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Capítulo 36: The reason for his dislike.

A storm of tears ravaged Gina's face.

"Gina! Stop crying." Claudia, perched beside her on the bed, patted Gina's head. "Look, your beautiful eyes will be swollen shut if you keep this up."

"I don't care," Gina snapped with despair. "Theodore won't even glance my way. All this effort, this makeover... for nothing. He is married now – to an ordinary woman. What could he possibly see in her?"

Fresh sobs threatened to erupt, but Claudia cut her off with a firm, "If you continue to cry like a banshee, you will look ugly. Then Theodore wouldn't even spare you a pitying look."

Gina's sobs died in her throat, replaced by a mixture of surprise and a flicker of fear that darted across her tear-streaked face.

Sensing she was successful in stopping her cry, Claudia moved on to the next step. "We fight back. For your love, Gina. No more moping. Theodore means to be yours, and I'll help you win him back."

A watery grin peeked through Gina's tears. "Really, Aunty?" she choked out, hope blooming in her eyes. "You'll help me."

Claudia's gaze softened considerably as she reached out to stroke Gina's hair. "Of course, darling," she murmured. "You are the only one worthy of being his wife, not an ordinary woman. We'll figure out how to remove her from Theo's life. Just be patient and follow my instructions."

Gina blinked back her remaining tears, a determined glint replacing the sorrow. "Okay," she whispered, nodding. "I'll do whatever you say."

"That's my good girl." Claudia pulled Gina into a hug, the brief smile on her face fading entirely. Her lips formed a thin, grim line. She would stop at nothing to see Bella disappear from the Reid family picture.

Inside Theodore's bedroom...

Bella stood on the balcony, her gaze drifting over the sprawling courtyard. The meticulously pruned hedges and pine trees created a serene and orderly landscape, while the imposing mountain in the backdrop lent a majestic touch to the scene.

It was a place that seemed designed for unwinding and relaxing after a long day. For the first time in a while, Bella felt her worries and tensions begin to melt away.

She didn't know what her future held, but at this moment, she wanted to savor the tranquillity and the unexpected luxury of being the wife of a wealthy, handsome man.

A sweet smile played on her lips.

"Theodore Reid," she murmured, letting the name roll off her tongue as if trying to get used to it.

Suddenly, the memory of a lingering question pricked at her. She turned around, scanning the room for Theodore. There he was, by the French windows, a frown etched on his face as he scrolled through his phone. With a newfound lightness in her step, Bella crossed the plush carpet, eager to approach him.

The light from the window cast a soft glow on his chiseled features, highlighting the intensity in his eyes as he read whatever message or email had his attention. "Skyler!" Theodore muttered. "Why are you not picking up the goddamn phone?"

Bella hesitated for a moment, taking in the sight of him before clearing her throat gently to get his attention. "Is everything alright?" she inquired softly.

Theodore whirled and faced her, a hesitant look crossing his face. "Um, everything is fine." He shoved the phone back into his pocket. "Sorry for what happened downstairs. I didn't know Gina would be here."

"It's okay," Bella assured him with a shrug, dispelling the need for an apology.

But Theodore pressed on, the words tumbling out before he could seemingly restrain them. He was not sure why he felt the need to clarify himself. "Trust me, there's nothing going on between me and Gina." He looked away, a muscle clenching in his jaw. "Well, she's been chasing after me for years, but I never paid any mind."

This came as a surprise to Bella. Gina, with her striking beauty, seemed tailor-made for the role of Theodore's wife. Why the vehement dislike?

"Why?" she blurted, unable to contain her curiosity. "Why don't you like her? Is there a specific reason?"

"Not one… There are many reasons," Theodore groaned, running a hand through his hair. "She is pretentious and dumb, doesn't think for herself – just follows Claudia around like a lost puppy."

"I see." Bella nodded, realizing the root cause of his aversion to Gina. "Your stepmom seems quite close to Gina. Treats her almost like a daughter."

"Why are you talking about them?" Theodore snapped. "I don't want to hear about them, okay?"

His sharp tone irked Bella as well. "You started it," she snapped back, scowling at him.

"Fine. I won't say another word." He retreated back to the window, his gaze glued to his phone.

Bella slumped her shoulders, defeated. This wasn't how she envisioned the conversation going. She hadn't meant to upset him. There was a question, a vital one, that she desperately needed an answer to.

"Theodore," she called out softly.

Theodore gave her a sidelong glance, a flicker of annoyance still lingering in his eyes. Yet, the gentleness in her tone seemed to have a calming effect. He liked it when she spoke his name, a sound that brought a strange sense of belonging.

"I wanted to ask you something," Bella ventured cautiously.

Theodore turned his full attention to her, curiosity piqued. "Okay," he said, inviting her to speak.

Suddenly self-conscious under his unwavering gaze, Bella fumbled with her words. "The house... in the west district... do you go there often?"

"That's my farmhouse," he replied. "I visit there whenever I get bored with the city life."

"I understand," Bella murmured, her palms turning slick with nervous sweat. "When was the last time you were there?"

"Last night," he scoffed.

Bella pouted. "I mean… Were you there a few months ago? Did you have…"


Before she could finish her sentence, his phone rang.

Theodore glanced down at the phone and saw Tristan's name. He was a bit disappointed. He had been waiting for an update from Skyler, who remained frustratingly unreachable. However, he couldn't ignore Tristan's call either.

"Excuse me, I need to take this call." Theodore walked out of the room, answering the call.

Bella was left alone, her heart pounding in her chest. The answer she craved remained frustratingly out of reach.

Theodore paced the hallway, his voice low and tense as he spoke to Tristan. "What's the update?"

Tristan's voice crackled with dejection through the phone. "Sir, I went to Miss Isabella's house," he reported, "but there was no sign of her. She wasn't there."

Theodore clenched his jaw, anger threatening to spill over. "What the..." he cursed under his breath. "I thought you delivered the pendant already. You couldn't even find her!"

"It seems she's avoiding me, sir," Tristan speculated. "She might have found out who you are. I suspect she is up to something. Perhaps plotting to extort money. We should be cautious."

Theodore burned with silent fury but said nothing. Even if Isabella demanded money, he wouldn't hesitate to pay. After all, she was his savior, the woman who'd gifted him a second chance at life.

"Alright," he finally forced out. "See if you can arrange a meeting. Find out what she truly wants."

"On it, sir," Tristan replied, and the call ended.


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