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93.75% New life as Naruto Uzumaki / Chapter 15: Chapter 15

Capítulo 15: Chapter 15

Chapter 15


Sitting on a rooftop, looking at the hotel room, he couldn't help but smile.

What a coincidence.

Never in his life, had he thought that he would meet his godson like that. The blonde hair, the blue eyes and the whiskers. Without any doubt, it was Naruto Uzumaki, the son of his now-deceased student Minato.

As he thought about that he couldn't help but sigh. Even now he felt a pang of pain in his heart, thinking about Minato. So much so that sometimes he even blamed himself for not being there at that time to help his student. Or at the least take his place for the sacrifice.

But it was all in the past. Now he had to look forward to the future.

"The brat has the fire, at least. Though he got more from Kushina than Minato." He laughed to himself thinking about the red-haired demoness and her rage. Opening his flask of sake bottle, he took a sip.

"Still an annoying brat." He halfheartedly complained to himself enjoying his Sake.

A small use of his chakra and he was now under his favourite jutsu. Chameleon jutsu. Even without him trying to do his best it was more than enough to hide himself from most sensors. At least not counting the Hyuga clan shinobis, though he didn't count them their eyes were just cheating. Thinking about all the time he got caught by Hyuga women made him shudder a little.

"Though those icey stuck-up bitches are ruthless even after knowing my identity." He grumbled to himself as he noticed two Naruto clones move fast using Shunshin. It was fast for most chunin and some low-level jonins but who was he, he was Jiraya one of the legendary Sanins. And even while being drunk he could see them.

"What's the brat up to?" He questioned himself as he stood, dusting himself a little, he vanished from his spot. He was curious to see what the kid was up to.

A few minutes later.

"So, that's what he is up to." The clones, he was not sure what type of clone those were, they were following a couple.

"They look the same age as him... With him being so far away from the village, they are likely his teammates." He felt like laughing out loud, without him doing anything he already got his revenge.

"That kid got left alone. Hahaha." He laughed feeling happy. " So, his teammates could go on a date. Hahaha." He laughed even more.

It was almost the same as his team... With that, his laughter stopped.

He was like his own enemy, ruining his own fun! He didn't want to think about Tsunade and her past lover, or even Orochimaru, for God's sake!

He took a step and he was beside the kid. Who jumped back looking at him. He had to give it to the kid, he had good instincts. "So, we meet again. What's up brat?" With a casual wave of his hand, he greeted the brat and took another sip of his sake.

God it hits the spot!

"Aren't you being a too nosy, old pervert? And why are you following me?" Naruto questioned looking relaxed. And he had to give it to the kid even though the kid knew he was far stronger he acted so casually with him.

Or it was a clone.

"I couldn't help myself seeing you spy on a couple after you ruined my fun. Aren't you being a hypocrite, kid?" He said but in reality, he wanted to have a better picture of the kid. Curiosity if you call it, as for the small amount of guilt that was trying to rise he squashed it easily as he took another sip.

"What kind of clone jutsu is it by the way?" He decided not to antagonize the kid anymore. Till now he had not seen any Jonin. And that could mean they were doing a mission only as a three-man team or the Jonin was busy with something else.

However, he got the opposite of what he wanted as the kid looked more alert and ready for a battle. He would have cared more about it if not for the fact he wanted to talk to the kid for a little while.

"Kid you don't have to be so defensive. I am far stronger than you are, and if I wanted to harm you you wouldn't even be able to react." He said amused as the kid looked more annoyed at him.

"And that is the opposite of what you should say to calm the other person down," Naruto said as he crossed his arm. " Besides I recognized you a little while ago. If the bingo book picture was correct and the information in it, you are Jiraya one of the Sanin and a student of Old Man Third."

He felt his eyebrows rise in surprise. Not only the kid was able to recognize him, but he even knew more about him than he knew about the kid. Very few shinobis try to memorize the Bingo book.

"As for the Jutsu, it's Shadow clone jutsu." He felt like whistling in amazement hearing that. Then again the kid was half Uzumaki as well as being the host of the Kyubi, having a massive chakra amount was already given.

"So, why don't sit hear and fulfill my curiosity? I am curious about a few things." It took some time, but he was able to make the kid feel comfortable to talk.

Still, he had to give it to the kid he gave close to no important information, even while he tried to subtly try and make the kid talk more than he wanted.

But at the end of it all he had a better picture of the kid. And in his heart, he wanted to have more talk with the kid, but next time it would be with the real body of the kid and not a shadow clone.

So much for going to the Land of Hot Springs. He thought to himself as he decided to make the visit a little faster... However, he was not sure how fast he would be able to make it and go back to Konoha.

At least he would try.


-Hiruzen Sarutobi-

Going through his paperworks he couldn't help but sigh.

Things were not looking good.

Even though Konoha was no longer at its weakest, the recovery was going slowly.

