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7.89% Resident evil : Rise of a Monster english / Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Who's Got the Biggest?

Capítulo 3: Chapter 3: Who's Got the Biggest?

Before I leave the table, Chris grabs my arm, stopping my steps. "If you want to join the unit, you have to take on a little challenge with the guys on the team. Sit down, we're going to have an arm wrestling tournament," he says, as almost all the men in the cafeteria gather around the table.

I notice Jill walking away, giving me a small knowing smile.

"Let the show begin," I say as I take a seat, exposing my right arm, which has grown muscular but remains dry. The first to introduce himself is Chris himself, taking a position. As I squeeze his hand in mine, I feel a slight push from him. I keep my smile to myself, playing along without showing too much strength. I repeat this scenario with Barry, Joseph, Brad, Forest, Kenneth, Edward and Kevin before Wesker steps forward for the last round.

"I hope you can join STARS, if only for your physical performance," he says as he takes his seat.

"I hope so," I answer him confidently, although I know that he has the Progenitor Virus without having yet merged with the T-virus, which makes his real strength uncertain.

Barry gives the starting signal. A powerful push emanates from Wesker, almost bending my arm instantly. I hold back my strength, but I feel a certain pain in my arm. We are almost equal, although I feel a hint of humor in this unexpected fight. After a few minutes of play, I finally let him lower my arm. I hold back my pain by massaging it lightly, realizing that even if I did not win the victory, I have earned the respect of the team.

The host has suffered 150 kg of muscle pressure damage due to prolonged hard effort.

"I have never seen anyone last this long against you, captain. » Chris said before Wesker looked at me with a smile.

"Put some ice on it, your test will be moved up an hour so you can rest your arm. Now I really want you to join the unit, I heard from Jill that you excel in hand-to-hand combat so we'll give you a test in that, plus some extra in rapid fire and accuracy. See you later Gerald" he told me before leaving with most of the team. Rebecca and Chris stayed with me to take me to get some ice.

After removing his preconceptions about me Chris became much nicer and while we were getting some ice I felt my arm heal. I take the ice and put it on my arm to pretend. After 25 minutes I tell them I'm better and we can go. I accompany them to another training room where there are only tatami mats on the floor with mirrors around.

"I see that you are doing better Gerald" Wesker tells me as he arrives in the room shortly after accompanied by other members of the unit. "You are going to do some simple fights against some members so that we can evaluate your techniques. The fight stops if one of you manages to block his opponent with a hold or if he makes him give up. Let's start with Chris, if I have to give you some advice Gerald. Chris is the aggressive type".

Chris and I advance to the middle of the room and I feel him ready to pounce on me at any moment. Turning his head, Barry gives us the signal and Chris pounces on me by sending me some direct punches. I easily dodge by going around him and I pass behind his back while dodging the elbow he sends me before blocking his right arm by sweeping his legs slightly hard to make him fall. I block his arm behind his back and take his other hand, finishing my hold. He struggles fiercely on the ground before quickly giving up when he sees that my hold is stable.

"Now that we've seen that you have no problem controlling a suspect, we're going to test your reactions against a group of opponents. To finish the fight, we're going to do it differently. Chris, Barry, Joseph, Jill and you too Gerald, you're going to put a little powder on your fists. Your goal is to leave a mark on your opponent's temple. No need to hit hard as long as the paint shows the touch. Begin," Wesker finished.

With powder of different colors for each of us, I ended up with blue powder, Joseph the green, Jill the red, Chris the white and Barry the black.

Barely on the mat, the fight begins again with Chris charging me followed by Joseph on his heels while Jill and Barry go around me from the side. I start right away by feinting a direct blow to Chris' face who parries with both arms before lightly hitting his temple with the other fist and jumping on Joseph while dodging Jill's fist. Unfortunately, Barry's fist hits me in the ribs, he hit really hard but I continue towards Joseph by feinting him to go to his left before quickly going to his right and hitting him in the temple.

The host suffered 125 kg/cm² from Barry Burton, no modifier is applied for attacks to the torso.

This exchange didn't take ten seconds and yet I feel my heart racing with excitement.

"Chris, Joseph out, Richard and Kenneth get ready" Wesker says before Barry charges me again. I dodge his blow to the head by parrying with my arm and I dodge Jill in my back before sweeping my leg towards Barry in the stomach to destabilize him but he is thrown a meter.

Jill jumps on me while I notice that the new competitors are ready before taking a powerful blow to my kidneys before ending up on the ground holding them. Everyone in the room stops before I see Barry in the back looking at me evilly.

The host has suffered 210 kg/cm² from Barry Burton, no modifier is applied for attacks to the torso.

"BARRY, can I know what's wrong with you?" Wesker asked. "You just have to ask him Chief, his kick almost broke my ribs, it's a training test but if he doesn't control his strength, he's dangerous for others".

"Barry, can you show me where he hit you?" Wesker asked. Barry obeyed, lifting his jacket with a grimace and I see that where I hit him, he has a purple-black bruise. I get up quickly and lean towards Barry. "I'm sorry, Barry. I wasn't careful enough in the fight" I said.

