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66.66% Pokémon Rebirth: Another Ash / Chapter 2: Chapter 1 Plans, Families, Aspirations and Upcoming challenges

Capítulo 2: Chapter 1 Plans, Families, Aspirations and Upcoming challenges

Warning: Very Long Chapter.

English is not my main language. Advice and constructive criticism are welcome when given respectfully.

*Ring, Ring, Ring!* *Tap*

Is seven o'clock in the morning and Ash, rather miraclously, managed woke up albeit still half sleep. Contrary to pikachu who is still sleeping like a ursaring in hibernation.

Once Ash finally managed to open his eyes he checked the hour. "Is finally the day..." He muttered for himself.The now fully awakened Ash went to wake up Pikachu who let out a huge yawn and muttered in something in pokespeech complainingly.

"I know but today's is the day pikachu. Whe can't be late for this or Gary will beat us"

That seemed to do the work. Because pikachu suddenly summoned the energy to fully wake up and jump from his bed.

Now fully woken up Ash himself strated to get dressed meanwile Pikachu groomed his tail and the former helpen him with the rest of his fur.

Now fully dressed the pallet native went to the his desk and turned on his laptop so he could check out the general plan he spent writting the past to days and checking other important information.

(Ash POV)

I review for one last time the general plan for my journey. 

After putting my thoughs in order two days ago at the hill, I spent the next two days figuring something how I could do my gym circuit and eventually challenge the Indigo League.

This is important because A) The Gym circuit is not easy B) The League is probably even more harder than anything the anime, games or manga had ever shown and C) Just traveling trough an entire region is complicated in itself.

If my memories as Ash don't fail me the age of ten was the original age to become a trainer, but it was moved to eighteen due to people realizing how truly dangerous the pokemon world is.

No kidding despite the colorfull and cute the pokemon franchise appeared on the outside eye, it wasn't all roses and happy songs. Criminal groups, general dangers of the wilderness and of course not counting the pokemon's themselves if said dex entries, like Tyranitar's mountain destroying power, Cacturne's predating on travelers in the desert, Gyarados destructive tendencies. Fucking hell, even the anime showed at times the dangerous side of the pokemon world, like that Hydreigon going berserk in unova's season and of course Ursaring, a bear pokemon, no need to explain.

Back on track, my plan is bult on two important things: 1-The Pokemon I plan to catch 2-The dates set for the Kanto League.

The first is bult around the fact that, all pokemon fom Gen one to Nine are avaliable, plus the Hisuian forms, albeit these ones will be complicated because are protected and requiere special permits to cacth in their reserves.

What's more, a good lot of them are possible to catch here in kanto, several by safari zone though, and gives a lot of freedom for building several diversified teams and with their own strategies. Wich is an advantage on itself for the league, cause if your team gets exahusted after an intense battle you can swap them for a new fresh one while the former rest to be used in future battles.

About the Pokemon I'm planning to capture, admitely, a lot of them are popular, even calling it cliche, choices. Charizard, Gardevoir, Lucario, Gengar, Pseudo-Legendaries Like Salamence and Garchomp. But to hell with cliche, as Karen of the Elite four said "Strong Pokémon. Weak Pokémon. That is only the selfish perception of people. Truly skilled trainers should try to win with their favorites" And I'm battling and winning with my favorites.

Also there's choices not exactly popular but interest me like Malamar, Cofagrigus, Golisopod, Exploud, Miltank, Chandelure, Yanmega, Arbok, and the Likes.

The other thing is evolution. All my pokemon will be fully evolved before challenging the league, no way I'm going to act like ash and challenge veteran trainers with a something like a bulbasaur. No freaking way. Speaking about that, Pikachu, unlike the anime, wants to become raichu, one of the biggest divergences from the anime to say the least. Even I have saved a thunder stone gifted from my father for when both pikachu and I felt ready to evolve into raichu.

The second part is the date set for the Indigo League, another divergence from the anime is here the league will be in two years and half unlike the anime, for what I can guess, in several months after ash started his journey in the anime.

This is on itself and advantage because this will not just give me more time to get my pokemon in proper condition, but also allow me take detour to other regions to cacth several pokemon species exclusive or easier to find than than kanto. Plus it will give more chance to battle strong trainers so it will be plenty of experience for my pokemon.

