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Capítulo 38: The unexpected kiss and intertwined emotions

The world dissolved into slow motion as Theodore's lips met Bella's. His own heartbeat drummed in his ears, each thump echoing the frantic pulse that had taken over his body. Every nerve ending sang with awareness – the softness of her lips, the intoxicating scent that clung to her, the warmth that radiated from her very being.

His lips moved against hers with a slow deliberateness, his hand reaching up to caress the smooth skin of her cheek. A wave of heat washed over him, so intense it sent a tremor through his limbs. The taste of her, sweet and heady, flooded his senses, etching itself onto his memory with an indelible brand.

Theodore felt a tidal wave of love and devotion crash over him, a certainty that this was where he was meant to be and that Bella was the one he was meant to share his life with. The kiss deepened, the passion igniting like wildfire as he pulled her impossibly closer.

Bella's initial reaction was one of pure, unguarded surprise. A hitch caught in her breath as her body went rigid for a startled moment.

'He is kissing me!' With her wide eyes, she looked at his face, which was so close to hers.

The unexpectedness of it all was a surreal cocktail. The familiar scent of his musky citrus cologne mingled with the warmth of his lips, sending her heart into a frantic gallop.

Her hand, previously resting innocently on her lap instinctively clenched, fingers curling into the fabric of her skirt. A delicate flush crept up her cheeks as a tingling warmth spread from her lips, igniting a wildfire that coursed through her entire body.

A whirlwind of emotions swirled within her – shock, a flicker of curiosity, and a barrage of unanswered questions. Yet, amidst the surprise, there was a sweetness, a sincerity in the kiss that made her chest tighten with a strange, exhilarating feeling.

Slowly, ever so slowly, the initial shock began to recede. Her eyelids fluttered closed, the tension in her body dissipating as she surrendered to the moment, allowing herself to savor the sweetness of this stolen kiss.

Then, as abruptly as it began, the spell shattered. Theodore pulled away, leaving Bella reeling with disorientation. "I..." he stammered, scrambling to his feet, a blush creeping up his neck. "I'm sorry. I'll go get some food for you."

Theodore didn't leave immediately. He lingered by the bed, stealing glances at her as if gauging her reaction.

Bella was a bit disappointed. 'Why does he look so flustered?' she thought, a dull ache spreading through her heart. 'Is he regretting kissing me?'

His hesitation was a neon sign flashing in the room. Certainly, he must be regretting his action. It had to be. Shamefaced, Bella tucked her chin, unable to meet his gaze.

What had she been thinking? How could a man like him ever truly fall for someone like her?

Maybe he remembered someone he liked, or maybe it was just the charged moment that had driven him to kiss her.

Theodore didn't have feelings for her. It was clear as day. A wave of self-deprecation washed over her. 'Stupid girl,' she chided herself internally.

The intensity of the kiss had given her a fleeting hope, a glimpse of something more, but his reaction now shattered that fragile belief.

Witnessing Bella's seeming apathy shattered Theodore's heart like a dropped glass. He had expected her to say something – a question, a reaction, anything – but she remained silent.

His budding hope that she might share his feelings was thoroughly extinguished, replaced by a cold dread. The flicker of doubt that maybe she liked someone else intensified. A cocktail of jealousy and resentment churned in his gut, twisting with a painful intensity.

Clenching his fists, he stormed out. The playful mood was shattered, replaced by a steely resolve.

He needed answers. Who were those men? What connection did Bella have to them? What was she hiding?

With a surge of purpose, he pulled out his phone, his fingers flying across the screen as he dialed Skyler's number. To his growing frustration, the call went straight to voicemail.

"What the hell is going on?" he growled, scowling at the phone. Dismay curdled with a growing sense of foreboding. Why wasn't Skyler picking up? Five times now, his calls had been met with silence.

He dialed another number, this time punching in the direct line for the chief security officer. After a few rings, a gruff voice answered.

"Hugo," Theodore commanded, his voice tight with urgency. "I need you to find Skyler. Now. I'm worried something might have happened to him."

"Sure thing, sir," came the clipped reply.

As he disconnected the call, worry engulfed him. Even though a sliver of unease gnawed at the edges of his mind, he fervently hoped Skyler was alright

Inside the room...

Alone in the room, boredom gnawed at Bella. Anticipation had morphed into restless disquiet. She had thought he would return with food, but the maid delivered it.

Time stretched on, and Theodore had not returned yet.

Bella was worried, wondering where he had gone. 'Should I go out and check on him?' Just as this thought emerged in her mind, the door creaked open, revealing Theodore's tall frame.

The smile plastered on his face sent a jolt through her. Bella stared, speechless, as he approached. Before she could process what was happening, his arms were around her, enveloping her in a firm embrace.

Bella stiffened, her breath catching in her throat. A confusing tangle of emotions swirled within her. What was he doing?

Theodore leaned closer. "Darling," he murmured, a hand stroking her cheek. "Did you miss me?"

His touch sent another tremor through her, her emotions a chaotic storm.

Theodore leaned even closer and whispered in her ear, "Grandpa is outside, watching us. Please cooperate."

Understanding dawned on Bella. He was putting on a show. Perhaps he had picked up on Malcolm's presence earlier, and that was why he had kissed her. Now, this elaborate charade.

A fresh wave of disappointment crashed over her.

It was all an act, a carefully crafted performance to make his grandfather believe that they loved each other.

Bella's heart ached with a mixture of longing and regret. She wanted the affection to be real, but the truth of their situation was far from what she wanted.

Even though she didn't like it, she couldn't counter him. Theodore had been honest with her since the beginning. He had married her, only to stop his grandfather from pressuring him into an unwanted marriage. And since she was already bound by the contract, she had to play her part.

Despite the tumult of emotions swirling within her, Bella forced a smile and relaxed in his embrace. Her fingers lightly traced the edge of his shirt.

"Yes," she said in a placating tone, "don't leave me alone like that. I was bored to death."

"Sorry… I went to deal with some important matters," he murmured. His eyes flickered with an unreadable emotion, a brief flash of something Bella couldn't decipher.

"It's getting late," he continued, his voice taking on a husky edge. "Shall we head to bed? I can't wait any longer."

Despite the knowledge that it was all an act, a blush crept up Bella's cheeks at his teasing tone. The intimacy of the situation, even feigned, sent a spark through her.

"Okay," she whispered.

Theodore leaned in and turned off the light, plunging the room into a comforting darkness.

Malcolm, who had been standing outside the room and eavesdropping on them, curled his lips into a satisfied smirk. With a sense of accomplishment, he turned and retreated to his own room. 

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