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11.9% Fate/Infinity / Chapter 5: C4: "If you ain't cheatin'..."

Capítulo 5: C4: "If you ain't cheatin'..."

A/N: So… I'm just kinda on fire today and managed to finish a chapter, so I'm deciding to move this one up a bit. Don't expect this to be frequent though, 'cause it's pretty difficult to enter flow state.

Wolfking118 & Meryfcuckery: This is a rewrite, but not really. Think of it as a reimagine, like Scooby-doo and that god awful show Velma. Poor analogy, I'm aware, but around 70 to 80% of its content will be different. It is more like a spiritual child than a complete rewrite.

Flaviockgykgyiyyyfjgfjfytf: For your info, there're a lot of timeskips, mainly small ones like months, but they add up, so maybe Leo won't stay a kid too long… At least he'll be a teenager instead of a kid, lol.

 — — — — —

I half expected to wake up to yet another unfamiliar ceiling, if you catch my drift, but it turns out I'm still stuck under the same old, moldy spots of the Fuyuki Church. Letting out a relieved breath, I pat myself down, thankful that I haven't been whisked away to another world.

That, or lost a limb during my unconsciousness.

Sounds implausible—paranoid even, but one never knows with Kirei…

With those worries out of the way, I eagerly sit up, a bubbling excitement brewing within me as I search inwardly for the infamous spiritual organs that all Magi possess.

Ever since acquiring the Perk: [A touch of Magic], I've been aware of the metaphysical energy coursing through my being. However, despite my previous efforts, I have not been able to control or even grasp it. 'Things should be different now, right…?'

Once again, I attempt to tap into my rather limited reserve of Mana, only to be met with disappointment. "Is the issue my Trigger?"

If I recall correctly, Magi must essentially hypnotize themselves in order to enact their Mysteries. In simpler terms, the intricate Magic System of the Nasuverse can be summarized as 'manifest your thoughts into reality'. I'm sure there are online Guru jokes to be found here, but such things are beneath me…

My explanation might be an oversimplification, but it still holds true, although. "A Trigger, a Trigger…" I mutter repeatedly, as if chanting this mantra will somehow magically activate my 'Trigger', somehow.

It doesn't work, unsurprisingly.

'Maybe clearing my thought will do something?'

I contemplate and attempt to follow the teachings of the monks, but I've never excelled at it. My brain is like an hyperactive Chihuahua that simply refuses to settle down. It has been this way since I was young… More of a curse than a blessing, honestly.

'The more you strive to clear your mind, the more cluttered it becomes.'

The abbot had once advised. 'The key is relaxation…'

Typically, to fall asleep, I would turn to YouTube and play Green or Brown Noise. It helps silence my thoughts. However, since such a resource doesn't exist on this Earth yet—at least not in an easily accessible way, I must find my way into the REM state on my own, which is far more challenging than one might expect given the seemingly boundless energy within this body.

Aside from my youthfulness, being [Strongest of the Weak] makes it nearly impossible to unwind, for my hands long to be occupied, and my feet refuse to stay still. "How the Hell do people do it?"

I ponder, my nose crinkling in irritation. Magecraft is an invaluable tool that I cannot afford to overlook, especially with the presence of other Magi like Zouken.

Kirei, as strong as he is, is still manageable with physical strength alone, but should I come face-to-face with the wretched Worm or a Caster-Class Servant in the future, it would be quite troublesome without the ability to counter their methods.

Moreover, if I could free Sakura from the clutches of the Crest Worm, we wouldn't have to depend on Kirei, whom I frankly would not trust to care for even the most insignificant fly, let alone one of the major heroines. 'C'mon, Leo… You can do this, just focus.'

Frowning, I make an active effort to concentrate, trying to tap into my unresponsive Mana. "Come on, come on!" In Webnovels and even published books I've read before, this had always seemed so… Effortless.