I know it is not perfect, but I feel more sure now I have plan for my journey. I'm sure I can be at the end of the league in a better position than Ash was originally top four or even champion if I play my cards perfectly. Overall is a solid one and can give me the better results possible.

Changing the topic I take a look towards other important factors for my journey, like my documentation, the chats with serena, divergence, here both kept contact with each other an even veisited anually. Maps for routes, because I don't want to get lost, my bank account, wich now I'm granted access forbeing eighteen: 5.700.000 of pokedollars.... what? But how!?

I feel a familiar headache, one that comes with a rush of important memories from my life as Ash, mercifully is brief or else I would have started my journey with a migraine behind me from remembering.

To sumarize it, the reason why I'm basically rich is because my father is one of the only two pokemon trainers who managed to help oak in building the national dex with all existing information of every pokemon that exist including the legendaries. Former Kanto champion before ceding it to Lance and a key member in the pokemon studies of samuel Oak as well one of the most Respected trainers of the world: Red Satoshi Ketchum. Whose career as a trainer and contributions to Oak's investigation brought a lot of money on both parts of his job. Wich were used in things like this.

Yes, in this universe Red is Ash father, and to further the divergences between the anime and this timeline, Blue is the professors Oak son and Gary's dad, Green also exist and she has a daughter called Leaf, who is childhood friends with me and Gary. But the biggest bomb of all is Yellow, one of the main characters from the pokemon special manga, is my own mother!!

Yellow or the name she now goes as for, Delia Ketchum, Shares the same origins like the manga, Powers of the Viridian Forest, and the like. Only that her uncle died in a car accident and after my Red proposed to her decided to change her name and dye her hair brown because according to her, emphasize she's now an adult, or that's what dad told me.

I'm definitively in a completely differente universe than the canon one. Safe to say, better expect any important event from the anime be throw out of the rails and prepare for any suprise this world has in for me.

Well now I checked out everything I needed I just grab my hat, I'm dressed like in Journeys but with a red jacket instead, sing for pikachu to climb my shoulder and finally leave my room and go to the kitchen.

(End of Ash POV)

Once done cheking up his plans and preparations for his journey Ash leaves his room and walks stright into the kitchen. The first thing he sees upon entering his mother suprised but smiled at him.

"Morning son, you had woken up early!" Delia greeted his son with her usual warm motherly smile. Ash, while still a bit wierded out for delia being his mother due to all that reincarnation and, of course also being Yellow, he greeted her with his usual smile.

"Of course I am. Otherwise Gary would have beaten me." Delia could only just chuckle and passing coment about Ash and Gary being like their father's.

Ash and Pikachu picked up the breakfast in the table without delay. They had a entire busy day onwards and time was precious. Specially because Gary should be just doing the same while thinking about beating them in having the pokedex and leaving Pallet first! And for them is unnaceptable!.

Once eaten food Ash got up with pikachu already in his shoulder and left home to oak's lab before Gary.

"Ash! Remember your father is coming home. He must be at the professor's lab right now blue and green waiting for you! Don't forget greet him" Delia said to them loudly at the entrance of their home.

"I know mom and that's why I must be there!" Ash father, Red, was not only the former kanto champion, also is an asssitant in Oak's pokemon research and the most vital ones. His skills not only in pokemon catching but also befriending them are legendary. So is always travelling through the world, so he's a very busy man and not much at home. But he always managed to make time for his family, visiting them at least four or five times every year. By no means an absent parent. And Ash always cherised when his dad was at home. The same for Leaf and Gary their parents also were busy doing research but managed to make time for their families.

"And that's why we must reach the lab first buddy" Said Ash with a determined voice


"That would imply you can beat me first Ashy-boy"


Ash and Pikachu turned at the only source of that voice in the entire world. 

"Gary" Said ash in a challenging tone.

At just a few meters and closing the distance was his childhood friend and rival, Gary Shigeru Oak, Son of Blue Shigueru Oak and Grandson of the famed pokemon Professor Samuel Yukinari Oak. Wearing a Blue jacket with a white shirt under, beige pants and black shoes. Runing with his loyal squirtle at his side. Both trainer and pokemon looked at them with a smug look on their faces.

"You better give up Ashy-boy. I'll reach the lab and meet my dad first" He said with an arrogant tone. Squirtle just looked at pikachu and told something in pokemon tongue wich prompted the rodent to jump out of his shoulder and run alongside him.

