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26.5% Marvel: Impregnation System / Chapter 19: Chapter 19: Escalated Mess

Capítulo 19: Chapter 19: Escalated Mess


"Look guys, they are just giving away this food for free!" Edward slammed his tray onto the table, drool forming at the corners of his mouth as he ogled the mountain of food he had piled on from the cafeteria's self-serve station.

Ricky and Jake exchanged a glance, their eyebrows shooting up in unison at the sight of the heaping mound of food on his tray.

Evidently, the school had three lunch periods, each with students from all grades sorted into categories A, B, and C. 

Coincidentally, Ricky, Tyler, and Maria were all assigned to category B. This arrangement was entirely random as well and not deliberately manipulated in the least.


"This place gotta to be heaven!" Rocco slammed his tray onto the towering pyramid of food, standing resolute next to Edward's own amalgamation.

"It ain't that big of a deal." Jake shook his head, his smile contradicting the gesture as he munched on a French fry carefully picked out of his own tower. 

"This is enough to feed my siblings-huh?" Rocco's protest halted as his eyes fixed on the envelope sliding across the table. 

Ricky's eyebrow arched as he glanced down at the envelope stopping beneath his finger, his exact name, 'Ricky Lucino' printed in bold black letters on the front.

Gazing yp and to the side, all he saw was teenagers shuffling back and forth as none of the four clearly saw the one who slid the letter.

"Ha, don't tell me someones trying to josh US." Edward scoffed while eating some of his onion rings, shaking his head.

"Do they not know our profession is bashing heads in?" Rocco joined in while looking around though no eyes were staring at them.

"Only one way to find out if this is a joke or not." Ricky spoke without hesitation as he opened the letter before pulling out a pitch black paper.

"What the." Jake said as Ricky unfolded the black paper, the back of it had an image painted in white as it menacingly stared at him.

A skull and bones.

Dear Ricky Luciano, 

You have been cordially invited to participate in an organization that prides itself on picking only those who stand above the rest. If you wish to pass on this gradious opportunity you may simply rip the piece of paper and throw it away, however if you are intrigued. Please burn the letter after reading so that we may take it as a sign you are at least interested in something bigger than yourself.

Handler 56495

"Jake, lighter." Ricky held out his hand as an intrigued gaze flickered amongst his green pupils as a lighter was set on his palm.

"What did the letter say, Slick?" Jake asked as Ricky opened up the lighter and flicked his thumb to spark a small fire.

"Something about joining a club and it wouldn't be fun if I simply disregarded it." Ricky smiled as he placed the flame below the paper.

Almost instantly, the orange flame caught the piece of paper as it immediately started to devour the combustible black paper.

In an instant, the paper appeared to transform into blue light, the once vibrant orange now a deep shade of blue. 

The transformation spread rapidly, greedily consuming every last bit of the paper until nothing remained but a faint glow of a blue hue lingering in the air.

"Woah~" Rocco's eyes lit up at the display of the paper being turned into blue as smiles persisted on the faces of unknown individuals.

"Are you deaf or something? I said no!" A familiar voice suddenly sounded out as four heads who recognized it turned to the side.

There, amidst the other gathering gazes, stood Maria fuming while holding a tray with a single salad; however what stood out was the arm on her forearm.

"Uh oh." Jake whispered as Ricky stood up before turning his head to three.

"Get my back, alright?" Ricky asked though didn't wait for the three responses.

The three of Jake, Rocco, and Edward looked at each other before nodding and standing up.

"Oh come on doll, humor me for a-" A guy smiled, gazing back at his friends egging him on to get the new girls number.

"Do I look like Raggedy Ann? Then get your hand off of me before you get hurt!" Maria spoke for the guy's safety yet he didn't care and leaned in closer.

"Hurt, me?" The guy laughed, gazing at his friends behind him that only seemed to encourage his behavior.

"Don't be like that." He sleazy whispered, Maria incredibly uncomfortable but he tightened his grip along her thin wrist making her unable to escape.

"C'mon darling, just give me-"


Without warning, eyes widened at the sudden sight of the man who had just moments ago been on his feet, now knocked onto his backside by a closed fist. 

Reacting quickly, Ricky grabbed hold of Maria to prevent her from falling as the man slid across the floor, coming to a stop some distance away.

