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54.16% My Hero Academia: From The Ashes / Chapter 13: 13. USJ

Capítulo 13: 13. USJ

-The Door-

One moment Izuku was next to her. The next, he was swallowed by the strange portals that had appeared everywhere, taking the rest of the class. It took her a second to notice that Brighton was holding her arm. He had pulled her away. Ochaco, Hitoshi, Ida, and Thirteen had been spared.

"It seems that some of you managed to avoid my dispersal, interesting. It doesn't matter. Your fates are sealed," The mist villain said.

"We need to get that door open," Ida yelled.

"Very foolish hero to be announcing your plans right before me. You, children, will trouble us no more."

"Why are you doing this?" Hitoshi said, stepping in front of the group.


"Gotcha, you son of a bitch" Hitoshi said with a grin. "Now stand there and do nothing."

Everyone froze as the villain became perfectly still, "No one touches him; it will break him free," he said.

Ochaco ran towards Thirteen pulling some bandages from her pouch; Momo set a taser next to her, "If he breaks free, shoot him in the neck brace, there has to be something under there, or else why to have it." she said. Looking at the others, "Come on, we need to open that door; Hitoshi, can you make him open a portal?"

"No, that requires higher brain functions," the boy responded.

Quickly she created two crowbars and handed them over to Ida and Hitoshi, "See if you can wedge that under the door to get it up some while I create a hydraulic lift to get up enough for Ida to run for help. Brighton, get to the control booth and see if you can find a manual override or a way to send a signal for help."

Ida went to protest, but Hitoshi grabbed him by the arm "Door first, man,"

Brighton wanted to protest. She hadn't even thanked him for saving her, but he knew now was not the time; instead, he broke for the stairs leading to the control room. "I am going to see if there is a manual unlock mechanism." he yelled.

"Momo, I don't know if 13 will make it," Ochaco said.

"Just keep doing what you are doing, Ochaco, and keep an eye on that bastard so he doesn't hit us in the back. We need to get the doors open."

-Flood Zone-

Denki was falling from the sky as his vision cleared after being consumed by the black portal; he saw water and a group of villains waiting for him; he thrust his arm out, "5k Discharge!" he shouted. His attack, normally unfocused and hard to use, was well suited in a wide-open area. The villains had a moment for panic to cross their eyes as the electricity hit the water, causing them to scream in pain before they passed out. Denki braced for impact when suddenly a long tongue wrapped around his waist pulled him towards the ship in the lake.

Looking over his shoulder, he saw Tsu pulling him in, "Nice CATCH, TSU!" he shouted.

"Good shooting Denki; thankfully, I was out of the water when that hit." She called back; he saw Koji giving a thumbs up behind her.

As he landed a bit roughly, "Do you have any idea where anyone else is? Kero." She asked.

"No, I didn't have a chance to look. All I saw was those villains looking like they would eat me." He responded.

"No other class members are in the area," Koji said. "I have animals looking for the others."

"It is obvious they don't know our quirks, ribbit," Tsu said.

"Yea, your right. Why else send me and you here," Denki said, smacking his hand's hands together.

"The villains are regrouping," Koji said.

"How big of a shock can you do? Kero." Tsu asked Denki.


"If we stay here, they are going to sink the boat, and that means you can't fight without hurting us, so we need to get out of here quickly."

"I can do a pretty big shock but leave me out of it as it fries my brain."

"Throw him," Koji said. "You and I throw him into the air; he fires off his attack. You grab him, and we get to shore."

The other two looked at their usually silent friend. "Dude, that is metal,"

"I like it, Kero. All right; operation Lightning Dart is a go."

Koji flashed a thumbs-up.

The villains saw a student thrown off the boat as they planned their attack; the last thing they heard was "1.3 million Indiscriminate Shock".

-Mountain Zone-

Kyoka saw rocks approaching at an accelerated rate; all she could do was try and brace for impact when Itsuka came leaping out of nowhere, grabbing her as she tumbled sideways.

"My, what big strong hands you have," Kyoka groaned as she got to her feet.

"All the better to catch you, my dear," Itsuka responded with a similar groan.

"Look what they gave us. How nice, I want the redhead," a weak voice rang out, grabbing their attention.

The girls looked as if they were semi-surrounded by villains; the one who spoke had a sickly-looking frame with diseased splotches on his skin.

"Whatever, just make sure you don't kill her like the others." A villain that looked like he crawled out of a sewer said.

"I want to dance with the rocker chick; we will make such beautiful music together," said another with a white ruffled shirt and black leather pants.