The protagonists always unlocked [Meditation] in less than an hour of practice, sometimes even less. It was as though they just had to sit down, and the skill would suddenly come to them as naturally as breathing.

Surely, I can achieve the same, right?

So, I sit with my legs crossed, wasting hours without making any progress.

By the fifth hour, my legs are cramping from sitting for too long, and I'm forced to leave the room in search of assistance and aspiration.

"This isn't working…"

Maybe a change of scenery will fix the issue?


I may be stubborn, but there are certain things one just can't brute-force, and this seems to be one of them.

"Maybe I could ask Kirei…"

The thought fleetingly crosses my mind, but I quickly dismiss it. Trusting him with my Trigger—my own mind, of all things—is simply inconceivable. Besides, asking for his help would show weakness, something I cannot afford, not with Kirei already making it clear he wants to kill me… "Oh, right! There's still her." The tsundere did offer to lend a hand if I ever encountered trouble.

Well, someone is causing me trouble, it just so happens that someone is me.

"Where exactly is the Tohsaka Mansion, anyways?"

Despite being a fan of Type-Moon, I just didn't have the fervor or dedication to commit the layout of Fuyuki to memory like some die-hard fans.

In retrospect, it would have been useful, but who really expects to be flung into a fictional universe one day? Moving stealthily, I navigate my way through the Church, silently hoping to obtain directions from Kirei, but nobody seems to be home. Not even the Queen of Heroes, by the look of it. 'Probably out to entertain herself.' As for the doomsday priest, the guy's either out scaring kids, making women swoon or having a bowl of extremely spicy mapo tofu.

"Damn switch…" I curse under my breath, feeling my stomach grumble in response. "I could really use some tofu right about now, though."

Changing my course, I head straight for the dining room, knowing there should be a refrigerator there. Not to toot my own horn, but I am a decent cook, at least according to the monks. Granted, their meals were foolproof, practically impossible to mess up due to their simplicity.

As I open the fridge, a wave of disgust hits me. "Ah, shit! Is that mold?"

How long has it been since they last cleaned this?

I grab one of the containers and open it, only to find several slices of meat that could double as stones.

Every other container is in the same state, and there aren't even raw ingredients. Maybe I'm being too critical, but why have a fridge if you can't be bothered to stock it up? I'm not asking for much either, just an egg which really is not that high of a demand in this part of the world. 'Guess I will have to tighten my belt…'

I sigh, slamming the door shut. 'Maybe Rin will take pity on me.'

My stomach rumbles in agreement as I take off into the 'wilderness'.

After aimlessly meandering for a good thirty minutes, interrogating passerby I crossed paths with in search of the Tohsaka Manor, I must confess that I am rather disheartened.

Those Xianxia novels had led me to believe that the existence of every esteemed family in town was common knowledge, but reality has proven to be quite different.

The majority of people I encountered seem completely oblivious of even the identity of the current Prime Minister, let alone the Tohsaka who, as all Magi tend to do, probably keep to themselves. They're also quite skittish, not that I can blame them after the recent disasters.

First it's Bluebeard and his deranged Master, then the harrowing issue of frequent 'gas-leaks', and to top it off, the devastating Great Fire.

It's no wonder that the residents of Fuyuki are weary and paranoid, considering the circumstances.

Added to that, with their distinct culture, it shouldn't be surprising that quite a few even seemed terrified when I simply approached them for directions, yet it is. Maybe it's the fact I know I can protect myself if I happen to meet the unsavory elements of both worlds, but I'm just not under the pressures they are. "Never heard of that place."

Yet another passerby responds, before taking off like he just came face-to-face with the Devil himself and leaving me to mumble to myself.

"Getting real tired of hearing that…"

Abruptly turning to face the source of rapidly approaching footsteps, I'm both surprised and relieved as a redhead comes into my line of sight. Red hair and amber eyes that scream 'Protagonist', who else could it be but Shirou himself? "It's really you." The Hero-wannabe remarks, his almost feminine voice thick with relief despite his unchanging expression. "Oh, Shirou!"