In all honesty, Ricky had no choice since a random guy flirting with Maria was one thing, but actually laying his hands on her meant he had to prove to Profaci that he was taking action.

"Y-You punched me!" The guy was mortified, clutching his reddened cheek since this was the first time he'd ever been punched.

"Do you even know who you put your hands on?" Ricky was a little baffled though the guy scoffed while staggering to his feet.

"Who is she? Do you even know I am!" The guy asked, a little baffled at the greaser before him as Ricky rolled his eyes.

'Great.' Ricky sighed internally, knowing that one of the inevitable side effects of attending this school was eventually running into a snot-nosed trust fund kid.

"I'm Tyler Richards, son of Billy Richards, the man who owns half of the Cadillac dealerships in the area!" Tyler roared as he pointed at Ricky who moved the now sacred Maria behind him.

"Listen brat-"

"Brat, BRAT, how dare a greasy italian even look down at me in a metaphorical sense!" Tyler accused, Ricky scrunching his brows before raising them at the latter half of his insult.

"Oh my apologies, were you taken aback by such a big word?" Tyler laughed out, frustrated that he was not only easily rejected but punched in the face.

Ricky froze at this moment, gazing at the sneering Tyler with a dumbfounded expression before letting out a sigh.

Stretching, he started cracking his fingers yet Tyler continued to mouth off to show off in front of his friends.

Incredibly embarrassed and with a fuming amount of ego running through his mind, Tyler didn't even try to hide his hatefulness towards Ricky and escalated it even further.

"But it doesn't matter, I'll make sure you get kicked out of this school so you can keep that harlot, I hope that b*tch was worth it." Tyler sneered while turning around as Ricky started laughing causing him to scrunch his brows.

The entire cafeteria was tuned in at the point, some leaving, and others staying for the festivities of the upcoming argument as Ricky's laughing figure was on full display.

"What's so funny bumpkin?" Tyler scoffed towards Ricky who started taking off his leather jacket which hid his uniform.

Ricky was already planning to punch Tyler again for calling him a "greasy Italian," but after Tyler disrespected Maria not just in front of him but in front of the entire cafeteria, he knew this beating was mandatory.

"Honest to god, did you think that you could say all of that and not get your ass kicked?" Ricky genuinely asked, turning back to Maria and handing the clearly distraught girl his jacket.

"Hold onto this for me while I beat the living piss out of him, alright?" Ricky smiled at her in a soothing voice which seemed to calm Maria who meekly nodded.

The poor girl was so full of excitement and hope on her first day in a boys and girls school, romanising it in her head only for it all to come crashing down with the arrival of Tyler.

It wasn't only during lunch, but Tyler had also been incessantly trying to talk to her throughout the day and wasn't satisfied by the passing responses given to him by Maria.

"Is this your little gang?" Tyler laughed as three men walked behind Ricky as he waved his hand.

"Boys." Tyler called out as twelve guys around the ages of 16 to 18 stood up with letterman jackets.

"If you get on your knees and apologize then I MIGHT just forgive you." Tyler walked up to Ricky, locking eyes with him, his smile transforming into a deadly grin.

"Come on, beg like the little greasy rat-"


Ricky's eyebrow twitched as he cut off Tyler's next words, driving his forehead into Tyler's nose with a sickening thud. 

The impact was immediate, blood spraying out from Tyler's nose in a crimson arc, staining the air with the metallic scent of blood.

Before Tyler could even register the pain, Ricky seized his blue tie in a vice-like grip, yanking him back with a forceful jerk. 

The sudden movement caught Tyler off guard, causing him to stumble forward, his eyes wide with shock and pain. 

The room seemed to hold its breath, the tension thick and heavy as Ricky stood over Tyler, his expression fierce and unrelenting.


Ricky thrusted his fist into Tyler's boney face once more, this time blood splattering from his mouth as some of his teeth cut Ricky's knuckles.

"GET HIM!" One of the football players yelled as the twelve members rushed forward as the three lying in wait behind Ricky rushed forward.

"AHHHHH!" Edward ramped up his speed as he lunged his entire body into the crowd while knocking down two and causing three to slightly lose their balance.




Rocco's fists flew wildly, each punch delivered with a malevolent smile that seemed to revel in the violence. 