Kyoka and Itsuka took their fighting stances, ready to fight with all they had. As the group of men went to advance suddenly over a rock formation, Mezo leaped out and fired two good-sized boulders, striking the sick boy and sewer in the head, and knocking them out. "I don't think the ladies are interested in dancing with you, gentleman." He landed near the girls.

"Dude, that was sick," Kyoka said with a smile.

"Now let's kick their asses," Itsuka shouted as she rushed in, with Mezo and Kyoka on her heels.

-Windstorm Zone-

Fumikage stepped into the middle of the street, his anger and control slipping through his fingers as if he was trying to hold water. The mocking taunts of the villains, their complaints at only a boy being sent to them, one not complaining about being sent a boy but wishing Fumi was younger. They talk of how they wanted to spread out to the other zones to "partake" of his classmates after they were done with him.

"You are done for; you just haven't realized it," he said, his voice too quiet for them to hear. "Dark Shadow, UNLEASH THE BLACK PARADE." The roar of Dark Shadow was heard across the USJ.

The rain and wind consumed the screams of the villains; their blood was washed down the drains.

-Landslide Zone-

Shoto landed using an Ice slide to slow his descent; quickly, he took in the scene around him; a female scream above him signaled that he wasn't alone. He as the telltale gloves and boots of Toru as she fell. Springing into action, he created a slide to bring her to his side while erecting a wall between them and the villains.

"I got you, Toru. Are you ok?" Catching her at the bottom of the slide and pulling her to his side.

"Thanks for the save Shoto; what will we do?" Toru said, thankful he couldn't see her blush as he held her close.

"I want you to get behind me and stay close, so I don't accidentally hurt you. I am going to end this in one move."

He moved from her side to his back, keeping his hand on her waist, holding her close to his body. As the wall fell, the villains sneered and began to case jeers. Shoto eyes narrowed, and he stomped the ground; all the villains were instantly encased in ice. His right side flared slightly as he did his best to keep Toru warm. He approached the first villain and freed his head.

"Frostbite can occur in less than 15 minutes, now tell me about your plan to kill All-Might, and you may get to keep your extremities," Shoto glanced down at the man's crotch. "Even your most important one."

Toru felt it was extreme, but she couldn't help but feel that Shoto was so damn cool, pun intended.

-Fire Zone-

Katsuki and Eijiro came through, falling into a fiery hellscape; Eijiro hardened as he crashed into a building to lessen the damage. Katsuki used his explosions to slow himself down; he landed with a smirk as the villains came out to surround them.

There is no way these fuckers have any idea what our quirks are. Katsuki thought.

"You good, Bakubro?"

"Oh, I am fucking fantastic these assholes will not know what hit them. Try to keep up shitty hair."

"I will do my best not to leave you behind."

Bakugo began sweating furiously from the heat; a wicked grin spread across his face.

-Forrest Zone-

Rikido crashed through the trees. As he hit the ground, he felt the wind forced out of him; it took a moment to get his bearings then he felt a sharp pain in his side. Looking, there was good size branch impaled through him. Gritting his teeth, he broke off the protruding edges and wrapped his midsection using bandages. It was the sound of something flying towards him that caught his attention. Quickly, he rolled to his side despite the pain, grabbing a sugar pack and pouring the contents into his mouth. The makeshift projectile missed its target.

A person with a gorilla quirk burst through the brush and collided with Rikido; its mighty arms threw him back and into a clearing. Rikido rolled to his feet, allowing him to slip a monstrous hook, grab the offending appendage, and hurl the villain into a large boulder; he followed it up with a sliding knee to the villain's head. There was a sickening cracking sound as it was trapped between the boulder and his knee; Rikido rose to his feet in horror. Only for his shoulder to explode in pain as a gunshot echoed through the forest. He collapsed and scrambled around the boulder seeking some cover.

He looked over the rock to see a man dressed in a black duster with a black skull mask dragging a severely battered and bloodied Yuga.

"Come out, hero, or your friend dies!"

-Ruins Zone-

Mina was panting heavily, and her fist rocketed forward, toppling the villain back; ready to press her advantage, her foot landed heavily in the man's crotch.

"NO MEANS NO, YOU ASS GOBLIN!" she yelled.

"Sometimes it means try harder," a chilling rasp of a voice came from the shadows. Mina spun, throwing acid in the direction of the vote. A chilling laugh echoed throughout the room, and suddenly a sharp pain exploded from her back. She fell forward, feeling the blood rush out; she wildly sprayed her acid at the shadows.

"Try harder, my pretty." The voice taunted.