I greet enthusiastically, waving at the walking Reality Marble. "How are you doing? Has Kiritsugu been treating you well?"

"You're actually alive," He exclaims once more, astonishment painting his features.

"Yes, indeed," I respond with a nod, a mischievous grin creeping onto my face. "Quite the surprise, isn't it?"

"We believed you were gone… Father even tried to search for you, but…"

The Harem Protagonist's voice trails off.

"Tell him know I'm doing well." I reply.

Kiritsugu is living on borrowed time.

Perhaps the knowledge that he hasn't failed another child will bring him some peace in his final days on Earth.

"Are you staying in the orphanage?"

Hands fiddling, the Hero-wannabe asks.

I quickly activate the [Tree of Infinity].

I must admit, I'm unsure whether I should disclose Kirei's survival to Kiritsugu. From what the Magus Killer believes, the priest's chapter is closed—his corpse dusted; buried within the rubbles of the Great Fire.

Informing Kiritsugu that I currently reside in the Church would only draw his attention to the black-hearted priest, and that's something I desperately want to avoid.

As I deactivate the [ToI], colors slowly return to the world, and it is then that I notice just how… Lifeless Shirou feels to my senses.

He does not move;

He does not fidget;

Even his breathing is so quiet, I'm almost convinced I'm looking at and talking to an inanimate object masquerading as a human, one that's failing miserably at that too. "No, I was taken in by a respectable, honest and God-fearing American— I mean, Japanese man." I chuckle at the meme, which appears to only confuse and disorientate Shirou further.

"Don't worry about it."

I wave off his concerns laughingly. "Just an inside joke. Anyways, what's up?"

"I just," The Harem Protagonist pauses, before giving me an offer I simply can't refuse. "I was wondering, do you want to visit? Father will be thrilled to see you in good health."

Aw, he's having troubles making friends and using Kiritsugu as an excuse. "Is there gonna be food?" If there's one thing all diehard Type-Moon fans are aware of, then it's the Emiya's terrific—or apparently disastrous in the Magus Killer's case—talents in the kitchen. "'Cause I could eat a horse."

With a slight narrowing of his eyes, not so much with suspicion but more puzzlement, Shirou questions, "Is your caretaker neglecting your nourishment?"

"Sort of?" I confess, "Although not intentionally, I think…"

Kirei may be doing it intentionally, but Gilgamesh, given her carefree nature, likely doesn't even recognize that children require sustenance for growth.

Perhaps this is why so many people are captivated by the concept of Cultivation… Not having to spend money on food, and growing stronger by being a murder-hobo NEET? Sign me in. "Well, my father isn't the greatest cook, but I can handle it." Shirou responds. "Lead the way, then."

Perhaps I can ask Kiritsugu the location of the Tohsaka Manor.

He should know where it is, shouldn't he?

Though I am aware I can discuss the matter with my Trigger, I have reservations about trusting Kiritsugu, the same way I do Kirei. I sympathize with him; I understand who he is as a person, which is precisely why I am cautious. A man who'll sacrifice his family for his ideal is one who'll betray me in a heartbeat,

And while [Veiled] conceals my thoughts, does not shield against external mental alterations.

If anything, it is probably wise for me to withhold my knowledge about the Supernatural from him to prevent fostering paranoia. Of course, no secret remains hidden forever, but until I'm certain I can protect myself, or until Kiritsugu's condition has degraded to a point where he's no longer a threat, he only needs to know I'm acquainted with the last Tohsaka. "Ah, follow me."

'Sheesh… He's quite awkward, isn't he?'

Shirou—as expected from a kid recently traumatized by a great disaster—is rather silent, but rather than the 'woe is me' mentality so many tend to adopt in his circumstance, it's like there's no thought in his mind at all. I don't envy his position, but damn am I envious of how empty-headed he currently is.

