Misty took a blimp back to Kanto, but only after spending a "pleasant" night with Ash at the nearby Pokémon Center.
Brock didn't even stay at the Pokémon Center because of how lonely he felt.
Max decided to be the grown up here and went with him for some comfort.
May on the other hand did not care about how Brock felt, she chose to sleep alone in the room next door but she soon very much regretted this decision.
She had no idea how wild Ash and Misty were before but now, but she knew she had underestimated them.
That night she didn't get a sliver of sleep until it was already dawn.
Ash and his party then returned to their down-to-earth journey at the high noon because of how late May woke up at. And they also needed to re-plan their route, because of this sudden cache they had to cross a blazing hot desert before they could return to their usual forest routes.
Now, May really missed all the forest she complained about.
"Brock, is there any water I can drink?" May and Max had just barely gotten used to their journey, so they really couldn't bear the pain of not drinking water.
Brock looked at their water container and said, "There's unfortunately not a drop left here. We're still a long way from the next town…" He said in a depressed tone.
"Ash, please think of a way!" May quickly asked Ash for help. She must believe in her wild boyfriend. "I really can't go on without water anymore!"
Ash was really busy at this moment, with Pikachu standing on his shoulders, Ralts and Togetic floating around him so he didn't seem to be in a sad mood like the rest of the group.
When Togetic was still a Togepi, he liked to run everywhere, which made Misty anxious several times imagining that she'd get lost.
Now that she had her first evolution and has the new ability to fly, it still couldn't sit still and liked to fly around Ash an the group, but it just can't fly far from them. Ash's Aura power keeps watching over the two troublemakers. If she flew too far, he had to use his Psychic to pull them back.
It's was like flying a kite...
"Brock, bring your Lotad out." Ash took out one of his own balls, "Dratini, use a light Blizzard to cool us down!"
Brock's eyes also lit up after hearing Ash, and he threw out his Lotad's Poké Ball, "Lotad, use Water Gun on the air!"
After this period of training, Lotad, who was always a little slow compared to his peers, has made great progress on becoming normal, so the bond between him and Brock was getting higher and higher. Ash believed that Lotad will soon evolve.
Lotad used a Water Gun in the air, then the cold wind from Dratini's Blizzard easily froze everything, this then form small icicles around them.
Ash then used his Psychic to catch the icicles and then he turned them into four more purified pieces, and distributed them to the three other while keeping one for himself.
Lotad's Water Gun cannot be used to drink directly as it had a high concentration of pure Water-type energy like all Pokémon moves had. In the past, Ash and Misty only used Water Gun outside of battle to give everyone a fresh cool shower.
But if they freeze the waters it into ice and then melt it, they can get some temporary water source to save themselves.
"Wow!" May and Max cheered and took the ice directly. It was very comfortable in this scorching environment.
At this vet moment, a Camerupt appeared in front of them, and a middle-aged uncle stood beside it.
"You guys must have be really tired. You four can come with me to my house and take some rest there."
The uncle's family cultivated land here and engaged in agriculture. Because the area was very inaccessible, the family was very hospitable to guests. There are four people in the family: father Victor, mother Victoria, daughter Vivi, and the grandmother Vicky.
"My son Victor met you when he was out with his Camerupt. You must be very powerful Trainers since you came here, right?" The oldest of this family said kindly.
"No, me and Max aren't but Ash and Brock here are both very powerful and experienced Trainers, but only Ash focuses on Pokémon battles!" May quickly waved her hands, and after getting to know Misty and seeing the bond between Misty and Ash, she became more aware that she was still very inexperienced and should watch herself for her future "battle".
"Ash, I heard that you plan to participate in the Hoenn Ever Grande Conference, right?" The old lady looked at Ash with appreciation in her
"Yes, that the plan!"
"To tell you the truth, my son Vito is also traveling outside to become the Champion of the Hoenn Pokémon League, just like you!" Victoria's eyes were filled with pride when she was talking about her son.
