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30.95% Fate/Infinity / Chapter 13: C12: Magic the Gathering

Capítulo 13: C12: Magic the Gathering

After my heartfelt speech on the Great Fire, I return to the Church, waiting for the letters to pour in, basically betting my future on this good-looking face.

It's 1994, when the J-Pop industry is blossoming—dubbed the 'Idol Warring Period'. The agencies won't hesitate to try and nurture a young, handsome, and unsuspecting child idol. Another advantage for me is my shining public image and my race, which can be seen as exotic in Japan at this time.

We've already received over 20 letters asking me to sign a contract, all claiming they can cultivate my 'talents,' and that I should ride the hype for fame and money.

They really needn't tell me… My whole plan banks on this, after all. After a day, Kirei and I have carefully vetted a few after investigating these idol management companies thanks to certain unsavory rumors about them. Truthfully, there are only three viable options at this point. There are huge companies that can spread my fame quick, but they also have a whole host of idols contracted, which means they won't pour much resources in me.

The other companies all have scandals attached to them, or are offering far too little for my contract, leaving me with limited options. I've spoken directly with the talent scouts of each of these companies—one comes across as too sleazy to be trusted, another seems pleasant but a bit too snobbish, while the last is from a newly launched agency that's piqued my interest.

Not surprisingly, they're offering a rather substantial sum, probably 'cause their sponsors are some well-connected old money who need a handsome face to promote their products and brands. "What do you think, Kirei? Which one should I pick?"

As I wait, the priest approaches and presses an envelope into my hands. "This one seems right up your alley, your Highness," He says, a knowing glint in his eye. I glance down at the envelope, recognizing the logo of the Blossom company—a firm with a troubling history of idol suicides.

It is… Remarkable how this company has managed to stay afloat for as long as it has, but then again, with the heavy-hitters providing financial backing, any unsavory news tends to get conveniently swept under the rug, never to see the light of day again. And let's be honest, the idols who met their untimely ends were all relative unknowns, barely registering a blip on the public radar—so there was little fanfare or outcry to keep those stories alive.

"I'm not joking, Kirei."

The priest replies, "Nor am I."

He pauses, then continues smoothly, "If you wish to prove yourself, what better way than to put yourself in harm's way?"

Eyeing him skeptically, I snort in total disbelief. "Has that line ever worked out for you?"

"It has, on a few occasions." Kirei admits, though whether he speaks true or is simply messing with me is anybody's guess. Levelling him with a deadpan stare, I roll my eyes. "Did you take me for a 5-year-old?"

His lips curve into a faint, cocky smirk. "No, I took you for a 7-year-old, which you are. In fact, as your legal guardian, I could sign you up with any random agency and be done with it. Instead, here I am, sparring what little precious time I have to help you."

"It is your responsibility as my guardian. Trust me, I would much rather handle these contracts myself, but the laws say I can't." I sigh.

Frowning impatiently, the priest whines. "Why can't you just grow up faster? I have a very busy schedule, you know."

I gesture vaguely towards the ceiling. "Not my fault I don't have accelerated growth. Hell, you're the priest, why don't you ask God? He made the species, after all."

Not exactly surprising coming from the same guy who abandoned his ailing wife and had the Church he grew up in raise his daughter, all so he could apprentice under Tokiomi Tohsaka.

After careful deliberation, I decide to go with the safer option and sign with a smaller talent agency.

Given my already jam-packed schedule, I am 'unfortunately forced' to be homeschooled.

Rin and Shiro don't seem too thrilled about it, but school turns out to be the ideal setting to bring the two together.

Despite the tsundere's initial reservations, the pair seem to be getting along rather nicely.

Rin and Shiro are now less lonely; Taiga's happy her adoptive little sister has finally made a second friend; and I—the genius that I am—have more time for other, more important dedications.

