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perfect protector

As the class beauty, Simona possessed exquisite features and an impressive figure, making her a rare beauty. This was precisely why she became the object of pursuit for numerous rich second-generation heirs. Besides her official boyfriend Jack, she had at least dozens of admirers in her pool.


To say Michal had no thoughts about her would be a lie.


In the class, who didn't have thoughts about this class beauty? Who didn't want to have her under them?


Seeing Michal's gaze, Simona immediately realized what was going on. She was all too familiar with this kind of greedy look.


As a great beauty with a 100% turn-head rate on the street, she often encountered such greedy looks from lecherous men.


"No… impossible. You're just a security guard. What are you thinking?" Simona stepped back a few paces, covering her chest with her hand.


Her boyfriend Jack was a super-rich second-generation heir with billions in assets, driving a BMW to school and living in this luxury villa. Even so, she hadn't let Jack easily succeed. They had been dating for six months, and the most they had done was hold hands.


Now Michal, a mere security guard despised by everyone at school, wanted to do that to her?


Simona couldn't agree.


"Haha, really? You think being a security guard makes me unworthy of you? Fine, then starve here. If zombies break in, you'll be bitten to death. Do you think they will spare you because you're a rich girl?"


Michal's words terrified Simona. She recalled the scene of Jack turning into a zombie and frantically biting. That feeling was too horrifying and terrifying. Being bitten piece by piece by zombies was more painful than death by a thousand cuts.


Thinking of this, Simona shivered.


"I… okay, I'll accept your terms… but… just once!" Simona gritted her teeth as if making an extremely difficult decision in her heart.


With her exceptional looks, Simona had dated several boyfriends. Each one was utterly infatuated with her, showering her with precious gifts. She navigated through various rich heirs with ease but never let any of them succeed.


Now, she had encountered an unyielding security guard.


She felt incredibly wronged.


Her eyes instantly turned red.


Seeing her tearful face, Michal felt no pity and coldly said, "This is not for you to decide! It's all up to me!"




An hour later, Michal received a system notification.


"Congratulations to the host for successfully make love!"


"Since the host succeeded in one attempt, a beginner reward is granted!"


"Rewards: 1. Future Simulation Ability. 2. Virus Immunity Ability. 3. +20 points to all basic attributes. 4. Genetic Enhancement."


Wow, four rewards at once?


Michal was overjoyed and quickly checked the detailed description of these rewards.


"1. Future Simulation: Level 1. You can simulate and predict the future within an hour, three times a day."


"2. Virus Immunity: Level 1. You are immune to the common zombie virus and won't be infected even if bitten."


"3. Attribute Enhancement: All your basic attributes increase by 20 points."


"4. Genetic Enhancement: The system has enhanced your genetic makeup, ensuring you can propagate successfully in one attempt with any subject, including but not limited to ordinary humans."


"Note: Continued propagation can earn new abilities or upgrade existing ones. Killing 10 zombies grants one attribute point, which can be used to increase your attributes."


Michal was thrilled after seeing the detailed description.


These abilities were incredibly powerful!


The future simulation ability would allow him to foresee the future and avoid danger, making it easy to stay safe and grow stronger. The virus immunity ability would prevent him from being infected, even if bitten by zombies, making it a lifesaving skill in the zombie apocalypse. The genetic enhancement ability, which ensured successful propagation in one attempt, was self-explanatory but included an intriguing detail about subjects not limited to ordinary humans.


Did this mean there were non-ordinary humans in this world?


Whatever, he wouldn't dwell on it for now.


After the excitement, Michal checked his attribute panel:


"Name: Michal."


"Age: 18."


"Height: 185 cm."


"Weight: 80 kg."


"Strength: 70."


"Speed: 70."


"Stamina: 70."


"Mental: 70."


"Abilities: 1. Future Simulation, 2. Virus Immunity."




"With the system boosting my base attributes by 20 points, all my attributes are now at 70 points. This means the average adult male's base attributes should be around 50. I'm already 40% stronger than them! Excellent, I should be able to handle at least three opponents at once! Regular zombies won't stand a chance against me unless I'm surrounded!"


Seeing his enhanced strength, Michal felt confident. On the second day of the apocalypse, he had already gained such powerful abilities and a 40% boost in base attributes. Compared to ordinary people, he was far ahead.


This would allow him to survive better in the apocalypse.


Simona was still curled up on the bed, looking extremely aggrieved.


To be honest, Michal was somewhat surprised. He didn't expect Simona to be so sex inexperienced. He was actually her first man.


She had been dating Jack for months and often visited the villa with him. Did they only play board games in the villa? Or was Jack just incapable?


This turned out to be quite a windfall for him.


Michal glanced at her and said, "Get up, we're leaving to find food! Why are you acting so aggrieved? Didn't you enjoy it just now?"


Simona dazedly got up and followed Michal. Due to Michal's earlier "love treatment," she still felt some pain and discomfort, making it difficult to walk.


Before heading out, Michal simulated the future once.


Images appeared in his mind like a movie, incredibly vivid.


In the simulation, they didn't encounter any unexpected events and successfully found food.


Before they left, Michal warned Simona: "Follow my instructions. Don't make any noise, or you'll attract zombies. When scavenging, only take food that will fill your stomach. Don't take unnecessary items. Understand?"


"Understood." Simona nodded.


The two of them each grabbed a backpack and set off.


The villa had returned to silence, with no screams or signs of life, as if it had become a deserted dead zone. There was no sound to be heard.


There were no zombies outside the door, just a few skeletons that had been gnawed clean, and the smell of decay was strong from afar.


Michal checked around and found no zombies nearby, then he walked straight to the mini fire station.


As a security guard for this community, Michal knew the area inside out.


The mini fire station had a fire axe, a good weapon that could split a zombie's skull with one blow!


Michal quickly reached the fire station and retrieved the fire axe. He then headed to the community convenience store.


It was the only food store in the villa area and had a lot of food.


If they could get a backpack full of food, it would last them at least a week!


The two of them reached the convenience store, where a few zombies were wandering outside, along with a few skeletons on the ground.


Michal rushed forward with the fire axe.


With his base attributes increased by 40%, he didn't consider a few zombies a threat.


The zombies saw Michal and immediately roared, baring their teeth and charging at him.


Michal swung the axe and split the first zombie's skull, then pulled it out and struck again, taking down another zombie.


In less than 10 seconds, he had killed three zombies!


Simona was stunned by the scene.




So powerful.


Michal chopping zombies was even more impressive than he was in bed!


Was this guy born to kill zombies?


Simona, who had felt humiliated by being with a security guard, now felt less aggrieved.


In the apocalypse, such a super-strong person who could kill zombies without hesitation and with such efficiency was the perfect protector!

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