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13.91% Naruto-ReBorn as a Baker / Chapter 22: Chapter 21: Shizune

Capítulo 22: Chapter 21: Shizune

Chapter 21: Shizune

Shizune steps softly around Malik's house, her eyes wide with curiosity. The house is a blend of the mysterious and the magical, filled with an array of fascinating objects and events. 

As she moves further into the house, she comes across a room filled with plants of all shapes and sizes. Some of them glow softly in the dim light, while others move as if they have a life of their own. The air here is fresh and filled with the scent of earth and greenery.

Next, she finds a study, the walls lined with books on various subjects - from advanced ninjutsu techniques to the history and lore of different shinobi clans. There's a sense of organized chaos, with scrolls and parchments scattered across a large wooden desk.

Throughout the house, there are hints of Malik's travels and adventures. Souvenirs from different lands, weapons of various designs, and even a collection of masks from different shinobi clans.

Despite the mystery and magic, the house has a warm and inviting feel to it. It's clear that every item has a story, every corner filled with a piece of Malik's journey.

As Shizune explores, she can't help but feel a sense of awe and respect for Malik. His house is a testament to his life, his adventures, and his relentless pursuit of knowledge and power. And yet, there's a sense of humility and warmth that makes her feel welcome.

"Malik certainly has an interesting taste," Shizune murmurs to herself, her eyes sparkling with curiosity and admiration. She can't wait to learn more about this mysterious and intriguing man. 

"I'm not that interesting," "someone" says from behind her. Turning around Shizune sees Malik, his short cubby body covered in jewelry and fine clothes, his skin glowing somewhat. "Hello, Shizune my sweet lost lamb," he says to her with a smile.

 Malik's voice is smooth and inviting, his eyes twinkling with warmth as he greets Shizune. He is dressed in fine clothes that accentuate his rich fat build, and his skin glows with a faint, otherworldly pink light.

"Malik, I didn't realize you were home," Shizune says, her cheeks flushing slightly. "I was just exploring your house, and I must say, it's quite fascinating."

"I'm glad you think so," Malik replies, his eyes scanning Shizune's form with appreciation. "It's always nice to have someone appreciate the things I've collected."

Shizune nods, her eyes taking in the details of Malik's appearance. "You look...different," she says tentatively. "Your skin is glowing, and you're wearing so much jewelry."

"I had to dress up for charity thing with a minor noble, it was part of a deal we made so I could buy property on his land," he says, "though I do try to always look nice."

Malik leads her through the house, pointing out various artifacts and trinkets he's collected from his travels. His eyes light up as he recounts the stories behind each item, his passion for exploration and discovery evident. "I stole that, thats fake, and so is that one, I bought that one, I have no idea how that got in here, my house might be stealing things, but whatever," he says to her. She can't help but be drawn in by his enthusiasm, feeling a sense of excitement and wonder as she listens to his tales, some of them very strange.

" So its like this the previous Hand, Jon Arryn, died under suspicious circumstances . . . Robert comes with his queen, Cersei Lannister, and his retinue, which includes a number of Lannisters . . . . . . Meanwhile, on a continent east of Westeros, Daenerys Targaryen marries the warlord Khal Drogo . . . . Daenerys and her brother Viserys are the last surviving members of the family Robert defeated to become king, the Targaryens . . . . . They are an old family said to be descended from dragons, and Viserys thinks with Khal Drogo's army he can retake the throne . . . ." she tries to keep up but feels her eyes start to close.

As they walk, Malik's hands occasionally brushes against hers, sending a jolt of electricity through her body. She glances at him, but he seems lost in his own world, completely unaware of the effect he's having on her.

Finally, they arrive at a room that appears to be a makeshift dojo. Malik gestures for her to enter, a mischievous glint in his eye. "I have a surprise for you," he says, a sly smile playing on his lips. Malik points at 2 boxes in the room, "I hope you like them," he said watching her walk over, "I also have food for Tonton," he says feeding the pig. As Shizune approaches the boxes, she notices that they're both wrapped in shiny, silver paper with elegant bows on top. She looks at Malik, her eyes wide with curiosity. "Go ahead and open them," he encourages her, a playful smile on his face.

