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76.19% TEEN WOLF - Born Alpha / Chapter 15: Chapter 13 - Day of full moon

Capítulo 15: Chapter 13 - Day of full moon


I walked into class, Allison was sitting up front, Sarah was beside her, Erica was behind her, Lydia was on her other side, Danny was at the back with Stiles, and Jackson was in the middle, i took the empty sit at the back to the corner of the room,

Allison smiled at me when i walked past her and tapped the top of her desk with my index finger, i also winked at Erica and Sarah making them both smile, before i took my seat. A few minutes later Scott walked in, and the first thing he did was walk up to Allison, everyone in class just looked at them,

Mr. Harris was handing out exam papers, he stopped when he got to Allison's desk because Scott was standing infront of it blocking his way, "Allison.." Scott said, but Allison didn't even look at him, "Mr. McCall, please take a seat" Mr. Harris said and leaned infront of Scott to block his view of Allison ,

Scott looked down and made his way to an open desk, "<Oh look everyone a heartbroken puppy, digging his grave deeper>" i whispered, causing Sarah to stifle a laugh and Erica to giggle, Danny just shook his head with a smile and Stiles looked conflicted, i mean that was his best friend i was talking about,

"<Tonight's the full moon, Stiles be at the apartment by 10 pm tonight>" i added and looked at Stiles, who gave me a thumbs up and a nod with his goofy smile plastered on his face,

"You have 45 minutes to complete the test, 25% of your grade can be earned right now by simply writing your name on the cover of your blue book, however as happens every year one of you will inexplicably fail to put your name on the cover and i'll be left yet again questioning my decision to ever become a teacher,

so let's get the disappointment over with, begin!" Mr. Harris said with and clicked a stop watch he was holding to start the timer for the test.

About less than a minute into the test and Scott ran out of the classroom, i could feel his anxiety, so could the rest of my pack, "<Sit your ass down Stiles, and finish the exam>" i whispered to Stiles from across the room, i could see he wanted to stand up and run after Scott,

"<But what if he->""<Don't even think about it>" Sarah's voice was heard, as she cut him off mid-sentence, Stiles put his head down and focused on his paper, within 20 minutes we were done, well my pack was done, everyone else in class were still writing,

i put my hand up to catch Mr. Harris's attention, "Yes Mr. Hale?" he asked when he saw my raised hand, "Sir, i've completed the test can i be excused early" i asked politely, Mr. Harris was pretty strict to everyone, but when it came to those who performed well in his classes he was more friendly,

"Your done already? who else is done with the entire booklet?" Mr. Harris asked and saw Sarah, Erica, Danny, Stiles and Lydia's hands go up, just as he was about to address them Allison's hand also shot up,

"Why am i not surprised?, very well you may hand in your papers and leave early" Mr. Harris said with a slight smile,

we headed out and went to do something fun to pass the time, we had lacrosse practice in the afternoon, well myself, Danny and Stiles did anyway, so we went and sat in the library and chatted quietly to each other.

"<Erica, Sarah, i think it's time to tell Allison about us, take her to the girls toilet or changing room and tell her, and flash your eyes, just for a few seconds>" i whispered to both my girlfriends,

Danny and Stiles looked beyond shocked, "<Are you sure dude? you said her family hunts creatures like us, what if she tells them?>" Danny asked with concern,

"<We gotta take the risk to make her see us as people and not the monsters her family says we are>" i explained patiently to my friend,

he had a thoughtful look on his face before nodding at me giving his consent, i turned to Stiles, "<D-don't look at me, your plan is sound, if she sees us as friends and not monsters it might benefit us in more ways than none, so i'm down with it>" Stiles said shrugging, his ability to analyze and think out scenarios was always spot on,

"<Are you gonna turn her?>" Sarah asked, "<No! i don't think i will, you and Erica are all i need, if i didn't have you both than maybe, but that ship has sailed, she already made her choice, and i'm done with her, we can still be friends but anything more is a no no>" i replied,

"<But she just broke up with Scott, isn't this a good oppor->""<No Erica, i'm no one's rebound, and i'm not tryna be a shoulder to cry on, she has her girlfriends for that, right now all she is, is an opportunity to make an Argent an ally, nothing else>" i stated firmly, "<Go on, go let her know about us, and make her swear to keep it a secret>" i added,

so Erica and Sarah took Allison and headed of to the restrooms while Danny distracted Lydia, Stiles was busy reading something, and i just closed my eyes to feel what was going on inside me, after the hunters massacre on friday night i felt different,

i felt stronger than i was before, the wolfsbane in my bloodstream had all but disappeared, and i had no idea how or why, all i knew was, i had just gotten a boost to all my abilities.