I sat for literal hours without being able to achieve that.


"Hm?" I respond questioningly.

"How do you know my name?"

Shirou looks at me with the same vacant expression that seems to be his default. Feeling a bit nervous, I let out a light chuckle. Time to gaslight. "Why, you told me! How else would I know?"

"I did?" He frowns, and inquires further.

"Yes, you did." I nod assuredly, crossing my arms.

"No, I didn't." The Harem Protagonist states matter-of-factly, his nose scrunching up slightly. And here I thought he was only capable of that perplexed look… 'You learn something every day.'

"Are you certain? It was a rather chaotic evening, after all. What with the fire and all." Shirou's expression tightens briefly before relaxing. "Perhaps I forgot… I was hoping you would know who I am."


I inquire, if only to convey concern and, hopefully, endear myself to the treasure-trove of Noble Phantasms. I doubt Gilgamesh will like it much when she finds out, but better to have the protagonist in my corner, than as enemy. Of course, I'm not afraid, I just don't have any beef with

"Yes, they said it's selective…" His fists are clenching to his sides, I notice. "I still recall general knowledge, like what a TV is and how to operate a stove, but everything related to my identity, my parents, is lost to me."

"Is it recoverable?"

I know what the answer is, what happened to Shirou was far more insidious than normal amnesia, but I ask nevertheless.

"They told me it's possible, but… I have a feeling this is permanent." His feeling is quite accurate, I must say. If Soul had layers, then the outer surface of Shirou's had been burnt to ashes. Though some will say: 'What's broken can be fixed', you just cannot piece ashes back together like one'd a porcelain bowl. Maybe it is for the best… Knowing Shirou, he'd no doubt torture himself if he remembered what he had forsaken in order to live. "Best let Dragons lie."

I comment, my voice light and breathy.

A red-pilled guru would tell Shirou to 'confront your Demons' and all that jazz, but I'm not delusional. There are certain things one should just leave as they are, for disturbing it could mean risking one's sanity. I get the feeling the Hero of Justice—whatever 'justice' even is—has a lot to say in regard to what I just said, but he stays his lips. "There it is."

Shirou points at a traditional-looking house in the corner of the street. One'd think the Emiya Residence would be quite eye-catching given its layout, but this is basically the 'rich-people' street where every building looks vaguely the same, and as I've mentioned, I am not insane enough to memorize every single detail about a—to me at least—formerly fictional building.

"Is Kiritsugu home?"

"He was packing up for a business trip when I went out, but I think he should still be—"


A loud, obnoxiously so, voice echoes behind us. "Eh, you're already bringing boys home?!" Followed by a shocked gasp. Who else could it be, but the Tigress of Fuyuki herself, Taiga Fujimura.

'-chan?' That honorific is typically reserved for women in Japan, although I've seen it used for young boys in anime as well.

Still, I can't help but glance at Shirou, whose hair seems suspiciously long.

Of course, there may be differences between anime and real life, but I have never seen a version of Shirou Emiya with hair that reaches his chin. Even Archer's is, at most, eye-level.

My mind inevitably wanders to Gilgamesh then. 'Is he—' No, it can't be.

'But why'd she say 'bringing boys' specifically?' Should it not be 'bringing friends'?

And why does she even seem shocked to begin with? I can understand if she's happy Shirou is making friends, since I can't imagine it's easy for someone in his position, but the connotation of her sentence is rather negative, even if it's done jokingly. Taiga jumps in front of Shirou, pushing the Harem Protagonist behind her protectively. "What are your intentions for our family's Shiro? I will have you know I am very well acquainted with some 'bad men', and I'm not afraid to use my connections!"

More like her family controls the 'bad men', but details.

The threat would sound more intimidating if Taiga didn't look so comical waving her arms around like that. 'Ah, right, she is still in high school during the Fourth Holy Grail War, isn't she?'

Shirou and I both blink at the nonsensical spiel she just spewed.

