship names were being made as the observers started to debate on who Tony would end up with. As this was going on, another camera came out of nowhere filming the separate group.

"I could see potential, not only on Haley but for her family as well… hey-"

Dale, upon seeing the attraction on the side had a sudden idea as he started to talk while directing the cameraman. But, before he could even say anything, Tony shut him up with a glare before speaking.

"Don't even mention it, having one show is stressful enough, another one will just add more chaos to my already chaotic life"

Hearing his words, Dale couldn't help but look at Tony in shock and awe as he replied

"It's like you're living in a sitcom, how can someone be so lucky?"

His words made Tony sigh as he gave the director a dismissive look before saying.

"I won't stop them if they want to, but if you plan to come up to them with the proposal, I would like you to do that in my presence. You know I could pull the plug on the whole operation anytime right?"

Tony's words were calm but they carried with it a hidden threat which Dale was able to pick up.

"I guess those two girls learned from the best which is why they could go so long arguing like that"

Dale commented but his words were shot down by Tony who retorded-

"It's the other way around, I learned from them"

With that a chaotic atmosphere was present in the whole Cattleman's Ranch. Tony let things go for a few more minutes before he walked up to the grand piano that was set up in the corner of the restaurant alongside a plethora of other instruments..

When he reached it no one noticed his actions but a third camera appeared and it was focused on him. With a sigh, Tony mashed the Piano keys causing noise that made everyone look towards him.

"All of you are getting really making this very difficult, so how about we all relax and I'll sing a song, also-"

Tony looked towards Tori and Haley before he continued his words-

"You two, this will be an improv, settle your difference by trying to match me-"

Tony gave the two girls a dark smile as he took the electric guitar that was set up near the Piano. He then shifted his gaze to Andre, who gave him a curious expression and Tony mouthed-


When Andre read Tony's lips he knew what to do as he moved towards the drums,he sat comfortably as he waited for Tony's que, then- Tony started to play the guitar and sing-

[Crash Adams - Give me a Kiss]


🎶I wish that I could just quit🎶

🎶But then the other times🎶

🎶There's nobody better than this🎶

As Tony sang the next lines, Andre started to play a beat and Tony slowly walked towards Tori and Haley

🎶Even though you never listen🎶

🎶And you're always right🎶

🎶And I guess I would've never fit your type🎶

Tony paused, Andre followed, standing in front of the two girls Tony then continued on to the chorus in perfect sync with Andre. As the two boys played the chorus everyone started to bop to the beat.

Cam and Mitchell also started to move their bodies along.

🎶Except for that first night🎶

🎶We're two kids under that moonlight🎶

🎶We ate McDonalds at midnight🎶

🎶Became the best of friends🎶

🎶I remember our first time🎶

🎶In Barcelona🎶

🎶That morning I was so hungover🎶

🎶I never thought that all roads led to this🎶

Tony and Andre continued to play the tune for the verse as Tony looked towards the two girls as he said.

"Sing a verse for us, it's a challenge, try to match me"

After finishing his word she continued to play looking at the two girls waiting for one to sing a verse.

Haley and Tori turned to each other, they spoke with their eyes and with a smirk Tori was the first to walk up and she listened to the beat and tune for a moment before she started to sing her verse-

[A/N: Just try to imagine the next verse sang in the style ZachParadis in the video titled "Crash Adams Give Me A Kiss Freestyle with @Zach.Paradis"]

🎶I never saw you when you were four🎶

🎶Never sneaked with you through the backdoor🎶

🎶Haven't got a clue or what for-🎶

🎶But I know I could give you more!🎶

🎶Deep kiss at 11 is all they could say🎶

🎶Bathing with you, when you were toddler and babes🎶

🎶But I could show you a different sight!🎶

🎶An unforgettable night!🎶

Tori's verse made Cam scream in excitement, Claire had let go of her impulsive thoughts so she doesn't mess this up for Haley. 

She wanted to stop this but when she saw the determined look on her daughters face, an expression she had not seen in a long while. Claire could only tell herself to suck it up and give her the lecture later as she grooved to the music.

