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86.08% Naruto-ReBorn as a Baker / Chapter 162: Chapter 158: Dog Days

Capítulo 162: Chapter 158: Dog Days

Chapter 158: Dog Days

The rain fell steadily, a soothing symphony of droplets drumming against leaves and rooftops. Malik, perched comfortably on the back of GrubGrub—now transformed into a sleek, winged creature with the graceful form of a panther and wings like a dragon's—soared through the gray sky. The world below blurred into shades of green and gray as they flew towards the Inuzuka compound, the rain washing over them in gentle waves.

The Inuzuka compound, nestled in a thick forest on the outskirts of the Hidden Leaf Village, came into view, its high walls and watchtowers partially obscured by the curtain of rain. GrubGrub landed softly on the muddy ground, folding its wings as Malik dismounted, his pink and gold attire gleaming faintly even in the overcast light.

Malik glanced up at the sky, relishing the cool rain against his skin. He was tired, his body still recovering from the events of the past few days, but the promise of spending time with Hana Inuzuka gave him the strength to push forward. He could feel her presence even before he saw her—a warm, earthy aura that grounded him.

The large gates of the compound creaked open, and there she was, standing in the doorway. Hana Inuzuka, in all her fierce and wild beauty, stepped out to greet him. Her dark hair, usually tied back, was now free, cascading down her shoulders in damp waves. She wore a practical yet stylish outfit: a dark green jacket over a snug black shirt, and brown cargo pants that were perfect for the rainy weather. Her loyal companions, the Three Haimaru Brothers, stood by her side, their fur slightly damp but their eyes bright with excitement.

"You're late," Hana teased, her sharp eyes narrowing playfully.

Malik grinned, running a hand through his damp hair. "I got distracted by the rain. Besides, I thought you might enjoy the dramatic entrance. Plus it took me a second to locate this place, The clan compounds are hidden for a reason."

Hana rolled her eyes but couldn't suppress a smile. "Well, you made it just in time. I was about to head out into the forest without you."

The two of them set off on foot, with the Three Haimaru Brothers bounding ahead, leading the way through the lush, rain-soaked forest that surrounded the compound. The canopy above provided some shelter from the rain, but the occasional heavy droplet still found its way through, landing on their heads and shoulders.

The air was thick with the fresh scent of wet earth and foliage. Malik breathed it in deeply, letting the natural fragrance fill his senses. Hana seemed to be in her element, her keen senses picking up the subtle changes in the environment, her eyes darting around as she took in every detail.

They walked in comfortable silence, the only sounds being the rustling of leaves, the soft padding of their footsteps, and the distant calls of birds. The rain had a way of softening the world, making everything feel more intimate and close.

Eventually, they arrived at a rustic cabin nestled deep in the woods. The cabin, built from dark wood with a stone chimney, looked like something out of a fairy tale, a perfect retreat from the world. Smoke curled lazily from the chimney, and the warm glow of firelight spilled out from the windows, creating a welcoming beacon in the gray afternoon.

Malik held the door open for Hana, who nodded in thanks as she stepped inside. The cabin's interior was cozy and inviting, with a large stone fireplace crackling away in one corner, casting a soft orange light across the room. A plush sofa, draped with a thick, woolen blanket, sat before the fire, and a small table nearby held a steaming pot of hot cocoa.

"This place is perfect," Hana said, her voice low and content as she shrugged off her wet jacket and hung it by the door.

Malik's eyes were drawn to Hana's form as she moved closer to the fire. The wet fabric clung to her body, outlining her toned, athletic build. Her dark hair was still damp, curling slightly around her shoulders and framing her face. As she settled onto the sofa, the firelight danced across her features, highlighting the softness in her usually sharp eyes and the delicate curve of her lips.

Hana's jacket had revealed the sleek silhouette of her figure, but with her wet shirt now plastered against her, there was no mistaking the contours of her large, firm breasts, visible through the thin, soaked fabric. Malik swallowed hard, his gaze lingering as he admired the way her nipples pressed against the material, becoming erect from the cold and his attention. 

Hana noticed Malik's gaze and raised an eyebrow, her playful demeanor giving way to a more serious expression. "Like what you see?" she asked, her voice a soft, teasing whisper.

