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86.59% Naruto-ReBorn as a Baker / Chapter 163: Chapter 159: Aoi Rokushō

Capítulo 163: Chapter 159: Aoi Rokushō

Chapter 159: Aoi Rokushō

The day was dark and gloomy, with an endless rain pouring down from the heavens. The forest was soaked, and the ground was muddy and treacherous. Aoi stood on the edge of a cliff, her body battered and bruised from the intense battle with Team 7. The pain was excruciating, but she refused to show any weakness. The Sword of the Thunder God, once a symbol of her power and ambition, lay broken at her feet. The crack in the blade, caused by Sasuke's Chidori, had been her downfall.

She had underestimated the determination and strength of her opponents, and now she was paying the price. As the rain continued to fall, Aoi's thoughts were consumed by regret. She remembered the moment she had tricked Idate Morino into stealing the sword, believing it would grant her the power and recognition she craved. She had fled Konoha, leaving behind everything she knew, only to find herself in a foreign land, surrounded by enemies. The memories of her betrayal and the pain she had inflicted on others haunted her. She thought of Ibiki Morino, the man she had tortured to gain the knowledge of the sword.

She thought of Idate, the young boy she had manipulated and abandoned. She thought of the countless lives she had destroyed in her quest for power. As she stood on the cliff, the rain mingling with her tears, Aoi felt a deep sense of emptiness. She had achieved her goal of becoming a jōnin of Amegakure, but at what cost? She had lost her humanity, her compassion, and her ability to trust. She had become a monster, driven by ambition and greed.

A light made out of the brightest blue she has ever seen blared in her vision, "This is for all the people you've hurt! Rasengan!" Naruto shouted.

The battle with Team 7 had been fierce. Naruto's Rasengan had shattered the sword and sent her flying off the cliff. As she fell, her life force slowly leaving her, she felt a profound sense of regret. She wished she had made different choices, that she had found someone she could truly trust and love.

Aoi, a former instructor in Konoha, tricked Idate Morino, her former pupil, into stealing the legendary lightning chakra sword called the "Sword of the Thunder God," which had once belonged to Tobirama Senju, the Second Hokage, along with a secret scroll on how to use the sword to its full potential. Idate was deceived into believing that this would grant him advancement to chūnin. Once the sword was in Aoi's hands, she fled the country with Idate, who was ashamed of his actions, and they went to Amegakure. When Ibiki Morino and two Anbu members caught up with them, Aoi had the Anbu quickly killed, and Ibiki ended up being captured by the Ame ninja, where Aoi then tortured him to read the scroll. Idate escaped under Ibiki's advice. As Aoi attacked Ibiki, the latter escaped as well. Aoi then later managed to become a jōnin of Amegakure.

Aoi and Team Oboro were hired by Kyūroku Wagarashi of the Wagarashi Family to prevent Idate from winning the Todoroki Shrine race and to ensure that Fukusuke Hikyakuya won the race. If Idate had lost, Jirōchō Wasabi and the Wasabi family wouldn't have controlled the Land of Tea any longer. Aoi ambushed messengers going to Konoha with a letter requesting help, easily defeating them. Despite this, the messengers managed to take the letter to Konoha.

Team Oboro then met up with Aoi, asking for instructions. She ordered them to follow Idate, while Aoi went to Fukusuke. Later, Aoi and Fukusuke were on a ship, observing Idate run away. Aoi claimed that he has always been like that, surprising Fukusuke about Aoi knowing Idate. Soon, after Team Oboro destroyed Idate's ship, Idate was told to swim away from it. As soon as Idate got to a rocky island, Aoi walked up to him, surprising Idate about Aoi's appearance.