"It'll be fine this time, after all I also attacked you treacherously and I don't like it, be careful next time and you owe me a meal too" he told me smiling despite the pain.

"No worries, I'm looking forward to it Barry" I said hitting his fist with mine.

"Rebecca, take Barry to the infirmary and check that he has nothing broken. Gerald, you made a mistake, try to make sure that if you train with colleagues in the future, it doesn't happen again. Otherwise, from what you have shown, you are fit to join the STARS. We will go to the weight room to record some statistics before going to the basement to see the accuracy of your shots.

After going through the formalities, I was finally able to join the Racoon City police squad. I only showed normal physical skills for a well-trained soldier. Fortunately for me, shooting is similar to the game so I don't have all the external elements to take into account. I have a reticle when I hold a weapon and I just have to shoot. I was able to meet the famous police chief Iron by being inducted and Barry is doing better. Nothing was broken but I'm going to have to practice controlling my strength otherwise when I'm much more powerful, it's going to become annoying.

The system understood that the host would like a limiter for his strength in non-combat situations. Is this correct?

The system can provide this limiter and the host can activate and deactivate it by thinking by saying ON/OFF.

In the event of a mortal combat, it will automatically set itself to ON

Training will not trigger the ON function

The tab is added in the Body status

Body: ON/OFF

- Strength: 150 kg / 80 kg

- Speed: 13.4 m/s / 10m/s

- Resistance: 200 kg/cm² /200 kg/cm²

I head to the shower with the rest of the team

Conversations flow, mixing jokes and anecdotes from the day. As we prepare to wash up, I enter the room, immediately attracting curious glances from my comrades.

What catches everyone's attention, however, is the sudden reaction of surprise and astonishment when I undress. The other men exchange incredulous glances, some even uttering muffled exclamations of shock.

Chris, usually rather taciturn, lets out a "Wow, man, are you hiding treasure in there?" while Joseph, his eyes almost popping out of his sockets, exclaims, "It must be a genetic mutation or something!"

I look at him perplexed, thinking: How do you know that?

Brad, usually the most sarcastic of the group, is speechless, which is already an achievement in itself.

Forest, a mocking smile on his lips, can't help but crack a joke: "I'm surprised you don't have to drag that around in a wheelbarrow, buddy!"

"Let's not exaggerate, man," I replied, laughing.

Edward, the pragmatist of the group, finally exclaims: "Damn, man, you hit the genetic jackpot!"

And Kevin, never short of words, just shakes his head, visibly impressed: "I guess you could say you have a secret weapon, Gerald!"

As the comments fly, I laugh along with them, quickly moving on to another topic, even if like everyone else, the topic quickly wanders to romantic or sexual conquests. I keep quiet, however, because I know that women are on the other side of the wall.

After this little interlude, I think back to the variation of the system, it seems that it is not rigid and that it can allow a bit of adaptability.

Okay, everything is reduced except the defense, it's magnificent. OFF I thought before going home with my clean clothes on me and my new uniform in my bag.

Might as well get back into a healthy training routine, once home. I start sorting through the equipment I have. A few military knives dating from my service, which are in a bad state since the old Gerald didn't maintain them. None of them are firearms except the Glock from the robber this morning but Barry told me that Jill will take me to see Kendo tomorrow for a handgun at the police station's expense. At least I found a watch so I won't be lost on the schedule anymore.

It's already 8pm but I don't feel any fatigue. I start a series of push ups and abs before continuing with squats before going back to the push up and so on. I've been doing 100 of each for at least 5 cycles and I'm still not tired. I'm going to finish now and get ready for tomorrow.

I get up early because I didn't fall asleep. I have to be at the police station by 7am. I hear Jill's alarm clock in the apartment next door, then a loud noise that reminds me of a body falling. I laugh inwardly thinking that Jill must have fallen out of bed.

It takes me less than 20 minutes to get ready and if there is something abnormal this morning. It would probably be my feeling of hunger that literally turns my insides. I hurry to gobble up what I can get my hands on for lunch. But despite a hearty lunch of bread and jam as well as coffee, I am still hungry. I hurry to go out and go to the bakery to buy pastries before finally being satisfied. I know it's cliché since I just became a police officer but he didn't have much except donuts. I miss the multitude of French pastries when I went to a bakery.

I finish my lunch that cost me no less than 20 dollars and I go back to the hallway of the building before knocking on Jill's door. "I'm almost ready Gerald, 5 more minutes" she tells me through the door.

Might as well pass the time, body I thought.

Body: ON/OFF

- Strength: 180 kg / 80 kg

- Speed: 15 m/s / 10m/s

- Resistance: 220 kg/cm² /220 kg/cm²

Probably thanks to my training last night. I write down my new stats in my notebook. I still have some time for my resistance as the events of Resident evil 0 take place on July 23, 1998.

But I must not relax my training, let's see, what event there was that I remember. That's right, the orphanage, I have to try to save some children from these fucking researchers. I need money and a bigger home if I want to be able to adopt them.

