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75% Nano-Machine (DC X INVINCIBLE) / Chapter 28: Adapt, Evolve and Overcome (P.1)

Capítulo 28: Adapt, Evolve and Overcome (P.1)

~Ezra's Pov,  1 month later~




'Today makes it a month since I've been here...' I huddled myself in something shaky called a hideout. It was just a deep cave and nothing else. But, I've managed to survive so far, wasn't hard, to be honest...

The first 2 weeks had been the hardest for me. The planet's environment was a bit of a pain to deal with initially. Not to mention, the aliens were utterly relentless in their pursuit of me. Every day had been nothing short of a struggle to stay hidden from the patrols, and to avoid detection by the planet's surveillance systems... The cave offered some protection, but it was far from a secure shelter.

Still, they hadn't come to this region yet, it seemed like they were purposefully avoiding the area where I was generally located... However, that wasn't my main takeaway here. It was the sheer gravity and the conditions that the planet had held. It was a boon for someone like me.

This place had gravity levels around 20-23 times Earth's, give or take. Which was a bit of a struggle to get used to. But, ever since a few days ago, I've gotten to adjust to its levels, but it was a slow process. Walking around was exercising every single cell in my body, alone. It washed my earlier training regiments away completely out of the waters.

Interestingly enough, I was bulking up even more now, I thought I had reached peak musculature at this point. But, my muscles responded to my growth and reflected the training I had gone through well. I still used my imagination training on top of the gravity here, which had made me grow explosively.

It gave me an epiphany that the so-called conditions I would place myself under could never bridge the gap between reality itself. Since there was always a part of me that knew it was all fake, and that 99/100% percent would be my downfall, that singular percentage, no matter how close to 100 it was, would never match up to reality; and I was reaping massive benefits because of said difference now...

Enhanced gravity has massive benefits, especially for someone like myself, since who trains in higher gravity also trains in a speed of time relative to that gravity, so in normal gravity, I'd have extra enhanced reflexes and perceive time as moving slower than normal, which I could definitely feel the effects of... My perceptive abilities have never been higher.

Additionally, I was aging slower here since the gravity was affecting me 20-23 times greater, I was aging 20-23 times slower, relativity was such a blessing. Secondly, gravity at this level was likely affecting me much differently compared to a regular being, since my cells are far denser than most creatures, as well as my bones, muscles, and tissues; I would, at least. Theoretically speaking, have a tougher time than other creatures.

However, what made this easier for me, was the fact that I could absorb radiation from the red sun that this planet orbits, which made me bypass the need for food, sleep, and water entirely. Goes to show how powerful Kryptonian DNA was, or handy in this specific sense.

I even gained a few additional abilities, some sort of telekinesis, as well as heat vision. Interestingly enough, wasn't the typical red color I was used to, instead, it was pure white. I didn't mind it though, the color ultimately meant nothing to me if it wasn't effective.

'ECHO, show me my statistic page, please.' I hadn't checked on it for over two weeks, but I should be seeing good results...

[Of course, here...

Physical Age: 16 years / 22,342.11 --> 124,231.22 years

Height: 6'1.5" / 6'11.3"

Weight: 389.22 kg --> 410.81 kg (Effectively 152.39 kg)

Physical Strength: 1.04 Megatons --> CLass-P {High} / ♾ 

Striking Strength: Tier-6C {Low}

Physicality: 279.3 --> Tier-6C {High} / 1

Stamina: 1

Perception/Reaction speeds: Sol 58.18% --> MFTL × 2.2 / ♾

Movement-Speed: Mach 6,824 --> Relatavistic+ / ♾

Intelligence: Mid Genius --> High Genius / ♾


Basic Tactile-Telekinesis: When in contact with an object, you can lift it 4.23 × more easily.

Heat vision: The user can emit beams of solar energy, that can reach temperatures between 2,000-2500 degrees Celsius.

Basic Super-Intellect: Allows the user to process, store, and comprehend information as well as sort data, and sequences 1.42 × greater than before.




And my last ability, super-intelligence... It was useful, but it was just developing slower than the rest of my abilities... I guess that's what being under a red sun does. It means my abilities develop a dozen times slower than they normally should have. Though, I wonder... How much more powerful I would get under a blue sun?


