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Chapter 27: When The World Needed Him Most Part 18

Instead of taking off, Appa leaped and landed in the water with a massive splash, moving aside many of the surrounding chunks of ice. Kel, now slightly damp, raised an eyebrow. "Wow, we are really soaring through the skies," he said sarcastically.

Aang laughed, trying to lighten the mood. "Appa's just tired. You'll be pleasantly surprised later, trust me."

'Who even says pleasantly?' Kel rolled his eyes. "If you say so, Mr. Avatar." 

Katara frowned and nudged Kel. "Don't be such a jerk, Sokka. He's just trying to help."

"Oh, right, we didn't introduce ourselves properly," Katara suddenly realized. "I'm Katara, and this ungrateful paranoid guy is my brother, Sokka."

"Nice to meet you both, I'm Aang" Aang said with a smile. "And don't worry about it Katara, take it as thanks for helping me out of that ice."


Meanwhile, not too far away from the Southern Water Tribe, a Fire Nation ship was cutting through the frigid waters. On it, Prince Zuko stood on the deck, his intense gaze fixed on the horizon.

"Uncle, did you see that light?" Zuko asked, his voice filled with urgency.

"Yes, I did," Uncle Iroh replied calmly, sipping his tea. "It was quite impressive. Like a full moon a beautiful winter night"

Zuko clenched his fists. "That could be the Avatar, uncle. This is it, I must capture him and restore my honor."

Iroh looked at his nephew and sighed, voice showing concern mixture of concern. "Zuko, remember that the Avatar's been gone for a long time, it is time you stop chasing this ghost. Perhaps it's instead a sign that you need to look within yourself to find what you truly seek."

Zuko's expression hardened. "The only way to restore my honor is by capturing the Avatar. Helmsman! Set a course for the light!"

Back on Appa, Katara turned to Aang, her curiosity piqued. "So, Aang, how did you end up in that ice? how long have you been in there?"

Aang hesitated for a moment, then decided to alter his story from the original slightly. "I left the Southern Air Temple because I was angry. While flying with Appa, we got caught in a storm and were forced into the water. To save us, I went into the Avatar State and bent the water around us to create a safe space. I don't know how long we've been in there."

Katara's eyes widened in admiration. "That's incredible! Sokka, are you hearing this? I'm Actually a wate-"

Kel, leaning back against the saddle, gave a lazy wave. "Oh yeah, I hear everything."

Katara paused and shot him a glare. "You're such a jerk sometimes, Sokka." She then turned back to Aang. "Don't mind him."

Aang chuckled, but inwardly he was thinking about how to continue impressing Katara. However Katara then went on to add, "My Gran Gran told us airbenders are extinct so Sokka is being stubborn."

Aang's expression tensed a bit. He knew he had to put on a sad act now. His face fell, and his voice grew somber. "Yeah, that's actually possible huh…"

Aang pretended to look devastated. "If that's true, it means I've been gone so long that I failed as the Avatar. And worst of all, I've lost all my friends." Inwardly, he thought, 'Perfect. This should definitely get her to feel sorry for me.'

Katara's eyes quickly filled with sympathy. "I'm so sorry, Aang. Maybe it's just a bad rumor. There's still a chance some of your people are still out there."

Kel couldn't help but interject, "Don't give him hope, Katara. It will only hurt more later."

Aang went on to pretended to be even more depressed than a Gen-Z LGBTQ American teenager. "Kel is right. Maybe it's too late, and it's all my fault."

Kel inwardly thought, 'Man, this guy is really milking the pity card. Anymore depressed and he'll start using the suicide card.'

As Appa swam closer to the village, the sight of the massive sky bison caused a commotion among the children playing nearby. They ran towards the shore, shouting and pointing, which in turn attracted the attention of the adults, including Gran Gran.

Once they made it to shore, the children rushed to Appa, their eyes wide with wonder. Katara and Aang helped Kel down from the saddle, and Gran Gran approached them with a stern expression.

"What happened?" Gran Gran asked, her eyes narrowing as she took in the sight of Aang. "And who is this?"

Katara quickly explained, "Gran Gran, this is Aang. He's an airbender we found trapped in ice. He says he's the Avatar. He helped us since we got stranded because a certain someone didn't listen to me."

Gran Gran's expression softened slightly, but she still looked skeptical. "The Avatar? But he's just a child."

Aang nodded, trying to look humble and earnest. "Yes, ma'am. I'm the Avatar, but I've been in the ice for a long time."

Gran Gran took a deep breath, trying to process everything. "Well, that's a lot to take in. But thank you for bringing him back safely, Aang."

Katara added, "He's really been through a lot, Gran Gran. We should do everything we can to help him."

Gran Gran nodded, her stern demeanor melting away into one of cautious acceptance. "Of course, Katara. We'll do our best to help him."

Kel, still pretending to be in pain, thought, 'Great, now we've got a celebrity guest.'

Katara turned to Aang with a warm smile. "You should have a look around the village, Aang. There's a lot to see and learn. I need to tend to Sokka's injury."

Aang immediately jumped at the opportunity. "I can help with Sokka's injury too! I mean, if that's okay with you, Katara."

Kel inwardly groaned, 'Geez, this guy really wants to be near her. I bet he'd volunteer to watch paint dry if she asked.'

Before Katara could respond, Gran Gran stepped in. "Katara, why don't you show Aang around the village? I'll tend to Sokka's injury."

Katara looked a bit hesitant but nodded. "Alright, Gran Gran. Aang, come with me. I'll give you a little tour."

Aang's face lit up like a Christmas tree, and he followed Katara eagerly. "Thanks, Katara! I can't wait to see everything."

As they walked away, Kel watched them go feeling reliefed. 'That much simping might be contagious, good riddance,' he thought.

God_Of_Brutality God_Of_Brutality

Part 2 of the Special Treatment Parody is out on P@treon. It's free for everyone, just go to IHAPR parodies collection.

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