Stretching out my hand, I try my best to muster up a friendly smile.

"Hello, I'm Leonis Magnus, and I'm a friend of Shirou. Nice to meet you, Miss–"

"… Taiga Fujimura."

She says seriously.

"And why are you calling her 'him'? You calling my family's Shiro masculine or something?!"

I turn to Shirou, "You're a girl?"

"I thought you knew?" Who answers with the same confused look that mirrors mine.

"I didn't…"

"He could be lying!" Taiga purses her lips.

"Taiga-nee, knock it off. He saved my life."

"I did nothing of the sort."

At best I merely helped 'her' meet Kiritsugu a little sooner, I'd hardly call that 'saving her life'. "He led me to dad."

Shiro(u) elaborates.

"Eh… You'd have met him regardless."

Both girls ignore me. "You told me to make friends, don't scare them off."

"Yeah! But does it have to be a boy?" Taiga whines. "I'm not ready to lose you yet!"

Watching the ridiculous scene unfold before me, I slowly start to back away.

"Nope… Nah-dah."

I'm not doing this today, especially when I'm quite literally dying of starvation. 'Maybe I can find a quiet corner to beg for scraps instead.'

"Where are you going?"


My lips twitch involuntarily at the sound of their calls. Spinning around, I force up a smile. "I'm going to go get something to fill my stomach… You know, food?"

They clearly need to work things out.

"Did you just say 'food'?"

Taiga's expression shifts dramatically, quicker than I can comprehend.

Gingerly, I nod. "I was promised a meal in exchange for my presence..."

My stomach rumbles and churns with hunger. I've purposefully starved myself before, but this is the first time I feel this ravenous.

'So there are downsides to [Strongest of the Weak].'

I hadn't even considered that possibility until now, although it's also possible this is simply a side-effect of whatever that damnable priest did to me. 'Not sure which I'd prefer…'

"Well, why didn't you start with that?!" The Tigress grabs my hands, her enthusiastic gaze glued to Shiro while she jumps up and down like a five-years-old who was just promised a McDonald's happy meal by her parents. That, or a big, juicy whopper with crusty edges and enough sauces to give me class-III obesity. I can almost my body breaking down what little stored fat in reserve as it screams and pleads for sustenance. 'H- Help…'

"Do you think you could make dinner from yesterday again? Or maybe we could have beans and rice?"

Taiga is saying something, but I can't seem to focus on her words, my mind blurring from the hunger.

Meanwhile, Shiro(u) just looks weary—defeated even… Yet, simultaneously more human than I have ever seen her during our—admittedly—brief interactions.

"Come on in, Taiga-nee; Magnus-san—" I immediately shudder. "Just Leo is fine. Please do not add any honorific… I understand it is a culture-thing, but the sheer cringe just chases my hunger away, I think."

Spread the word! The cure to worldwide starvation is cringe, you heard it here first, folks! "Ah," Shiro(u) gasps, then looks at me seriously. "Leo, is that fine?" Unlike the anime would portray, she doesn't poke her fingers, and neither does she blush, instead the Harem Pro—the genderbent Harem Protagonist has this focused; concentrated and, if I were to be honest, constipated look on her face.

"That's better."

I breathe a sigh of relief.

"Food, food, food—"

The Tigress chants on the side as we talk, clawing at the door like a cat locked outside at 3 in the morning.

'Sheesh, who's the real child here?'

But you know what they say: If you can't beat them, join them.

"Food, food, food—!"

Entering the Emiya Residence is quite the novel experience, I'll admit. Say what you will about Kiritsugu, but the guy's fucking strapped. Being a hired killer who specializes in hunting Magi sounds like a pretty tempting career path. I might have even considered it, taken on a few big jobs before retiring without a System to rely on. As for saving the world, well, Shiro(u) is still here, isn't she? Let her handle it.

Sure, the likelihood of her actually surviving the Grail War is abysmally low with how many Bad Ends the Visual Novel had, but I believe in her! You go, girl!

