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15.38% Multiversal: The Lobby / Chapter 2: The Hub(1)

Capítulo 2: The Hub(1)

' ' for thoughts or for other uses

" " to talk

[ ] and ▷ for the system

I'm trying stuff seeing if I'm more comfortable with 3rd point of view, or if I should just use the 1st and this one together.

Hōgyoku is probably what you speculate her to be yes.(not FL by the way)

◇◇◇ 3rd POV

Often times, you get somewhere and it's not what you'd expect from it. The same way Adam though the Hub would be some kind of futuristic place with mind breaking technology. But it's just... modern?

After puking his stomach out from all the turbulence in this hour or so long journey, he finally took in the place they were in.

As said before, the place was mostly stylized on the principle of modern architecture. It didn't appear mundane, compared to any other place on his previous world, It was clean and people were bustling about, all in their own world.

Of course that was the difference. People, a girl with a horn, walking her clearly bigger than normal wolf, a bipedal entity made of water that wore a suit without getting it wet. Things that would normally feel out of place.

It's in this situation that Adam finally understood. 'This... really isn't my world anymore. But my lack of surprise feels strange?' Of course for a modern man such a sight would normally be enough to confuse them.

But Adam was not just a modern man, his split second resistance at the Chaos Gods corruption before his seniors could interfere was proof of a strong mind. Something they all noted without his knowledge.

"Well this is the place, honestly it might be my favorite. The Lobby is great but it's pretty barren most of the time since the people able to talk in the time it take to get to another universe are few in numbers"

Arthur responded to his unvoiced queries

"You might be wondering where we are going right now?"

"Of course, after all I still haven't discussed those things with The Lobby. While the contract is partly signed, I still need to see the fine prints before finalising my decision"

Both knew of course, this was just bravado to save face. What contract? The fact that if Adam returned he would be hunted for sports by those other gods wasn't forgotten.

'Well even then, I still need to create the connection with the Lobby' The contract that had been implanted in his mind had details along those lines.

Adam wouldn't be able to harm the Lobby willingly in any shape or form. And the same was true for the Lobby.

The second term was sponsorship. Adam's value as a Primed Soul was such that the Lobby was ready to sponsor him, along with the normal rewards from missions he would be able to obtain bonuses and grow stronger at a faster rate. Something beneficial for both him and the Lobby.

And the third of course. As any fanfiction addict would have it, was something he couldn't refuse. While outwardly acting like he didn't care. Adam couldn't help the joy that was bubbling inside of him.

"So what does that system really entails?" Both Arthur and Hōgyoku looked at him as if he was dumb, maybe briefly forgetting that he was new?

""Eveything of course"" They both answered, matter-of-factly. He knew of course, he was asking what "Everything" entailed.

Sensing his confusion Arthur, the ever so helpful naked friend explained further. "Putting this in terms you can understand, the system takes the form most familiar to you, the one that suits you best if you will. The everything part comes after, with enough currency. You can add anything you want or need."

'That's, really great actually' A small smile formed on Adam's face. It may be a life worth living now. But now that he thought about it...

'How am I going to live my life without a body?'

"Arthur, I don't think we addressed anything about my body? How am I even going to get one" This seemed to lit a lightbulb in their minds.

"That's true! We couldn't bring a replica of your body since it couldn't co-exist with the lax rules of other worlds." With a confused tilt of the head from Adam's part, Arthur started his explanation

While the soul grew more powerful overtime. His body was constantly changed in his world, hence not only was it not great in any form, it also couldn't work without the cold hard principles of physics that his original universe had. Hence—

"You will have to choose a new body from the first world you will go in probably" Hōgyoku finished Arthur's explanation as they all approached an old house, it was the only relatively rural building they had seen in all of the Hub yet.

"This is were we separe, keep Elder Vome's and I contact in your brain before you get your system. Just input it in the friend section later" The three people that accompanied him until now all left in a flash, seemingly eager to go back to what they were doing before meeting him.

And that was understandable, Adam didn't believe that entities at their level of existence had nothing to do in an hour. Or nothing to enjoy. Two series of numbers entered his head, something vaguely familiar. 'Was this...'


A voice, both soothing and cold, mechanical and human was heard from behind the door. Not letting the entity he signed a contract with wait further he entered the old house. Only to be in shock at the sight of the inside.

A completly white room, not one made for convenience like last time but one pure. Devoid of any disturbances, filth or other thing as such. Sat at a low wooden table was a... human? Faceless, completly white from head to toe with nothing but their eyes shining a golden hue.

"Whoa..." Adam unconsciously let out his inner child out. He couldn't appreciate it before but this was a situation out of novels. The entity he could identify as the Lobby smirked even without a mouth.

[It's cool right? People always get this reaction when I do that]

"Wait so this is a setup?" Adam's question got unanswered as, the entity he would simply call "Lobby" closed it's eyes still with a smile as if it said 'right, be impressed'

[To be honest, I didn't expect you to accept my offer, I had to hastily make this room again when they said they would leave to get you]

"Huhh, brother? It's not cool to explain this" A second presence, that had gotten unnoticed until now voiced it's opinion. But Lobby opened their eyes with a crazy look

Unblinking they responded [No, it's cool because I'm strong. Imagine a being that could wipe you out with a cough acting this nonchalent]

"—! I see!!!" The second entity let out a whisper of exclamation, Adam could now identify it. It wasn't so much as him understanding who they are than them not restraining their attributes.