I also have to find a way in the meantime to liquidate Iron so that he does not put spokes in the wheels.

I come back to myself when I see the door open with Jill in her uniform with her little beret, I am almost tempted to kiss her so cute she is. She looks at me smiling before heading towards the exit of the building herself.

"Why did you smile when you looked at me Jill?" I asked him after catching up with him. "I was thinking that the uniform really suits you Gerald, otherwise before going to the police station, you have to go to Kendo where you will get a handgun of your choice, an alloy knife with the STARS logo, if you want another element, you will have to pay yourself." she said before reassuring me "the ammunition and repairs are at the police station's expense".

We arrived quite quickly in front of the gun store. In the middle of the road, there is not yet the huge hole under repair that will be there in September. In the armory, I see Kendo with his familiar style from Resident evil 2 and 3 remake. He is quite smiling while looking at Jill and me.

"What can I do for you two, Jill, I hope you haven't chipped your knife yet? » Looking sideways, I can see Jill blushing a little while lowering her head slightly. "No, today, I come to introduce you to your new client and new member of the Stars" She fell silent, showing me with her two arms as if I were a prize to be introduced before continuing "Gerald King" she finished laughing. This time, it was me who blushed with embarrassment at her introduction.

Kendo laughed loudly at Jill's joke before calming down. "So a new colleague. Do you think he can handle a magnum easily or does he need a Glock like you?" Kendo asked Jill. "I think he can handle the magnum easily, don't worry, he's also an expert in hand-to-hand combat.".

"Hello, as my colleague said, I think I can handle the magnum. Otherwise, do you sell batons or other blunt weapons?" Asked Kendo.

"I see you're getting straight to the point, young man. I sell classic batons with the handle on the stick or telescopic batons for more discretion. The first ones cost $50 each and the second ones are $30. Here, here's the magnum with a set of 50 bullets and your special STARS knife." He said to me as he handed me my new weapon with a large box of ammunition. From what I could see it was a classic 6-shot magnum.

"I'll get you two sets of Tonfa batons and a telescopic baton" I said as I discreetly took out $230 from my inventory.

"Jill, I see what you meant by he's an expert in hand-to-hand combat, he seems to prefer it at least, I'll bring it to you right away Gerald, you can call me Kendo too" he said before going to his house in the back to get my batons.

Jill has been giving me a look since Kendo left but I don't know how to assess it. "Jill, is there something on my face?" I asked, staring at her in turn. A trace of redness appeared on her face before she recovered.

"Like your face would have anything interesting, no, I was just wondering why you wanted so many batons? It's not like you're going to break them easily or lose them" Jill retorted with that little dig she also had in games.

"I wanted to spar with the others but instead of attacking with their arms or knives, I think it's better if they use batons." Seeing her look at me sternly, I added "I'd just dodge or counter until I have good control of my strength". She smiled at me after my addition.

"I'd be one of your sparring partners but I wouldn't spare you. On the other hand, we operate in the field during the day and we will have our training sessions depending on whether or not the day was eventful. I see that Kendo is coming back "she said while looking towards the building.

" I managed to find a bag big enough, however, if you could bring it back to me after putting away the batons, it belonged to my grandfather "he said to me while handing it to me.

" Don't worry Kendo, I put the batons away at the police station and I will bring you the bag just before the lunch break, I promise "I said while smiling and taking the bag carefully. It is a brown leather bag with a label embroidered with the initial GK which disturbed me a little because it is also my initials.

" My grandfather's name was Genryûsai Kendo "seeing me staring at the label.

" Is there a connection between your grandfather's name and the Shinigami? " I asked unconsciously before looking at Kendo and Jill surprised by my question.

"HAHAHA, it seems like the police of a small town has someone cultured in their ranks" Kendo laughed while holding his stomach as Jill looked at him curiously.

"Kendo, you know it's mean to say it like that? Can you at least answer Gerald's question, even if I don't know what a Shinigami is?" she asked, making a very cute pouting face. I had to control myself to the maximum not to hug her because she's so cute.

"Before that, a quick question for Gerald, just to confirm and enlighten Jill. Do you know what a Shinigami is?" Kendo asked, getting serious again.

"From what I heard from a member of my unit, the Shinigami is a god of death responsible for bringing the souls of the deceased back to the other world and chasing away evil spirits that would want to eat those same souls."

"You're absolutely right, the name Genryûsai was known as a general at the time of the separation of states. It is said that he was recruited by the Shinigami after his death because of his martial and strategic prowess. He also happens to be my grandfather" Kendo finished. Hearing the door of the store open to reveal two police officers.

"We'll leave you Kendo, I'll come back later." He said, greeting the colleagues before running alongside Jill towards the police station parking lot.

We arrived in front of the parking lot entrance, the gate is open and we went down quietly before Jill turned to me. We're going to go to the locker next to the offices and then I'll show you around the police station so you can find your way around. In the afternoon, we'll formally introduce you to all the colleagues and then we'll do a routine patrol and see if we can confront you with various situations."

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