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100% Something Certainly Possible / Chapter 3: A New Life

Capítulo 3: A New Life

 Sitting in my bed, I think back to the badge I had seen. With the truth laid out so bare before me, I could only imagine what kind of future was awaiting me... I mean, I was born into this world that had an almost infinite potential of destruction.

 Although the SCP are bountiful and many are considered Safe and Euclid, along with the others left uncontained for the reason of not needing to be, there are also many that if left alone, could wreak havoc upon the world such as one that even just a glance of its' face could make it neverendingly rage, or others much like the giant whale under the ocean that if it moves around enough could destroy the world through flooding.

 'Well, considering the world is still intact and I am alive with no sense of death coming near, I think it is safe to assume that all is fine for now... well, not that I would know truly anyways... there is no point in worrying about these matters.'

 'To think that I am only finding this out now... they even kept such a secret from a baby- damn, how The Foundation operates is truly beyond me.'

 A light knocking on my bedroom door sounds- creaking open, I see my mother's head slowly peeking in, and once seeing me sitting awake, she comes in and takes a seat next to me on my bed, her arm wrapping around my waist in a small hug.

 "How are you doing baby, can't sleep? Do you want to talk about it?"

 With a slight nod, I turn to look into her eyes and reply, "I'm alright, just thinking about the company that you and dad work for- how come you've never talked about it, like it's a secret?"

 She visibly freezes up for but a moment before a small smile rises on her naturally pale face, "Well honey, to tell you the truth I cannot go too in depth about the company I work for and it is indeed considered a secret, however you are my one and only child... it could endanger you if you knew more than that."

 Staying silent for a moment, I take a second to think before I reply once again: "Does that not mean that you and dad are in danger every time you go to work?"

 "Well... yes honey, however the work that me and your father is something that you could even say is saving the world, but the world... the world must never know."

 "So, you're like secret agents?" I ask.

 With a chuckle she responds, "Yes, we are just like secret agents... alright, baby that's all I can tell you right now, maybe in the due future you will join us, but for now you need to get some sleep, alright?"

 Nodding my head, I put my head on her shoulder and wrap my tiny six-year-old arms around her, giving her a loose hug before lying down in bed and closing my eyes... slowly beginning to drift off.

 "Sleep well my dearest, I will see you tomorrow alright?" she says, kissing me on my forehead and brushing my red hair behind my ears gently.


 I awake to the sound of sirens, or what seems to be: it was a boisterous alarm that would awaken an entire town- that is, if we didn't live in the countryside.

 Jumping to my feet, I peek through my window, lifting the shades just enough for my eyeballs to peer through to the outside. I could see five shadows, each of them rushing towards the side of our home. Staring and observing even closer, I could see from their outlines that they had weapons, assault rifles that were aiming...

 'Oh shit!' I throw myself to the ground roughly almost graze my head, I crawl hastily to my bedroom door and push it open forcefully, when suddenly I feel a large grip on my right arm as I get pulled to the side, my mouth abruptly being clammed shut by a large hand.

 "It's me son, be quiet for now and trust me. You know where the basement is, go there quickly and pull back the couch behind the pool table, you'll find a small hiding space, now go! Hurry!" yelling the last part only.

 It was my father, with a cold look in his eyes burning with a rage I had never seen before in him, he held an assault rifle in his hand that was shaded deeply, with a grenade lying beside him; he picks it up and throws it into my room, seemingly towards my window.

 With nothing audible but the gunshots behind me, I found myself bolting to the destination he had set for me. I enter the kitchen and practically throw myself through the basement door, jumping down the steps three at a time, I make my way to the back of the room, push away the couch with all my might and find the hole he had designated for this moment.

 Entering the hidden area, I find that the couch had a handle in the back that I swiftly pulled to put the couch into its' previous position, effectively hiding me away until found... by either my family or the intruders.

 ...seconds pass, turning to minutes... and then to what seems to be hours when finally, I hear the door leading to be basement get pushed open forcibly and boots marching down the steps and stopping for but a moment before making their way towards me.

 'Wait what, no- why did they stop for a moment, it was as if they were looking around first before finally coming to a conclusion or something...' I think panickily, 'Shit, I don't think that's my father!' 

 The footsteps finally reach just outside the hidden space I was in, beyond the covering couch.