Aoi then injured Idate's arm. She then threw her umbrella up, stabbing Idate with many poisoned senbon. Eventually, Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno, and Sasuke Uchiha finally arrived to Idate's rescue. Aoi arrogantly claimed that no matter how many genin were teamed up against a jōnin, the odds of the jōnin winning won't change. She then dodged many frontal attacks coming from Naruto and Sasuke, jumped up in the air, and used her Senbon Shower technique on Team 7, although they managed to survive.

Later in the race, Fukusuke told Aoi not to botch up the mission. Aoi grabbed Fukusuke, telling him that if he threatens her again, she will break him. Before Idate could catch up to Fukusuke, Aoi ended up ambushing Idate with the Sword of the Thunder God and cut one of the ropes to the bridge. Aoi fought Naruto and Sasuke again. Idate tried to help but kept on getting electrified by Aoi. Aoi also cut two more ropes on the bridge, making crossing almost impossible. Sasuke used Chidori to make a crack on the sword, before being electrified, and nearly killed by Aoi, as he was thrown head-first down a cliff. Sasuke was saved by Sakura. Naruto then fought Aoi and eventually defeated her with the Rasengan; by aiming at the crack on the sword, Naruto was able to break it. Once the Rasengan hit Aoi, it sent her flying off the cliff where she fell headfirst into the water. Seeing as she said that a fall from that height was fatal, Aoi is presumed to have died from the fall.

As Aoi's broken body fell down the cliff into the fast-moving river, her body's warmth slowly leaving her, she began to regret a few actions in her life. Most of all, she regretted not finding anyone she could truly trust or even love. The cold water enveloped her, and as her vision faded, she wished she had made different choices, longing for the warmth of companionship and the solace of trust.

The cold water of the river enveloped her broken body, and as her vision faded, she thought of the life she could have had. The pain and the endless rain seemed to wash away her sins, and in her final moments, she found a small measure of peace. Her life flashed before her eyes, a series of mistakes and missed opportunities, but also a chance for redemption. As the darkness closed in, Aoi's last thoughts were of hope. She hoped that in another life, she could find the love and trust she had always longed for. And with that, she let go, surrendering to the river's embrace.

Malik walked along the riverbank, the rain still falling heavily, as it had for days. The air was thick with moisture, and the ground beneath his feet squelched with each step. The forest surrounding the river was lush and green, the rain-soaked leaves glistening like emeralds under the gray sky. The sound of the rushing water filled the air, creating a sense of urgency as it surged past, carrying with it the debris of the storm.

Behind Malik, his loyal bodyguards, the Demon Brothers, Gōzu and Meizu, followed closely. Their presence was as silent and steady as the rain, always vigilant and ready to protect their master. Malik's mind was focused, his thoughts swirling with the knowledge that something important awaited him at the end of this journey.

As they moved further downstream, Malik's steps slowed. His sharp eyes scanned the area, searching for something amidst the natural debris carried by the swollen river. The river had brought down leaves, branches, and mud, all tangled together in a chaotic mess that lined the banks. But there, just at the edge of the water, something caught his attention—a dark shape, barely distinguishable from the surrounding debris.

"There," Malik said quietly, pointing to the spot. His voice, though soft, carried an authority that made both Gōzu and Meizu spring into action.

The Demon Brothers moved swiftly, their feet splashing through the shallow water as they approached the spot Malik had indicated. As they cleared away the mud, leaves, and other river detritus, the form of a woman began to emerge—battered, bruised, and covered in filth, but unmistakably alive.

It was Aoi, the once formidable kunoichi, now reduced to a near lifeless state. Her breathing was shallow, and her skin had taken on a deathly pallor. Gōzu and Meizu carefully lifted her from the muck, supporting her limp form between them as they brought her back to where Malik stood.

Malik gazed at Aoi, his expression a mix of concern and curiosity. Even in this state, he could see the remnants of the beauty and strength she once possessed. But now was not the time for such thoughts. His priority was saving her life.