In the blink of an eye, a week has gone by – a whirlwind of activities that leave even me feeling a bit dizzy. Made even tougher after I land my first project—a role in one of those cheap, melodramatic, ragebait TV show to drive up engagement with the region's most-watched channel.

It's the typical romance—filled with a bunch of nonsensical drivel and misunderstandings, completed with a few love-rivals as a side dish. The main couple also have a child, who I'll be portraying as. If I were the protagonist, I will probably demand for a DNA test, but from what I've heard, the producers have thought of this and justified it by having a mixed actress play the female role.

The first week of shooting is a mess, sadly.

Playing the part of an energetic and unusually intelligent child is no easy feat when you're utterly exhausted; drowsy and bruised all over all day long.

It's even more challenging given how ridiculously strict the producers are, constantly making us redo certain scenes dozens of times over the most minor of mistakes—like an eye not twitching just right, or a line sounding too clunky when taken out of the script.

I can't really blame them, though. This is the producer's first big project, and we're all C-list, unknown actors at best.

Thankfully, three months later, my last take is finished.

A month later, once an empty slot is available, the drama airs.

The show is only meant to be a 13-episode test run to gauge the market's response, but the reception seems reasonably decent.

It may not break any viewership records, but it delivers exactly what it promises, which helps the show cultivate a loyal following.

Said following then translates to my own modest but dedicated fanbase, mainly due to my relatively limited air time, yet pivotal role as the kid who's always there to help the couple through tough time in the series.

When I get back to Fuyuki, I already have the funds to pay back both Rin and the Fujimura Group what I owe them.

But I instead splurge on a few overpriced imported coffees and teas. It's how I was raised: If someone gives you money, you pay them back with money; if they give you gifts, you return the favor with gifts; if they do you a favor, it's a favor you will pay 'em. Simple, yet very useful directives.

After taking the gifts to on to her grandfather, the Tigress pouts angrily. "How do you know the suit wasn't my gift? What, now that you're this big-shot actor, you have already forgotten your root?"

I regard the high school girl with an amused smile. "Was the suit even bought with your money? And I wouldn't exactly call my role as a supporting character with limited screen time 'being a big shot.'" My words immediately quiet her, though Taiga still appears unconvinced. To quiet the dissidence, I throw a packaged box at her. "I smell chocolate!"

For a brief moment, I worry that the Tigress might snatch it with her mouth, but thankfully, my worry proves unwarranted.

"Wait… There is a plastic bag and a paper wrapper between… How the Hell did you know what's inside?"

Even with my Superhuman senses, I still find it difficult to discern between the scent of chocolate and fresh wrapping paper… 'What ridiculous sense of smell.'

Originally, I did think calling her 'Tigress' was a bit much, but the title fits far more than it should have reasons to.

Engrossed in her own world, humming to herself, the Tigress gracefully spins around, clutching the gift tightly against her chest as if it were the most invaluable treasure.

Make no mistake, that box of chocolate was quite pricey, but for the granddaughter of the local Yakuza, it is a pretty inexpensive trinket. "Now you are acting your image! Leo-tan, did you just become even more handsome overnight?"

I chuckle, rendered speechless by the unabashedly shameless attitude of the Fujimura Heiress, and drawl in response, "For chocolate? Have some shame, Taiga-nee…"

Humming to herself, she ponders aloud, "Will shame feed me?"

"Probably not."

She raises an eyebrow and questions unblinkingly, "Then why should I concern myself with it?" Floored by her audacious response, I pinch the bridge of my nose and wonder aloud, "How have you managed to make it this long? Oh, right, your grandfather is a powerful 'oyassan.' That ought to do it…"

"You're being such an old man again, Leo-tan," She playfully comments, trying to flick my forehead, but misses as I jump to avoid, my ego bruised black and blue. 'I was 21! And yes, I had a few strands of grey hair, but it was from stress and sleep-deprivation, not old age!' I wasn't old, was I? The two packs I smoked on a regular basis back then probably had a hand, but that is not the point!