"I see, that's why you were so kind to us!" Ash noted said with a smile, this was indeed a very warm family, everyone was supporting the family's dream.
"By the way, Ash, do you want to fight with us?" After entertaining the group of people, Vicky's, the grandmother, actually invited them to have a battle.
"Everyone calls us the Winstrate family, so we can't allow be allowed lose now. Get ready for our battle!"
The family's sudden fighting spirit caught the group more than off guard.
But the invitation to battle was not something they can refuse.
"As I just said, my eldest son Vito wants to become the Champion of the Hoenn Pokémon League," Victor introduced again, leading the group to their personal battle field behind their house. "Since our whole family cheers for Vito, our family often does Pokémon battles amongst ourselves!"
"But since we only fight against each other, it gets very old and we got tired of it after battling so much! Hehe!" Vivi, the young daughter, is similar in age to Max, but it seems that she already has her own Pokémon.
"How about we have a 4 on 4? Every one of you will fight each one of us in a one on one Pokémon battle." Granny Vicky said with a smile.
"But Max doesn't have his own Pokémon yet!" May was very worried about her little brother, but Max thought it was okay and planned to ask Ash to borrow one of his Pokémon's.
"Well, that's settled!" Granny Vicky turned to look at her son, daughter-in-law, and granddaughter, "In order to cheer for Vito, we must not lose this battle!"
Ash could see how high their fighting spirit was.
Ash couldn't help but be surprised when he came to the battlefield where their family battled. The layout here was very professional, almost as if this was one of the official ones he battled in before.
Not only were the lines on the venue neatly arranged, but there were also a whole spotlight and a place where many spectators can watch from.
"Wow! I never expected there to be such a professional battle field in the middle of nowhere." Max looked at the venue and was very surprised by it. He could finally stand on such a venue and have a real Pokémon battle.
"This is the result of our whole family's hard work!" Vivi was very proud of how much effort their family has put into it over their stay here.
"Then let's start the first Pokémon battle now. In the first battle, Victor will fight against Brock. Ther can only use one Pokémon each!" Grandma Vicky will go last, so she will be part-time referee for this minor competition.
They seem to have a very good tacit understanding of each others prowess.
The current head of their family, Victor, will fight against Brock, while the housewife, Victoria, will fight against May. The two children will obviously go against each other, and in the end it will the battle between Vicky, the strongest of their families, and Ash, who was also the strongest among their group.
When the two sides stood still, Ash suddenly frowned and said to May beside him, "You try to delay it for a while, I will go and take a look."
"Ash, what's the matter?" Seeing Ash being so mysterious out of the blue and trying to walk away from a battel, May suddenly panicked.
Did Ash discover something else?
However, Ash smiled and said, "No, don't think too much, I'll be fine. After all, I'm the strongest."
With that said, Ash quietly came to the back of bunch of rocks not far away, "If I guess correctly, you are their eldest son, Vito, correct?"
This young man hiding behind the pile of rocks has been following them since they left the house. His whereabouts can be hidden from everyone, but it was kind of impossible to hide himself from Ash's Aura Sense.
"Yeah, l'm sorry about that, my name is Vito, but you already know that." The boy smiled awkwardly, "Please don't tell my family, okay?"
"Why? Why don't you go home after finally coming back home?" Ash was a little puzzled. If he were to return to Pallet Town now, he would definitely go home to see his mother first, and then go to Professor Oak Laboratory to see all of his Pokémon's.
"It's kinda a little strange." Vito said while the two were watching the battle over there, "I embarked on a journey with the dream of becoming the Pokémon League Champion, carrying the expectations of my whole family."
"However, after traveling for some time, I found that I prefer taking care of my Pokémon's rather than taking Pokémon to battle it out."
"But when I left home, I promised that I would become the Champion. Now I'm like this, I really don't know how to go home and explain it to them." He said in a depressed voice.
It turned out that this was the reason why Vito did not dare to go home. Ash nodded as he understood where he was coming from, but did not say any words of persuasion. He smiled and said, "Pay close attention to the battles, okay?"