Oh, yes Gary's dad, Blue must be at the lab like Red, and Leaf's mom too by the way.

"Oh please Gary-Bear is clear it will be me who reaches the lab first and meet my dad first"

Ash spoke with a confident voice and determined eyes. Pikachu did the same with squirtle.

Both sides loked at each other with challenging gazes, Ash and Gary, Pikachu and Squirtle. You could even see sparks clashing as their eyes met. And then started running faster in a attempt to beat each other.

"Honestly will you two ever grow out it"


A third voice called them from behind grabing their attention. That was none other than Leaf Summer Jaho. Daughter of Green Summer Jaho and childhood friend of Ash and Gary. Wearing Black Sleeves shirt with green details, green shorts and black shoes with green details. Following her was her Eevee who shared the same annoyed look has her trainer.

"Are you serious in keeping with these dumb competitions? We are eighteen now and full fledged trainers. Ins't supposed to be the time to take things more seriously?" Said Green with bit annoyed expresion while running behind them.

"Oh come on Sunny-Green is not my fault Ashy-Boy doesn't accept who is the better of the two" Gary said arrogantly.

"In your dreams Gary-Bear! I'll beat you and become the champion!" Ash shot back at the youngest Oak

"Like you can be the champion! I, Gary Blackwater Oak will be the champion!"

"No, I'll be the champion or I won't call myself Ash Satoshi Ketchum"

"Better be thinking in names to change Ashy!"

"You better be thinking that Gary-bear!"



Leaf and Eevee sighted in unison at the behavior of the two trainers and their pokemon

"Just like always since we were kids and their pokemon picked up the same" 


However leaf couldn't avoid to let out a smile "But I wouldn't change it for anything. Honestly their antics always make things more bright and fun" Eevee agreed happily.

(Ash POV)

With the sight of the professor's lab getting more clear me and Pikachu picked up the pase and went even faster than before. Gary and his squirtle did the same while leaf just rushed to not be left behind. But back at the competition the two of us and our pokemon are running as fast as possible and none of us willing to lose.

If I'm being honest with myself I'm having fun. Competing with Gary not only gives me the drive to be better but just having him not just a rival but as a friend makes things seem better in comparision.

In my previous life I had no friends, just servants and followers. It was since I was a kid. Every time I just came out to play the parents took their kids to other places and at school everyone avoided me. Well who would not, nobody wants to be seen having any sort of tie or relationship with the son of a Yakuza. It didn't bring any good.

But at the same time I couldn't avoid feel loneliness, not having any friends at all can be damaging. And at home I had just servants and followers who served me out of fear or loyalty for my family. 

One of the reasons why I was a hardcore fan of pokemon is the confort and the brief escapism from that cold reality. Immersing in that reality where not just catch but befriend said creatures and other trainers was, to summarize, very appealing to me.

That's why I'm gratefull for this new life. Even if is just being another person. Here I have friends, Pokemon friends, human friends. Yeah Gary and me can get too heated in our rivalry but is just a part of our friendship.

And Leaf is a great friend me and Gary have know since we were kids. She sometimes get's annoyed with our antics but she's not above joining in when things get fun. And just often hangs out with us, but I notice she teases often when alone even visits my home often to do it. Something I never seen with doing with Gary. Maybe she likes me?

Back on the race we are now getting close at the lab doors and to not jus me, but Gary and Leaf too, The professor with bag on his side, waiting for us with three of people and pokemon we would reconogize the second any of us laid eyes on them.

"Dad!" "Old man" "Mom!"

(End of POV)

Ash, Gary and Leaf run straight, well the former to were still racing to compete, to greet their parents. Said parents greeted their kids happily. Green was asking her daughter how were things back at home and complimenting her apperance. Red and Blue on the other side were being bombarded with questions from their sons.

Their Pokemon also looked glad to see them but also excited to see their respective pokemon. Pikachu and Red's Raichu were greeting each other pleasantly, Squirtle was apparently bragging to Blue's blastoise who in turn was just looking a bit smug and Eevee was just being very affecionate to Green's Leafeon.

Oak on the other side was just glad that his son and two proteges were here to see their kids. He's Gary's grandfather but also was a figure of sorts to the other two. But he's also a busy person, and can't always make time for them.