Maybe it was something in the water, or the overwhelming dread of an uncertain financial future, but Gen Z was aging like milk… "By the way, Rin-chan is coming over for dinner,"

Taiga mentions nonchalantly. "She's a sweet girl, that one. Though it seems she's not too keen on being around Emiya-san."

Not unexpected, considering their nature… Hopefully, Kiritsugu hasn't frightened her too much.

"I've got a gift ready for her too. I've also prepared one for Shiro and Kiritsugu each." Looking around the Emiya Residence—the first place I pay a visit to, I ask. "Where are they?"

"Emiya-san is out for grocery; Shiro and Rin are at school at the moment."

"Ah!" I exclaim.

While I have the freedom to do as I please and go wherever I want, the girls have to attend school…

Furrowing my brows, I turn to Taiga, who hurries to avoid my accusatory stare. "Hold on a second, shouldn't you be in school as well?"

"Well, uh… I…"

The Tigress stutters anxiously, then slumps, looking like she has shrunk by 50%. "Urgh, so what if I skipped school? What's the big deal?!"

"It might not be that big a deal if you are planning to inherit your grandfather's position, but for someone who aspires to be a teacher?"

Letting my words trail into oblivion; a teasing smirk playing on my lips, I tut disapprovingly, watching in amusement as the Tigress deflate. "I mean, it's not that bad, right?"

"Who knows? Maybe it is, or maybe I'm just talking outta my ass?"

"Ugh… Is this how you treat your adorable sister who skipped school to welcome you home?"

I sigh, rolling my eyes as she tries to shift the responsibility onto me. "First of all, don't try to turn this on me—I neither asked; wanted or expected you to. Secondly, I visited Fuyuki once a week while filming, don't make it sound like I was away the whole time."

Granted, I scarcely paid them a visit even when I was back, mainly because I had to keep up with other priorities, and by 'priorities' I meant the gun-range with a certain firearm-obsessed Magus Killer, and the underground fighting ring with the doomsday priest.

This whole actor gig has taken up a lot of my time…

But at least I'm getting paid handsomely for it, so that's that.

Furthermore, [Ruler] has made remarkable progress, being the first to reach the coveted 50% off for the next Perk or Upgrade.

Apparently, acting and public speaking both have an impact on the Branch.

While I did harbor suspicions initially, it's still quite the surprise—a welcomed one, no doubt about it.

"Thirdly, you demand presents every time I return. Your intentions are impure, Fujimura-san."

What was it they always said—Pot calling kettle black?

My words land like sharp arrows that pierce her chest, imbedding in the wall behind her as the Tigress collapses dramatically. "This… This can't be!" She gasps, her features twisted in terror.

"Yes!" I let out a manic laugh. "It's REASON! Your biggest weakness!"

"Nooooo—!" Taiga cries out in anguish.

Our silly back-and-forth continues well into the evening as we work to clean the Emiya Residence, getting it ready for the party thrown in my honor. It's quite the 'curious' custom to have the one being celebrated clean the house first… I can see the logic in cleaning up afterward, but the girls are busy with school and I'm free as a bird, so why not?

By the time we are done, Kiritsugu has come home, carrying with him a case of orange juice and several plastic bags filled with raw ingredients.

"Leo, you're back."

He casually acknowledges after finding me trying to scrub clean a stain on the floor that's being way too stubborn for its own good.

I'd like to apply a bit more force, but the odds of me punching a hole straight through the floor as a result are rather high.

"May I talk to you after?"

"About what?" I inquire, my eyes discreetly tracking the Tigress, who is also observing us, though I have no need to be concerned. "Your training… There's not much more I can teach you." He admits, almost too loud.

I turn to search for a ponytail, sighing in relief when I spot none.

Kiritsugu has been in this line of work for far too long to make such a rookie mistake, but better be safe than sorry.

"I'll be there shortly." I answer naturally.

