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100% The Teenage Spy attends High School / Chapter 21: Chapter 18: The Changing Room Fiasco

Capítulo 21: Chapter 18: The Changing Room Fiasco

POV Katsura

"So... Like this?..." I ask

"Yes. Like that. See.... It's not that difficult" Hori san says.

We were at her house. Having a joint study session. It was mostly her fixing my logic.

"Now, look her at this next part. You really don't want to do this like the way it's shown here. It would take you forever to reach the conclusion by this way. Wait... Did you do it like this?" She asks, with clear shock in her voice

"No.... I mean... Well yes... It was shown in the book and you know I well...." I don't complete the sentence.

Truth behind told, it was all the same for me. It wasn't easy or difficult. It was just some job for me. Something that I probably enjoyed. Working with my memory allowed me to forget everything. It's almost like alcohol you know. When you are memorizing something like me, everything stops around you. You don't know who you are where you are, only emotions flow through you. When I am happy, it is the only emotion I feel and in general that's how I felt these days. So memorizing was a total pleasure for me.

"You know, you are a terrible liar Zura. I don't even understand, how you can remember this whole wall of random texts and numbers without knowing it one bit!" She says exasperated.

I smile an awkward smile.

 I am not "normal" after all, I can't always help it.

"Well. I am trying" I say.

Hori san sighs. She is probably at a loss for words

We dive back in. I don't know how long it takes, but it always feels like a minute when I am here.

"Do you want some tea Zura?" Kyoske san asks from behind me.

This guy just pops in the weirdest of moments.

"Didn't know you were still here Kyoske" Hori san says gloomily.

"Its my house too you know." Kyoske adds

"So.. about the tea…. Do you guys want any. I am making some for myself anyway" he says nonchalantly.

"Sure." I say.

"Are you sure Zura? He is alone in the kitchen, who knows when he would slip something in your tea" Hori san says in a menacing tone.

She just became the weirdest when it came about Kyoske. I don't know what to reply to that. Somehow my tea desire was lowered a bit.

"Hey! Come on Daddy would never do such a thing. Kyoko, you make it sound like I am a wierdo or something" he protests

"Because you are one" Hori san says

"Hey.." Kyoske is about to protest

"Hori san, I don't want to study anymore, we have been at this for hours, didn't you borrow that new movie from the rental. How about we watch that?" I say. The matter was getting out of hand. It wouldn't be a full-fledged argument, but the back-and-forth bickering would drive me insane.

"You mean, the full 5 hour Horror and Gore Fest, uncut and unedited version? Sure. I was waiting to watch that with you" she says, her face lighting up in a smile. It was like we were about to watch a wholesome family movie. How could she say something so horrifying with such a dangerously sweet smile?!

"Oh… that… well.. I feel tired now, I think I should just leave for home, I promised Miyamura that I would play some games with him tonight" I say. In just a few weeks I have become a terrible liar. Its not that I cant lie when I want to, but with Hori san and the others, my body just refuses to lie.

"Come on… It would be fun" she says, wrapping her arm around my neck. She was still smiling. I couldn't say no to that smile. I didn't want to disappoint her.

"Okay… I can stay" I say weakly

"Well… you guys must want some privacy; I think I will probably go outside while you guys enjoy the movie" Kyoske san says.

He was almost as bad a liar as me. His voice clearly betrayed his unwillingness in watching whatever monstrosity, Hori san had in store for us. Come on Kyoske san!! Don't leave me alone, I cant deal with 5 hours of that. I look at him pleadingly.

His eyes meet mine, his expressions reads as if "No way man! Its every man for himself"

"Well didn't you want some father daughter bonding, this might be a chance, all of us could enjoy the movie together" Hori san said in a weirdly expressionless tone. Was she actually enjoying this? Torturing me and Kyoske san like this?

Well Kyoske san, you are in the same pond as me now. Even he couldn't say no to her.

In the end we all had to sit through 5 hours of Horror and Gore fest with her. It was mostly me and Kyoske san squirming, and Hori san yawning it off as a boring movie. How she could claim that a movie like that was boring was something beyond my understanding entirely.

Segment 2

POV Hori san

"I am going to call out the names of those who need to attend the summer classes, those whose names are called, please talk to me after this class for your schedule. Ishida. Kuryomi….." Yasuda goes on.

It was a moment of excitement for all of us. Normally I wouldn't be this excited, but this time something was different. Zura was invested into this, and he made me invested too. Yuki and Miyamura need to get through.

"And Tatsuma" Yasuda finishes with his sheet. More than half the class have been selected for summer classes. I knew this would have happened, the school actually wanted us more grounded during summer, it was to prepare us better, I know its for our own good, but damn, losing the last free summer vacation as a high schooler for that seemed a bit too harsh.

Yuki and Miyamura made it through. Actually, Zura was a genius when it came to the questions part, almost everything he predicted was there in the exam. I turn behind me and see Zura heave a sigh of relief. He flashes a smile at me and turns to Yuki, who shows a thumbs up to him. Miyamura makes a quick bow of thanks as well. Even Toru looked a bit relieved.

