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Capítulo 41: The anticipated meeting

Theodore came back to his villa. As he pushed the heavy oak door open and stepped in, he saw Tristan standing near the fireplace.

"Sir…" Tristan greeted him with a nod and handed him a folder along with a lady's handbag. "These are the things the guards collected from that deserted house."

Theodore's hand tightened around the strap of the bag. It was Bella's. He set it aside, his attention moving to the folder. A growing unease gnawing at his gut, as he opened it with a flick.

Papers, contracts, all seemingly mundane at first glance. Yet, as his eyes devoured the contents, a knot of tension formed in his stomach.

As he read, he understood that Bella had gone to that house to settle debts with those goons and to retrieve the documents for her house, which had been mortgaged to a gang leader.

A frown, sharp and deep, etched itself onto Theodore's face. Why did Bella need so much money? What was going on in her life?

Her life, it seemed, was a labyrinth of secrets, each turn revealing another layer of mystery. If only Skyler hadn't been injured, he might have been able to provide some valuable information.

A flicker of irritation danced across Theodore's face. With a decisive thud, he slammed the folder shut. "Any update on Skyler?"

Tristan shook his head. "The bullet has been removed, sir. However, he remains in critical condition. The doctors are keeping a close eye on him."

Theodore released a heavy sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose as if to ward off an oncoming headache. He could remember how tricky that surgery was. He was hopeful that Skyler would be recovered soon.

"Did Hugo offer any specifics?" he inquired, his voice barely a murmur.

"Not much, sir. With the entire gang in custody, the authorities are likely to close the case."

Theodore offered a curt nod. "Understood. However, a new situation has arisen." He extended the file towards Tristan, his gaze unwavering. "I need you to investigate Bella Dawn. Find out why she felt compelled to borrow such a significant sum from those thugs."

Tristan accepted the file with a firm nod, understanding the gravity of the task.

The sharp ring of Tristan's phone shattered the thread of their conversation. He cast a brief glance at the screen, his brow furrowing slightly at the sight of Bridget's name. He had requested her to call upon Isabella's return.

"Sorry, sir. I need to take this call."

Theodore nodded, signaling him to answer the call first.

"Hello?" Tristan answered the call.

"Mister Tristan, it's Bridget here," came Bridget's voice through the phone. "Isabella's friend."

"Yes," Tristan acknowledged. "Has Miss Isabella returned home?"

At the mention of Isabella's name, Theodore straightened his posture and perked up his ears, a flicker of interest sparking in his eyes. Tristan, sensing his boss's curiosity, switched the phone onto speaker mode with a subtle movement.

"Yes, she is back."

"Excellent," Tristan said, a hint of forced cheer in his tone. "May I please speak with her?"

Bridget paused and glanced at Bella, signaling if she was willing to talk to Tristan. But Bella shook her head in denial.

"She is, uh, a little indisposed at the moment," Bridget finally replied. "Not quite feeling herself."

Tristan wasn't fooled. He could clearly sense Isabella's attempt to avoid talking to him. "I see," he said, his voice flat. "Well, please tell her to meet me tomorrow at the usual cafe. Same time, four pm sharp."

"Actually," Bridget interjected firmly, "she is not interested in meeting with you. She wants to meet Mr. Reid and wishes to speak with him directly."

Theodore's eyes narrowed as he listened, absorbing the implications of Bridget's words.

Tristan's gaze flicked to Theodore, and he found him frowning. "He is busy. He has far more pressing matters to attend to than a trivial task like handing over a pendant. Tell your friend to meet me tomorrow, and she can collect it then."

"Your boss seems like a rather rude and ungrateful person," Bridget snapped with indignation. "Doesn't he have a moment to spare for the woman who saved his life? Shouldn't he at least thank Isabella in person?"

The accusation struck a nerve. Theodore's knuckles whitened as they clenched into fists on his thighs. "Tell her I'll be at the cafe tomorrow." Dropping those words, he stormed into his room.

Tristan, left alone in the tense aftermath, cleared his throat awkwardly. "Alright, Mr. Reid has agreed to see her. Please tell your friend to be prompt."

Bridget practically chirped with delight as she slammed the phone shut. "He's coming, Bella!" she announced, a wide grin splitting her face. "You're finally meeting the mysterious Mr. Reid! Are you excited?"

Bella, her eyes sparkling with anticipation, managed a single enthusiastic nod. This meeting could finally reveal the truth – was Theodore the enigmatic man?

"Oh, I just have to tag along!" Bridget exclaimed. "I'm dying to see if this guy is handsome. Can I come with you?" Her brown eyes widened in a dramatic plea.

Bella let out a soft chuckle, shaking her head at her friend's impulsiveness. "Bridget, you can't just cancel your meeting with Joe's parents."

Bridget pouted. While the prospect of seeing the mysterious Mr. Reid was tempting, she knew she couldn't flake on Joe's family.

"Fine," she grumbled, "but promise me at least one thing. Take a selfie with him!" Her voice gleamed with mischief. "At least, you can update your status on social media, flaunting your heroic act."

Bella couldn't help but giggle at Bridget's theatrics. "Aren't you getting late? Joe will be back soon, and I'm sure his parents are expecting you. Go get ready."

"Okay, okay!" Bridget conceded, holding her hands up in surrender. "I won't badger you anymore. But promise you'll tell me everything about your meeting with Mr. Reid, absolutely everything."

A smile played on Bella's lips as she wrapped her arms around a throw pillow. "Promise," she echoed.

"That's great." With a satisfied nod, Bridget whirled around and disappeared back into her room.

Bella let out a deep sigh, her heart fluttering with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. Anticipation bubbled within her, painting the upcoming meeting with an irresistible intrigue.

The next day…

Excitement thrummed through Bella's veins as she arrived at the cafe well before the appointed time. Unable to contain her nervous energy, she opted to wait outside, her gaze flitting across the street like a hummingbird searching for a bloom.

Every rustle of leaves, every approaching figure sent a jolt through her, anticipating to see Theodore walking toward her. A flurry of scenarios played out in her mind. She'd rehearse explanations, justifications for her actions, a carefully crafted narrative of her life. Yet, amidst the swirling excitement, a sliver of doubt lingered.

What if this mysterious Mr. Reid wasn't Theodore at all?

Bella dismissed the thought with a shrug, telling herself not to think much. She wouldn't mind if he was not Theodore. She would take the pendant, express her gratitude, and leave.

Minutes bled into an eternity. The rhythmic tick of her watch mocked her growing impatience. She shifted from foot to foot as she looked around the people coming and leaving the café.

The initial flurry of excitement began to morph into a gnawing restlessness. Would he even show? The warmth of the day couldn't dispel the prickle of unease that settled on her skin.

On the other hand, the black car glided towards the cafe. Inside, Theodore's gaze darted through the tinted window, landing on Bella standing expectantly outside. A frown creased his forehead, his heart hammering against his ribs with a sudden, unsettling rhythm.

"Stop the car," he commanded urgently.

Tristan complied, pulling the car over to the curb. "Sir, is everything alright?" he asked dumbfounded.

Theodore's eyes were glued to Bella. "What is she doing here?" he mumbled.

"Who?" Tristan leaned forward, his gaze following Theodore's and landing on Bella. He scratched his head, confused. His boss had clearly come to meet this woman. Why was he acting like he had seen a ghost?

"She must be waiting for you, sir, " Tristan noted.

"Waiting for me!" Theodore echoed, disbelief lacing his voice.

"Indeed," Tristan confirmed. "Aren't you here to meet Miss Isabella, the one who saved you."

Theodore's expression froze.


Angelica2511 Angelica2511

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