Hastening the cleaning process before departing to locate the Magus Killer in his office, but not without first shooing the nosy Tigress away. My words are a touch harsh, but this isn't the first time she's attempted to poke her nose where it doesn't belong, I am sick and tired of having to remind her all the time.

"Kiritsugu, you wished to have a word?"

"Our last session shows there isn't much more I can impart to you, aside from Magecraft, which was not part of our agreement…"

Not like he can teach better than the books in the Tohsaka library.

Pausing, Kiritsugu retrieves an envelope from the drawer. "Hence why I believe it's time you gain some actual field experience."

Cautiously, I take the envelope, turning it over curiously as the Magus Killer elaborates. "Inside, you'll find a ticket, some funds, and files on your target. You'll depart tomorrow evening."

Chuckling, I tuck it into my pocket and murmur in acknowledgment. "So this is why you asked me about prior arrangement a week ago… Will you be accompanying me?"

"I will not." Kiritsugu keeps his words curt and simple as he retrieves something else from the drawer—something heavy, and places it on the table.

"This is my gift to you. It's the AMT Automag V, with a few modifications to enhance its performance. It's a sort of Pseudo Mystic Code as well, equipped with [Self-Cleaning], [Armor-Piercing] and [Electricity] that will imbue the bullet." I run my tongue my teeth as I grasp the gun, which is nearly twice the size of my hand. "… Are we in Call of Duty? 'Cause those last two effects sound awfully familiar."

"'Call of Duty?'" The retired Magus Killer repeats questioningly, his expression as blank as ever. Kiritsugu and Kirei's expressions are strangely similar... They could be twins if one overlooks a few features.

The only difference is if they look closely, they will notice Kirei's lips curve upwards ever so slightly—a nuance I initially overlooked the first few months, unlike the Magus Killer's almost always downturned pair. "That does seem an appropriate name for the situation, doesn't it?"

Deciding not to correct him, I shift my gaze to the gun—hungrily drinking in its stunning details: The sheen, the sleekness, the sheer destructive might it must pack behind its rugged exterior and the way it manages to look—pardon my language—perfect without even trying!

I'm in love... Not mere, mundane and earthly love, but pure adoration reserved for ideals alone. All men have that one girl from childhood who made us lose interest in Dragon Ball Z; Bleach; One Piece and the likes—that first girl, to whom all others will be measured against in some ways, regardless of whether the comparison's favorable or not.

This gun has become that for me in the precious few seconds that have passed since its appearance.

Senza Esitazione's astral form quivers on my back, almost like a jealous spouse.

'I get it, I get it. It's not as if I'm particularly skilled with firearms anyway.'

By 'not particularly skilled', I mean my [Talent] rating for the Branch is in the red, quite literally.

It's not that I'm incapable of wielding ranged weapons, but there will be a peculiar mental resistance I have to deal with and virtually no Perk benefits to rely on, at least until I feel I have enough AP to spare which realistically will only occur on the rarest of ocassions. The only reason I agreed to take shooting lessons is in case I ever need a range option.

Once I've acquired a few more Spells and leveled up my [Magic] a bit further, I may very well let it gather dust.

Well, maybe I will whip it out if I ever encounter a foe with [Magic Resistance], but aside from that? I may relegate it to the dusty confines of storage.

Still, the fact that I'm not particularly talented with firearm does not make me love the pistol any less... I am not joking, its coolness factor is just that high.

"I'm gonna need ammunitions." Lots and lots of ammunitions, in fact.

"A shipment was delivered to the harbor this morning. It contains several thousands rounds of specially-transmuted bullet, made specifically for this gun."


I exclaim, thoroughly impressed. Several thousand rounds were manufactured for a single firearm, coupled the shipping costs and the bribes to smooth things with the officials… "How much did it cost for their production? Which company is it?"

In case I ever use up the rounds and need more. "It costs a fortune to manufacture, and it's done by one person—the Artificer who made my own Mystic Code."