About 10 minutes later, the girls came back, Erica was all smiles as she came over and kissed me before sitting, Sarah just winked at me, and Allison was looking at me with curiousity and a hint of fear,

i flashed her a smile, making her calm down abit, her emotions were like an open book to us, "So where'd you guys go?" Lydia suddenly asked,

"Oh we needed to use the restroom" Allison replied hurriedly, "All of you?" Lydia asked with confusion, "Yep" Erica replied, "Ok.. weird" Lydia said and went back to talking to Danny,

"<Allison wants to come over and watch us shift for the first time>" Sarah whispered, making me turn to Allison who just nodded since she was sitting next to Sarah and heard her,

"<Alright tell her to be at our place by 10 pm tonight>" i replied with a slight nod, Erica leaned over to Allison and told her what i said, causing Allison to smile widely, she went back to studying after that.

(MC POV End)

(Chris Argent POV)

"So the kid slapped you for mentioning his dead sister, that doesn't mean you can just go and kill him for that" Chris shouted at Kate who was loading a handgun with wolfsbane laced bullets,

"That little shit needs to know his place" Kate retorted aggressively, they had been going at it since this morning after Kate had gotten smacked across the face by Jake,

"The smug little shit thinks he's tough? Let's find out how tough he is after i fill him full of wolfsbane bullets" Kate said with a sadistic smirk, "You will not go after him, am i clear!?" Chris said in a very firm tone,

"Tsk, if i see him, i'm shooting" Kate relented, "Did you get the others to cover up the massacre that happened last week?" Chris asked Kate, who just gave him a nod, "It's done, they will be buried like heroes" she added while checking her gear,

"So what another night of kicking through weaves in the woods?" she asked and looked at Chris and two other high ranking hunters who were standing at a table with a map on it,

"I prefer to think of it as another night of tryna keep innocent people from being killed" Chris clarified, "A list which now includes my daughter" he added, "How do we know the alpha won't try going after her again?" a hunter in a suit asked,

"It won't go after Allison" Kate said confidently, "It won't have any target at all, not on a full moon" Chris added, "How come?" the suit asked,

"An alpha is like any other werewolf on a full moon, it struggles under it's sway, which means tonight is our best chance to catch him when it's unfocused, unless if he's a true alpha or a natural born werewolf with enough years of self control, which i highly doubt it" Chris explained,

([Natural born werewolves are in better control of their instincts when there's a full moon, bitten werewolves are more prone to go wild, a bitten werewolf who becomes an alpha after stealing it's powers, it takes them years before they are able to control themselves,

like Satomi of the Bhuddist pack, she was bitten before WWII and it took her 10 to 20 years before she started her own pack, after she learnt to not be under the moon's influence, true alpha's have more control over themselves and their pack members, never being swayed or influenced by the moon, instead use the moon to empower themselves, and their pack.])

([Peter is a born werewolf and should have more control, but he lost his mind after being burnt alive, so he hasn't been able to control himself, acting only on pure instinct])

"Yeah but what if it has a reason to stay focused?" Kate asked no one in particular, "Do you know something we don't?" Chris asked and glanced at Kate, "I just don't like surprises" Kate defended herself, "What about Derek? And his brother?" asked the other hunter who was standing next to the suit,

"Derek and that kid are smart, they won't be out tonight" Kate stated with boredom in her tone, "And if for some reason he and his brother are out there, we take down Derek but not the kid, he saved Allison's life at the school, i'd like to payback a life debt if possible" Chris said with finality and marked the map for where they could set up ambushes for the alpha.

(Chris POV End)

(Danny POV)

Danny, Jake and Stiles were in the lacrosse teams changing room getting ready for training and practice, when suddenly *Pweeep* coach Finstock blew a whistle and walked into the room,

"ALright listen up, due to the recent pinkeye epidemic, thank you Greenberge, the following people have made first-line on a probabionary..basic emphasis on the word P.R.O.BATIONARY!, they are, Rodriguez, Taylor, and ah, oh for the love of crap, i can't even read my own righting, B-Blin-Blinksi, no Bilinski, congrats on making first-line" Coach said with a face that said he didn't care,

Stiles on the otherhand was ecstatic, he almost jumped up and shouted in joy, if it wasn't for Danny holding his shoulder and keeping him seated, "YES! WAHOO!" Stiles said excitedly, Danny saw Jake shaking his head and smiling at the back, he stood their watching everything with folded arms,

"Stilinksi!" Coach called Stiles, "Yes?" Stiles answered, "Shut up!" Coach said while rolling his eyes, "Stiles...""It's Biles, call me Biles or i swear to god i'll kill you" Stiles said interrupting Scott and looking around excitedly,

"And another thing, from here on out immediately, we're switching to co-captains, congradulations McCall" Coach dropped a bomb, making everyone in the changing room go quiet,

