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60.46% This DCverse is Maddening / Chapter 26: Chapter 25: Afterwards

Capítulo 26: Chapter 25: Afterwards

"And that's what he's been doing lately."

A lean teenager with black hair explained to the man leaned back further in the seat, his hard blue eyes locked onto a bright screen. On said surface, various of photos were taken of people digging up a grave. Of them meeting with an old woman, the head of a fashion company here in Gotham and an Iceberg Lounge bouncer.

"I would have gotten him if you hadn't stopped me.." The youth kicked at some imaginary rocks, annoyance evident in his voice," There was more than enough evident for me to take action."

"That is true." Bruce agreed easily enough, which in itself made the bird themed sidekick stand a bit straighter," Did you look into the case?"

Robin was a bit flummoxed at the his mentor's sudden change in conversation but answered him non the less," Yes, the police files indicates that its a pretty open and shut case. Suicide."

"But it seemed fishy." The teen huffed after not getting a response from the man for a few seconds.

"What did you find out?"

"It was covered up by some mobster that was in power back in the day." Dick's voice held a bit of contempt for it all," And now its such an old case, no one would be willing to dig up the past."

"From the top."

"Fine." The teen huffed again in annoyance," From my digging, I found out that it was Nethaniel Hadrien's father who covered it up. Who in turn left the family business and trekked out on his own."

"Do you think he had anything to do with her death?"

"All the evidence points to him soo…" Robin trailed off as he could feel the disappointment emanating from the square jawed man," What do you have a better theory?!"

"Look at this."

Bruce didn't feel like arguing with his apprentice and just threw a single photo at boy. It spun through the air with pinpoint accuracy. Not acting at all like mundane piece of paper but more reminiscent of a shrunken.

Dick rolled his dark blue eyes as he effortlessly caught the spinning projectile, but soon looked down at the photo in confusion.

"That's impossible," He mumbled, looking closer," It didn't say anything about Gran being married.."

"She wasn't."

"But then how..?"

"That's not her." Bruce grunted," Its not uncommon for there to be people out there who aren't related to look similar to each other. Dopplegangers."

"So the guy married someone who liked one of his past love interests? Sure its creepy but-"


Robin didn't notice at first, but the lily shaped broach was all he needed to put everything together. His mind whirled as puzzle pieces that didn't fit quite right at first exploded out of place, spun about and new pieces came flying through his minds eye. Of which fixed perfectly in place.

"Damn.." The teen gave a side eye at the quite old man giving him the stink eye," Sorry Alfred."

"Don't apologize Master Dick." Alfred stern gaze told him otherwise," Just please be more careful with your language, less you make me believe I need to increase your vocabulary."

"I'm sorry," He looked down at the photo, praying that the butler wouldn't put him through that torture again," I'll be more careful."

"See that you do." With a nod, the old man placed down a letter down in front of the incredibly muscled man," Miss Selina wished for me to deliver this to you."

"Thank you Alfred." Bruce nodded in gratitude before fiddling with letter without any actual desire to open it," Continue Dick."

"I think Berg was the first one to find Gran. Given the fact she was found hours later and her missing broach, its safe to say that he had something to do with her death." He paused, shuffling his feet before asking," Are you going to tell Commissioner Gordon about it?"

"No." The man shook his head, not even spending a second to reject the boys suggestion," The public's trust in the police are already so low, if they found out that it took them forty years to solve a case then it'll only open up trouble."

"So we're not going to do anything then?!"

"There's nothing else to do." The man didn't even look away from his flickering screen much to Robin's annoyance," There's no recorded burial ground for Marian Gran and she has no living relatives so returning it to her place of death was one of the better decisions."

"It doesn't feel right.."

"If Berg was still alive, I would agree with you."

"How was the meeting with League?"

Robin asked, trying to change the rather dower conversation.

"Fine." Bruce replied flatly," I told them to be on the look out for coordinated actions."

"How did the big man take it?"

"Clark's fine." He snorted," It's not the first time people are gunning for his life, won't be the last either."

"Anything else?" Dick hated how eager his voice came out but he honestly couldn't help himself. It was rare enough for his mentor to meet up with other capes and even rarer so for him to be this talkative so he didn't want to miss this chance.

"Nothing much." The world's greatest detective lied easily enough without blinking, but even he knew every good lie is better with a different piece of truth," But I did get Zatara to take a look at it."

"What happened?" The teen leaned closer, while those unknown symbols did make his head spin bit whatever knowledge they possessed had haunted him to point where both he and Barbara had spent a good while trying to decipher it themselves. Even after a week of searching through every language on Earth and Mars, nothing had came up.

"He didn't know." The caped man's words were like a hammer to his apprentices curiosity, shattering his raised mood," He said he'll look into it but advised me to keep it out of the boy's hands."

"Good thing you bought it then."

"It would be." The deepening frown on the man's face told his ward all he needed to know," If this didn't happen. Alfred."

"Of course Master Bruce."