"The Thompson Contender?"

"You sure know a lot, don't you?"

The retired Magus Killer's voice drops a pitch, his imposing form looming over me like a towering mountain—a suicidally depressed.

"More than you know, less than you might imagine." I respond casually, my hands still meticulously examining the components of the Automag. "She's quite the exquisite piece."

"'She,'" Kiritsugu pointedly emphasizes, before continuing in his usual monotonous and measured tone. "Alone is equivalent to three five-story houses in London; the price of the ammunition triples that figure."

Compared to the housing market of the 21st century, the latter half of the 20th century still had relatively reasonable property prices.

A five-story home is still within reach for many at the moment, though certainly not cheap when one accounts for inflation.

The Mystic Code and its accompanying ammunition? They are the equivalent of nine such houses. "I knew you're fucking strapped, but damn, that was a lot of bands you spent… Mind sponsoring a young 'dreamer?'"

"When I'm gone, my inheritance will go directly to Shiro."

After all this time, I finally witness Kiritsugu attempt a joke, accompanied by the rare sight of a smile—a depressing display of how much effort it takes for him to feign such a natural expression, and yet a glorious nevertheless, for I now have more meme materials. It's a curse, I tell you… A curse no man, woman or beast deserves, this affliction of mine… And yet, cruel as the Gods are, my mind is parasited by it... Compelled by a horrible desire that is not my own—one that repeats to me constantly: 'Meme… Meme… Meme.'

Awestruck, I can only respond in kind. "You probably shouldn't have shared that little tidbit with me."

"Should I break out the Thompson?"

Perhaps it is worth befriending the walking, talking deadman, after all.

"Think of this as a trial by fire. If you survive and succeed, it means I have won my bet. If you were to die, the last five months I spent would have been for naught… Don't die, Leo."

Throwing him a thumbs-up, I wink. "Who do you think I am? It's just a measly Magus we're talking about here. Even if the whole damn sky comes crashing down, I can hold it up fine." I am, of course, not nearly as confident inside as I am out, but fuck it. 'Go big, or go home, am I right?'

This has to happen, eventually.

No point prolonging the inevitable.

Furthermore, I've had nearly half a year to prepare, that's a lot more than most Reincarnators and Transmigrators I know. Most of those guys just head straight to the Dungeon the moment they 'touch down' like they've been doing this shit for years.

"Don't be arrogant, that's how most rookies get killed. Remember my lesson…

"Make every move with extreme caution." I echo knowingly.

"One last question…"

"Ask away."

"How do I get this past security?"

Given the lack of security measures in place before 9/11, airports should be relatively lax at the moment. However, smuggling a firearm across borders is still no easy feat, especially with my current appearance. The Automag's by no means small either. "How do I even sneak this past Taiga?" Who's eavesdropping outside the door as we speak.

Kiritsugu's office is protected by a Bounded Field that distorts all sounds into unintelligible murmurs, so we don't have to worry about her accidentally catching wind of something she shouldn't.

Problem is: A fully loaded gun's bound to attract her attention.

I can't even conceal it around my waist, considering how fucking tiny I am. "The Mystic Code's half the size of my head…"

Withdrawing a black case, the former Magus Killer arches an eyebrow, almost as if to silently ask, 'Did you really believe I have not thought of that?'

"You're not taking it on the plane with you, you're shipping it by sea, Leo. As for Taiga," Taking out a wrapper from his drawer, Kiritsugu expertly turn the case into a present. "Huh, it even comes with a bowtie… When did you have the time to learn this?"

'Why did you?' Remain unasked, yet it's deafeningly loud still.

"My daughter… Her favorite holiday is Christmas."

"Oh." And thus, the previously cheerful atmosphere immediately takes a turn for the worse. 'You can save this, Leo!'

"Well, you might want to have two gifts ready then—one for Chirstmas, and one as an apology for the delay." That does make his face brighten up, if only for a bit. "Let's get out of here before Fujimura-san breaks down the door."