As it was their home ground, it was natural that the family will be the one to go first.
"Zigzagoon, I'll leave everything to you!" Victor took the lead in sending out his Pokémon, which was a Zigzagoon, the common regional rodent of the Hoenn Region.
Brock now didn't have many Pokémon's at hand that he can use against this Zigzagoon, his Fortress is too strong for this Zigzagoon. But facing the Normal-type Zigzagoon, he would have to obviously hold back, so he threw a regular Poké Ball.
"Go, Lotad!"
He did this to give some opportunities to battle against some lower-level Pokémon's to boost its confidence in his future evolution. Ash understood that Lotad needed more opportunities to fight, but he also couldn't exactly understand why, he and Brock could both clearly see that this Zigzagoon was much stronger than Lotad.
Maybe Brock thought he could use this battle to
"Use Water Gun!"
Lotad reacted quickly this time, puffed up his cheeks and the Water Gun hit released it to where Zigzagoon was standing at.
However, this Zigzagoon's skill surprised almost everyone, as it was quickly able to dodge the power of the Water Gun. It seems that this Zigzagoon was being trained well and also very regularly.
Victor has great trust in his Zigzagoon's strength, "Zigzagoon, please use Thunderbolt!"
This attack very much surprised Brock. He didn't expect that this Zigzagoon could actually use electric skills. The attack was so fast and fierce looking that it hit Lotad before Brock could even recover.
Ash thought that Brock seemed to have lost his once touch of a Gym Leader.
Fortunately, Lotad has of the Water and Grass-type, so the effect of Electric-type attacks can only be neutral, but it still left him with some unwanted damage.
"We don't have any electricity supply all the way here, so we thought him how to use Thunderbolt so that he can provide electricity for our home." Explained the lively Vivi.
"Lotad, use Razor Leaf!" Brock quickly adjusted his attack and used an even faster attack.
However, Victor still didn't look to be panicked, "Zigzagoon, please use Quick Attack to get close and then use Thunderbolt!"
This order was once again very polite, but Zigzagoon still moved very swiftly like before and avoided the Razor Leaf's trajectory and knock Lotad away with a second Thunderbolt.
"Lotad loses its ability to fight, meaning the winners are Zigzagoon and Victor!" Grandma Vicky announced the result, and then praised her son, "Well done, your courage will be accepted by Vito the Great!"
Ash, who returned next to May to hold her waist, smiled upon hearing this, Vito would surely appreciated its
"The next battle will be Victoria against May, the battle begins!"
When May came on stage, Brock came back and reminded, "May, be careful. They are tougher than they look."
These four people are not professional Pokémon Trainers but they still have the same battle sense of one.
"Roselia, please!" The Pokémon Victoria chose was a Roselia. It's kind of an appropriate opponent for May. Drew, May's main rival in Pokémon Contests, also used Roselia as his main Pokémon.
'I will not show mercy to a Roselia!' May gritted her teeth. She was determined to defeat Roselia, more to defeat Drew than to actually defeat Roselia, so her fighting spirit naturally started to burn.
"Beautifly, get on the stage!" After all, she is a Pokémon Coordinator, so she had now slowly developed began to develop a habit of throwing her Balls the same way she threw them on stage.
As soon as Beautifly came out of May's ball, she stretched her wings vigorously, shaking off her scale powers and making them shine like stars.
"Gust!" May launched her attack first, and the Gust immediately suppressed Victoria's Roselia as she wasn't ready for the sudden move.
"Then use Silver Wind!" Beautiflys Gust was mixed with scale powder to look beautiful and also to knock Roselia further away.
Seeing that Roselia was already seriously injured before she could even react, Victoria quickly shouted "ABSTAIN!"
In this way, one wins and one loses from both sides, and then there is the current battle between the two children's.
"So Max, what Pokémon do you want to borrow?" Brock asked with his brotherly smile.
"I've been thinking a lot, Big Bro, can you lend me your Electrike for this battle?" Max ultimately did make a good choice here.