With each strike, he seemed to grow more energized, more invigorated by the chaos around him.

After dealing with his immediate target, Rocco swiftly turned his attention to any nearby individuals, his eyes scanning for his next victim. 

His movements were fluid and practiced, his punches landing with brutal efficiency as the sounds of impact echoed through the room, mingling with grunts of pain and the shuffle of feet as others tried to evade his wrath. 

Rocco's smile never faltered, a stark contrast to the havoc he was wreaking upon those around him.



Jake took a more strategic approach, his movements calculated and deliberate. He bobbed and weaved with finesse, avoiding incoming strikes with ease. 

Unlike Rocco's wild aggression, Jake waited for the opportune moment to strike, looking for openings in his opponent's defense.

When the opportunity presented itself, Jake struck with precision, delivering quick and decisive blows. 

His attacks were measured and controlled, each strike aimed at incapacitating his opponent efficiently. 

Despite his more strategic approach, Jake's blows were no less impactful, each one landing with calculated force.








Tyler had already been beaten to a pulp, his face a swollen, bloody mess but for Ricky, it still didn't seem enough. 

A ruthless urge, deeply implanted within his very blood began to bloom, driving his fists to continue their assault on Tyler's face as he started to smile.

With relentless determination, Ricky's fists hammered into Tyler's already battered visage, a relentless barrage of lefts and rights. 

Each blow landed with sickening thuds, the sound of bone meeting flesh echoing through the room. 

Ricky seemed almost possessed, his eyes glazed over with a mixture of anger and satisfaction as he continued to rain down blows upon Tyler.

As the assault persisted, Tyler's state deteriorated rapidly as his once recognizable features were now nothing but a bloody, mangled mess. 

"ARGH!" Rocco let out a grunt as a guy had put him in a full nelson while another laid punch after punch into his abdomen.

Ricky snapped out of his trance, his fist and chest now covered in Tyler's blood as he gazed down at Tyler, who was barely breathing, his consciousness having faded moments ago, leaving him in a twitching state. 

'That was weird.' Ricky released Tyler's collar and quickly shifted his focus. 

He rushed over to Rocco, determined to support his friend as Rocco had supported him. 

With a burst of energy, Ricky tackled the guy who was attacking Rocco, using the element of surprise to his advantage. 

He bashed the back of his head into the assailant's face, causing the man to loosen his grip.

Seizing the opportunity, Rocco spun around, grabbing the man's hair and yanking his head down violently. 

With a swift and brutal motion, Rocco brought his knee up, smashing it into the man's face with the force of the blow leaving the attacker reeling, giving Rocco the upper hand once more.



Blood splashed onto Rocco's jeans however he didn't flinch as he tossed the now unconscious guy to the side before rushing back into the fray of the fight.

The four of them were merciless and seasoned in street fights, their experience evident as the eight-man advantage slowly morphed into a bloody disadvantage for their opponents. 

Ricky exploited their lack of coordination, skillfully isolating and taking them down one by one. 

Meanwhile, Jake, Edward, and Rocco, working instinctively, mirrored his actions, systematically dismantling their opponents.

The floor became a battlefield, scarlet staining the tiles as the sounds of agonized groans echoed through the lunchroom. 

With brutal efficiency, the four friends overpowered their opponents, leaving thirteen men sprawled on the ground, defeated and groaning in pain. 




"We're so f*cked." Jake whispered while rubbing the bruise on his cheek, realizing they had all definitely gone too far.

"Ugh, my stomach." Rocco held his stomach in agony, lifting up his shirt to reveal the countless blue marks forming.

Edward, though not severely injured, had overextended his shoulder as he began rotating it, trying to soothe the discomfort. 

Ricky, on the other hand, wiped his chin where a drop of blood had formed, his gaze then shifting to his ruined uniform. 

'What the hell was that just now.' Ricky thought, knowing he wouldn't pull his punches for some snot filled trust fund kids, but at some point everything became a blur which never happens.

"WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS!" The principal rushed into the dining hall only to see the horrifying sight of thirteen young men beaten to a brutal pulp.

"ALL FOUR OF YOU, MY OFFICE, NOW!" The principal screeched as the four of them sighed but complied though Ricky didn't immediately follow but walked to Maria.

"You okay?" Ricky tentatively asked as Maria flinched before shaking her head in a daze.