The Pokemon Professor eyed at said young trio. Looking at them he could not avoid being reminded of when he handed their parents their own starters and pokedex when they were the same age.

Red and Blue competing for who beats the one first and leaf annoyed by their childish rivalry yet couldn't avoid to smile at how it brough the best of them. Now their children are following their in footsteps albeit with their starters with them already due to petition of their parents.

"Well now you three are here is about time we got into the important matters" The elderly professor spoke loudly enough to grab the attention of all presents. "Usually I would hand you a pokemon first but for obvious reasons you'll be only handed the Pokedex... Oh well I would handle you that..." He let out an annoyed sight "...but at insistence of your parents they will hand you something completely different"

Ash, Gary and Leaf could only stare at their parents with suprise and curiosity.

"What? you believed we would just look silently in your most important day? Of course we prepared something for you three" Green said first.

"Thought it was hard to convice dad to give you these instead of the usual pokedex models" Blue spoke while giving his father a look. The professor just muttered something about a 'phones are not dexters'.

Red instead just walked towards Ash and smile he gave him what he reconigized as rotom phone "Here... the latest model of the Rotom Phone. It has the Pokedex app installed, can float on it's own will and grow up to tablet size at will, even this guy can answer to verbal commands. Just remember to charge in at least every four days" Leaf and blue did the same.

"Thanks dad I will use it the best I can" Ash thanked his father for the Gift, Leaf and Gary did the same. With this tool and their pokemon they felt to depart to their journey's. Ash and Gary almost start another race before their parents stop them to their confusion.

"Wait we aren't done with gifts yet, isn't Blue?" Red looked at his old friend and rival.

Blue, showing where Gary got his ego, simply showed a smug grin and said "Prepare to lose Red, because my gift is far superior" 

Meanwhile Green just sighted in annoyance "Even still as adults you couldn't stop turning everything in a competition" Oak just chuckled.

"There's more old man? Come on show me my gift" Gary said voicing also the thoughts of of the other two young trainers.

Blue in response brought a pokeball from his pocket and gave it to Gary "One of my Pokemon's egg hatched a few months. After thinking about it for a time and with consent of the parents themselves I give it to you as Eighteen birthday Gift"

An excited and smug looking Gary grabbed the ball and released the Pokemon inside it. Whatever his old man gifted to him would be great and good bragging material towards Ashy-Boy. Who wasn't looking very amused because he knew the intentions of Gary the moment he saw the expression in the youngest Oak.

"Go!" Gary released the Pokemon inside and he and the rest, save for blue, were amazed for the pokemon.

"Dra!" Yelled the initial stage of the dragonite line, Dratini. And Gary smiled with superiority and looked at Ash.

"Look Ashy-Boy, I not only have the best Kanto starter but it's Pseudo-Legendary. How about surrender and accept I'm the superior trainer here" Gary wen't into full on bragging mode and his squirtle was looking as smug and, albeit not much suprise, his new dratini too.

Ash was not amused "Oh, So what about it? I'll catch one too when mine becomes a Dragonite he'll beat yours. I swear!" Ash replied in a challenging tone with Pikachu following. That sparked another staring contest and Leaf just being out the way.

On the other side Blue was showing he's really Garys father in his own way of bragging "Ha! How is it Red!? My son has the baby of my own Dragonite and Kingdra had, their power flows through his veins and I know your own dragon types hadn't mated yet and know how long takes for them to mate!" Like father, like son.

Green just sighted. Oak just facepalmed and briefly berated himself for not curbing better his son's ego.

Red one the other side gave a stare that said 'Challenge accepted' and called up Ash for his Gift grabbing the teens attention.

"It's not a Pseudo-Legendary like dratini, though I would have given you child from one of them like my Dragapult or Tyranitar if they had found a mate earlier. But this little one is as great" Red threw the pokeball at him.

Ash catched it and couldn't resist the urge to Ask "Can you give me a little guess for what kind of pokemon is?" The raven haired looked at his father expectanly.

The elder Ketchum just smiled and said "Is one you couldn't stop talking about when I returned about from a specific trip months ago" Red simply let his son take it.

Ash guessed for a second before remembering what Pokemon impressed him so much he couldn't stop talking. And he had a big smile before throwing the ball.

"I choose you... Zorua!"

The Pokeball released the Pokemon inside, and inded it was a zorua. But everyone who had any knowleged of the species realised it didn't look like a normal Zorua. Most it's fur was dark grey with blue and white accents.