With a deep breath, Malik began to channel his magic. His hands glowed with a soft, warm light as he directed his energy towards Aoi. The light enveloped her, cleansing away the mud and grime, healing the cuts and bruises that marred her body. The warmth of the magic seemed to breathe life back into her, and slowly, her pale complexion began to regain some color.

As the rain continued to fall around them, Malik finished his work, stepping back to observe the results. Aoi's breathing was steadier now, her heartbeat stronger. She was still unconscious, but her life was no longer in immediate danger.

"Meizu," Malik instructed, his voice calm but firm, "pick her up. We're heading back to the town."

Meizu nodded and carefully lifted Aoi into his arms, cradling her as if she were the most fragile thing in the world. Gōzu took a step closer to Malik, ready to assist if needed, but it was clear that the worst of the situation had passed.

As they began their journey back to the town where they were staying, Malik couldn't help but reflect on the irony of the situation. Aoi, a woman who had caused so much pain and suffering in her quest for power, was now completely vulnerable, her life hanging by a thread. Yet, despite everything, Malik had chosen to save her.

But why? He asked himself this as they walked. Perhaps it was because he saw in her the potential for redemption, the possibility that she could be more than the sum of her mistakes. Or perhaps it was simply because Malik knew that everyone, no matter how far they had fallen, deserved a second chance.

As they made their way through the rain-soaked forest, Malik glanced down at Aoi, her features softened in her unconscious state. There was a quiet beauty to her, a fragility that belied the fierce warrior she had once been. But now was not the time to dwell on such things. There would be time enough to think about what came next when she was awake and able to make her own choices.

For now, Malik's focus was on getting her to safety, and giving her the chance to find a new path, one that might lead her away from the darkness and towards something better.

The rain continued to fall, a steady rhythm that accompanied their steps as they made their way back to the town. Malik knew that this was just the beginning of Aoi's journey—and perhaps, in saving her, it was the beginning of something new for him as well.

Malik settled back into the luxurious suite at the inn, a place befitting the wealth and status he held in the Hidden Leaf Village. The lavish room was a blend of comfort and opulence, with plush carpets, ornate furniture, and drapes of pink and gold that matched the color palette of his own attire. The rain continued to patter softly against the windows, a constant reminder of the tumultuous events that had led them here.

The Demon Brothers, Gōzu and Meizu, had silently left the room, understanding that their master might want some privacy with Aoi, even if she was not yet conscious. Their departure was as quiet as their presence, leaving Malik alone with the woman he had saved from the brink of death.

Malik sat in a high-backed chair, holding the broken Sword of the Thunder God in his hands. The blade, though shattered, still glowed with a faint yellow light, pulsating with the remnants of its once formidable electrical energy. The soft hum of the blade filled the room with a sense of power that had yet to fade, despite its damaged state. Malik knew that the sword had to be returned to the Hidden Leaf, and perhaps he would see to its repair, but that was a matter for another time.

For now, his attention was drawn to the woman lying on the bed before him.

Aoi stirred, her eyelids fluttering as she slowly regained consciousness. The luxurious bed she lay in felt foreign, far removed from the harsh realities she had grown accustomed to. The room was warm and inviting, filled with the delicate scent of exotic flowers that wafted through the air. She blinked, trying to remember how she had come to be in such a place. The last thing she recalled was the excruciating pain as she fell, and then... nothing.

Her gaze shifted, and she saw him—a short, chubby young black man with striking pink eyes and a calm, composed demeanor. He was dressed in expensive clothes, the colors of pink and gold accentuating his presence. There was an air of confidence about him, yet his expression was one of gentle patience, as if he had been waiting for this moment.

Aoi's mind raced, struggling to piece together the events that had led her here. Suspicion and gratitude warred within her, but she knew she had no choice but to confront the reality before her.

"Where am I?" she asked, her voice hoarse and barely audible.

Malik's smile was warm, almost disarming. "You're in my inn," he replied softly. "I found you by the river and brought you here to heal your wounds."