"I-I'm fine." Maria muttered while looking at the ground though not in disgust but simply couldn't look him in the eye with all the blood staining his clothes.

However even if she felt uncomfortable, she was still appreciative that had kept his word to look after her which unknowingly made her smile.

"Um Maria?" Ricky asked, Maria flinching but forcing herself to face his green eyes.

'Don't be rude Maria, he did what uncy told him to do.' Maria spoke to herself, trying to be fierce in front of him.

"Yes Ricky?" Maria asked while raising her gaze to meet him, this moment eerily similar to all the ones in her romantic novels.

"Can I have my jacket back?" Ricky chuckled, pointing to Maria still instinctively clutching his jacket in her embrace.

"O-Oh right!" Maria's face flushed red in embarrassment, her thoughts shattering before shoving it back into his hold.

"Then stay out of trouble until I get back, Princess~" Ricky teased the last part while putting his greaser jacket on while catching up with the three of Jake, Rocco, and Edward.

1 hour later,



"RICKY LUCIANO ARE YOU A F*CKING RETARD!" Lucky roared, his anger palpable as he didn't use Ricky's nickname but actual name showing how grave this situation truly was.

"F*ck~" Ricky whispered under his breath while immediately standing up from his seat in front of the principal.

"Pops, in my defense-"


"SHUT THE F*CK UP AND SIT BACK DOWN!" Lucky slapped Ricky's across the face while shouting at him as Ricky grimaced but complied, knowing that without context this situation looks incredibly one-sided.

"And you three!" Lucky pointed at the three petrified boys sitting next to him.

"Your parents and guardians will deal with you~" Lucky hissed, though that punishment made them pale as if their souls were snatched from their very being.

"Mr. Luciano I can tell you are upset but may we please refrain from violence-I mean can we talk about what happened?" The principal was about to reprimand Lucky until he saw his deadly glare which immediately made him speak in a more polite tone.

"Fine but make it quick, Ricky has an appointment with my foot being shoved up his ass!" Lucky raised his ivory cane as Ricky immediately covered his head expecting him to hit him with it.

"MR. LUCIANO!" The Principal worriedly called out for Ricky's safety as Lucky halted his assault and scoffed before placing it back down.


"Then let's get down to the accident shall we?" The Principal announced while adjusting his tie.

"We've only spoken through letters but I shall introduce myself, I am Principal Burres and I've been the principal at this establishment for over fifteen years." Principal Burres introduced before pointing to the side.

"Right next to me is a staff member in our facility, Mr. Timsworth." Principal Burres pointed to Mr. Timsworth who tipped his fedora towards him.

"Evening Mr. Luciano." Mr. Timsworth politely greeted Lucky as the latter scoffed while raising his hands.

"Are we going to get down to the sauce or did you f*cking bring me down here to waste my goddamn time!" Lucky yelled as these formalities were pissing him off, making Principal Burres nervously adjusted himself again.

"Y-Yes, Mr. Timesworth please highlight what you saw." Principal Burres pointed as Mr. Timsworth nodded and walked a bit forward.

"At lunch, I saw Ricky here suddenly grab that poor boy Tyler Richards and beat him to a bloody pulp." Mr. Timsworth let out a regretful expression as the four teenagers became gobsmacked at this explanation.

"THAT-" Rocco tried to explain but when he was about to stand up, Lucky pushed him back down into the chair

"Quiet." Lucky whispered as he immediately smelled something fishy but wanted to hear this teacher's whole story first.


"Like I was saying, Ricky started beating on Billy's old boy and when his friends tried to stop him, the three of them started to attack half of our football team." Mr. Timsworth shook his head in despair as Principal Burres sadly nodded his head.

Ricky, Jake, Edward, and Rocco all scoffed or rolled their eyes at this horrible explanation of what happened but remained quiet.

"Mr. Luciano this a serious matter we have on our hands here, thirteen of our students are now in the hospt-"

"Wait, wait, wait." Lucky held out his hand as the principal curiously stopped talking while watching Lucky message his forehead.

"So your saying that not only did my boy beat the cracker jacks out of a random kid for no reason, but these three also joined in, also for no reason?" Lucky was baffled at this fact, the principal nodding while understanding his confusion.