Danny turned to look at Jake, who was the best player in the room hands down, since whenever he got the ball he set up someone or scored at crucial times, whilst Jackson and Scott always just wanted to score themselves,

everyone in the room except the coach, Jackson and Scott we're looking at Jake, waiting for him to say something, "What?" Jackson stepped forward and asked,

"What do you mean what? Jackson this takes nothing away from you, this is about combining separate strengths into o-""Yeah i'll have to stop you right there coach" Jake said interrupting Coach from finishing what he was tryna say to Jackson,

"This two dimwitts aren't fit to lead this team, when on the field last game, Jackson told everyone not to pass the ball to McCall, even when he was free, we could have won that game by a large margin, if Jackson didn't wanna compromise his ego and share the spotlight" Jake said standing in the middle of the room,

"Than you got McCall, who did absolutely nothing in the game, except be a burden, he didn't try to communicate, he shut himself off, and played as if he was a one man team, now you want these two ego maniacs, to be co-captains, are you dumb?" He added and faced the coach, "Hale, what did you say?" coach asked abit angry,

"I asked if you're dumb coach, neither of these two idiots show even a hint of leadership quality, so you gotta change them, make someone else captain, or we all walk" Jake said laying down an ultimatum to the coach, "Watch it Hale, this isn't up for debate" Jackson said from the side,

"Now hold on a minute, is everyone in this room agreeing with what Hale just said?" coach asked and looked around, everyone in the locker room nodded and said "'Yeah'Yep'Yes'" in one voice,

"Well looks like we got ourselves a new captain than, congrats Hale, your captain now, you took charge and spoke on behalf of your team mates, your their leader now" coach said with a smile and patted Jake on the shoulder before he left,

"Dude, you're freaking captain" Stiles came running all excited, "And i made first-line, hahaha" he added and laughed, Danny seeing this was also feeling glad, he wasn't happy about what had happened in the first game, so we're almost all the guys on the team,

with Jake in the lead, they might actually play better than they ever had under Jackson's leadership, "Don't think this is over, i'm gonna get back my captaincy" Jackson said angrily while looking at Stiles and Jake walk out of the room,

"Yeah good luck with that, you won't stand a chance Jackson" Danny said and looked at Jackson, "Oh is that the opinion of my best friend?" Jackson asked with a little anger, "The opinion of your 'best friend' is, get over it, as far as the team is concerned, Jake is the only one fit to be captain, not you, and certainly not Scott" Danny replied and left.

(Danny POV End)

Timeskip - 10:30 PM that night


I had everyone sitting in a circle on the roof, "Where's Allison?" i asked Erica, "She's on the way, Jackson's dropping her off" she answered, *GRRRR* a growl escaped my throat, "What's wrong? Jackson won't hurt her" Danny said and looked at me,

"it's not that, it's the way that smug prick keeps following Allison around, like he wants something" i said annoyed, "Come on enough, let's just focus on getting past tonight" Sarah added,

"Yeah, i mean we don't have to worry about him that much right? he's just an arrogant douche" Stiles added and looked at me,

"*Sigh* fine" i replied, a car pulled up alongside the building, i could smell Allison's scent, without anyone able to react in time i jumped of the roof, seven storeys high, "JAKE!" Sarah, Erica and Danny shouted with worry, "Oh shit!" i heard Stiles voice right after,

Allison and Jackson had gotten out the car and Jackson was standing infront of Allison trying to flirt with her, *Buncrunck* the concrete cracked under my feet as i landed, bending my knees a little before straightening up, "Your late" i said while looking at Allison,

"What the hell?!" Jackson said and jumped behind Allison pushing her forward, he didn't see me land, all he heard was the sound of cracking cement and my sudden appearance,

"J-Jake? H-how did yo..""Let's go" i interruped her and led her toward the apartment building,

Allison had a shocked and unbelieving expression on her face, she had just seen me jump down from the roof of the apartment comlex and was tryna wrap her mind around how i was supernatural,

Jackson tried to follow us, causing me to turn and grab him by the throat and lifted him up well above my head, "Now where do you think your going, Whittemore?" i asked and looked up at him,

"I don't remember inviting you, get lost or i break something" i said and a cold smile adorned my face, "Jake, let him go" Allison said with a hint of fear in her voice and tried to pry my hands from Jackson's throat,

"Oh no, Allison, he should be aware what's good for him and leave" i said and dropped him on his ass, Jackson coughed and scrambled to his feet, before he ran to his car and sped off, "Huh, he chose wisely" i said and turned to Allison,

"Come on, let's go, everyone's trying their best to stay in control, i can't be away from them too long" i said and led her over to where i landed.

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