Aoi's eyes narrowed slightly as she processed his words. "Why would you do that? You don't even know me."

The man's smile didn't falter. "Everyone deserves a second chance. I could see that you were in pain, not just physically, but emotionally as well. I wanted to help."

The words hit Aoi harder than she expected. She had spent so much of her life wrapped in bitterness, driven by ambition and a thirst for power. To be offered kindness without expectation, to be saved when she felt she didn't deserve it, left her feeling vulnerable in a way she hadn't felt in years.

"Thank you," she managed to say, her voice tinged with genuine emotion. "I don't know how to repay you."

Malik shook his head, his expression still calm and reassuring. "There's no need for repayment. Just take this opportunity to reflect on your life and decide what kind of person you want to be moving forward."

Aoi looked away, her gaze settling on the luxurious surroundings. The opulence was overwhelming, but it wasn't the wealth or the comfort that mattered. It was the fact that someone had cared enough to save her, despite everything she had done.

Before she could dwell too long on her thoughts, Malik leaned forward slightly, his pink eyes gleaming with a playful light. "You know," he began, his tone smooth and flirtatious, "you look even more beautiful now that you're awake."

Aoi blinked, caught off guard by the sudden shift in his demeanor. She felt a blush creep up her cheeks, a reaction she hadn't experienced in what felt like forever.

Malik continued, his gaze sweeping over her, taking in the details of her appearance. Her green hair was disheveled but striking, and though she wore a sleeveless purple jumpsuit that showed the wear and tear of her recent ordeal, there was an undeniable allure to her. Aoi wasn't voluptuous by any means—her figure was athletic and lean, with a small chest and a toned body—but there was something captivating about her presence.

"I'm Malik," he introduced himself, the playful tone still in his voice as he held her gaze. "And I'm not just here to save lives. I'm here to make them better."

Aoi felt her heart skip a beat at his words, unsure whether to be flattered or wary. "Aoi Rokushō," she replied, her voice regaining some of its strength. "But I suppose you already knew that."

Malik nodded, a knowing smile on his lips. "I did, but it's good to hear you say it."

As she looked into his eyes, Aoi felt a mixture of emotions swirling within her—gratitude, curiosity, and a hesitant attraction that she hadn't expected. She glanced around the room, noticing her weapons neatly placed on a table nearby, including the broken umbrella that had once been her trusted tool in battle.

"I see you've taken good care of me," she said, her voice softer now, almost contemplative.

"I take care of what's important," Malik replied smoothly. "And right now, that's you."

Aoi didn't know how to respond to that. She had never been in a situation like this, where someone showed genuine care for her well-being without any apparent ulterior motive. The flirtatious undertones in his words didn't escape her, but there was a sincerity in his eyes that made it hard to dismiss him.

Malik rose from his seat, extending a hand towards her. "What do you say, Aoi? Are you ready to join me in making something better out of this second chance?"

Aoi hesitated for only a moment before she placed her hand in his, feeling the warmth of his touch. For the first time in a long while, she felt like maybe, just maybe, there was a way forward.

"Alright," she said, her voice firm with newfound resolve. "Let's see where this second chance takes me."

As Malik helped her to her feet, he couldn't help but admire the determination in her eyes. There was a long road ahead, but he had no doubt that Aoi Rokushō was capable of walking it—and perhaps, with him by her side, they could both find something worth fighting for.

After their conversation, Malik stood up and stretched, a casual grin spreading across his face. "Well, Aoi, I'm heading to the kitchen. The staff here are great, but I bought this place so I could have the freedom to cook whenever I want. Why don't you get changed? There's a closet over there with plenty of options." He pointed to a door in the corner of the room.

Aoi followed his gesture, noticing the ornate closet that blended seamlessly with the lavish decor of the room. Malik's voice took on a teasing tone as he added, "I'd stay and watch, but I really should get dinner started. Don't keep me waiting too long, though." With a wink, he turned and exited the room, leaving her to her thoughts.