"Yes and-"

"Are you retarded or something?" Lucky genuinely asked as both Mr. Timsworth and Principal Burres froze in shock.

"Slick, I'm seriously asking this but are they really retarted or something cause I genuinely can't tell?" Lucky looked at Ricky who started dying of laughter with the three of his friends joining in.

"I-I beg your pardon mr. Luciano!" Principal Burres stood up in shock and disgust at his serious statement.

"Ain't no one, NO ONE, in the Luciano just do anything for 'no reason' everyone in my family always gets just cause." Lucky looked at Principal Burres in contempt while shaking his hand.



"Slick, why the hell did you beat the snot out of that boy?" Lucky snapped his finger towards Ricky who smirked while staring Principal Burres right in the eye.

"That 'poor Billy's boy' not only laid hands on Maria but called her a harlot and b*tch too, I had to defend her like Uncle insisted." Ricky spoke words that made Princepal Burres scoff in contempt.

"Tyler Richards would never do such a thing-Mr. Luciano?" Principal Burres turned towards Lucky only to see him frozen in shock.

Paling by the second, he grabbed his mouth while breaking into a deep sweat and intently gazed at Ricky.

"Ricky don't josh me, are you serious?" Lucky spoke in a deadly tone and Ricky nodded his head in confusion.

"Pops, I wouldn't joke about something this serious." Ricky shook his head knowing that poor Tyler was going to suffer a fate worse than death.

In fact, as ruthless as it sounds, Ricky had beat up Tyler out of necessity and although he went a tinge overboard, the kid needed to be bashed in the face. 

He knew that if he didn't, Profaci would do something far worse and Ricky had heard some of the horror stories of Profaci's victims, with the least severe punishment involved cutting off a hand. 

Beating Tyler senseless was a brutal but calculated decision to save him from a far more gruesome fate, is what Ricky would say in the future if persecuted.

"Dear god." Lucky held his forehead in distress as even Principal Burres became worried.

"M-Mr. Luciano you can't really believe-"

"Do you know what is about to happen, that boy-"


Lucky's head jerked behind him as terrified screams rang out causing everyone who was sitting in the office to get to their feet.

"DAMMIT!" Lucky cursed as his eyes became furious before turning towards the shocked Principal Burres.




"WHERE IS HE! WHERE IS THE DEADMAN WHO TOUCHED MY PRINCESS!" Profaci roared as two gunshots were fired in the distance, causing Lucky to bolt out of the office.

Principal Burres and Mr. Timsworth ducked, dropping to the floor before Principal Burres peaked his head over the desk to see the sighing four.

"W-What is happening!" Principal Burres demanded towards the four who were now gazing at him in contempt.

"Isn't it obvious? You chose to defend the wrong side and now you're going to pay for it." Ricky scoffed, slowly standing up as sweat started to form on his forehead.

"W-What do you mean-"

"Hey baldy, he's saying that you chose the wrong side what's so hard to understand!" Rocco, already angry at this situation, yelled at Principal Burres.

"What my friends mean Principal Burres, is that you'll be lucky to get out of this predicament with only a slap of a wrist." Jake sighed, standing up as well to follow Ricky as they slowly walked out of the door.

"Not just you, but both of you are totally f*cked." Edward snickered while closing the door behind him.

Mr. Timsworth and Principal Burres looked at each other before immediately bolting out of the door to see the disturbance.


"CALM DOWN, LOOK AT THIS!" Profaci pointed to the crying Maria in his arms.




"I tried to tell them Uncy but they wouldn't listen to me, they called me a liar~" Maria sobbed as Profaci's face, already red in anger, turned a whole new shade darker as all his eyes saw were scarlet.

5 minutes ago,

"RICKY DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG YOU'RE NOT LISTENING TO ME!" Maria stomped in place at a teacher sighing in contempt before her, shaking his head at her story.

This was a third-year teacher named Mr. Elliot, who never even tried to understand Maria's side of the story nor gave her the time of day.

"Listen girly, I don't know what kind of dramatic play you spouted to your thug friends but Tyler wouldn't do all that, he's a good kid." Mr. Elliot sighed, thinking Maria was lying or making it all up.


"Mr. Elliot, what is the meaning of this?" Ms. Collins walked over to the interaction that was causing a crowd to form.