Malik averted his eyes only to look at her face, a faint blush spreading across her cheeks. "Only because you're so... soaked," he stammered, trying to recover from the unexpected tension, ("I must resist the temptation").

Hana chuckled, the sound warm and inviting. "Well, I guess we'll just have to do something about that," she said, her tone light but her eyes holding a hint of mischief.

She rose from the sofa, her movements fluid and graceful despite the wet fabric that clung to her body. With a quick flick of her wrist, she sent a cascade of droplets flying from her hair, creating a fine mist in the air.

"Come on." 

Hana's playful gaze met Malik's, a challenge and an invitation. She stepped closer to him, her body radiating warmth through the damp fabric of her clothes. The fire crackled in the background, casting flickering shadows across the room, and creating an intimate atmosphere.

"Let's see if we can get you dried off," she said, her fingers lightly brushing against his wet shirt. The touch sent a jolt through him, igniting a spark of desire in his chest. He couldn't help but notice the way her eyes twinkled with mischief as she took in his reaction.

Hana led him over to the stone fireplace, where a large, plush towel hung over the mantelpiece. She grabbed it, unfolding it with a flourish and draping it around Malik's shoulders. "Warm up," she instructed, her voice soft and soothing. "If I may ask, did you go braless for little old me?" 

Malik raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued. "Not that I mind at all," he replied, trying to keep his tone light despite the rising heat in his cheeks.

Hana grinned, her playful demeanor returning. "Well, I figured you might appreciate the show," she teased, her fingers toying with the edge of the towel.

Malik couldn't help but laugh, the tension easing as they shared a moment of connection. He wrapped the towel around himself more securely, feeling its warmth begin to dry his wet skin.

"Thank you," Malik said, genuinely grateful for Hana's thoughtfulness. "This feels amazing."

Hana settled back onto the sofa, the fire casting a warm glow on her face. "I'm glad you like it," she replied, her voice softer now, more serious. "There's something about the rain that makes me want to just..." 

"...let go and indulge in simple pleasures," she finished, her eyes drifting towards the window where the rain continued to pour down.

Malik nodded, his own thoughts wandering as he took in the peaceful scene. The fire crackled and popped, mingling with the sound of raindrops hitting the glass. It was a serene moment, one that seemed to suspend time, allowing them to connect on a deeper level.

Hana's gaze shifted back to Malik, a soft smile playing on her lips. "Do you ever feel like life is moving too fast?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper. "Like there's never enough time to just... be?"

Malik considered her question for a moment. "Sometimes," he admitted. "But times like these, when everything slows down and it's just us, remind me of what truly matters."

Malik set his own coat aside, the pink and gold fabric shimmering slightly in the firelight. "I thought you'd like it. A little oasis from the world outside."

They settled down on the sofa, the warmth of the fire quickly seeping into their bones. Malik handed Hana a mug of hot cocoa, and she accepted it with a grateful smile. They sipped in silence for a few moments, the rich, velvety chocolate warming them from the inside out.

"So, what's on the agenda for today?" Malik asked, setting his mug down on the table. "Aside from trying to stay dry, of course."

Hana leaned back, her eyes half-lidded as she gazed into the flames. "Nothing too strenuous. I was thinking we could just enjoy the peace and quiet for once. Maybe play some games, cook a meal together, and just… be."

Malik nodded, a sense of tranquility washing over him. "That sounds perfect."

They spent the afternoon playing board games, their laughter filling the cabin as they engaged in friendly competition. the Three Haimaru Brothers, not wanting to be left out, occasionally nudged pieces on the board or tried to distract them with their antics, which only added to the fun.

As the day wore on, they moved to the kitchen to prepare dinner. The rain continued to fall outside, creating a soothing backdrop to their activity. They worked together seamlessly, chopping vegetables, stirring pots, and seasoning dishes. The aroma of the meal they prepared—a hearty stew with freshly baked bread—filled the cabin, making their mouths water in anticipation.

They enjoyed their meal by the fire, savoring each bite and the easy conversation that flowed between them. The evening passed in a comfortable haze, and by the time they stepped out onto the porch to watch the rain, the world seemed to have slowed down, leaving just the two of them in their own little bubble.

The rain fell gently around them, creating ripples on the surface of a nearby pond. The sound of the droplets hitting the water was hypnotic, and they stood there, hand in hand, lost in the moment.