Curiosity got the better of her, and she approached the closet. Inside, she found an array of clothing, from simple, comfortable outfits to more extravagant, adult-themed attire. There was even a pair of soft, cozy pajamas among the selections. Aoi hesitated for a moment, overwhelmed by the options, but eventually, she chose a simple yet elegant outfit that suited her current mood—a light blue tunic with black leggings, comfortable yet presentable.

After changing, she left the room and easily found her way to the private kitchen, following the sound of soft clattering and the mouthwatering aroma of food being prepared. The kitchen was warm and inviting, filled with the rich smells of spices and sizzling ingredients. Malik was already at work, his back turned to her as he focused on the task at hand. He moved with practiced ease, his pink and gold outfit still immaculate despite the cooking activity.

At the large dining table nearby sat Gōzu and Meizu, the Demon Brothers, who had been Malik's loyal bodyguards for some time. They didn't introduce themselves, but their eyes followed Aoi as she entered, assessing her silently. Aoi felt a slight tension in the air, but Malik's calm presence eased her nerves.

"Smells good," Aoi commented, breaking the silence.

Malik glanced over his shoulder and flashed her a smile. "It's a special recipe," he said. "Figured you could use a good meal after everything you've been through."

Aoi nodded, feeling a warmth that had nothing to do with the kitchen's heat. She approached the table, noticing that the Demon Brothers had already been served and were eating quietly. Their presence was intimidating, but they paid her no mind, focused solely on their meal.

As Malik continued to cook, he spoke without turning around. "By the way, I went and found your old comrades, Team Oboro. They're safe and sound, staying in the next room. Thought you might like to know."

Aoi's heart skipped a beat. "Team Oboro… They're here?"

"Yep," Malik confirmed, his tone light. "They're eager to see you. They were pretty worried."

Aoi felt a rush of conflicting emotions—relief that they were alive, but also a renewed sense of responsibility. Before she could dwell on these thoughts, Malik asked a question that caught her off guard. "Do you want revenge, Aoi?"

She blinked, taken aback by the bluntness of the question. "Revenge?"

"Yes," Malik replied, turning to face her now, his expression serious. "You've been through a lot. You've been betrayed, hurt, and left for dead. I understand if you want to make those who wronged you pay."

Aoi looked down at her hands, her thoughts swirling. Revenge. The word felt heavy on her tongue. She thought of Kyūroku Wagarashi, the man who had manipulated her, using her ambition against her. She thought of Team 7, who had defeated her so thoroughly. The desire for revenge had once driven her, but now…

"I don't know," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "I've spent so long fighting for something—power, recognition, revenge… But where has it gotten me? I'm alive because of you, not because of my strength or ambition."

Malik watched her intently, his pink eyes studying her every reaction. "You have a second chance, Aoi. Whatever path you choose, know that you don't have to walk it alone. Whether it's revenge, redemption, or something else entirely, I'll support you."

Aoi looked up at him, meeting his gaze. There was no judgment in his eyes, only understanding and a strange kind of acceptance. She felt a surge of emotion—a mixture of gratitude and something she couldn't quite identify. Perhaps, for the first time, she felt like she wasn't completely alone.

"Thank you," she said softly, her decision still unclear, but knowing that whatever she chose, she wouldn't be doing it out of desperation or fear.

Malik smiled gently and turned back to his cooking. "Take your time. The food will be ready soon."

As she sat down at the table, the warmth of the room and the comforting smells of the meal brought a sense of peace she hadn't felt in a long time. The rain continued to fall outside, but within the walls of this inn, Aoi found herself beginning to heal—not just physically, but emotionally.

Malik, in his quiet, understanding way, had offered her a choice, and perhaps, for the first time in her life, she felt like she had the power to make the right one.