"Ah Ms. Collins, can you tell Maria, broad to broad, that fibbing about something like this isn't right." Mr. Elliot pointed at the clearly distressed Maria as Ms. Collins hurriedly walked over to the crying young girl.

"Honey it's ok." Ms. Collins quickly took Maria into her arms while caressing her hair.



"Now tell me what really happened, ok?" Ms. Collins pulled her apart to listen to her side as Maria rubbed her eyes and nodded.



"PRINCESS, WHERE IS MY PRINCESS!" Profaci burst open the doors with a handful of mobsters following him.

"Uncy~" Maria released herself from Ms. Collins, rushing towards Profaci who's heart sank at seeing the thing that no father wanted to ever see.

Their daughter, in tears.

Maria rushed to hug Profaci who immediately started cooing her while putting his everything into calming her down.

"Princess, tell me what happened and who put you in this state." Profaci grabbed Maria's face which still had tears running down them as she sobbed while pointing at Mr. Elliot.

"Profaci? Joe Profaci." Ms. Collins whispered in a deadly tone, her eyes shrinking after recognizing that name while instinctively taking a step back in fear.

"I-I-I-I was getting my lunch a-a-a-a-and then this guy named Tyler R-R-R-Richards grabbed m-m-m-m-me-" Maria stuttered while saying what happened in a sobbing tone.

Profaci's face went from horrified to livid in the matter of a millisecond as even the mobster behind him felt bad for what was about to happen, already cocking their pistols.

"HE WHAT!!!!!" Profaci screamed in anger as Maria nodded.

"T-T-Then R-R-R-Ricky came t-t-t-t-to help a-a-a-and then he called me a HARLOT and Ricky punched him-" Maria let out a whine filled stutter, burying her head into Profaci's chest as the man let out a ragged breath.

"T-T-T-Then Ricky beat him up and his friends, but w-w-w-when I tried to tell Mr. Elliot what h-h-happened, he called me a liar!" Maria said while buried in Profaci's chest as the notorious mobster erupted with intense killing intent, with every ounce of it directed at Mr. Elliot who was sweating profusely.

"Sir you can't really believe-"

"Break his legs, I don't want him ever to walk again for calling my Princess a liar." Profaci pointed, giving a horrifying order without batting an eye as five men walked over to Mr. Elliot with one carrying a bat.

"W-Wait stop!" Mr. Elliot tried to struggle but it was no use as they pinned him down.


Present Time,

"JOEY, JOEY JUST WAIT!" Lucky yelled though Profaci was going crazy while holding a couple students hostage.

"WAIT, HOW CAN I WAIT AFTER SEEING MY DARLING MARIA CRYING!" Profaci yelled hysterically as Ms. Collins tried to cover the students.

"My legs~" Mr. Elliot sobbed in pain as his legs were bent in angles that shouldn't be possible for a regular human.

"Mr. Profaci I know you're in pain-" Ms. Collins tried to calm down, her entire body shaking in complete fear.

"PAIN! MUFFIN, YOU AIN'T EVER SEEN REAL PAIN!" Profaci's words left the proud Ms. Collins, shivering in despair as she had family in Long Island and knew the tragedy's this man caused on a daily basis.

Especially all the stories of men, young and old, leading horrible painful lives after dealing with his princess but Ms. Collins would've never expected for her to come to their school.

"Whoa~" Edward immediately raised his hands after seeing fifteen mobsters surrounding the students in the cafeteria as well as Profaci pointing a gun directly at weeping Mr. Elliot.

"Uncy don't be mean to her, she was the only one who tried to listen to me~" Maria whined as Profaci immediately simmered down when looking at Ms. Collins.

Taking a deep breath, the veins of rage settled down as he sought to regain his calm deminor.

"Where's Ricky?" Profaci seethed as Ricky strolled into his eyesight with a smile.

"Here Uncle." Ricky waved as Profaci squinted his eyes before looking at the puddles of blood littering the floor.

"You beat that boy up good right?" Profaci asked in a menacing tone and Lucky's anxious eyes immediately turned to the calm Ricky.

"Til he was barely breathing." Ricky assured Profaci who took ragged breath before surprisingly calming down.

"Who else didn't believe my princess." Profaci asked and Ricky smiled widely before pointing to the Principal and Mr. Timsworth.