After the verse Tony moved towards the chorus as he sang-

🎶Except for that first night🎶

🎶We're two kids under that moonlight🎶

🎶We ate McDonalds at midnight🎶

🎶Became the best of friends🎶

🎶I remember our first time🎶

🎶In Barcelona🎶

🎶That morning I was so hungover🎶

🎶I never thought that all roads lead to this🎶

As he finished the chorus, Tony turned to Haley who took a deep breath before she stepped up and started to sing her own verse

[A/N: Now I learned to base the flow on someone and so for Haley's verse I used this: 👆🏼song: give me a kiss👆🏼I Was Not Expecting That From This Random Rapper Part 5...🤯 @jessiamusic]

🎶I haven't seen you in so long, but my hearts still for you🎶

🎶My parents won't consent but still, my love for you is true🎶

🎶You've met other girls, and dated more than I could count🎶

🎶But I know I'm the only one that made you turn around!🎶

🎶Loves! Diabolical🎶

🎶Tragedies, Unstoppable 🎶

🎶My shoulder here for you whenever you need a restart!🎶

🎶A love that last forever, will not mind the roadblocks🎶

🎶Cuz all you need is to awaken the love that's in your heart!🎶

Haley's tune was different from Tori, she had more syllables and almost sounded like a slow rap. But besides her tune, a lot of people found that her lyrics had just as much weight as Tori's.

Tony smiled when he saw that Haley was smiling and really into the singing as he transitioned to play the chorus but before he sang he looked at the two girls as he said-

"Sing with me"

🎶Except for that first night🎶

🎶We're two kids under that moonlight🎶

🎶We ate McDonalds at midnight🎶

🎶Became the best of friends🎶

🎶I remember our first time🎶

🎶In Barcelona🎶

🎶That morning I was so hungover🎶

🎶I never thought that all roads led to this🎶

🎶So give me a kiss🎶

🎶Give me a kiss🎶

🎶Give me a kiss🎶

🎶Give me a kiss🎶

Tori and Haley sang with Tony and they even danced along with him. The three were being filmed by three camera's but none of them really cared as they continued to sing until the song was finished.

But what really completed the scene was the final line, after Tony said the final line that asked for a kiss, the two girls, Tori and Haley, didn't hesitate to kiss him on the cheeks.

Interestingly enough, Tony was shocked at the occurrence, but he still maintained a stoic look but the flash of confusion was captured perfectly by Dale who was holding a DSLR and snapped a photo of the moment.

When everything was over, Tony could only sigh as he said-

"It seems that you got your publicity still"

To which Dale replied with a wide smile-

"That I do!"

Alexander_Wilde Alexander_Wilde

Anyway, so Tony is currently in a static state at this point of the story. Yes, he could just end the project there, and yes, the production team did go off on his back. But this will be somewhat addressed later.

Regarding Tony's reactions, let's just say he's currently juggling a lot of thoughts. Right now, its chapter 6... Timeline wise, its been two weeks since he went AWOL and less than 24 hours since the crazy stunt pulled by the production team. Tony has just kinda recovered from dealing with the loss of his parents. So, I'll just leave it here, I wrote Tony, at this point to be shuffling between his previous life and current life., I.E a kind idiot but one who has the mind of a top investor.

We have to remember Tony was cold blooded in his previous life, that was how he was able to grow from rags to riches. Now though he learned to love and care for others.

As stated in a previous chapter, Tony purchased stocks of the production company sometime after he found out he was being shipped with Tori for views but instead of ending the project and firing the team, he decided to continue with the project. This was not stated directly but hinted at, in his 1st person POV he never really cared that he was a major stockholder, he only cared about the shipping.

Tony saw his life as a public one the moment he accepted being the male lead of the series. It would also be later addressed what he actually used his position as a major shareholder for.

Moreover, the fact that he panicked about the series when he came to his senses shows that signing himself for another season was not the problem. If they don't sign him, he will force them to since that was HIS project in a way.

But then this will also show the weird mindset Tony has, he's greedy for certain things but generous for others. Tony has his own goals (Stardom) and some other deeper goals but... that is a story for a later arc.

TLDR: Tony has his priorities straight and his goals are aligned with his dreams. Right now he is tunnel visioned but- future plotline. His actions are stupid for a manager and an investor, loss of trust is normal, if Tony was a aiming to be a Billionaire investor/businessman in this life. But he's goal is stardom and for him creativity triumphs over whatever business trust or gamble there is. Moreover, Tony see's himself as a public figure and revelation of his school is not a problem for him but- will be addressed in future chapters.

P.S. This arc is a long haul, really slow and fast at the same time. The characters are all firing shot after shot, but things will calm down soon. In the next arc-

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