Malik carefully placed a beautifully arranged plate of food in front of Aoi, the savory aroma filling the air. The dish was a rich stew with tender chunks of meat and vegetables, accompanied by freshly baked bread that was still warm. As he handed it to her, he smiled. "I hope you like it. You made a great choice with the outfit, by the way. It looks really good on you."

Aoi felt a strange warmth at his compliment, and before she could stop herself, she leaned in slightly, catching a whiff of his scent. It was a mix of sandalwood, a hint of citrus, and something distinctly warm and inviting—like the comforting embrace of a fire on a cold night. The scent was intoxicating, and Aoi found herself momentarily lost in it, the aroma stirring something deep within her that she hadn't felt in a long time.

Realizing what she was doing, Aoi quickly pulled back, hoping Malik hadn't noticed. If he had, he didn't show it. He simply continued to smile, though there was a knowing glint in his pink eyes. "I'm going to check on the staff," he said casually. "I'll leave you to enjoy your meal. Don't hesitate to call if you need anything."

As Malik left the room, Aoi couldn't help but watch him go, her thoughts a whirlwind of confusion and intrigue. She had never met anyone quite like him—someone who was both incredibly powerful and yet disarmingly kind. She turned her attention back to the food, taking a bite and savoring the rich flavors that seemed to melt away the remnants of pain and exhaustion.

A moment later, the door opened again, and Team Oboro—Kagari, Mubi, and Oboro—entered. They were dressed in civilian clothes, a far cry from their usual shinobi gear. Kagari wore a dark green hoodie and black jeans, his beanie keeping his unruly hair in check. Mubi had opted for a more casual look, a light blue button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled up, khaki pants, and brown loafers. Oboro, always the most fashion-conscious of the group, was in a fitted black leather jacket, a white t-shirt, and dark blue jeans, his stylish boots clicking softly on the floor as he walked.

"Aoi-sensei?" Kagari's voice was filled with disbelief, his eyes wide as he took in the sight of her.

Aoi's initial reaction was one of surprise, quickly followed by a mix of emotions—relief that they were alive, anger at their past failures, and a lingering sense of betrayal. "What are you doing here?" she asked, her tone sharp, though not as harsh as it might have been.

Mubi stepped forward, his expression serious and earnest. "We heard about what happened to you. We came to find you and make sure you were okay."

Aoi's anger softened at the genuine concern in their eyes. Despite everything, they had come to check on her. She took a deep breath, her thoughts conflicted. "I'm fine now, thanks to… unexpected help."

Oboro, always the most perceptive of the group, noticed the subtle changes in her demeanor. "Aoi-sensei, we want to make things right. We want to help you."

Aoi looked at them, her mind racing with thoughts of revenge, redemption, and the many paths that lay before her. She knew that she couldn't change the past, but perhaps, with their help, she could forge a new path forward. "Very well," she said finally, her voice steadier. "Let's work together and see what we can achieve."

As they stood together, the rain outside continued to fall, the steady rhythm a reminder of the world that still moved on, despite their inner turmoil. Inside the inn, however, Aoi felt a glimmer of hope—a fragile thing, but present nonetheless. She had been given a second chance, and with Team Oboro by her side, she was determined to make the most of it.

The Demon Brothers, Gōzu and Meizu, had left quietly, She had heard of them before—infamous chūnin from Kirigakure, known for their skill as mercenaries and assassins. Their presence here only added to the mystery of Malik, a man who seemed to have powerful allies in every corner.

After dinner, as the night deepened and the rain continued its soft patter against the windows, Aoi found herself reflecting on the day's events. The food had been delicious, and the company—though unexpected—had provided a strange comfort. She knew that the road ahead would be difficult, filled with challenges she couldn't yet foresee, but for the first time in a long while, she felt ready to face whatever came her way.

Malik's words echoed in her mind. Whether it was revenge, redemption, or something else entirely, the choice was hers to make. And with that thought, Aoi resolved to find her own path, wherever it might lead.

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