A part of his mind blamed him for all that. If the Uchiha clan was still with them and Shinobis like Shisui, Itachi and Fugaku... But it was only thinking, arguably the village was at its weakest, he being the only S-rank shinobi present in the village.

Though he didn't count Danzo and Guy. Danzo didn't have the same capability with his injuries and Guy was going out on one after another mission.

"They want me to increase the budget on Border security... Denied." It was not like he didn't want to but others needed far more attention.

From the information he had both Kumo and Iwa was still busy with themselves, and were not trying to start another war. Kiri just ended its civil war, no position to start a war. And lastly Suna, even with their strained relationship they were still allies.

A part of him said it was the same thing every single time, and Suna had already betrayed them three times in all three wars.

"So, much for being allies. They are the most ungrateful village." He also knew how narrow-minded Rasa was.

He paused.

The next moment a dog with a scroll on his back entered the office. It was Pakken, one of Kakashi's dog summons.

"Greetings, Hokage-sama. I have come to deliver a message from Kakashi." Pakken gave a one-handed salute.

"It's been a long time since I last saw you. Hope Kakashi and his team are doing well?" Hiruzen said as he walked to Pakken and took out the scroll.

"There were some inconveniences. But he sent a message to ask for direction." Hiruzen started to read through it and couldn't help but frown.

Putting down the scroll, he sighed.

"So, Momochi Zabuza and his accomplices were able to run away... And now Gato is using the island as his base of action." Wasn't that quite a piece of bad news... And of all the time, he was already feeling the pressure. Now Team Ro would have to waste a month or so time in Wave Island.

And here he was feeling the strain on manpower.

All that not even considering the fact Gato, one of the richest men was behind the problems.

One of the important rules of maintaining a shinobi village is to not meddle too much in civilian business. He was no fool and knew Gato was very likely a puppet of several Daimyos and he was going to touch him.

They would not be happy.

Unofficially he could make it like some of the Gato's mercenaries betrayed him and took his life. But to create a friendly relationship with Wave country would need him to act in an official manner.

More problems. Just what he needed...

He took out a scroll and started to make a message for Kakashi. He would need a small win and to mitigate a few ruffled feathers he would also have to contact the Fire Daimyo.

Who would be happy to help. As he thought to himself he ended up writing the message.

"Tell Kakashi to stay safe."

"I will Hokage-sama."

Giving a long sigh as Pakken left he composed himself.

Knock knock

"Come in." As he sat on his chair he scanned the entire Hokage building.

The door opened and Team 7 and Yamato entered the room.

He gave a grandfatherly smile but it didn't stay long as Yamato gave the mission report.

"You three can go back," Yamato said as all three genins left the Hokage office.

"So, what else do you want to report?" He understood Yamato didn't want his genins to know what Yamato was going to say.

"Hokage-sama, the three captured unknown shinobis all died before I could take them to any border post. And the reason for death is something I don't know..." Yamato paused, "But they had some kind of seal on their tongue."

Hiruzen wanted to curse out loud. His face went still. Now he had to somehow make sure Yamato didn't get dissatisfied.

Was he already under too much pressure that Danzo had to go and make more problems for him? Now he had to clean up his mess.

"You can go I will send people to gather more information." He said knowing full well both of them were aware of Danzo's hand behind the incident. But like every other time, Hiruzen would save Danzo.

Hiruzen didn't even care about Nanabi's information and dismissed Yamato before he could tell him about it.



Disappointing, but at the same time it was to be expected. He knew the result even before telling the Third Hokage about it.

Then why did he feel the anger inside him rise?

Was it because his students almost died?

Or because he as their teacher couldn't do much?

So much for being a Jonin sensei...

He knew for a fact how dirty politics is. There was a reason he never thought of entering it. He knew Danzo had done a lot of dirty things that were cleaned by the Third Hokage.

But at that time there was no one close to him were under fire by Danzo. Not someone close to him or even from his team.

How things have changed.

He didn't know the entire reason for attacking them but one thing was for sure, it was with the intent to kill.


What could he do? He was an ANBU captain with as much power as the Hokage gave him. His wood style was too weak to be much of value, never entered politics.

He paused for a moment.

Yes, he had none of them. But at least he could ask Kakashi senpai for a little help. And before he would start to hesitate he decided to talk with Kakashi senpai. At least when he would come back.

But for the time being, he would do what he could do. Increase team 7 training amount and arm them with more jutsus, this time making Naruto vicious in his attacks. And if next time were to happen there would be no shinobis that would have a chance to run away.


-Danzo Shimura-

"-After that, we were able to run away... We had three casualties." Hearing the mission report he couldn't help but frown.

It was not good news...

He did not expect the casualties to reach that much. From what he knew Yamato would not go for the kill knowing the root shinobis were only trying to delay him.