It was as if a huge load had been lifted from our chests. I think this is probably the first time in my life I was worried about someone else's test other than mine. I was happy for them. Now, we were free to enjoy summer.

The class ends soon enough.

"Man!! I was sooo worried, I sure thought I confused the last question, It was not easy to memorise that part" Yuki exclaims. She has been boiling with enthusiasm after the class. I could understand her enthusiasm

"Yeah sorry about that, I know it must have been difficult" Zura says thoughtfully

I look at him astonished. That guy?! He memorised textbooks over textbooks, and he claimed to understand its difficulty?!

He winks at me.

"Congratulations guys, I barely made it through myself, the paper was hellish" Toru groans

"Thanks Zura, without your notes, I never would have made it through" Miyamura says.

"Don't mention it guys." Zura says

"So… what are your plans for summer?" Zura asks

We all look at each other blankly for a few seconds. Strangely, not a single person among us had thought what they would do through the entirety of the vacation if we made through the exam.

"Ehhhh… I never thought about it" Yuki groans

"We were so busy after all" Miyamura smiles

Toru looks deep in thought.

"Toru, do you have any ideas?" I ask

He looks up at me. He decides something for a moment and confirms himself. "How would you guys like to spend a few days at our farmhouse in the countryside?"

A few days in the countryside would be a big change from the city. I was all in for the idea. Plus, it would be my first time in vacation with my friends, and finally I could be alone with Zura for a few days without Kyoske always hogging him.

"Wow.. you guys have a farm?!" Zura says amazed.

"Its not ours. Technically its my grandparents' property." He explains

"Wouldn't we be a bother? Entertaining teenagers could be bothersome for them" Zura says

Sometimes I hate how thoughtful Zura always is. I didn't want Toru to think back on his decision, I really want to go.

"No. No. Of course not. They have been actually pegging me to bring my friends over, they are bored anyways, there is nothing much to do there anyways. I am more worried if they would annoy you all" Toru laughs

"I would love to go" I chime in. I didn't want to give Zura another chance to deter the conversation.

Zura looks at me wide eyed. He seemed to catch my drift as his eyes relax back

"Count me in too." He says

"Yeah. me too" Yuki chimes in.

"Miyamura, you can come too if you want" Toru says

"I actually need to talk with Sakura san before confirming, I don't know if she has anything planned" he says apologetically.

"Why don't we invite prez and the others too. It would be fun" Zura says.

"Good idea, why didn't I think about that?" Toru exclaims.

"Well, if Sakura san and the others come, then there is no reason for me to not join you" Miyamura says.

"Good. I can have a talk with my parents, and I will tell you guys tomorrow" Toru says

We still had a good two days before the term ended for good. Two days before the best summer vacation of my life.


Segment 3

POV Ishikawa

"No one's in, now is your chance Zura. Go for it!" I exclaim

It was almost time for PE, the changing room was more crowded than ever today, no way Zura could have changed in there. We had to wait until everyone left and now class was almost about to begin.

Zura rushes to a corner and starts to pull out his shirt. I stay near the door listening if anyone came in accidentally.

I never quite grapsed the fact, why his body was so heavily scarred. The bandages on his chest, the ugly burns. I have tried to think about various causes, but nothing seemed to fit. No accident could have done that.

Just what the hell caused those injuries?! It was almost as if he was tortured. But how could that be? Is it even possible for a teenager to suffer abuse like that in this part of the world.

Suddenly I hear footsteps outside. They are closer to the door than I would have liked. I turn back quickly and see Zura without his T shirt. He was about to give away everything. I hear the footsteps coming closer and I make up my mind. To hell with my reputation, Zura was a good friend of mine, so it was my duty to help him. I quickly rush towards him and push him towards the wall. I make sure that my body outline covers his. He is quite thin, so it is not a big deal

"Wh..what are you doing Ishikawa kun?" Zura asks meekly, as the door behind me opens.

Zura seemed to understand what I was doing and he pushed himself back more to hide his silhouette.

I hear Iura's voice behind me.

"I think I forgot my phone....What are you doing Ishikawa kun?!" He exclaims.

Now, Iura is a good friend, but sometimes he gets on my nerves, and he was the worst person to discover us in this awkward position. If it has been someone else, I could have made up an excuse but if Iura knew something, the entire school knew it.

"Can't you see we are busy, leave us alone" I shout back at him without turning back.

"Wow Ishikawa kun, good to know you are finally going into the adult stuff. Sorry for distributing. I will take my leave now" he says, with a pinch of amusement in his voice.

He definitely took it the wrong way, now, the entire school is going to think something weird about us. But that was probably a better outcome than Iura discovering Zura's scars

After Iura leaves, I have a sigh.

"Ishikawa san, can you please move now, it's almost hard to breathe now" Zura says.

He is blushing profusely and why did he have to say that in such a sus way!! Damn it Zura not you too.

"Hey, come on now man I did it all to hide your secret, or would you rather have the entire school know about your secret " I say moving back from him.