All of Ash's Pokémon have different kind of personalities.
Ralts and Togetic were too naughty for him and would only listen to Ash's orders.
Dratini, although calm and kind most of the time, still had his arrogance as a dragon, and Torchic just had a very bad temper to everyone other than Ash and his own partners (Electrike is not on this list as Torchic has a massive rivalry against him).
And let's not mention his Pikachu, like alwalys, it would be too much to let Pikachu take action against these weaklings.
Electrike was the most reliable and best for for the current Max. He was very well-behaved outside of battle, but was extremely ready for battles.
Unexpectedly, Vivi's Pokémon was the Water-type Marill.
Electrike simply used a low power Thunder Shock to electrocute it u til it was charred.
He didn't even need Max's orders, that Marill just pissed him off by its arrogant look.
With two wins and one loss, Ash and his team have already locked the battle as there was no way Ash would lose, right?
But Vicky's grandma's fighting spirit was still just as high as when it all began.
"For Vito the Grea, who is sweating and struggling in an unknown place under the hot sun, I have go in and continue our work as his biggest supporters. I must win!"
"Come out, Camerupt!" The old granny's
Pokémon was exactly that same Camerupt who they saw before.
Ash's Ralts used her Teleport from his shoulder to now stand in front of this big guy, and Togetic now sat in top of his head with Pikachu, just like before, the two were cheering for Ash's victory.
"So cute!" Ralts captured the heart of Vivi just by standing there. The size of the little guy was really a drastic change from that of the opponents Camerupt. She looked so soft and weak that it made her feel distressed about her getting hurt.
"The last match will be granny Vicky against Ash, let the battle begin!" Brock announced as he took over as the referee as Vicky was now in the middle of a battle.
"Psybeam!" There was no cuteness in Ralts's eyes this time, "No mercy,"Ralts directly launched an attack.
The magical pink light easily hit Camerupt, causing it to fall down.
Granny Vicky still had a very good momentum, but she was a little inferior to her own son in commanding her partner. "Stand up, Camerupt, under this hot sun and sky, Vito must be working hard somewhere and would be watching you fork there!"
Vito, who was hiding behind the rocks, gave a bitter smile and a nod. He was indeed watching them.
With such a emotional buff up, Camerupt really did stand up.
"Camerupt's efforts are Vito's efforts, use Sandstorm!" Vicky's fighting spirit has indeed affected Camerupt, and they could even see see that the bond between Camerupt and Vito was very strong. Even though Camerupt wasn't Vito's own Pokémon.
The sandstorm swept over, making the audience unable to open their eyes.
"Now, Camerupt, use Take Down!" Camerupt was physically very powerful and he rushed over like crazy in the sandstorm.
However, Ash and Ralts did not panic by seeing this and instead used his Telepathy, 'Teleport.'
Ralts disappeared into the Sandstorm and suddenly appeared in front of the still moving Camerupt, in its nose, with a naughty smile on her little face under the green hair.
'Hypnosis.' Ash commanded her over Psychic.
A flash of purple light flashed through the Sandstorm, and Camerupt was seen drowsily falling to the ground.
"Noo!" The Winstrate Family all exclaimed outloud as Camerupt fell into the deep sleep condition, and could no longer hear the voice of Vicky or anyone else. Now Camerupt has become a piece of meat on Ralts' and Ash's Psychic chopping board.
Ash and his Ralts' expressions were very synchronized as they grinned the same way, "Perfect!"
"Camerupt, wake up!" The four members of the Winstrate Family were shouting, but this was a one-on-one battle, and they had no other choice but to watch their Camerupt lying on the ground and get ready to lose.
However, they could only watch as Ralts' next Shadow Ball hit Camerupt's big face.
"Camerupt loses it's ability to battle..." Brock was jaut about to announce Ash's victory. But Camerupt, who was still lying on the ground, suddenly opened his eyes, but it was all red now.
Black smoke emitted from the volcano hump on its back, and hot magma was brewing from it.
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