"This was a good day," Hana murmured, her head resting on Malik's shoulder.

Malik squeezed her hand, his heart full. "Yeah, it was."

As the night deepened, they returned inside, curling up by the fire once more. The flames danced in the hearth, casting flickering shadows on the walls. Hana nestled into Malik's side, her eyes heavy with contentment.

Malik glanced down at her, a soft smile on his lips. "You know, I wouldn't mind spending all my days like this."

Hana smiled back, her eyes closing as she snuggled closer. "Neither would I."

As the fire crackled softly in the rustic cabin, Malik and Hana Inuzuka found themselves nestled together on the plush sofa, wrapped in the warmth of each other's presence. The rain continued its steady patter against the windows, creating a serene and intimate backdrop for the evening. The day had been perfect—filled with laughter, conversation, and the kind of connection that both of them had longed for.

Hana snuggled closer to Malik, her head resting on his shoulder as she traced gentle patterns on his chest. She could feel his heartbeat, steady and strong, a comforting rhythm that made her feel safe. Yet, despite the contentment of the moment, there was something she needed to say—something that had been on her mind for a while.

She tilted her head slightly, looking up at Malik with her piercing eyes. "Malik," she began softly, her voice carrying a hint of vulnerability, "I've been thinking… about us."

Malik shifted slightly, turning to face her more fully. "What's on your mind, Hana?"

Hana bit her lip, gathering her thoughts. "I know that your heart… it belongs to more than one person. You have feelings for others, and while I understand that, it's not easy for me to accept. It hurts, honestly."

Malik's expression softened, his hand reaching up to gently stroke her cheek. "Hana, I never want to hurt you. My heart has always been complicated, and I wish it weren't so. But I care about you deeply—more than I can put into words."

Hana leaned into his touch, closing her eyes for a moment. "I know, Malik. And that's why I'm willing to give this a try. I've never been one to back down from a challenge, and I think what we have is worth fighting for."

Malik felt a surge of emotion at her words. "Hana, you mean the world to me. I want to make this work, with all my heart. You're strong, and passionate, and you've brought a light into my life that I didn't even know I was missing."

Hana smiled softly, her heart fluttering at his words. "We'll have to figure this out together, Malik. I want a relationship built on trust and mutual respect. I need to know that, even if your heart is shared, I still have a special place in it."

"You do, Hana," Malik assured her, his voice earnest. "You always will. I promise to be open with you, to communicate honestly about how I feel, and to make sure that we're both happy."

Hana nodded, feeling a weight lift from her shoulders. "That's all I can ask for, Malik. I want us to build something strong and lasting, something that can weather whatever comes our way."

Malik leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead. "We will, Hana. I'm committed to this—to us."

They sat in silence for a moment, simply enjoying the closeness, the warmth, and the quiet promise that they had made to each other. Outside, the rain continued to fall, but inside the cabin, the world felt peaceful and secure.

Hana looked up at Malik, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "You know, I think we should seal this promise with something more than words."

Malik chuckled, his heart lightened by her playful tone. "What do you have in mind?"

Instead of answering, Hana leaned in and captured his lips in a tender kiss. Malik responded eagerly, pulling her closer as they shared the intimate moment. It was a kiss filled with unspoken promises, with hope for the future, and with the warmth of a bond that was just beginning to take shape.

As the night wore on, they exchanged more kisses, each one deepening the connection between them. The fire crackled on, casting a golden glow over their entwined forms as they held each other close. Eventually, the fatigue of the day caught up with them, and they began to drift off to sleep, their limbs tangled together in a comfortable embrace.

Hana's teeth sink gently into Malik's neck, a soft growl escaping her lips as she feels his pulse quicken beneath her. His hands tighten on her hips, pulling her closer as her breath ghosts across his ear, whispering, "I'm ready."

Malik's heart races, but he forces himself to remember his resolve, gently pushing her back to look into her eyes. "Not yet," he murmurs, his voice hoarse with restraint. "Let's just... take it slow for now."

Hana pouts, but she nods, understanding the importance of his words. She leans in again, pressing her lips to his in a kiss that is both urgent and tender, her fingers tracing patterns on his chest. Malik responds passionately, his own hands roaming over her body, feeling the curves and planes beneath his fingertips. 