So what if a civilian kunoichi were to die?

The root shinobis mission was simple. Kill Sakura Haruno, the civilian kunoichi to test Naruto Uzumaki and awaken Sasuke Uchiha's Sharingan.

Though it was more to awaken Sasuke Uchiha's Sharingan, after all, he had a deal with Orochimaru.

At least the mission was a success.

But he didn't expect Naruto Uzumaki to grow that fast. And he knew for a fact that the seal was okay.

He could simply let the matter rest. But as the next Hokage he had to keep an eye on the weapon of the village.

"Increase surveillance on the Kyubi host." He gave the order as he thought of what to do. He was not worried about what Hiruzen would do, he had done far worse and only got a slap on the wrist at best.

"... Danzo-sama, that may not be possible. The Kyubi host is quite adept in sensing. Even for us, it is impossible to spy on him without him knowing about it." Useless! He had to give orders for everything, they couldn't even think for themselves.

Danzo completely ignored the fact he trained them to be like that.

"Put a spy near him. Or make someone be the spy for us." He dismissed them as he opened a scroll and started to write. Now that his job was done it was time for him to ask Orochimaru what he needed.

He just needed to wait and everything would fall into place.

In front of him was the information on border patrol and all the hidden posts.

'It is all for Konoha. And Hiruzen you can't blame me.'


-Naruto Uzumaki-

I frown as I walk back to my apartment.

Sasuke has changed. He is no longer like before. Somehow now he is interested in Sakura.

"Sharingan, huh." I know Sharingan changes the user. But I expected it to make Sasuke more arrogant, not more fearful.

Oh, he can try and hide it, but I can see it clearly, Sasuke is afraid, afraid of losing Sakura and us.

If I have to guess it's probably because he is far closer to us than the canon timeline. Not to mention Sakura is a far better kunoichi than her canon self.

Without making a hand seal a shadow clone appears next to me." Hospital duty." I say to him as I sit on the bed.

Truth be told I am afraid as well. I am afraid I will not be strong enough when the time comes. I am afraid my actions will kill people close to me.

But I have to take the risk.

I can't just sit on my ass and always use Kurama's chakra to get me out of trouble. I don't want to be looked down upon by everyone. I don't want people to think of me as an idiot.

I want to grow strong. I want...a lot of things.

A smile appears on my face. "I am working for it." And yes I am working for the future I want for myself. It will take time and hard work, but I am willing to put work into it.

I am far from perfect just like my plans. But as I grow stronger I feel more and more confident in what I can do.



"Lalala lalala." Fu hummed to herself as she jumped from one tree to another. She was in a cheerful mood just like everyday.

"I wonder what Shibuki will bring for me? He will probably tell me lots of stories about his journey!" She said as she reached the waterfall hiding the Taki village.

She ran away... No, she just came back from wandering outside of the village.

"Shibuki will not know that I even left the village." She smiled as wings appeared behind her, and with a jump, she flew toward her home.

"Hey, Chomei, where do you think we should go next time to make friends?" To that she got no reply, not that she minded, most of the time Chomei didn't really answer any of her questions. But Chomei was her first friend and as a friend of her, she had to have a good relationship with her and ask how she was.

"Fu, there's someone inside." Fu paused for a moment. She cautiously opened the door. Inside she saw a boy with blonde hair sitting on a chair looking right at her. He looked the same age as her.

"HEY, Wanna be my friend?" She smiled happily as she entered her room.

"Sure, why not." Fu paused in surprise as the boy took her hand and shook it.

With happiness overflowing she smiled," My name is Fu, what's your name?" Whatever his name was Fu didn't mind now she had to make another ninety-seven friends to reach her goal of making a hundred friends.

"Yahoo! I only need another ninety-seven friends to reach one hundred friends! My goal is now even closer!" She happily cheered. To that, the boy just smiled.

"Fu, I have come to give you some important information." She paused as he continued," As a friend I don't want you to get hurt. There is an organization that wants to capture tailed beasts and seal them in a wooden statue with a lot of eyes. They wear black cloth with red clouds. If you see them fly away and start to use your strongest attacks."

Fu was a little distracted as she felt her stomach heat up from Chomei's chakra.


"What does the statue look like?"

"It's like a dead tree with a lot of eyes... I don't know how to explain. But as I was saying run away if you see them and hide or you can try to find me. I live in Leaf Village." She looked at the scroll he gave her. She also felt Chomei getting more agitated.

"There are few jutsus in it and my ideas on how you could use them. Master them and running away from them will be easy." She was not that worried about any of that.

"How about we play like friends." She wanted to play with her new friend.

"... Sure, we can play. I can also come here from time to time to play with you. Just don't tell anyone about me." And that day was one of the best days of her life close to the day Chomei became her friend.

Authors note: I am trying to change my writing style. What do you think about this new writing style? Comment, please.

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