Ash was overjoyed because he knew what kind of Zorua was and and not only that

"Amazing dad, you got me a Hisuian Zorua and is Shiny one"

Gary jaw dropped after hearing that statement. Blue was stunned. Green and Leaf shared expressions of suprise, and Oak looked impressed.

"Red, when did you got this one" Asked the professor himself analizing the pokemon himself.

"Several months ago I battled with my Zoroark a Hisuian Zoroark that was rampaging. While in the process of calming her down she somehow took a linking to mine and well he reciprocated and they had this shiny baby" Red explained while the rest of the people were still looking at the Hisuian Pokemon who was starting to look a bit nervous. 

Ash noticing this he extended his hand doing a gesture to not be afraid. This has the intended effect as the ghost type started to get close to him nuzzgling his hand and then making a gesture to be patted wich the trainer did.

Red smiled proudly at the display of bonding with pokemon he did. In his eyes there's no better proof to be a capable trainer than forming a bond with one the way Ash and other's like him do.

"The paperwork I had to fill doesn't compare to getting the trust from the mother herself. You know how dangerous ghost types get when they feel that something they attached is in danger. We had to put some serious bullshit just so she can give us green light." 

Nobody disagreed, the ghost typing is among the most dangerous of all pokemon types. Specially when they feel something is cherished for them is in danger. Only Dark and Dragon Type pokemon surpass them in that regard. 

"Still, this is great dad, I can't wait to battle with him and Pikachu was itching to have a training partner!"


The duo looked at their rivals with a proud expression, with Zorua quickly picking up with them and looking at the dratini

"Suprised Gary-Bear? you may have a first stage pseudo, but my pokemon took thousand times more effort to my dad and will be worth it. Oh and Zorua is a shiny and dratini not, so a hundred points goes for me"

Said trainer and his pokemon quickly looked at their rivals with defing gaze, even dratini glared at zorua quickly forming a rivalry with the ghost type and viceversa.

"You can brag about shinies and rare ghost types but that doens't translate in battling skills wich you lack!"

"Oh yeah? And what about your's Gary, sure your barking matches your bites? Because I only see a barking growlithe and not a biting houndoom"

"What did you say!?"

While Ash and Gary were fighting Green took the advantage to give her daughter the pokemon she brought for her.

"So? What pokemon is mom? I'm not like Ash and Gary, so I won't be bothered if isn't something like theirs you know"

"Oh well, you'll like her right now" She gave the pokeball to her daughter who promply released the pokemon inside it.

What it came from the ball was nothing other than a popplio, the alolan water type starter. Who instantly aproached to them with a happy face.

Leaf was looked curiously at the Alolan pokemon. "Say mom how did you managed to get a regional starter not from Kanto. I know for a fact that aside from their regional Professor they are pretty hard to find" Leaf asked while petting the popplio who gleefully accepted.

"Oh that? It was from professor Kukui, the Alolan regional professor. It was a thank you gift after doing a big favor for him." Leaf refrained from asking what favor because knowing her mother it would be headache inducing.

"Hey Popplio, in your new trainer. I know we have just met but I hope we built a strong friendship, same with Eevee who is eager to make friends"

"Eevee!" Said Pokémon exclaimed while approaching the water type friendly, Popplio gladly followed and started doing acrobátics to impress her new trainer and friend.

Meanwhile the discussion between Ash and Gary was turning so heated their parents had to separate them with their pokemon doing the same. All while siad veterans pondered if they got this heated back in their youths.

"We weren't that bad before right?" Asked blue a bit concerned

Red just replied "Nah, it was worse just remember all the stupid dares we did to ach other"

Both veterans cringed and prayed to Arceus their sons didn't repeat their most stupid competitions ever.

"Now changing the subject" Oak spoke grabbing the attention of everyone. The famed professor pokeon focused on the aspiring trainers "Is now to talk about the journey the three of you are about to embark" 

The elder Oak spoke in a serious tone. Everyone stiffened but keep paying atttention to him. Anyone who knows the famed pokemon Professor knows when he's speaking in that tone is a matter of the utmost importance.

"I won't sugarcoat it, Ash, Gary and Leaf, I made sure you are aware of it but I won't hesitate in reminding you that, regardless of the choices any of you make, the journey thorugh this region and the world will be dangerous."