"Thanks for that Ishikawa kun. I am sorry to have put you in this uncomfortable position, I swear I will make it up to you" he says apologetically.

"No worries man. What are friends for? Just don't act sus like that, I didn't mean to do anything weird" I say calming down a bit.

"Yeah sorry about that" Zura says

He quickly puts on his T shirt and caresses his chest with his right hand tracing the outline of the bandage.

"These injuries..... They are a lot of trouble right?... I wish I never had them.... No .. probably not. If I didn't have them, I wouldn't have met you guys, it's probably a payment you know? For having such nice friends" Zura says dreamily, his voice trailing off as his mind goes to someplace else.

He is probably reminiscing about the nature of his injuries. I don't know what to say to that. I definitely don't want to pry into his reasons for saying that, so I just keep quiet for a moment. It was an awkward silence for me. I was at a loss for words.

"Damn it! We are 15 minutes late already. Zura we need to hurry if we want to catch the rest of the class" I say looking at my watch.

I was glad to change the topic for once. Zura seems to come back to reality and we both rush to the gym. We are about to get an earful for being tardy.

After the PE class

"You know Zura, I just heard the weirdest thing from Iura" Hori says in a dangerously weird tone.

Both Zura and I snap into attention. If Iura told Hori what happened and she misinterpreted the situation, then we were in for a huge load of trouble.

"Well.. Hori san.. you see .... I ... We ..." Zura stammers. He was clearly scared and so was I too. Hori was dangerous when she was angry.

She flicks her index fingers of both her hands at each of our foreheads

"Ouch!" we both exclaim

"Zura, how could you?!, and even if you did something, it was with Toru?! I knew you had something going on between the two of you" she goes on.

"Hori san.. it's not like that.. it's ..." Zura stammers. He was clearly inexperienced in handling such situations. Before he could finish his sentence, Wham! Hori throws her history textbook right in his face.

"Hori, you don't get it. It was...." I try to explain, but I feel something crash against my face too. Was it another textbook?

We are both left speechless, as Hori runs away after that. She had clearly blown a fuse.

We stand like that for a minute. The corridor was deserted for the moment as most people were in their classes. Then slowly Zura turns towards me and I turn towards him. We were both in a pickle.

"Do you think she will understand?" Zura asks.

 He was clearly depressed after what happened.

"Sure man. She just has a short temper. That's it. You should probably go to her house and explain what happened." I try to reassure him

We walk back to the study hall and sit together. We don't talk again. Only one thing was going through our mind. Iura! That guy, we were about to send him to hell!!

POV Hori san

I probably shouldn't have reacted like that. What was I thinking? It was Zura after all. He is the nicest person I know; he wouldn't do something like that. He probably had his reasons. Maybe Iura didn't understand what he saw.

Zura is probably thinking "Huh. What a weird girl, I am never hanging out with her again."

Heck, if he is with Toru he, Toru might also go as "Hori is so Violent, maybe we should stop hanging with her"

My mind wanders into the imaginary conversation they must be having about me. I feel so flustered that I bury my face in my palms. Man! Why do I always get so worked up?!

"Sis, my nii san is here" Souta calls out from behind me all of a sudden. Breaking my train of thought. I jump a little hearing Zura's name.

"Tell him I am not here-" "Thanks for having me" Zura says while entering the room. Cutting me off.

He looks a bit astonished at seeing me. For a moment we don't know what to say to each other

"I am sorry" We both say in unison.

Saying it together sounded funny. Souta looks at us confused.

"Did you guys do anything wrong?" Souta asks me

"Well… uhh… its complicated" I say

"Its my fault really. I should have explained" Zura says.

"Well; I didn't give you much of a chance to explain" I say apologetically.

He didn't look mad at me. I was worrying for nothing.

Zura goes over it all. At the end, I am rolling over, laughing at the humour of the entire situation.

Zura looks a bit flustered. "Its very embarrassing you know. You don't have to laugh like that."

"Ahha… I… I thought you and Toru were going at it. Man! You guys really have it bad" I say controlling my laughter.

"Oh, I almost forgot. Here are the books you threw at us. I thought you might need them for homework" he says. Handing me my books.

It was my turn to get embarrassed. "Sorry about that. I should have listened to you guys first" I say.

"Hori san, I would never betray your trust" Zura says looking straight at me. His tone was solemn. It came from deep in heart.

"I know" I say. I knew that. Deep down, Zura was more human than any of us. I know how much he loves me, he never said anything without meaning them.

"Ah Zura, you are here. Wanna go out with me today?" Kyoske asks, suddenly appearing out of thin air. Seriously how does he always make his entrances in the most emotional moments?!

"I thought maybe we can watch the next part of the Horror and Gore fest today." I say.

Zura and Kyoske look at me alarmed.

"There.. is more?..." Zura asks alarmed.

"Yeah. Total 6 volumes of them" I say happily.

Zura and Kyoske looked like they were about to pass out.

Things were back to normal, and I was glad they were.



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