"You need a hand?"

My voice echoes down the hall.

I have just about as much knowledge about Japanese cuisines as a toddler does words—it is there, but not nearly substantial enough to show off—so I cannot help with the cooking, but I can certainly bring out the dishes, wipe the chopsticks and bowls. It's just a short walk, after all: From here to the kitchen, I mean. Plus I get restless staying down for too long. "Ah, can you help me bring the foods out?"

Very appropriate response from her, I'll say.

It's impolite to reject assistance sometimes, and if her reply had been ruder, I'd have lost all motivations to help.

It's something I've come to realize, people don't mind the menial work, it's just how one phrases their request. Ask nicely, and most of the time you will get what you want. Keyword: 'Most.' Watching as I help arrange the table, Taiga fidgets in her seat, before getting up as well, likely feeling peer-pressured.

The Tigress is an 'oujo-sama' in the end, she has always had people serve and cater to her every need as the granddaughter and Heiress to the Fujimura Group. Must be a new concept to her—helping out, but I'm glad she is doing it out of her own volition. It shows she has good character, and merely lacks awareness due to her upbringing. "Thank you." Shiro(u) does not forget to say.

""Thanks for the meal.""

With the preliminaries out of the way, we dig in, devouring everything on the table like a pair of ravenous carnivores that have gone without food for days. In my defense, it does feel like I've been famished for that long. My last fast, undertaken primarily to save money on meals, lasted for three days and it didn't feel half as torturous as this.

To her credits, Shiro(u) neither reacts nor chides us about our eating habits, probably used to Taiga's already. "That's the last piece of fried tofu…" Staring into each other's eyes challengingly, sparks begin to burst between the Tigress of Fuyuki and I. The one to shoot the first shot is her,

"You're a boy, aren't you? Wouldn't want people saying you're fighting over food with a girl, now would you?"

I muster a smile that doesn't quite reach my eyes, before letting out a loud chuckle. "Aren't you, like, ten years older than me? Imagine the scandal if it got out that you were stealing food from a child, huh? And an orphan at that too…" Our grips tighten around our chopsticks while Shiro(u), fear in her eyes, puts up her hands hesitantly. "G- Guys, if you're still hungry I can make more—!"


Taiga and I shout.

"I want that specific piece!"

I growl, while the Tigress snorts haughtily.

"That's unfortunate, because so do I…"

"There's only one way to settle this then, mano-to-womano!"

This time, I don't wait for Taiga to make the first move, darting forward with my chopsticks, though I deliberately slow my speed to keep the competition fair.

The Tigress herself, as a trained swordswoman, is no slouch either.

The instant I try to guide the tofu into my mouth, she's already seized my chopsticks, snatching the food from my open jaws.

Just as she's about to pop the morsel into her own mouth, I abandon my utensils, lunging forward and chomping down on the tofu still clutched between her chopsticks.

"That's cheating!" Taiga shrieks.

"If you ain't cheatin'—" I reply through a mouthful, before swallowing. "You ain't tryin' hard enough."

"Noooooo! My tofu!!!"

I glance at her from the corner of my eyes and snort victoriously. "Beat it, sucker!"


Snarling, Taiga hisses through clenched teeth. "I'll get you next time!"

Blowing at my nails, I say with a sagely expression. "So they all say… But nobody has gotten me yet."

Staring at the both of us, the redheaded girl can no longer contain her laughter, chuckling for the first time. The Tigress and I exchange the 'look', before the former quickly breaks into crocodile tears. "It's not funny! He stole my tofu which I won fair and square!"

After dinner, Taiga sulks in the corner while Shiro(u) and I enjoy our evening teas. "By the way, do either of you happens to know where the Tohsaka Manor is?" The Hero of Justice-wannabe seems positively confused, while the Tigress huffs. "I do! But I won't tell you… Who told you to take my food?"

