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Chapter 28: When The World Needed Him Most Part 19

Katara soon began to led Aang through the village, pointing out various igloos and huts and explaining their purposes. "This is where we store our food," she said, gesturing to as she did so. "And over there is where we prepare the fish."

Aang, using the opportunity to the fullest, followed her closely, nodding enthusiastically at almost everything. "Wow, Katara, your village is amazing. You must be really proud of it."

Katara gave him a friendly smile but was starting to feel a bit weirded out by his intensity. "Uh, thanks, Aang. It's home, I guess."

As they walked past a group of children playing, Aang waved cheerfully at them. "Hey, kids! I'm the Avatar!"

The children stared at him, wide-eyed, before looking to Katara for confirmation. She sighed and nodded. "Yes, he's the Avatar."

"Cool!" one of the kids shouted, running off to tell the others.

Aang beamed at Katara. "Did you see that? They think I'm cool."

Katara nodded, her smile becoming more strained. 'Okay, this is getting awkward. Does he have to act like a baby penguin?'

Aang continued to bombard her with questions. "So, what do you guys do for fun around here? Do you have any favorite spots? I'd love to see where you like to hang out."

Katara forced another smile. "Well, we mostly work and take care of the village. Not much time for fun, really."

Aang's face fell slightly, but he quickly recovered. "That's okay! I'm sure we can find something fun to do together."

Katara raised an eyebrow. 'Wow, this guy is relentless.'

Meanwhile, Back at Kel's Igloo

Gran Gran had left Kel alone to rest in his igloo. He was about to pull out his Angelina Jolie magazines when Sylvia waddled in, still in her penguin form.

Kel frowned. "What now, Sylvia? I didn't call for you."

Sylvia tilted her head, her beady eyes blinking. "The Mistress is amused and sent me to give you a gift to help you on your quest."

Kel sighed inwardly, 'Great, this is going to be something weird, isn't it?'

On the surface, he tried to sound interested. "What is it, Sylvia?"

Sylvia tapped her fish staff, and with a small flash of light, a duffle bag appeared near Kel. Without another word, Sylvia waddled away, leaving Kel alone with the mysterious bag.

He shook his head. 'She might genuinely be a retard.'

Curiosity got the better of him, and he unzipped the duffle bag. Inside, he found a pair of handcuffs, a key, a map, a bottle of lube, and a container of spice. Kel stared at the contents, utterly bewildered.

"What the fuck?" he said out loud.

He rummaged through the bag, hoping to find some instructions, but there were none. He held up the items one by one, shaking his head in disbelief. 'What kind of twisted game is this Mistress playing?'

Kel leaned back against the igloo wall, staring at the bizarre assortment of items. 'Well, this should be interesting atleast.'

Meanwhile on the tour…

As Katara continued giving Aang a tour of the village, Aang realized that he had been talking non-stop. His excitement had gotten the better of him, but he figured that he was at least acting like the real Aang so it's not like he made her suspect anything. Still, he decided to tone it down a bit.

"Sorry if I'm ranting," Aang said, trying to look cool despite his shiny, bald head making it a bit difficult. "I'm just trying not to think too much about everything."

Katara gave him a pat on the shoulder. Aang inwardly sighed, wishing for a hug instead. 'Just a matter of time before I get that and more,' he thought optimistically.

Katara, on the other hand, was thinking, 'I should have stayed behind with Sokka. Wow, never thought I'd say that.' Despite this, she felt sorry for Aang, assuming he was having trouble coping. She genuinely hoped he'd feel better soon. On the surface, she smiled and said, "Hey Aang, I need to head back and go out to collect sea prunes since we couldn't do it earlier."

Aang perked up immediately. "I can help! Two is better than one, right?"

Katara's smile turned awkward, but she couldn't say no. "Uh, sure, Aang. That would be... helpful."

As they walked back to the village, Aang fired question after question, his enthusiasm unending. "So, do you guys have any festivals? What's your favorite food? And how do you keep warm in the winter?"

Katara answered each question patiently, though inwardly she was getting exhausted. 'Does he ever stop talking?'

When they finally reached the village, they ran into Gran Gran. "Where are you going, Katara?" she asked.

"I was going to collect sea prunes," Katara explained, "and Aang offered to help."

Gran Gran shook her head. "No need. You go make Sokka some soup while I show Aang where he can sleep while he's a guest here."

Katara's felt extremely relieved. "Alright, Gran Gran. See you later, Aang."

She hurried off, feeling a weight lift off her shoulders. Aang watched her go, a little disappointed but hopeful. 'I'll get there eventually,' he thought.

Gran Gran then led Aang to a small igloo. "You can stay here, Aang. It's not much, but it's warm and dry.

God_Of_Brutality God_Of_Brutality

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