"Is true through mine, your parents and countless others work, we managed to break the barriers between humans and pokemon. Creating in the process a world more safer for both species. But even in this current era dangers still lurk and I'm not just speaking about wild pokemon attacks and the likes"

The yougnsters eyes narrowed and noded in understanding about what the professor implied,, as he personally made his work to make them very aware about the dangers they may find. The elders on the other hand hardened their faces as each of them personally experienced them.

Team Rocket, poachers, sadistic murderers, they learned very well the wild is not the only place where you had to watch your back.

"I must make clear I know you are more than capable of taking care for yourselves and the pokemon at your side will aide you without doubt. But I still urge you to be carefull" Said finally leaving his serious persona.

And then he smiled "Even so, that doesn't mean you can't enjoy your journey" He said reassuringly "Despite it's perils, the world has so many wonders that'll make your journeys a experience worth living. Of course having a wary eye is important, but what matters is that you will learn from this and become better both as people and trainers."

The professor's words of wisdom gave them a renewed vigor and burning desire for adventure.

"You are right Professor, there's no point in moping arund bad things happening. What matters is enjoy it and use what we learnt to make things better" Leaf spoke with optimism and maturity. Eevee just stood besides her trainer 

"Yeah, even if there's bad guys or dangerous pokemon we'll face them, but not alone, with our partners and friends. Right buddies?" Said Ash looking at his Pokemon who expressed support. Pikachu was obvious but even Zorua, who barely knew Ash, felt he could trust him and form a great bond with the trainer. 

Gary on the other side just had 'I'm ready' expressionin his face and his pokemon had determined faces to show they feared nothing.

Their parents smiled proudly at their children for their bravery and optimism "Now that's the actittude young ones. Now on the other important subjects. The Kanto league has already finished and the Indigo Plateau Conference won't until two years in half. Unless you are willing to wait, wich I doubt. I sugest sing for Jotho, Hoenn and if thinks go smoothly Alola will have it's first league at the end or beggining of this year" 

"I won't have trouble waiting for the next Indigo Conference, Professor register me for it" Said Ash gaining suprised stares from everyone. Everyone who knew Ash didn't expect him to wait two years instead taking the closest coming league.

Red looked at his and asked curious for it "Not I'm questioning you son, but unless you plan on taking two leagues, I don't see you as... the person who could wait for so long"

Ash just scrached his head "Well I plan to catch a lot of pokemon in the coming future..."

"Excuse me? You, planning?" Spoke Gary a bit mocking but mostly incredulous and curious about his impulsive friend and rival having a long term plan.

Ash looked a bit annoyed but answered "Yes Gary I can long term plan. What I was saying? Oh yes, I plan to catch a lot of pokemon, I mean a lot, and focus most my time training them. And two years gives enough time to put them on top shape while completing the Gym circuit, something I couldn't make possible if, like you, try the jotho league" 

Gary looked shocked "What!? How did you-"

"I overheard you talking with daisy about it the other day" Ash replied bluntly

"Damm it!... Well it doesn't matter, I will be ahead of you Ketchum when I beat the Silver Conference" Said Gary regaining his confidence.

"That's if you win Gary" Retorted Ash

"Say how many pokemon's you plan on catching Ash?" Leaf interjected trying to prevent another fight, but mostly interested in what Ash is thinking.

"I won't give and exact number or location. But it will take me several not-so-short detours to other regions if I want them all. That's why I'm waiting two years" Ash just let them digest that information.

Red and Oak had made a guess on the number Ash is planning to catch and they were impressed if what they were thinking is on the spot. Blue and Green did have an idea on that. Green was thinking if her daughter should be discouraged or encouraged to engage in the same. While Blue looked at Gary and pondered if his son would try the same to beat Ash. It would be good test for Gary in his pokemon-rising skills.

"Changing the subject what about you Leaf,will you challenge the league or beome a coordinator" Ash asked Leaf. It was no secret she wanted be a trainer as much as coordinator, but taking both careers are very difficult. Only exceptional people like the Hoenn and Contest Champion Wallace managed to balance those careers.

Leaf looked indecisive at the question "I... well still not sure. Hope my own journey finally give me the answers because I enjoy both but I don't want to give up in any of them..." LEaf said with a nervous smile.