Mina was living through a horror film, trying to locate her attacker only to be cut from another angle. Her arms and thighs bore the signs of her battle as she lay panting on her knee. Her heart was pounding as fear took over her actions, causing her to flail wildly; her breathing was getting labored, her vision was darkening, and she realized she was poisoned.

She saw her nightmare emerge from the floor. It was this grotesque half-man half, spider kind of creature; it seemed to melt out of the shadows, its body and was all an unnatural black color with ghostly white hair. *Drider from DnD* It reached out and grabbed her roughly from her by her arms, hoisting her into the air; she felt something sticky cover her wrists; she was thrown against the wall and suspended there. She managed to look up and saw what looked to be a spiderweb holding her wrist together and keeping her to the wall.

This thing looked at her like it had won and that it would claim her body as its prize. This mother fucker thinks he will lay his hand on this Alien Queen. She began to build up her acid in the most substantial ph. she could. Usually, she held back as not wanting to do permanent damage, but this son of bitch was trying to claim her body, and no mother fucker would take that from her.

She slumped, giving the appearance that she was defeated; she heard the thing laugh. She just waited; that laughter would turn into ashes in its mouth.

-Volcano Zone-

Izuku appeared through the portal after the distinct feeling of being shoved; quickly, he looked around, not seeing Momo. He reached out telepathically only to find a barrier in the area. Looking down, he saw two people standing there looking up at him, a boy, and a girl.

The boy was about Izuku's age with black hair and colorless eyes; his skin had a light brown tone, with his ethnicity had a hint of European with something else. The girl looked to be his relative, but she was younger by a few years; she had light brown highlights with pale green eyes giving them an almost ghostly appearance. They were both beautiful and carried them with confidence and purpose.

Izuku gently lowered himself to the ground. "Walk away."

The boy stepped forward. Strange white energy sparked around his fists, "Sorry lad, you must be daft if you think we came all this way to just leg it when you showed up."

The girl smiled sweetly, "Father would be most displeased if we were to do so."

Izuku shrugged, pulling up a telekinetic shield; the boy pushed off the ground, leaving a dive. Izuku went to reach out and grab him like he had done Mirio, but to his surprise, his attack was pushed wide by another telekinetic strike. The boy slid under the energy trail as if he could see it; his fist impacted the shielding. Izuku expected the shield to hold. To his surprise, the attack passed right through, and when it first moved, it reminded Izuku of when he fought the world Devour. The impact sent Izuku flying back into the volcano behind him; he could barely roll out of the way of the leaping-down strike that followed after him. He went to create some distance only to get grabbed and tossed telekinetically; orienting himself, he saw the boy leap into the air and spring off a floating platform as he met Izuku in the air, his punch landing against Izuku's head. The boy spun up on Izuku's shoulders. He landed a glowing axe handle smash sending the boy crashing back towards the ground, only to meet violently with a telekinetic pillar smashing into his back.

The boy's feet planted against another platform as he launched down with all his strength, "I expected better, little Phoenix."

-The Control Room-

Brighton sat there relaxed, sitting safely in the control room; the room was powered down. There was nothing he could do but "look" for a manual override for the door. In truth, he found it a few minutes ago. Watching from the view window, he could see them struggling with the door and this homeroom teacher fighting a rising tide of villains; all the while, the ones that were the leader did nothing; the hulking beast hadn't so much as twitched a muscle.

Seeing that his chosen group had managed to start making headway on the door, he flipped the manual override switch, ever one to add to his glory. He turned and headed for the door when it burst open, and in barged a woman with technicolor hair; she was dressed in a white body suit that hugged her ample figure. Following her was a man with red hair and black eyes, dressed in rags that smelled awful.

The group locked eyes as the woman's hair grew brighter, and the lights came racing out at him; from the man, the rags began to expand and encompass the room. Brighton smiled as time slowed to a crawl. He positioned himself away from the woman's attack and punched Rag Man, returning time to normal flow. The man flew back into the wall from the force of the blow as the woman's attack exploded the viewing window.

He slowed once again to close the distance to the rag man as he rebounded off the wall to deliver a leaping knee to the man's face. Deactivating his quirk, he appeared to teleport; the real secret was that as time reaccelerated, it pulled on Brighton and added velocity to his attacks. The woman whirled to strike, only to suddenly find herself flying out the broken window.

Ochaco could only watch in horror as the woman flew out of the booth and crashed into the mist villain.