I'm glad ECHO simplified my stats now, it made it easier to see what ballpark I was in, in terms of power, and compared to before. I was not even the same being. in just a few weeks, I was probably stronger than Omni-man, if not as physically strong, I was surely tougher than him.

However, I still couldn't bridge the sheer gap in speed we likely still had. He was still likely many more times faster than myself... How? I didn't know how. His physiology likely maximized his speed more than his physical attributes, but that shouldn't be possible either due to the massive difference it should have...

And that's what made this interesting, maybe these creatures had something that helped them be different from the rest. I was... Reluctant to find out, I didn't want to look alien, the thought wasn't entirely welcoming, but... I was growing curious as the days passed.

Even though I could practically leave this place anytime I wanted to, I was powerful enough to do it. But, It's hard to turn up a place like this, and I haven't decided to learn anything new yet. The technology here is leagues ahead of Earth's. I at least wanted to take some of it back and utilize it myself. But, how would still be a mystery to me.

They had teleportation technology, if I could get my hands on that then... I was getting a bit excited. But knowing I had to commit mass genocide one of these days to potentially reap nothing from it would be, depressing...

[Master... I'm picking up some life forms from here... Will you stay here?]

I thought about her question for a moment, 'Yes... They don't seem to come around here, for some odd reason... I still plan on abusing that little fact for now.' I decided.

I'll stay here for the next few months and train myself more, maybe I can find a way to deal with the occupants here without messing up their technology in the meantime, for now. They lived by my will and didn't even know it. And, I had around 20 times longer to get it done. A few months here, meant on Earth was a few days had passed, at best.

When I develop my powers a bit more, I'll start my mission. I wasn't in any rush...





~Omniscient Pov on Earth, a day later...~




"We just took care of the last trace of the invaders... But, I wonder if we even did our best..." Cecil appeared below from his lookout. The buildings destroyed were great, but the lives lost were even greater than that. He simply shook his head in disappointment.

"Sir, we still have nothing so far, but our best guess is, was that they were teleported away. The energy to do that must have turned off the switch for the portal." An analyst said.

Cecil furrowed his brows. With a heavy sigh, he responded, "Keep monitoring for any unusual energy signatures. We need to know where they went and if they're coming back." Just as he was about to leave, he saw a familiar figure approaching...

The figure flying from afar, sped up and swiftly landed on the lookout. Cecil just looked to the side... "What do you want, Omni-Man?" He asked, but his tone was hint enough that he didn't want to converse.

Omni-man just gave a look of understanding, "I know you're upset, but... things are about to get worse..." Cecil hearing this, finally looked up, wondering how this could have gotten any worse than it already had.

And that's something Cecil hated, the bad news. Especially with a job like this that dealt with beings and forces that could wipe out entire planets, and eradicate entire civilizations on a mere whim. Hell, he was standing in front of one...

"I've managed to interrogate one of them before they died. He said that their forces would come back twice as hard as before..." He paused for a moment to let the information sink in, "I think that it's a bluff to keep us on edge, but if on the off chance it isn't..." Omni-Man didn't need to continue his sentence, since Cecil gave him, the look.

"We barely survived this, and the casualties from this alone were catastrophic..." Cecil mumbled under his breath. He didn't know what to do at the moment. The only reason they got off free, was because of the same individual that likely managed to get the ship out of here.

Seeing the distress on his colleague's face, Omni-man flew off... 

Cecil just stood in the aftermath of the battle, the weight of the situation pressing heavily on his shoulders. The devastation around him was just a reminder of their vulnerability, their weakness. He turned to his team, who were already tirelessly working to assess the damage and coordinate relief efforts.

"Damn it... Listen up, everyone!" Cecil called out, "We need to regroup and strengthen our defenses. If there's any chance of another attack, we have to be prepared."

His team nodded, understanding the urgency of the situation. However, some found it weird that he was speaking of another attack so soon after one like this... Regardless, the analysts and strategists started to outline plans for reinforcing their defenses, while medics and rescue workers focused on aiding the injured and locating survivors.





~Omnisicent Pov, another month later~






"Mmhmm~ Not bad, who knew alien meat would taste this good?" Ezra had been stranded on this alien planet for two months now, and his clothing had started to deteriorate, which was a minor annoyance.

[Master…] ECHO chided.