"Those two called Maria a liar and me a no good thug." Ricky fibbed the last part as Profaci gestured his hands towards them as the men stopped surrounding the student and walked over to the two.

"W-WHAT ARE YOU DOING, GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF ME I'M THE PRINCIPAL!" Principal Burres yelled but the gangster that forcefully pushed him away all chuckled.

"Not for much longer." One sneered while also pushing the petrified Mr. Timsworth.

"Take care of Maira while I go 'lecture' these teachers on how to do their jobs." Profaci guided Maria over to Ricky before bending down.

"Princess don't worry, I'm going to make sure that everyone knows that you're not a liar so don't cry, ok?" Profaci took Maria's hand as the sobbing girl nodded.

"Ok~" Maria nodded as Profaci released her hands to make good of his promise.

"Lucky, if you clean this up I'll owe you a favor." Profaci side-eyed him as Lucky's eyes lit up.

"No problem Joey." Lucky twirled his cane, letting out a sigh of relief as Profaci nodded before turning the corner.

"Aye doll, you're their teacher right?" Lucky pointed his cane at Ms. Collins who nodded slowly.

"Then you best instruct your students on how to keep their mouths closed cause I got eyes and ears everywhere, comprende?" Lucky spoke while pointing his cain at the other students who were pale in freight.

"Slick, escort them out while I go find the new Principal." Lucky ordered Ricky who nodded while putting his jacket over the still crying Maria.

"Everyone who doesn't want to get beaten follow me." Ricky gestured while guiding Maria out as she clutched onto the jacket.

"YOU HEARD THE MAN, MOVE!" Rocco yelled as the students and faculty flinched before following him outside.

However, to their surprise, not a single cop car showed up at the front, which even made Ms. Collins show a look of shock.

Ricky guided Maria into the empty car, opening the door for her as she plopped onto the seat, grateful for the momentary respite from the chaos.

"Ricky, what is the meaning of this!" Ms. Collins hurried over to her new student as RIcky sighed.

"Oh come Ms. Collins, you're a smart apple, you'll figure it out." Ricky winked before looking around.

"That's not what I mean." Ms. Collins reprimanded while placing a hand on Ricky's shoulder.

[Mission Received 'Jennifer Collins']

Difficulty: Hard

Character Sheet: B

Description: Jennifer has worked through countless adversities to land this prestigious job without taking the easy route when climbing this treacherous mountain. She might rather die than actually jeopardize her career by sleeping with one of her students.

Objective: Find a way for Jennifer to overlook all of that and knock her up.

Main Mission Reward: 100,000 IP

Impregnante Jennifer Once:

Rewards: 200 Gacha or The choice of Jennifer's skills

Impregnate Jennifer Twice:

Rewards: ?????????

Additional Missions:

Main Mission Reward: 100,000 IP

Impregnante Jennifer Once:

Rewards: 200 Gacha or The choice of Jennifer's skills

Impregnate Jennifer Twice:

Rewards: ?????????

Additional Missions:

Impregnante Jennifer while in the classroom(Incomplete)

Reward: Epic item coupon Legendary Coupon

Break Jennfier's pussy(Incomplete)

Reward: Epic item coupon

Have Jennifer take the initiative(Incomplete)

Reward: Epic/Legendary Coupon

Bonus Missions:





[Do you accept the mission Y/N]

'Hell yeah.'

"I apologize Ms. Collins, but I have more important issues at the moment." Ricky pointed towards Maria, wanting to say something but Ricky simply started to ignore her.

'Chester, can you come here? I need your help.' Ricky thought as he ignored Ms. Collins' constant nagging.

"Hey Princess, you like birds?" Ricky leaned on the car and asked as the sniffling Maria meekly nodded.

"Yes, my sweet Tweetie is an Australian Swallow-"


Maria was speaking in almost a whisper until she gasped loudly, startled by the sight of a slick black crow landing on Ricky's shoulder.

"Princess this is Chester, Chester this is princess." Ricky introduced, star glistening in Maria's eyes before mopping.

"Why do you keep calling me princess." Maria pouted, trying to reach for Chetser; however the crow weaved under her hand.

"What, I think it's a cute nickname." Ricky, without shame, said as Maria smiled warmly at this since she always thought it was childish.