Shizune carefully removes the ribbons from one of the boxes and lifts the lid. Inside, she finds a beautiful set of silk pajamas, the fabric shimmering in the soft light. "These are lovely," she exclaims, holding up the garments for Malik to see. "They'll be perfect for lounging around the house."

Next, she opens the second box, revealing a collection of exotic teas and a delicate tea set. "Oh my, this is wonderful," she says, impressed by the thoughtfulness of the gift. "I can't wait to try them all."

"Thanks but its what's under those that are important he says, pointing at the boxes. She looks back in to find 2 items, the first a Flask with a booklet and the second a pair of senbon needles. Malik's eyes gleam with excitement as he watches Shizune unbox the gifts he's prepared for her. 

As Shizune uncovers each item, Malik explains his reasons for choosing them: " Weapon - "Venomous Whisper"

Description: The Venomous Whisper is a set of senbon needles that Shizune can use. These needles are infused with a special chakra-conductive alloy that allows Shizune to channel her poisonous chakra into them.


Poison Infusion: Shizune can infuse the needles with her poisonous chakra, making them deadly on contact.

Chakra Conductivity: The needles can channel Shizune's chakra, allowing her to control their trajectory after they've been thrown.

Medical Support Item - "Healing Mist Flask"

Description: The Healing Mist Flask is a small, portable device that Shizune can carry with her. It contains a specially formulated medical mist that can be used to treat injuries on the battlefield.


Healing Mist: When activated, the flask releases a mist that has healing properties. This can be used to treat minor injuries, disinfect wounds, and soothe pain.

Portable and Reusable: The flask is small enough to be carried easily and can be refilled with the medical mist when it runs out. As Malik explains the abilities of the Venomous Whisper and the Healing Mist Flask, Shizune's eyes widen with excitement. She can't believe the thoughtfulness and care that has gone into choosing these gifts. "Thank you, Malik," she says, her voice filled with gratitude. "These are amazing!"

Malik smiles, clearly pleased with Shizune's reaction. "I'm glad you like them," he says. "I wanted to get you something that would be both practical and special, something that would help you in your work as a medical ninja."

Shizune nods, impressed by Malik's understanding of her needs. She can't help but feel a deep sense of respect and admiration for him. She has always known that Malik was a rich man, but his thoughtfulness and kindness are qualities that she finds equally appealing.

"If possible can you try them out, I would love to see them, and if you like them you can go on a date with me when you're free if you want to," he says while clapping his hands summoning 2 battle dolls from the walls on the room. Malik's battle dolls, small humanoid constructs made of wood and metal, activate and bow to Shizune. "Of course, I'd love to try them out!" she exclaims, feeling a surge of excitement. She takes a moment to prepare herself, focusing her chakra and readying her new weapons.

The wooden dolls, one male and one female, stand at attention as Malik steps back to give Shizune room. She takes a deep breath, feeling the power of her chakra flowing through her veins. With a flick of her wrist, she sends a senbon needle hurtling towards the male doll. It pierces the wooden frame with ease, and the doll crumples to the ground.

Shizune moves with grace and precision, dodging and weaving around the remaining doll as she unleashes a flurry of needles. The female doll tries to retaliate, but Shizune's chakra-infused needles easily find their mark, disabling the construct with each hit. Within moments, the second doll lies still on the ground, defeated.

Malik claps his hands together, a proud smile on his face. "Excellent!" he exclaims. "You've mastered them in no time."

Shizune blushes, feeling a sense of accomplishment. "Thank you, Malik," she says, bowing to him in gratitude. "These are incredible weapons, and I'm grateful for your generosity."

Malik waves off her thanks, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Think nothing of it, my dear. It's the least I could do for someone as talented as you." Malik takes a step closer to Shizune, his eyes locked onto hers. "I have to admit, I'm quite taken with you," he confesses, his voice barely above a whisper. Shizune feels her heart race as she gazes into Malik's eyes, seeing the sincerity and warmth reflected back at her. Unable to find the words, she simply nods, acknowledging her own feelings for him. Malik takes this as an invitation, gently wrapping his arms around her and pulling her close. Shizune instinctively responds, melting into his embrace and feeling the warmth of his body pressed against hers. They stand there for a moment, lost in the connection, before Malik leans in and presses his lips against hers. Shizune responds in kind, her heart pounding in her chest as she deepens the kiss.