-The Door-

The door mechanism started to release as Momo and the boys got the hydraulic jack in the opening, they had forced open. "Ida, you got to go," Momo shouted. The sounds of explosions, screams, and a dreadful roar could be heard all over the USJ. They turned as the glass from the control exploded; Ida nodded, pressing himself through the opening he ran.

"Stay alive, my friends, please stay alive," Ida engaged his quirk running with all his might to find help.

-Support Course-


"Sensei, please just send backup to the USJ," Melissa said, "Something is wrong."

Power Loader had tried to convince the two students that they were overreacting, but they seemed desperate. Pulling out his phone, he attempted to raise Eraser Head or Thirteen only to be met with static; when he tried to boost the signal and couldn't raise them, he immediately signaled Nezu telling him of the problem. Power Loader then attempted to access the security cameras to find them all offline. This time he hit the alarm.

"Mel, I have been trying to talk to Izuku, and nothing."

"Same Mei, same."

"What is happening over there?"

-Edge of the Flood Zone-

Denki was in his own world as Koji pulled him to shore; Tsu rose out of the water, the trio creeping through the foliage; they came upon their Sensei fighting for his life.

"I don't think we can do anything," Koji whispered.

"Not with Denki this way; we need to get him over to the plaza and the exit," Tsu said.

"24, 22, 21, 18…" they heard the man with the wild blue hair and hands counting, "His quirk is slowing down. He can't keep it up. Nomu crushes this annoying NPC."

They watched in horror as the hulking beast stood there for one moment. The next, it had punched their Sensei in the gut, blood flying past his signature scarf.

-Mountain Zone-

Kyoka was trying to stop Mezo from bleeding from the stab wound to the gut. All the girl could do was keep applying pressure; they had barely managed to pull him back from the Bear villain. Kyoka couldn't even accurately account for the boy's wounds; his arm(s) on the left side were broken, and he was missing a hand or two. Kyoka herself had been stabbed in the shoulder and suffered numerous other cuts from the woman with six arms and as many swords; she had white eyes and hair, and the way she moved was like she was dancing—a dancing spinning dervish of death.

Itsuka stood there, her classmates behind her; one was critically injured, the other in danger of bleeding out from all the wounds. Itsuka was not in good shape, with multiple cuts and one arm hanging limply at her side, as the Bear and Dervish smirked at them. About 15 other villains were unconscious or out of commission, but they were cannon fodder. These two were the ones in charge. Sadly, she saw some of that mere cannon fodder getting to their feet.

"Kyoka, can you run?" she said over her shoulder.

"I will not leave you, Itsuka, or Mezo; he is still bleeding. He won't make it if I don't hold this wound."

"We can only hope that they just kill us, right?"

"Then we will go down together, Itsuka."

"You have all fought nobly. I swear that your deaths will be quick, and your virtue will be intact," the Dervish said.

"Yea, I am just going to eat you red; you look delish," the bear said, licking its chops.

Suddenly the sky behind the villains was filled with darkness, Dark Shadow to be exact, and it didn't appear to be in control.

-Landslide Zone-

Shoto and Toru were escaping from the Zone when Dark Shadow emerged from the Windstorm Zone.

"I don't like the look of that," Toru said, holding on to the heterochromatic teen as they moved via ice sled.

They saw their classmates' troubled state as they entered the Mountain Zone. They could hear the screams as Dark Shadow approached the group, and villains were tossed like plastic toys before a giant toddler. They could see none of the usual sense of intelligence that generally accompanied the sentient quirk.

"I fear he can't tell friend from foe; we need to get to the others,"

"I am going to jump and take that sword bitch down from the air," Toru said as her gloves and boots flew.

Shoto turned them to descend to their critically injured classmates; he and Toru leaped from the ice slide, with Shoto sending an ice pillar at the Bear; it also attracted the attention of the Dervish, who turned to face him, of course not being able to see the invisible rocket that crashed into her chest. Toru had leaped and impacted the woman, her knees hitting the woman in the shoulders, driving her to the ground, her head thudding.

The Bear was quite more agile than Shoto thought as it dodged the Ice Pillar and rushed Shoto. He tried to avoid the villain but was caught in a crushing bear hug. Shoto knew that his classmates were in danger and couldn't encase himself and the villain in ice. It is my fire; people may die. Can I live with them dying because I refused to use everything at my disposal? NO!

"The thing about fur is that it can be flammable," Shoto said as his left side erupted in a violent flame, the Bear's coat caught instantly, and he dropped Shoto, who rolled away, dousing his flame side as the beast ran in fire off into the USJ.

-Fire Zone-

The villains had a lousy day, Katsuki, with unlimited sweat, meant more prominent and better explosions. Those that didn't get blown to kingdom come were introduced to a rock fist.