The sharply dressed, gray haired butler extended a thick looking tome towards the sulking youth. Dick's eyes brighten at the chance to further inspect this mystery. As the book landed in his outstretched hands, he let out a slight brunt in surprise. The book itself was a lot heavier than the old man made it seem and judging from the amused glint in the fox's eyes, it was intentional.

Running his hands down the book, awe filled him as fingers glided across its dark brown featureless surface. The cover didn't feel like cardboard that had become so common in the modern age, more like leather.

"This feels like pretty high quality.."

"It is."

Bruce grunted from the large back chair, still glowering at the monitors before him.

"What is it? Some kind of vellum?"

"I don't know."

There the teen paused in his physical inspection and a spike of unease began to fill him.

"You don't mean.."

"No." Bruce shook his head, obviously knowing where the youth's thoughts were going," Its not made from humans."

"Oh." Dick let out a breathe of relief, but still halted his admiration for the tome," Then what do you mean?"

"It's not made from any animal on Earth." He paused before correcting himself," At least not any discovered species."

"Soo…" The sidekick hedged," Alien in nature? Its good that we have it in our hands then.."

"Open it." The billionaire ordered, still glaring over the flickering screens. With a few grumbles, Dick opened the book to a random page. The sound of old paper cracking filled the 'room'. Curiosity and eagerness spiked in his heart.

Only to have it completely shattered in the next moment. With rather frantic, desperate motions he flipped endlessly. But no matter how many pages he flipped, it was all the same.




"Did he or someone else swap it?"

"No." Bruce denied," The bank manager only left him alone with it for less than 10 minutes and he exited the bank with nothing visible on him."

"Could he be a meta?"

"No, I already checked."

"Huh? When?"

"His first night here."

'That's not creepy at all..'

Dick grumbled internally but honestly couldn't blame him. Metahumans, or Metas, are simply humans with the Meta-gene which through some process grants the host some form of supernatural ability. For normal folks, even the lowest tier of Metas could be a deadly threat. Frankly, he was glad this Nelson wasn't one. Only saved them the headache.


"Possibly." It sounded as though just the idea of it being an option irked the man greatly," I'll keep an eye on him just in case."

"We're going all Robin and Batman on him then?"

"Do try to curb your own enthusiasm Master Dick." Alfred sighed, looking at the youth in exasperation.

"We won't engage until he shows evidence of possessing the real book." Bruce shrugged his massive shoulders," We have some leverage on him, things should go peacefully."

"The photos.."

The teen nodded in agreement, putting the empty tome on a nearby table.

"It'll be Barbara's job to do so." The man announced, not caring in the least of his apprentice's crush for the girl.


Dick exclaimed, nearly knocking the expensive looking book to the ground. White gloved hands dexterously snapped through the air, snatching it out of the air. The butler then proceed to the take out a clothe and wipe off the surface, he had seen the teen eat those cheesy snacks earlier today. Judging from the orange fingerprints, he was right to be cautious.

"Please be more careful Master Dick." Alfred admonished absentmindedly," This is still a finely made tome. It'll fit nicely with the others. If you will excuse me Master Bruce, Master Dick."

"Of course."

Bruce acknowledged, glaring a hole into the monitors all while still fiddling with the white envelope. A single, bright red kiss mark was the only detail of note.

"Why are you send Barbara to deal with him?"

"Control yourself." It wasn't necessarily a growl but it was close enough," She already has an in with him, it'll seem more natural this way."


"Enough." The Batman's words had an edge of finality," Barbara is a grown woman, I cannot and will not force her to do anything."

"That means.."

"Yes," He sunk back into the chair," She suggested it."

"Fine." The teen harrumphed, before spinning away from the man to stalk back into the dark cave. Just because it was her idea, it didn't mean he liked it. And just the thought of the redhead spending long periods of ti-

'No.' Dick shook those thoughts of head, changing his destination as that hot spread of jealously threatened to boil over. The training grounds sounded like a much better way to spend his time, rather than brooding alone in a dark room somewhere.

'Else I'll grow up to be like Bruce…'


"Are you sure?" Albert honestly didn't know how he felt about receiving such a thing. It was a journey in a half just to find this thing but now Marceline wanted to foist it onto him.

"Marian wanted you to have it."The short girl only shrugged in defeat," My magic was amplified enough for me to hear her request and just before she moved on, passed this broach to you."

"I really can't.." He really didn't feel comfortable taking a dead woman's possessions, it just felt wrong in so many ways.

"It's not like you're stealing it or anything." She rolled her eyes at the uneasy teen," Think of it like this: when someone you know is leaving town and they give you something of theirs to remember them by, would you be as hesitant as you are now?"


"The only difference here is that the person who left something for you is dead." Marceline explained," Well it was when she had already been dead for over forty years, but still!"

"I don't know.." Albert wasn't so easily convinced," Wouldn't it be better just to leave it here?"

"Yeah." She snorted," Leave it where any rando could just come stumbling through, take it and pawn it off for some quick cash."