Green put her hand on her shoulder and gave a reassuring smile "I know you'll find your answers dear. And I will be fully suporting you in whatever descision you take"

"Don't forget about us" Gary said smiling.

"We know we can go a bit overboard with our rivalry but never forget to count us when you need it the most" Ash said to her with confidence.

Leaf blushed at his words, but hid it pretty well but couldn't hide the smile knowing she had supportive friends. Even if they get annoying sometimes. "Thanks guys. I appreciate it" She laughed a bit before turning to the professor

"As for me. I will try here in kanto, like Ash I'm not too worried about waiting two years but the Kanto Great festival is coming this year ans I want to try. Plus two years is more than enough to think if I want to be a trainer or coordinator."

Oak nodded understandingly before turning to his grandson "I won't ask you about your plans, Daisy filled me in, and registered you for the Jotho league. But you have any other plans apart from that?"

Gary made a mental note to speak with his elder sister before speaking "Actually, register me for the Kanto league too, grandpa" It would have suprised Oak or all the presents but knowing him they didn't and knew why. Specially Ash who was looking at Gary with a challenging expression pikachu and zorua following.

Blue looked at his son with a expectant expression "Gary, you plan to collect medals in Kanto first rather than jotho?"

"You are half-right dad" Gary said with confidence "I'll take on the Gyms of pewter, cerulean and vermillion. After getting vermillion's badge I'll take one the ships in direction to jotho and win all the necessary badges then i'll participate in the silver conference, and you can guess what is next"

Gary then looked with an arrogant expression at Ash with his own pokemon doing the same "I'll get all those badges before you even set foot in the first gym, win the Jotho League and then beat you at the indigo conference and prove who's is the better trainer of pallet once for all, Ashy-Boy"

(Ash POV)

I look at Gary with a challenging gaze with Pikachu and Zorua on my shoulders doing the same to their respective rivals.

Just hearing that declaration ignited a fire I never felt in my previous life. Wich prompted me to do the next decisión. Two people can play the same game.

"Well if that's how you play Gary then I'll do the same" I looked at Oak with a determined expression "Professor, if is possible register me for the Alola league and before you ask, yes I'm sure. A trip to Alola was in my plans anyways, so why not milk it for all it's worth."

The elderly professor noded "I'll make sure you are registered, but I need to tell you the requirements to participate in that league will be very different than the usual gym circuit"

I played the seven generation games and even watched the sun and moon anime. So I can guess very well those requirements "No problem, I'll adapt to it soon enough. Just notify me very early when the league will start so my preparations will be in order" I assured with certainty. Sure, Alola would a lot less time to prepare and may even lost the league unlike the anime. But it will be worth it for sure.

"You will do the same thing as Gary, son?" Is my father who is asking me now "Not by much dad. Rather than Vermillion I will stop by saffron, once I beat Sabrina I'll stop by the airport and then go fron region to region capturing pokemons and challenging trainers. Only stopping when the Alola league's date is set."

I turn to Gary with a confident smile and determined eyes "When Alola is done, I'll continue travelling to the remaining regions to visit, then return to Kanto, win the remaining badges, beating Gary in the conference and return home with a trophy or maybe two if things go well" 

I sense my him smiling at me from behind "Then neither I or delia have to worry about. You have well thought your journey son. I'm proud of you" I just smiled feeling happy for hearing those words from my father.

"Yeah Ashy-Boy. You had it well thought, I have to admit it that" On the other side my rival has a more mocking way, but I can feel sincerity on it.

"Well, it seems I don't have to worry knowing the three of your are more than capable of taking care of yourselves" Said the professor who grabbed our attention.

"Now we everything settled I think is the moment your journeys to begin. Just remember to inform your parents" 

We took our leaves from the lab and parted our ways to our homes. The rest of my morning was barely eventfull with mom greeting me back with a hug and giving dad a big kiss. Presenting Zorua as the new addition to the family and catching up with a bit.

The time for leaving was coming now so I said my goodbyes to my parents and went straight to Pallet Town exit towards Route 1. 

I did not met with Leaf or Gary because the former has to finish somethings at home and the latter is sure he left as soon as possible to get advantage of me.

"Pikachu, Zorua, ready for the adventure?"



I smiled knowing a new world was just head waiting to be explored. I couldn't feel more thankfull for been reborn here.

"Let's go, the world is awaiting their next pokemon master."

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