'Of course.' The average citizens may not know about the Tohsaka, but as the major Yakuza Group in Fuyuki, the Fujimura naturally must know about the Founding Families of the Holy Grail War. They may not know the specifics or about Magecraft, but it is their territory.

"How childish," I chuckle. "What can I do to change your mind?"

"You can beg!"

She answers, nose upturned and arms crossed.

I look at the Tigress, stare really, and shrug. "Guess I will have to find my own way then." Getting up, I nod at Shiro(u), "Thank you for the meal, I'll repay you one day, but for now I really need to leave."

"Eh?!" Taiga, ponytail bouncing at the rapid head-movement, yells questioningly. "You are not even gonna try?"

"Nope." I say with an extra pop at the end. "The ancestors will guide my way."

"Will you come back?" Shiro(u) asks.

"I will, if you want me to."

With that, I take my leave through the front door. Running into Shiro on her way to the grocery store has turned out to be a blessing in disguise.

I had been wondering how to approach the protagonist without coming across as creepy, and here she is, inviting me back.

With any luck, I may be able to throw her at—I mean 'ask for her assistance' against an enemy Servant after all.

Shiro, Rin, and Sakura– none of them have a wish that requires the Grail. If I can convince them to make peace, we could even have the Servants around and enjoy ourselves like they did in "Today's menu for the Emiya family". I do not care much for the other Servants, but their interactions were entertaining, as long as that crazy, purpled-haired Witch stays away from Baeber, if she's even summoned in this War, that is.

"Hey, Leo-tan!"

My feet instantly still as a wave of nausea courses through my entire body, "Oh, fuck, please stop adding honorifics to my name!" I scream, beg really.

"Are you upset?"

Scratching the back of her head, Taiga smiles awkwardly as she asks.

"No?" I blink at her. "Why'd you think that?"

She breathes a sigh of relief, visibly deflating. "Well, it just… You looked upset. With the furrowed brows and all."

"I just had something in mind. Had nothing to do with you."

"Oh..." Taiga makes a gasp of acknowledgement.

"Is that all?"

"Look, I wish to apologize. I know I may have acted unreasonably earlier, but it is just surprising to see my new 'sister' bring a boy home and I—"

"Didn't want her to be taken advantage of, I understand." I interrupt, finishing the sentence in her place. "Just dial it down a bit, okay? I know you are well-intentioned, but others may find it insulting." If you act like an asshole and put everyone down in the first meeting, they're going to dislike you. Actions and consequences and all that… "Save the jokes for when we are better acquainted."

"I'll try."

Chuckling awkwardly, Taiga walks in front of me. "You don't seem too bad. I'll reluctantly let you date Shiro."

"You're thinking too far ahead." I laughingly reply. "We're too young for that."

But the Tigress just shrugs with a self-conceited look. "You never know. Remember, don't do anything us adults won't do…" Taiga pauses ever briefly, then adds, cringing on the spot. "Don't do anything we would either."

"And what does that entail, precisely?"

I smirk, throwing her a side-glance which causes a blush to form on her face. "Wel- Well—"

I can practically see the steam rising from her head as I hide a shit-eating grin. "Easy there, don't overwork that brain of yours too much. Wouldn't want you to rupture something, Taiga-nee."


The Tigress clears her throat, clearly trying to maintain her dignity as the elder sibling, before swiftly changing the subject. "As a way to make amends for my mistakes, I'll escort you to your destination."

"Why?" Have I not already made it crystal clear that I harbor no grudge against her?

"It's for my own peace of mind, really..." She replies, a hint of embarrassment on her face.

Looking at her sheepish expression, I shrug. "Alright then, welcome aboard, Taiga-nee. Glad to have you."

I didn't exactly need a guide, but if someone's offering it for free, why the Hell not? Free stuffs are the best, after all.

— — — — —

If you want to support me and read unreleased chapters, here you go, there are over a dozen Chaps there. Can't miss it.

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