This was [System] probably.

"Wait but... if you're System...? How does that work?" Seeing an opportunity, System seized it to also act cool in front of the newcomer.

Thousands upon thousands of multicoloured panels filled the white space, rotating in such a way that they formed a storm wich System, Lobby and Adam— who had unknowingly already sat at the table. Rested in the eye of.

"You may have identified me as "System" due to my attributes but I'm just the god of them. The one that decrees who can or cannot use my powers. See it like copyrights." I didn't really understand until he explained the last part.

'Wait but...' My eyes turned sharp at that as I asked a question that I had held in until now.

"Wait so do I loose all my powers if you don't allow the use of them?" This could be dangerous I—

"Tsk tsk, stop thinking so loud you dumbass. You can't lose what you already have. I can block things like items in your inventory but skills, titles and so on are already part of your essence. Tearing them off would require incredible powers. Especially when it comes about you"

"I can get on with that... So what's the plan here?"

At Adam's question System pondered for a moment before one panel appeared in front of Adam. 'So this is...?'

His hand hovered over the translucent panel in front of him, as he tried to touch it, a deep connection formed between him and that, whatever it may be.

"Seems like it got everything properly, try saying Status maybe, or think about the word" Excitement was already rushing through Adam's brain. And at the opportunity to say the golden words he opened his mouth—

Only for it to already open due to his thoughts... Not that he had time to worry about that, as literal screen pollution got the better of him.


▷True Name: Adam ■ ■ ■ ■

[Notice: this is the current interpretation created by [Owner] wich the system can't interfere with]

▷Player Name: Please enter a name...

[Notice: This is the displayed name, both on your interactive platforms and on the rankings]

▷Titles: [Newcomer]

[Notice: Titles act as both proof of your strength and as part of your legend, they are available for the view of other players on the interactive platforms]

▷Race: None

[Notice: Race defines what makes your physical and metaphysical body. Unexpected evolutions can occur]

▷Job: Jobless(Experience ↑ 200%)

[Notice: Job decides what profession you hold at the moment, you can lock in a profession or pay for additional slots]

▷Level: 1

[Notice: This will reset upon evolution. Experience boost physical and magical attributes. Accumulated Experience does not dissapear upon reset]

▷Active Skills: None

[Notice: Abilities that come at a cost. They often last less time than Passive ones but hold much more power, all skills effects become stronger as the rank increases]

▷Passive Skills: [Pandora's Gift: S], [Craftsmanship: E], [CQC: F]

[Notice: Skills that are active at all times they may not seem like much but they hold a lot of weight in someone's power, alll skill effects become stronger as the rank increases]

A/N: Some of you may have noticed. Yep, this is heavily(outright copied) inspired by FFF-Class Trashero system panel because I love it.

"YAAAARGGHHH" This scream resonated in the room. The start of a link between the interface and an individual was always like this. Lobby acted like a hadn't seen anything while System looked to the side, whistling.

After a few minutes, Adam composed himself before asking "So wait how does my system work?"

If what Arthur said was true, and the system was different for everyone it means that it's potential abilities also differed for each person. System pondered for a moment.

"You're probably asking how much can you do with your system. It depends on the strength of a soul and well, you know..." Adam did, he had been told several times that his soul was strong but how did that translate here?

"Put it like that—" Lobby took hold of the conversation and showed me a ranking, probably of the top people in the Lobby.


▷1st : PK_isNOT_OK

▷2nd: Noobmaster123

▷3rd: Edge_of_Black_Darkness




'What the heck are those names?!?' Adam looked at both Lobby and System that were helplessly smiling, how could they react like that? Were the thoughts in his head.

"We can't choose players names errr... But you might recognise some terms the first three in the rankings used... they are all Primed Souls from your Universe"


"That's how advantageous being a Primed Soul is, if you want another example just look at some of the effects of your skills or abilities I guess"

Even in his surprise, Adam did as he was told, only to be shocked by what he'd see

[Newcomer]: Your experience gain is now 150% of it's total gain, Opportunities come your way

[Pandora's Gift: S]

▷SSS: ???

▷SS: You can manifest hope.

▷S: You can open the box.

▷A: Evil create experience

▷B: Sins create experience

▷C: Insults become experience

▷D: Disasters become experience

▷E: Diseases become experience

▷F: Curses become experience

[Craftsmanship: E


▷D: Proficiency with tools is low

▷E: Barely understand others inventions

▷F: Make mediocre inventions]



▷E: When in range look for opportunities

▷F: When in range attack with mediocre proficiency]

'This... doesn't it seem a bit too strong?'


A/N: I will mostly describe interesting skills or ones with high ranks in the future, you don't have to worry about such skill spreads lmao.

Though I will describe a skill or two whenever I feel like it, cuz this is mine, and also since I like doing it.

For those that don't understand why the effects say mediocre or other derogatory terms, ALL effects goes up as the rank does. That's why the effect of [Pandora's Gift] are so bs and also why E and F rank skills have that bad of an effect.

I did put slice of life in the tags but dw too much, it's just means I'll take my time to add action

I'm sorry that the first chapters are such info dumps but bear with it for now. Next chapter we're finally preparing for the first world!

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