 With a boom the couch is kicked away, and a gun is shoved into the hole, aiming directly at my chest. With no time to respond in this and definitely no space to dodge, I am shot directly on the right side of my body... the searing pain of bullets tearing through me, I fall limply to the ground.

 The last thing I saw was the persons' attire which I knew all too well- an outfit only used by members of the Chaos Insurgency!

 'Damn, and now I'm dead again just like that huh?'


 Heat, darkness, pain... so much pain... and then light!

 Only this time I was not being reborn, my injuries from the bullet a solid reminding in that fact; there exist a bright fluorescent light that reside above me, letting me know that I am in some kind of facility... I could feel my blood rapidly leaving my body, my vision fading in and out: I was on the edge of my life.

 "He is dying, we can't stop his bleeding loss fast enough. His wounds must be closed quickly or else there's nothing else we can do, bring it." a voice I knew from birth sounds with immense urgency.

 Seconds later, I saw my mother standing above me with worrying eyes.

 "My dear, you're awake... I need you to swallow this quickly, trust me baby." she says while bringing her hand to my face holding a red pill, gently pushing it beyond my lips and into my mouth, shortly pouring just a bit of water into my mouth so I can take it down yet not enough to make me choke whilst I lay.

 I swallow, 'What the hell is a single pill going to do that would stop m-' my thinking being interrupted as I can feel my wounds rapidly healing, my bleeding coming to a stop completely because of it, however I could also feel myself becoming drowsier as an accompanying result.

 'How...' with the remaining bit of energy I have left, I turn my head to the left and see a bottle with a label that read [SCP-500] on it.

 My vision darkening, my last thoughts were, 'That still doesn't explain...'


 Fluttering open, I see the ceiling that was once bright is now about as dark that the back of my eyelids was.

 Slowly getting a feel for my body, I felt no sense of aching nor fatigue; glancing around the room, I find the walls painted a light shade of grey, chairs that were empty to my right... I was lying on the operating table, right in front of the door and dead center in the room, with a one-way window on my left.

 Thinking back to previous events, I delve deeper into the happenings that I knew of, along with the differences of a certain item.

 'SCP-500 is only able to cure diseases... and that was in the timespan of two hours at least... so why is it that I find my injuries healed instantly, or even healed at all to begin with?' I think before just as quickly shoving the thought into the recesses of my mind, I can worry about that later.

 Sitting up gradually, I take a breath before talking to whomever may hear me, "Hello, is there anyone there? I am awake now, anyone?"

 Before long the door ahead of me is pushed open and enter my parents, coming towards me at a fast pace, worry and even more worry sketched upon their faces.

 "Baby, are you ok- do you feel any pain?" my mother rushes to me, checking me up and down for any problems that could have arisen; my father stands to the side but also casts a similar glance upon me.

 "Mom, dad... I'm fine, but what happened and where are we?" I take a moment, "...and who were those people?"

 They look at one another, before what seems to be a look of defeat is all that remains, "Yeah... we knew we'd have this conversation eventually, just not so soon... we wanted you to grow into a fine young man before finally making your decision, however now it seems we are left with only two choices."

 With a sigh, my father puts his hand on my shoulder, staring dead into my eyes with a tinge of hesitance...

 'Damn choices, why is there always a choice?' I think frustratingly.

 "Son, your choices are both rough ones." he pauses, "You can either one, join us at the company that we work for and learn all of it is that we do, or two, you will be given to your grandmother to take care of you but have your memories replaced, making it so that she was the only caretaker you've ever had."

 "What... why would you have to replace my memories- why would I need-"

 Cutting me off, "For your own safety, and for The Foundation's." my mother says.

 'Well, there isn't really a choice here is there?' I laugh in my mind, 'Like always...'

 "I want to stay with my dad and mom, why would I ever leave you?" I state with a vacant gaze, seeming to look through them... as I was, just beyond.

 They both nod slowly, before my mother speaks, "Okay Em, you've made your choice but just know, you can never speak to anyone about what you are going to hear next, do you hear me?"

 I nod vigorously, maybe the most energetic I've ever been in this lifetime, or my previous hellish one.

 Taking a deep breath she afterwards continues, "The men that you saw were members of the Chaos Insurgency, and as for what they really wanted there... they had received coordinates on our family, they wanted to kill us and use our badges-" she points at her breast, "-to infiltrate the facility here and capture many of the... various objects that reside here... as for the 'company' we work for, it is known as the SCP Foundation and the work we do, although sometimes dark, is a necessary evil to make it so that this world continues to spin."