'Do me a favor and let her pet you will ya?' Ricky thought as Chester stared at him for a while before hopping off of his shoulder and into Maria's lap.

"Kya~, hehehehehehe!" Maria playfully screamed before giggling fiercely when looking at Chester trying to find a comfortable spot to perch in her lap.

"Wow, you really like birds." Ricky leaned on the window, smiling as he watched Maria try to get Chester to warm up to her.

"Like? I absolutely love all animals in God's choir." Maria spoke as she scratched Chester's neck.

"God's choir?" Ricky chuckled though Maria seriously nodded.

"My father always told me when I was little that although we are different in mind and soul, when all creatures die they sing for our arrival into heaven." Maria smiled warmly while remembering one of the memories of her deceased father.

"God, you're adorable." Ricky laughed, watching Chester start to coe under her touch.

"Adorable! Me!" Maria loudly yelled in a slight panic while scratching Chester's neck.

"Caw~" Chester let out smoothly as he slowly started to melt into Maria's touch.

"Slick, ya did good kid." Profaci patted Ricky's shoulder as a group of men followed behind him.

"Chester." Ricky tapped the crows head as it flinched out of its daze, looking around as if not knowing what had just happened.

"You have a bird too?" Profaci raised an eyebrow, a smile playing on his lips as he got into the car on the other side, while one of his associates took the driver's seat and another the passenger seat.

"Where are you heading at this hour?" Ricky asked as Profaci looked seemingly in the distance.

"The hospital." Profaci had a serious expression as Maria looked at him with surprise.

"I'm not hurting uncy-"

"It's not for you Princess, but for me." Profcai spoke while leaving the words ambiguous.

"Ah, ok." Maria shrugged before looking sweetly at Chester.

"Bye Ricky, bye Chester~" Maria waved at Ricky before giving a sweeter tone to Chester.

The car drove away as Ricky watched the car drive away with an amused expression before looking over to Chester.

"I think she has an eye for you." Ricky joked as Chester looked away before flying off to do god knows what.

Meanwhile In The Principal Office,

"So Vice Principal, I guess you're going to be the next Principal, congratulations." Lucky sat on the desk while munching on an apple as the vice principal awkwardly sat across from him.

The Vice Principal, Boris Lankton, gazed fearfully at Lucky Luciano, realizing that it was Lucky who had orchestrated Ricky's enrollment in the school. 

Lucky had connections everywhere, and Boris had unwittingly become entangled in his web of influence by being the contact at Collegiate High School.

"M-M-Mr. Luciano, are they going to be okay?" Boris carefully asked, looking at the severely blackned former Principal and teacher laying at the side limp.

"Their breathing aren't they?" Lucky shrugged while taking another bite out of his apple.

"Listen Boris, do you want the job or not?" Lucky asked as Boris hesitated though nodded his head.

"Then. Shut. Up. And. Do. What. I. Say." Lucky poked Boris with his cane at every single word as the man gulped heavily.

"Yes Mr-"

"Call me boss, I don't like the way you call me Mr. Luciano since it's like you think we're close, and we ain't two peas in a pod." Lucky took a final bite of the apple before throwing the core at Boris who caught it.

"Make this go away, I'll take care of all these miscreants you just keep the students and teachers from whispering, ka pesh?" Lucky hopped off the desk before two men came in to drag both the men out.

"But the parents-"

"Will never find out, right?" Lucky raised his coat, showcasing his pistol which made Boris pale.

"I'll be seeing you Boris, don't let me down." Lucky spoke as Boris patted his forehead with a shaky hand.

Then after Boris was left in the office alone, he looked around before hobbling over to the desk and sitting down.


"You got it Boris, you can do this." Boris urged himself, opening a drawer next to him that had a pitch black phone.

While the staff handled administrative matters, the true puppeteers were a select few students who wielded influence over the school's affairs.

Dialing the number stored deep in his memory, this phone connected directly to another strategically positioned within the school.

"I was wondering when I would recieve your call." A voice answered in a dignified tone, clearly anticipating Boris's call.

"I-I need a favor-"

"Oh I think you're past favors, I'm afriad you need a miracle." The voice amused, calmly chuckled at Boris's words.

"But I'll ensure all the students keep quiet for a particular arrangement." The voice continued, leaving Boris with no option but to give one answer.


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