 Almost talking into her mouth, he say to her, "You know Sakura told me that you have tendency to let out a frightened and rather exaggerated screech of terror whenever someone yells at you, usually Tsunade, or when you come across something scary and/or inappropriate." Malik's lips curl up into a playful smile as he pulls back from the kiss, still holding Shizune close. "Is that true?" he asks, his voice low and husky. Shizune blushes, feeling a mix of embarrassment and amusement. She nods, unable to find the words to respond. Malik chuckles, his arms still wrapped around her. "Well, I promise I won't yell at you, or do anything too scary or inappropriate," he says, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "At least, not without your permission."

Shizune can't help but laugh at Malik's playful teasing. She feels a sense of comfort and safety in his arms, knowing that he won't hurt or scare her intentionally. She leans into his embrace, enjoying the warmth and intimacy of their moment together. Malik's fingers gently trace patterns on Shizune's back, eliciting soft sighs of contentment from her. As they continue to hold each other, a comfortable silence settles between them, allowing the sounds of the rain outside to fill the room.

After a while, Malik pulls away slightly, still keeping Shizune close. He gazes into her eyes and says, "Shizune, I'm glad you came to my house. I've always enjoyed spending time with you even if its been so shrot, and I feel like we have a special connection."

Shizune nods, her own feelings mirroring Malik's. "I feel the same way, Malik. You're an extraordinary person, and I admire your passion for exploration and discovery. Your house is a testament to your adventurous spirit, and I'm grateful to have been able to see it." "Lets go on a date, pick a place!" he says to her. Malik's eyes gleam with excitement as he awaits Shizune's response. He has always enjoyed her company and is thrilled at the prospect of spending more time together. The rain outside provides a soothing backdrop as they stand in the makeshift dojo, wrapped in each other's arms.

"I'd love to go on a date with you, Malik," Shizune replies with a warm smile. "How about visiting the hot springs in the western part of the village? I've heard it's a beautiful and relaxing place."

Malik's face lights up at Shizune's suggestion. "That sounds perfect! I've never been there myself, but I've always wanted to visit. Let's plan for tomorrow afternoon, after your duties are done."

Shizune nods in agreement, feeling a sense of anticipation for their upcoming date.


In the depths of his sleep, Malik found himself in the grip of a terrifying nightmare. He was being chased by a red demon, its eyes glowing with a malevolent light. The demon was relentless, its pursuit never-ending.

Malik was running over an ocean, but not an ocean of water. Instead, it was an ocean of plastic female dolls, their lifeless eyes staring up at him. Each doll was eerily identical, their faces frozen in a permanent, emotionless smile. But the most disturbing detail was their chests - each doll had its heart removed, leaving a hollow cavity.

The sight was chilling, and Malik could feel a sense of dread washing over him. He ran faster, his heart pounding in his chest. But no matter how fast he ran, the demon was always just a step behind, its hot breath on his neck.

Suddenly, Malik tripped over a doll and fell, the plastic bodies of the dolls cold against his skin. He turned around, coming face-to-face with the red demon. He could see his terrified reflection in its glowing eyes…

And then he woke up, his heart still racing from the nightmare. It took him a moment to realize he was safe in his own bed, the nightmare nothing more than a figment of his imagination. But the images from his dream lingered in his mind, a chilling reminder of the terror he had felt.

"Fuck my life , ,, , . .. , , . , ,.,.," (Malik?) says


Upon arrival, they noticed the steaming water, emanating an inviting warmth amidst the serene environment and gentle sound of the rain. It seemed the perfect setting for a romantic date. Finding a secluded spot, they both undressed and cautiously stepped into the soothing waters of the hot springs, feeling the warmth envelop their bodies, creating a sensation of pure bliss. 


Sitting down facing each other, their legs touching under the water, Shizune's eyes sparkled with happiness, reflecting the tranquil surroundings. As they shared a passionate kiss, he couldn't help but feel a growing unease in his chest. "Don't you think we're moving a little fast?" he asked, his voice tinged with concern. 