"She has a crush on you."

"She shouldn't." The retired Magus Killer mumbles back with a weary tone. "And it is as you say, it's a childish crush that will fade with time,"

Violently breaking in a fit of coughs, spots of blood staining his palm, Kiritsugu finishes. "Let's hope it's sooner rather than later."

"Do you need anything?" I ask, mostly out of politeness, since we both know I am incapable. He shakes his head—each motion weak and feeble as he stumbles towards the door. "I am fine. It is just a cough."

After tidying up the clutter, we patiently await the return of Shiro and Rin. The festivities begin unceremoniously, with an abundance of deafening 'mating calls' from the Tigress. "I don't think singing is your forte, Taiga-nee."

"She seems drunk…" Besides me, the Magus Killer mutters wearily.

"She is drunk… The drink you purchased contains a low amount of alcohol, which shouldn't have an impact on children unless consumed excessively." Fujimura Taiga has knocked down a total of five cans thus far, and is in the process of gulping down the sixth. "We should stop her…"

"You do it." Kiritsugu—coward that he is—instantly relegates the responsibility to me. "She has a crush on you. She'll listen to you more." I reason, my logic too flawless for him to dispute.

Furthermore, I have my own problems… Behind us, Shiro and Rin are seated next to each other, engrossed in the screen as the latter jeers and laughs playfully. "Hey, it's Leo! Leo, see! Haha! I thought you were in some fancy movies, turns out it's just some lovey-dovey J-Drama!"

"Every actor has to begin somewhere…"

Many aim for that coveted 'big break' early in their careers, but I prefer the more cautious approach.

It's all about self-potrayal at the end of the day—the modest, hard-working hero image who doesn't rely on a tragedy to rise or try to shoehorn himself into the industry will be looked at much more favorably.

Celebrity gossip is rampant since people love to speculate.

Forcing my manager to secure a major role could tarnish public opinion and impede my progress.

To truly reach the top, one must navigate both the limelight and the shadows—mainstream society and the hidden ones, each with its own set of laws.

Additionally, when I establish my own company, I will need the public's support. Acting, for me, is merely a means to amass wealth that'll be spent acquiring land and hoarding resources I know will be extremely valuable in the future. "For everyone's sake, next time, please check the beverage content before you buy it."

While Rin can sometimes be overly enthusiastic, she tends to maintain a reserved demeanor around individuals she doesn't fully trust.

It's unlikely that she would be shouting at the top of her lungs in front of Kiritsugu, whom she actively avoids according to Taiga's words, likely due to her realization that he is also a Magus like her. The only reason she hasn't informed Kirei for help is sitting next to her. "How about this, I'll deal with them, and you take care of Taiga-nee?"

"Sounds like a fair arrangement."

Carefully, I reach out to the tsundere's shoulder, as Shiro appears to be lost in a daze and is not the main focus at the moment. The girl startles me, bursting into laughter as she excitedly parrots my lines from the first episode.

"You reek of sugar…"

Her hands are sticky as well, 'Gross.'

I hate having sugary or oily anything, really.

It's disgusting to the touch, but…

'Has it been that long?'

When was the last time I party? Not going clubbing, but a genuine gathering amongst friends?

The only one I still keep my guard up against is Kiritsugu, yet even the old man seems to have carved out a spot in my life. My lips curve into an involuntary smile as a rush of butterflies fills my chest.

'Well, this isn't all bad… A bit troublesome, but…'

Before I can finish that thought, the tsundere doubles over, hurling vomits all over my freshly cleaned white shirt. "Oh, for fuck's sake—!"

'I take it back. Fuck this shit!'

First time getting vomitted on, and it's one time too fucking many.

— — — — —

If you want to support me and read unreleased chapters, here you go, there are over a dozen Chaps there. Can't miss it.

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D(i)scord . com/invite/HqjnTDC6

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