 "What makes these objects so... valuable though? I don't understand mom."

 This is where my father cuts in, "Son, do you remember the pill your mother gave to you earlier?" I nod in response, "That pill is known as SCP-500 and it is what we call an anomaly: it is able to cure all diseases and heal injuries to a certain extent."

 '...huh, so it can still cure diseases, but this indeed differs as I know it.'

 Seeing he has my full attention he continues, "We have labelled SCP-500 with a safe classing, however there are many varying SCP that could pose a serious problem to this world's fragile balance, and we must keep them contained and away from the public's ears."

 Feigning ignorance, I ask, "What does SCP stand for?"

 With a chuckle my mother answers me this time, "Secure. Contain. Protect. is what it stands for my love, ah... your curiosity reminds me of how I was back when I was just a bit older than you."

 With a slight smile this time I ask a question I'm not sure they expected, "Well... if the company you work for is called The SCP Foundation, then why are the objects that you contain called SCP too?"

 Speechlessness, naught but a moment however you could note the strange looks residing upon their faces... but also glee at my curiosity.

 With a boasting laugh my father announces, "A natural scientist you are son, the anomalies that we contain are labelled as SCP because that is just the term we use, resulting based on our Foundation's name. Each SCP has a certain Special Containment Procedure that we must fulfill to keep them... well, contained."

 "Oh... alright then but where are we, one of the facilities?" I ask few questions, "Also, what do you both work as here, and what about home, are we going to live somewhere else now?"

 My father looks at my mother, in which she nods at him, before they both return their attention back to me, my father beginning to speak once more.

 "Yes, we are now in one of the many facilities that the Foundation has made, and I work as a security officer here with my job being to basically keep the facility safe, along with the various anomalies and staff residing here... as for where we will live, I will let your mother finish."

 Clearing her throat, my mother continues, "Well firstly, I am what is known as a site director and what I do is very similar to what your father does however I am responsible for the entire facility and every staff member residing here must report to me, with me in turn who reports to my higher-ups, the 05 Council... secondly, we will live here, in this facility. There are many scientists and guards who must stay overnight frequently and some even live here, we have a designated area within the facility for just that reason."

 Silence falls after, I'm finding myself sitting there in disbelief and wonder, 'No way, my mother is one of the highest possible ranking personnel existing withing the Foundation... and my father, well he didn't surprise me much actually.'

 "We know that's a lot to digest Em, but come first and let me your father take you to the living quarters- to your room of which you will stay from now... I will come along in not too long; I have to report everything that has happened." she kisses my forehead before leaving the room in a hurry.

 Nodding silently while still in thought, I slowly get up from the bed and follow my father while quiet the whole way, going through many corridors, my body was on autopilot as he guided me through the facility towards our destination.

 'SCP... my mother is a site director, my father... is a guard... I am going to be joining the SCP Foundation starting from today and learn all about the SCP, even more so than I already have... what a strange life I've found myself living.'

 'Hmm, however there's still something I don't understand... something so slight but strange indeed, why does SCP-500 differ from how I know it?' I ponder, '...and if that SCP slightly varies from what I know, then what else will?'

 The sound of a door opening, along with a slight shaking takes me from my thoughts, I gaze up and see my father gently smiling at me.

 "We're here son, take a look around... well, it's not much but you'll be staying here for now, so I do hope you'll accustomed to life here."

 Taking a look around like he had suggested, I find that the room is similar to that of an apartment, with a kitchen mixed with the dining room to the right of the entrance, a path leading down to a hallway separating it from the living room on the left. Peering down the hallway, I could see two doors on both sides of the wall, and another door all the way at the end.

 To be honest, I was indeed quite surprised... what I expected were bunkbeds and that was about it, however what I was witnessing was an entire living arrangement existing within literally the most mysterious organization in this world.

 "It's pretty nice, right? We've always had this place as a fallback for if things go awry, not too long after you were born we had this created... you see that door all the way at the end of the hallway, that's your mother's office, that is where she will usually be working, so never enter and disturb her alright?"

 Once again, I was vacantly nodding, taking in this new environment and getting mentally prepared for the beginning of a new chapter in this life.

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