"Look." The short girl stopped in her steps, giving him a warning stare," Final wishes from departed spirits are not to be taken lightly. It's why wills are a thing. When they aren't carried out, it breeds enough resentment for some echo of the dead to take shape. And let me tell you, Marian was an incredibly powerful spirit. Powerful enough to anchor herself to a location for over forty years but still be coherent."

'Shut up and take it.' He translated internally, sagging his shoulders in defeat,' Or else get cursed by couple decade ghost.'

"Fine." Albert carefully took the wood lily shaped broach for her palm, immediately noticing how it no longer felt anywhere near as heavy as it did during the communion. In fact, it didn't feel like it weighed anything at all. He was sure the silk clothe probably had more of an impact than the piece of jewelry itself. It's singular drop shaped pearl, sparkled under the nearby street lights.

'Such a beautiful thing,' The investigator mused,' Who would've thought it would have such a dark history.'

"Plus besides," Marceline smiled slightly at the boy's enamored look on his face," It's not uncommon for spirits to leave behind items in exchange for help. I believe everyone has atleast one."

"Really?" He shot his head up from the broach, seeing the group he investigated with in a whole new light.

'Were they just a bunch of grave robbers?'

"Yes." She nodded, before raising her arm before him. On her pale, slender wrist laid a wooden bracelet of sorts that he honestly hadn't noticed. Which made him a bit weary just because of how high Spot Hidden was.

"I call them Specter Pieces." Marceline explained, seeing the teen's cautious expression," From what I can tell, they can only be obtained by a powerful enough ghost. They leave behind objects imbued with their final moments on this plane of existence to specific people, usually those who invoke a strong initial response. Normally, these objects are subconsciously ignored unless directed or they have one also or if their magical senses are strong enough."

'That explains it.' Albert did feel rather disgruntle that he been affect by magic sense his first day in the world and how Occult didn't even feel prudent enough to give him a heads up,' I guess it's time to improve you too when I have the chance.'

"What do they do?"

"Usually," She said, fiddling with the wooden band that curled around her wrist," Nothing."


He was a bit surprised at that, there were items powerful enough to go under mundane notice but did nothing else?

'Maybe they're just flexes in the magical world?'

"A lot of their power goes into keeping them unnoticed." Marceline shrugged nonchalantly," But other than that? Maybe if the Piece came from a powerful enough ghost, just the residual energy alone could help someone ignite their Spark."

"Then why don't mages just take them?" It didn't make sense for a secret society of magic user to allow such items to be freely circulated into the general populace.

"Because," She rolled her eyes like she was speaking to a rather dull individual," Of how Specter Pieces come into existence, they're only truly 'activated' when being held or carried by its intended recipient."

"So its keyed into a single frequency?"

"Exactly." The medium nodded her head," But other than that? They're normally just objects of vanity. Badges of honor. But for those gifted by more powerful ghosts.."

She eyed the broach being cradled in his hands for a moment.

"They can have special abilities." Marceline continued," Primarily defensive in nature."

"Do offensive Specter Pieces exist?"

"No." She rejected outright," They don't. Remember these items are gratuitously gifted. And to attack is an intent to deal harm. What do you think happens when a ghost's earthly chains are released?"

"They feel a sense of peace?"

"Exactly." Marceline proudly nodded," So no. Offensive Specter Pieces are impossible."

"And I'm guessing enchanted items exist also?"

It wasn't a large leap in logic to take. If these, Specter Pieces, exist then it made sense for other items with mystical properties to exist also.

"They do." She 'hmm-ed' in thought," I guess you could call Specter Pieces a type of enchanted item. In fact, that's what they get lumped up with by other mages. I just like to call them that. And to answer your next question, yes they're plenty of enchanted or magical items will offensive properties. But beyond minor enchantments like Specter Pieces, the rest are tightly controlled by the Seven."

"Makes sense." Albert nodded in acceptance," Just like how the government has gun regulations."

"No." She snorted," Even tighter in fact, you'll understand when your Spark ignites."

"That's fine." He shrugged, really happy to toss that little problem further down the road for future Albert to handle.

'Fuck that guy..'

"Do you have any other questions?"


"With in reason please." The girl yawned loudly, stretching her arms to the black sky," Communing with Marian did take a lot of me and I just want to sleep."

"Then never mind."

Even though Albert did want to find out more about what the medium had done for that fog to seem so ominous, he himself was still exhausted from the night prior and staying up late again wouldn't do anything good for his sleep schedule.

"Well good night Albert." She yawned deeper this time," Don't be a stranger, even if we're done working together for now, you're always welcome to drop by. Who knows, we might even try to rope you into another adventure."

"Sure, goodnight to you too."

He answered neutrally, a small smile straining on his lips. There was no way in hell he would be so eager to experience such a supernatural case again without some protection.

'Something more than a packet of salt..'

EldritchFictor EldritchFictor

If you guys are enjoying the fic, wish to support me and/or want to read ahead the public, I do have a patreon: EldritchFictionFan! There you will have early access to my fanfics and EXTRA early access to my original! Thank you all for reading!

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