As the duo raced out of the fire zone, they saw Dark Shadow explode up and begin tossing villains; Katsuki immediately noticed that the quirk was not in its right mind, significantly when it lifted and tossed a car at them. Katsuki rocketed to the side as Eijiro barely managed to follow suit.

The goddamn bird motherfucker is throwing cars at me. Bird face must have lost control, goddamn shitty extras.

"Yo Shitty Hair, I am going to go say hello to Tweety you find Bird's face and see if you can smack some sense into him. If not, knock him the fuck out."

"Got it,"

Katsuki rocketed off, landing before Dark Shadow, "Hey, Tweety." Dark Shadow roared in response and dove down at Katsuki, to which the boy smiled and raised one of his gauntlets braced the best he could, pulling the pin that stored all the sweat he had accumulated during his fight in the fire zone.

The explosion rocked the entire USJ and blew part of the glass roof apart; Dark Shadow reared back as the light and sound severely damaged the sentient quirk. Eijiro found Fumi, who was cackling madly, so Eijiro did precisely what he was told. He reared back and smacked his classmate.

Dark Shadow recoiled from not only the explosion but the blinding flash, forcing it to decrease in size severely, but then when Fumi was brought back to reality, it could feel the blind rage subsiding. Fumi found himself on his backside, looking up at Eijiro as the redhead teen talked, trying to help bring Fumi back into control. Katsuki leaped at Dark Shadow, firing off more explosions targeting the shadow but not at it, using the light from the blast to weaken it further so Fumi could try and reign it in.

-Forrest Zone-

Rikido franticly looked around, hoping to find some weapon; all he could see was a fist-sized rock. Grabbing it with his good arm, he clutched it to his chest. His arm was bleeding from the gunshot, his side from the impaled tree branch, and his struggle with the gorilla. His time and options were limited. He didn't know what condition Yuga was in, but he knew from what he saw that it was not good. Odds were that they would die from their wounds without medical attention.

He was terrified, here he was in the first week of hero training, and he knew that he was about to die if he did nothing and only had a slim chance of surviving even if he did something. He closed his eyes and silently prayed to the cosmos and his parents, asking them to forgive him. He needed an opening; if he surrendered, they were both dead. Suddenly the building was rocked by an insane explosion.

Rikido dumped a sugar packet into his mouth, fueling his quirk; as he broke cover, the man immediately fired a shot. It went errant, striking the boulder Rikido had just broken cover from; the young hero in training reared back and threw the rock with all his strength as a second shot rang out, hitting him in the leg and sending him to the ground. The man shifted slightly to his side, but the rock still impacted his shoulder with a sickening crack causing him to drop Yuga.

He tried to move forward to press his advantage, but his leg collapsed. Frantically trying to claw his way toward the villain, he saw the man getting to his knee and raising the gun. Rikido's mind frantically raced, but he knew he was done for.

Suddenly as the villain was about to fire, Yuga dove at him, striking him in the head. The broken and battered lad struggled to his feet frantically as he grabbed the villain's head and held it to his navel.

"Mourir ta Merde," he said as he fired off a blast straight through the villain's head, killing him. Yuga wobbled as he locked eyes with Rikido, desperately as the villain's lifeless body fell to the ground, he managed to stumble a few steps towards his classmate, his blonde hair-stained crimson, blood pouring down his face, "c'est magnifique," he muttered as he collapsed to the ground.

Rikido tried to drag himself, only for the same fate to befall him as the pain and blood loss overtook him.

-Ruins Zone-

Mina stood over the form of once her would-be rapist, his dying screams still echoing in the room, the smell of melted flesh permeating her nose. She looked at her stinging skin, tattered hero outfit and stepped over the still-melting mass with a shrug. She stumbled out of the room; she had to escape. She would not be caught here again; this was not how she would end. Once she hit the ruined streets, she willed her legs into motion, determined that she would survive this hell. As she rounded the corner to the streets, she saw that she wasn't alone, villains, more of them.

They turned and locked eyes with the pink-skinned girl, looks of unspeakable horrors were sent her way; it didn't have the effect they desired. Mina had already stared that down up close, had already used her acid in a way that had and would fuel her nightmares. "In for a penny in for a pound," Mina muttered.

She may fall today but would not fall without taking as many of these bastards down as she could.

-Volcano Zone-

"I expected better, Little Phoenix."