Shizune looked at him, a slight blush on her cheeks. "Maybe we are," she admitted softly, "but I can't help how I feel. Can you?" 


Taking a deep breath, he searched for the right words. "No, I can't," he confessed. "I feel the same way, but I want to make sure this is right for both of us before we rush into anything." 


Shizune nodded understandingly. "Let's take things slow and enjoy our time together," she suggested, a warm smile on her face. He returned her smile, feeling grateful for her understanding. 


They continued to enjoy the hot springs, chatting and sharing intimate moments as the sun began to set. Eventually, they decided to get dressed and make their way back to his house, the peaceful walk accompanied by the gentle patter of rain on the leaves above. With each step, the connection between them seemed to grow stronger, and he felt thankful for her patience and understanding. 


Reaching the entrance of his house, he turned to Shizune and took her hand in his. "I'm glad we had this chance to spend time together," he said, looking into her eyes. 


Shizune smiled warmly at him. "Me too. I had a wonderful time." 


Leading her inside, they walked through the hallways filled with his staff and rooms 

In the living room, he gestured towards the plush couch. "Please, make yourself comfortable," he offered. Shizune accepted with a smile, settling down beside him, feeling the warmth radiate between them. 


Their hearts beat in sync as they sat close, enjoying the closeness and the bond that had grown between them. Turning to face her, he couldn't help but admire her beauty and the way her eyes lit up when she looked at him. 


"I've always admired your strength, Shizune," he confessed softly. "Not just your physical prowess, but your resilience and determination." 


Shizune blushed at the compliment, her gaze lowering slightly. "Thank you, Malik," she murmured. "That means a lot coming from you. You have a strength of your own, too. Your desire for kindness and generosity have touched me deeply." 


His smile widened, a warmth spreading through his chest. "I'm glad you think so," he replied sincerely. "I've always tried to be true to myself, even if it means taking risks and making mistakes." 


Shizune nodded in understanding. "That's what makes you unique, Malik. You're not afraid to be yourself, and you're always seeking new experiences and knowledge." She paused, meeting his eyes with sincerity. "I want to explore the world with you, Malik. I want to learn from you and grow alongside you but I need to stay by her side, if not forever just a little longer." 


Taking her hand in his, he felt a rush of emotion. "I would love that, Shizune. I want to share my life with you, to discover new things together and to support each other." 


They sat in comfortable silence for a moment, reveling in the connection and closeness they shared. The rain outside had subsided, leaving a quiet calm in the room. 


Shizune turned to him, her gaze thoughtful. "There's something I've been wanting to ask you, Malik," she began hesitantly. "It's about Tsunade." 


He nodded, encouraging her to continue. Shizune took a deep breath. "Tsunade has always been a mentor to me, but she can be intense. I've noticed the tension between you two. Can you tell me more about your relationship with her?" 


Considering her question carefully, he replied, "Tsunade and I have our differences due to our personalities. I'm glad that someone doesn't like me, but I believe with time and understanding, we could work together better but for now its fine that she doesn't trust me or even like me.." 


Shizune nodded thoughtfully. "I'm glad to hear that. The village would benefit from it." She hesitated before continuing, "Speaking of relationships, there's something I need to tell you. Malik, I've fallen in love with you." (Gained +1 Sin) 


Taken aback by her admission, he felt a surge of something that should have happiness. "Shizune, I... I love you too," he confessed, his voice filled with emotion. Leaning in, he kissed her tenderly, feeling a deep sense of relief and joy. 


Pulling back, Shizune smiled softly at him. "I'm glad we can be honest," she said softly. "Let's take things at the pace that feels right, but I want to explore this connection between us." 


He nodded, his heart swelling with affection. "I feel the same way, Shizune." 


{Why did you stop?} 

Malik opened his eyes, looking around his dark room. 

"If I start talking nothing is allowed to jump out at me, those are the rules," he says to an empty room. 

Malik sat there for almost 2 hours, waiting for someone to/ something to happen. But the sun rises first. 

Love Life: Get 10 people you fall in love with you (9.5/10) 

Reward: Skill – Cult of Aphrodite 

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