Malik's touch sends a shiver through Hana's body, igniting a fire within her that she hadn't realized was there. She moans softly into his mouth, her hands gripping his shoulders as if seeking grounding in the storm of sensations.

Their bodies move in rhythm, the heat between them growing more intense with each passing moment. Malik's breath comes in ragged gasps as he fights to maintain control, his mind racing with conflicting desires. Hana, sensing his inner struggle, decides to take matters into her own hands.

She pulls back from the kiss, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "If you won't, I will," she whispers, a seductive smile playing on her lips. Her fingers trail down his chest, teasingly, before finding their way to the waistband of his pants. 

Malik's breath hitches as Hana's fingers slip beneath the fabric of his pants. Her touch is both gentle and firm, and he can feel himself reacting to her even as he tries to maintain some semblance of control. He looks into her eyes, seeing the desire mirrored there, and a soft groan escapes him.

Hana's smile widens as she sees the effect she's having on him. She leans in closer, her breath warm against his ear as she whispers, "Just let go, Malik. Let me take care of you."

Malik's resolve wavers for a moment, but he shakes his head, his grip on her hips tightening. "Not yet," he murmurs, his voice barely more than a whisper. "I want to savor this." Hana's fingers continue to explore, tracing patterns along Malik's abdomen as she nibbles gently at his earlobe. Her touch is tantalizing, a promise of the pleasure to come, but Malik remains steadfast in his decision. He pulls her back once more, capturing her lips in a kiss that speaks of longing and restraint.

Their bodies press together, the heat between them almost palpable. Hana's breath catches as Malik's hands wander over her, each touch sending a jolt of electricity through her. His fingers find the hem of her shirt, lifting it slightly to press soft kisses against the exposed skin of her stomach.

Hana gasps at the sensation, her fingers curling into the fabric of Malik's shirt. She pulls him closer, her body arching into his touch. 

Malik's lips continue their journey up Hana's body, leaving a trail of kisses in their wake. His fingers slip beneath the waistband of her pants, teasing at the edge. Hana's breath comes in ragged gasps as she feels his touch, her own hands gripping the sheets beneath her.

"Please," she whispers, her voice a soft plea. Her eyes are dark with desire, her body trembling with anticipation.

Malik looks up at her, his expression a mix of tenderness and raw need. He can feel her pulse quicken beneath his lips, and it only fuels his desire to make this moment perfect for her. Slowly, almost reverently, he begins to peel away her pants, revealing more of her silky skin.

Hana's legs spread slightly as Malik's fingers continue their exploration, each touch sending ripples of pleasure through her. 

Hana's breath hitches as Malik's fingers delve deeper, tracing patterns along her inner thigh. Her skin is warm and soft, and Malik feels a surge of desire as he takes in the sight of her, half-undressed and completely at his mercy. He leans in to place a gentle kiss on her hip, his lips lingering as his fingers continue to explore.

Hana's body arches off the bed, her fingers gripping the sheets as she struggles to maintain control. Her breath comes in ragged gasps, each one more desperate than the last. Malik can feel her heart pounding against his chest, a rhythmic drumbeat that matches the rising tension between them.

Malik's lips find hers again, his kiss deep and possessive. Hana responds with equal passion, her tongue dancing with his in a dance. Malik then took both her hands, leading one to her large breast and the other to her crotch, "Show me, you love." He somewhat demanded. 

Hana's breath hitches as Malik's hands guide hers. She feels a surge of pleasure and a wave of vulnerability wash over her. Her fingers brush against her breast, teasing her nipple into a hard peak, while the other hand drifts lower, gliding over her wetness. She moans softly, the sound muffled against Malik's lips.

Malik's eyes never leave Hana's face as her fingers explore her body. Her cheeks are flushed, and her eyes are half-closed in ecstasy. He can see the passion and the trust in her gaze, and it fuels his own desire. He kisses her deeply, their tongues tangling as he matches the rhythm of her fingers with his own touch.

Hana's body trembles with each stroke of her fingers, her breath catching as she nears her climax. 

The room is illuminated by the soft glow of the fire and the moonlight filtering through the curtains, casting a serene light over the bed, the heavy rain hitting the top of the cabin where Malik and Hana lie entwined. Their breaths sync in a rhythmic dance, their bodies in perfect harmony as Malik's fingers continue to guide Hana's. Her moans fill the room, mingling with the gentle rustle of the sheets and the shared heat between them.