Izuku eyes suddenly changed as the boy rocketed towards him, gone where the emerald, green orbs soon exploded in a brilliant yellow fire as the cosmic power roared to life in his veins. Stabilizing himself, he caught the boy's fist in his, and the energy surrounding the boy's hand hurt. He could feel the point tearing into his very cells, tearing at the Phoenix Force that ran through his veins. His mind firing, he quickly threw a psychokinetic assault at the girl that sent her tumbling back as thin cuts exploded all over her body as she was being cut at a molecular level.

"Not little Phoenix, just Phoenix," He said and crushed the boy's hand with his newly increased strength. The power cosmic rushed to the call as he drove a knee into the boy's stomach, cut off his scream of pain, and threw him into the ground from above, leaving a massive crater.

The girl tried desperately attacking telekinetically, but Izuku batted the attacks aside. "For being so young, you are so talented. But whoever sent you didn't quite understand whom they were sending you against." He snapped his fingers, and more lacerations exploded from the girl as the boy yelled an empty threat Izuku threw his bleeding sister into him. He dove down, crashing into them and kicking them down the mountainside. He stalked after them when he felt the psychic shielding in the area collapse.

The emotions and thoughts of his classmates flooded him; he staggered back, sifting through it all. He turned to look at his opponents; the girl was down, the boy's hand was broken, and he more than likely had other wounds. "Tell whoever sent you to stay the hell away."

-Ruins Zone-

The villains were too deep into the sunk cost fallacy at this point. This girl had critically injured over half of them, half of whom had fled, leaving the remaining few with just a sense of bloodlust. Not even a week after attending U.A., this child stood defiantly, bleeding, and half-naked. Her words were slurred, one eye bruised, a horn broken, a head wound, as she stumbled, only being held up the wall at her back. Not trusting her voice, she motioned for them to come at her.

She couldn't dodge; she had to keep standing; she had to keep fighting. Her acid was barely coming out anymore, everything hurt, and she was only aware of her extremities because she could visually account for them. When a villain suddenly broke open a fire hydrant, and the water dragon crashed into her, she could barely hold her breath; another rushed and her, his body covered in tiny spikes. He wrapped her to his body. She screamed as dozens of points invaded her body; freeing her hand, she dug her thumbs into his eyes, managing to secrete some acid from them as she did so. He stumbled back, screaming and clawing his eyes. The third woman touched a piece of rubble. It rocketed at Mina, who barely managed to get her arms in front of her to block; the impact fractured her left arm. The fourth came in behind the attack to deliver a vicious punch to her gut, driving what little wind she had from her body; he then went a knee into her, going her back into the wall; like a rabid animal, Mina grabbed onto the leg and bit deep into his thigh, her acidic saliva adding to the attack. His screams halting attack made Mina drive her fist into his balls, toppling him. The final attacker came from the side and crashed a brick into the side of her head as she toppled over. She tried to stand only to topple again; turning, she saw them stalking her.

She felt a kick land on her already damaged ribs as she was on all fours; her brain couldn't even register the pain as her body was experiencing too much already. She was on her back as the one who smashed the brick to her head straddled her torso; in what she assumed would be her final act of defiance, she concentrated as much acid and at as high of ph. as she could in her mouth when he opened his mouth to talk, she spit right in his filthy mouth. He screamed and fell off her as acid began to eat at his throat and dissolve his esophagus. She managed a small laugh as the Water Dragon man stood over her, "they struggle less when they are dead," he said wickedly.

"That or it's because your dick is so small, they can't tell if you are in," she retorted. She wouldn't cry, she wouldn't beg, and she wouldn't give them that satisfaction; Mina Ashido fought 21 villains that day, alone, and in the end, only three were walking away unharmed; the rest, if they lived, were going to be scared the rest of their lives, Imagine what I could have done with two weeks of training. Sorry, Mom, Sorry, Dad.

The screams brought her back to reality; she saw the three villains float into the air, their arms and legs twisting and breaking as they crashed back into the ground. She could smell cinnamon. She saw Izuku come down next to her, "I have you, Mina; it's ok."

-The Door-

Hitoshi ran carrying Thirteen. Her gravity was negated, thanks to Ochaco trying to get her out of the facility. The mist villain opened a portal in front of him; he managed to dive to the side to avoid being sucked in.

Momo slipped an item to Ochaco, "neck brace," she said. Momo spun to the side as a blast of technicolor light exploded next to her; rushing the villain metal bat in hand, she ran forward, coming in a perfect standing slide, twisting her hips, and putting her all into her swing a satisfying metal clang rang out as the bat struck true to the villains head, and sickening squelch followed.