Ezra sighed, knowing what was coming. "I know, ECHO…" He slowly sat up and tossed aside the remains of the creature he had eaten. Today was the day to leave; two months here was already more than enough.

He left the cave and quickly ascended above it. In the distance, he could see the alien city… He opened his arms, channeling both his electrical and solar energy, and began forming his spears.

'Two… No, three should be enough…' He had to be cautious; these things had enough energy to wipe out entire continents easily. And he still needed their technology to be relatively safe, maybe leaving an important building or two should be good enough...

Hovering high above the alien city, Ezra could feel the energy coursing through his body. He focused on his targets, knowing that precision was key here. The city below was a sprawling mass of metallic structures and advanced technology, the heart of their operations.

With a deep breath, he steadied his aim, summoning three massive spears of pure energy. They glowed with a fierce, radiant light, ready to unleash devastation upon his command.

'This ends now,' he thought, hurling the weapons with just the movement of a finger.

They streaked through the sky like meteors, piercing the atmosphere with a deafening roar. As they made contact, a blinding explosion erupted, shaking the very ground beneath. The shockwaves rippled outward, leveling buildings and obliterating anything in their path.

In the aftermath, the city lay in ruins, smoke billowing from the wreckage. Yet, amidst the destruction, Ezra could still see pockets of resistance. The aliens were resilient, their technology formidable.

'ECHO, scan for survivors and any remaining threats,' he commanded, descending slowly to survey the damage.

[Scanning… I sense multiple life forms remaining. Minimal threats to be specific.]

'Good.' He thought to himself. With most of their defenses crippled, it was time to gather what he came for. He moved swiftly through the rubble, searching for their central hub. The technology they possessed could be his ticket back home—or at the very least, provide valuable information.

As he reached the city's heart, he found what he was looking for; a massive, heavily fortified building. Its walls were reinforced with energy shields, and the air around it buzzed with electromagnetic interference. It screamed being 'important'.

He was impressed that it could withstand his initial strike since he also expected something to, at least with this level of tech at their disposal. But, the energy field was something he could easily manipulate. With a wave of his arm, the energy powering the building began to waver...

Within moments, the shields flickered and collapsed, granting him access inside easily. Ezra pushed open the heavy doors and stepped inside.

The interior was filled with both corridors and control rooms, filled with advanced alien machinery. He made his way to the central command center, where a massive console stood at the room's center. This was it—The heart of their operations. Or, one of them...

Just as Ezra approached their monitors, he heard footsteps behind himself... Turning around, he saw a group of alien soldiers, their weapons raised, however, they didn't shoot, rather their expressions were filled with confusion.

"No... No... It was an Earth creature that killed our women and children!?" one of them shouted, its voice trembling with emotion. When Ezra heard that, he wondered if they knew about him in the first place... Why were they tailing him? Or was that an accident from just picking up a random lifeform?

Ezra just ignored it and shook his head in disappointment. "Really? You invaded my world, slaughtering millions, adults and children alike, and now you cry foul when the tables are turned? Hypocrites." Now he was regretting giving them the chance to speak...

However, another alien soldier stepped forward, its eyes filled with both fear and determination. "Y-you don't understand! We had no choice. Our planet was dying. We needed resources, a new home!"

"And that justified murdering my people?" Ezra's voice was cold, his patience already wearing thinner as the moments passed. "If you didn't want this to happen to you, you shouldn't have done the same to others."

The alien soldiers exchanged uncertain glances, their resolve wavering. "We were following orders... We didn't want this either," one of them admitted, its weapon lowering slightly.

"Orders or not, you made your choice," Ezra replied. His eyes narrowed, and in an instant, he reappeared in front of them, his eyes glowing pure white. "And now you'll face the consequences."

With a swift motion, he used his laser vision to vaporize them all, their screams echoing briefly before silence returned to the command center...

"That should be it," he muttered to himself, walking towards one of their chairs and sitting down. He surveyed the alien interface. Slowly, a small smile crept on his face, the notion of cracking their security might be a bit fun... "Now, let's see how we'll crack this code..."

ECHO's voice echoed in his mind, [Master, their technology seems highly advanced, but there are similarities to our own systems... I can assist in decrypting their database if you want.]

He nodded, "That would be nice ECHO, but I'll ask if I need any assistance. Though we aren't in any particular rush, we have all the time in the world to do whatever we want."










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