Hana's fingers move with practiced precision, circling her clitoris in a slow, teasing motion. Malik mirrors her movements, his touch matching the pressure and pace of her own. His free hand cups her breast, kneading the soft flesh and teasing the sensitive nipple with his thumb.

Hana's back arches off the bed as she feels the first waves of her climax begin to build. 

Malik's heart races as he watches Hana's ecstasy unfold. Her breath hitches, becoming shallow and quick as the tension within her reaches its peak. He feels her body tremble under his touch, and he adjusts his movements to bring her over the edge.

With a powerful stroke and flick from her own hand, Hana's body convulses in a breathtaking release. Her moans fill the room, mingling with the sound of their heavy breathing. Malik's own desire surges, but he holds back, savoring the sight of her in the throes of pleasure.

Hana collapses back onto the bed, her breaths slowing as she recovers from the intensity of her orgasm. Malik leans over her, brushing a strand of hair from her sweat-dampened forehead. "Hana, you are one of the most amazing people I've ever met. Your strength, kindness, and passion inspire me every day. I feel so lucky to have you in my life, and I cherish every moment we spend together. Your smile lights up my world, and your love fills my heart with joy. I love you more than words can express." Malik tells her as he takes one of her fingers in his own mouth to taste her.

Hana's eyes flutter open as she hears Malik's heartfelt words. She gazes up at him, a soft smile playing on her lips. "Malik," she breathes, "I feel the same way. You are my rock, my confidante, and the love of my life. Every day with you is an adventure, and I cherish our bond more than you could ever know."

Malik's heart swells at her response, and he leans in to kiss her gently. Their lips meet in a tender, lingering kiss, sealing their declaration of love. As they pull away, Malik's fingers continue to trace patterns on Hana's skin, each touching a silent promise of the passion and intimacy that still lies ahead.

Hana's body relaxes under Malik's touch, the tension from the day's events finally melting away. "Hana, Not to ruin the moment, Can I have the pair of panties you have on? I need them for my collection." 

Malik's voice is filled with curiosity and intrigue as he asks Hana for her panties, but his tone remains respectful and sincere. Hana looks at him with a quizzical expression, a small smile tugging at her lips.

"You have a collection of used panties?" Hana asks, her voice laced with amusement.

Malik nods, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Yes, it's a... unique hobby of mine. I find it oddly soothing to have something personal from those I care about. It's a way to hold onto those special moments and keep them close."

Hana thinks for a moment, her fingers still intertwined with Malik's. "Well, I guess if it makes you happy," she says, untangling herself from him and slipping out of her underwear. 

Hana's panties are wet, revealing the intimate evidence of her recent pleasure. The fabric clings to her, darkened by the moisture from her climax. Her hair, a tangled mass of dark curls, frames her face as she hands the underwear to Malik with a soft, enigmatic smile.

Malik takes the wet panties from Hana, his fingers brushing against the warm, damp fabric. The scent of her arousal fills the air, a sweet and earthy aroma that excites him even further. He carefully folds the panties, tucking them into a small pouch he keeps specifically for such treasured items.

"Thank you," he whispers, his voice filled with genuine appreciation. "These will always be a reminder of this special moment we shared."

Hana's smile widens as she watches him, a warmth spreading through her chest. 

As Malik folds Hana's panties, he takes a moment to appreciate the delicate lace and the soft fabric. His eyes drift lower, drawn to the dark, inviting expanse of Hana's thighs. He glimpses a hint of her bush through the slightly parted legs, its natural wildness a stark contrast to the neatly folded undergarment in his hands.

Malik feels a surge of admiration for Hana's confidence and sensuality. The sight of her full, untamed bush stirs something deep within him, a primal appreciation for her raw, unfiltered beauty. Her willingness to embrace her natural self only intensifies his attraction to her. He sets the panties aside and gently nudges her legs closed, a silent promise that he intends to explore every inch of her later.

Hana's last thought before sleep claimed her was that, despite the challenges that lay ahead, she was ready to face them with Malik by her side. They had taken the first step toward something real, something worth holding on to.

And with that, they slipped into a peaceful slumber, the sound of the rain and the warmth of the fire lulling them into dreams of a future filled with love, trust, and the promise of many more days like this one.

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