Ochaco rushed towards the mist villain dodging right to avoid a portal; as she did so, another appeared. She attempted to plant to juke back to prevent the second portal. She thought she wasn't going to make it when time seemed to slow down; she avoided the exit and crossed the remaining distance slapping the piece of C4 to the metal brace and brushing her finger pads across the metal surface as time seemed to catch up to her, the mist villain couldn't even react as he was sent flying away through the air. Ochaco dived for cover. Momo whirled around to see Misty barreling away. She pulled out a detonator, "Fuck you!" she spits as she triggers the explosion.


Nomu had crushed Eraser Heads' arm, and with a mighty kick, he sent the pro flying to be embedded in a wall. Tomura watched all this, wondering where Kurogiri was when he saw him fly through the air and explode.

"What the fuck?" he shouted. "Nomu, go kill whoever is by the door."


Ochaco ran over towards Momo; as she was about to move, it all slowed down again as the monstrous being landed between them; it was a hulking beast with a beak where its mouth should be, and its brain exposed. Neither girl could react when it swung its mighty arm colliding flush with Ochaco's chest, sending her flying, and its other arm snatched Momo off the ground with the other.

Brighton slowed time and rushed in; as he moved, his eyes widened when he saw the beast's eyes track him; he couldn't stop himself when the beast swung its free arm sending the boy over the ledge towards the plaza.

In a flash, two of her classmates had been dealt with; Momo managed to swing her bat to no effect as it harmlessly collided with the beast. Her windpipe quickly was collapsing under this thing's monstrous strength when out of desperation, she created a stiletto blade and stabbed it through its eye; the thing roared and dropped the creation user to the ground, and with a mighty kick, he punted her away, her ribs breaking and blood erupting from her mouth.

Ochaco pushed herself up and ran towards the beast, slapping it on the back as it whirled around, the blade pushing itself out as the creature regenerated. She could block as the thing beat her away again, sending her tumbling across the ground.

Tsu and company managed to arrive at this most dangerous moment; thankfully, Denki seemed to be returning to his senses. Tsu used her tongue to grab the thing and throw it back towards the plaza. Koji activated his quirk now that the dome was open to the outside, summoning all the birds he could; flocks dived into the USJ, divebombing the villains in the plaza. He ran towards Momo only to see her vomit more blood; as the girl was gasping for air, blood was frothing from her mouth.

Brighton landed in the middle of the cannon fodder; when his quirk deactivated, they turned and began to pounce; his ability to slow time was fading from usage, he managed to avoid some blows as others rained down, and he made it to the steps seeing Denki at the top he grabbed the boy and threw him as time reasserted its dominance.

Denki had got to the top of the stairs the next thing he knew, he was airborne, the familiarity of this was not lost on him from his arrival to the flood zone, but he was sure that Tsu wouldn't be able to save him this time. "Fuck it, 1.3 Million Indiscriminate Shock!" he yelled.

The assembled villains yelled as the electricity raced through them. Once again, his mind down, Denki landed with a thud in the middle of the downed group "WHEY!"

Eraser Head freed himself as Tomura raced towards him, activating his quirk again. The villain was stunned when his hand landed on the pro's face, and nothing happened. Aizawa quickly understood that the villain's quirk must rely on five-finger contact; he smashed his fist into the stunned boy's face, sending him tumbling away. Quickly using his capture scarf, he wrapped it around his broken arm to stabilize it.

The Nomu reached the wall the pushed off like a missile back to the group by the door; Tsu threw Ochaco to the side and attempted to leap back when the thing impacted the ground, its hand snatching her out of the air and slamming her down to the ground.

Momo was drowning in her blood; her ribs had punctured her lungs, and she was dying; Koji was over her fretting, trying to stop the blood loss, but he could do nothing.

Mei and Melissa screamed as the telemetry reading from Izuku and Momo's suits suddenly sprang to life, and they saw the critical condition alert for Momo.

MOMO, they screamed psychically.

Shoto's group arrived to see Tsu being slammed; he quickly sprang into action, freezing the monster's limbs in place; Toru ran to see if she could free Tsu from the monster's grasp. Grabbing a metal bat she saw on the floor, she swung with all her might, bringing it down on the thing's hand. She did her best not to retch as it shattered effortlessly; dropping the bat, she grabbed the frog girl trying to pull her to safety.

Bakugo was airborne when he saw Shoto freeze the beast, and their Sensei kicked the hand freak back. He figured Icy Hot could handle it for now. Instead, he rocketed toward the son of bitch that thought he could kill All-Might.

Brighton stumbled to his feet to see the monster break free, leaving its frozen limbs behind; he watched in disgust as they started to regenerate; when the thing looked at him, he knew that significant injury was sure to follow, if not death. Using his quirk again, which caused blood to seep from his ears and nose, he put the damn frog girl and what he guessed was the invisible girl between them. When the beast ran through them, trampling them to the ground, Brighton used the momentary slow down to jump to the plaza below.

The beast whirled, seeing the group of injured students by the door with a thing that had frozen it between it and them. It blurred forward, Shoto managed to create an Ice Shield and brace, which probably saved his life, and he went tumbling across the ground; Itsuka using her un-injured arm, swung for all she was worth; she might have well as spit on it for all it seemed to react. It grabbed the girl and began to strangle her when Kyoka jammed her jacks into its exposed brain and pumped her raging heartbeat directly into it. Koji called every animal he could to try to distract this thing.

Shoto struggled to his feet; almost everyone was down; thankfully, when the Nomu swung at Kyoka, Eijiro had managed to arrive and block the attack, but Shoto noticed the cracks that formed on the boy's hardened arms.

Bakugo fired off his explosion, driving the hand freak back; he ignored the shouts of Eraser Head to fall back as he spun through the air to deliver a devastating blast, only for the monster to slide under the explosion, his fingertips grazing Bakugo's gauntlet. He watched in terror as it began to decay; in a panic, he tried to get the thing off his arm, losing sight of his opponent, only to feel a hand grab his face. Then nothing happened. "You are just so cool, aren't you, Eraser Head," the villain spat. Bakugo's mind immediately snapped back, placing his hand against the villain's chest, blasted with everything he could, sending the hand freak flying around and his hands going everywhere.

The Nomu swung again and again, and Eijiro was driven down to one knee; Shoto fired spikes of Ice to see a black portal appear, swallowing them suddenly; he immediately tried to cancel his quirk and visit another portal open behind all the wounded and a scream died in his throat when he saw them all impact a telekinetic shield. Izuku landed near the wounded with Mina.

Izuku extended his hand toward the beast. Everyone looked in horror as it lifted into the air and was disassembled. As he stalked forward, his costume was different, blood red trimmed in gold; a dark red, the almost black fire began to emanate from him as he crept forward. "Izuku," it was whispered, gurgled almost inaudible over everything, but Kyoka heard it. It was Momo. Kyoka ran over to the girl as Hitoshi ran in and grabbed Tsu and Toru to pull them back towards the door.

Momo saw what was happening and knew she needed to stop it, she tried to call out to him and saw the signs that this was the Dark Phoenix, and the world was about to burn. Kyoka was at her side, holding her hand.

"What about Izuku?' the punk rock girl asked.

"Burn, Phoenix. Anchor."

"Momo, I don't understand."

"Izuku, save me, tell," Momo managed as more blood poured.



Jean, can the Phoenix force heal as well?

The entity grants us the power to control life and death - we can empty a living being from its life force to redistribute it, bathe someone in it so she can heal, or even heal/resurrect another being . This power is linked to the Phoenix's ability to return from the dead. The firebird is immortal. Burn bright little Phoenix and bathe them in your fire.

-Flashback End-

He extended his senses all across the USJ, sensing those two dying in the forest, Mezo who was clinging to life, the wound and damage to all his classmates, Toru's heart slowing from when she was stomped, Tsu body temp dropping from blood loss, Itsuka standing because her heart hadn't given out yet, Eijiro's broken arms but he was still trying to defend others, Eraser Head and Thirteens myriad of injuries, and lastly Momo pleading with him psychically to come back. Not to save her, but to come back to her, to not burn the world as he was about to, to keep their classmates. No where was she pleading for her life? She was still trying to save him.

The class gathered there and watched his clothing change to normal before a white fire erupted everywhere around them. They felt the worst of their wounds heal, their strength return, and a warmth and sense of life that empowered their very souls. They all felt connected for a moment; they all felt like one. The injured rose to their feet, and the nearly dead stood again.

Shigaraki roared in frustration, looking for the hands that once covered his body. He saw them fall through portals as Kurogiri appeared at his side.

"Master, we must flee; the Nomu is dead; the others we have brought are decimated."

"I will not run."

Kurogiri didn't ask again, a portal opening up as they fell in.

The faculty arrived a few seconds later to see Class 1-A looking like they had been through hell. Seeing their teachers come, many collapsed into tears and sank to the floor. They had survived, barely, though the worst of their wounds had been healed somehow by Izuku they still bore the marks of their fight, and they would have the mental scars to prove it.

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