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78.46% I am Morty Sanchez / Chapter 99: Chapter 93 - Life is Strange 8

Capítulo 99: Chapter 93 - Life is Strange 8

Fuck I made mistake. The date should be October 8 since that's when Max and Chloe explored her rewind power and the start of episode 2. 

Well, I'm not posting that frequently because I'm drained and need to recharge. 

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy this. Toodaloo Bitches. 


Life is strange.

Tuesday, October 8.

5:00 PM. 

Morty lay in bed, the room dimly lit by the soft glow of the evening light filtering through the curtains. Victoria rested her head on his chest, her fingers tracing lazy circles on his skin. 

She could still remember how mind boggling her experience in sex was, wondering if this is normally this good or if Morty was simply too good in bed. Victoria didn't dwell too much since what matters is her man. great. Her man. These simple words began to echo through her mind contemplating. She looked up at him, a question in her eyes.

"So, what are we now, Morty?" she asked softly, her voice carrying a hint of vulnerability. Morty smiled down at her, gently brushing a strand of hair from her face. 

"We're lovers, Victoria." Morty immediately said without hesitation while she smiled, a mixture of relief and happiness washing over her. 

"Do you think the other girls will like me? I mean, once they hear about who I was before..." Anxiety was visible on her face since she was a complete Bitch having let her insecurities get the best of her. Morty placed a reassuring hand on her cheek.

"They won't mind. What matters is the present and who you are now. People change, and they'll see the real you." Victoria's smile widened, and she snuggled closer, feeling content.

"Thank you, Morty. That means a lot to me."

Just then, Morty's phone vibrated on the nightstand. He reached over and checked the screen, seeing a text from Kate. 

[ **Kate:** "Hey, Morty. Want to hang out?" ] 

Morty typed a quick reply. 

[ **Morty:** "I'd love to, Kate. Where should we meet?" ] 

After hitting send, he turned back to Victoria.

 "I've got to head out for a bit. Kate wants to hang out."

Victoria nodded, having been aware that he has some connection to Christian girl with him becoming less aggressive ever since Morty came and somewhat trying to get a better relationship with her than before.

"Okay. I'll just stay here and relax." Morty leaned down, giving her a gentle kiss.

"I'll be back soon. Make yourself at home." With one last smile, Morty got out of bed, dressed quickly, and headed out.  After Morty left, Victoria decided to explore his apartment, feeling a bit sore from their earlier activities. 

She wandered through the living room, admiring the tastefully decorated space, and her eyes landed on a series of photos displayed on a shelf. Curious, she approached and examined them more closely.

The photos depicted Morty and his family: a younger, skinnier, and timid-looking Morty stood next to his sister, Summer, and his parents, Beth and Jerry. The transformation from the boy in the photos to the confident, resourceful man she had spent the afternoon with was remarkable. 

Victoria smiled, intrigued by the contrast like it was night and day difference. She picked one up and stared at it, surprised. The Morty in the picture was almost unrecognizable: skinny, timid, and completely different from the confident person she knew now.

"Wow, he really has changed," she muttered to herself, placing the picture back.

Continuing her exploration, she eventually made her way to Morty's desk, cluttered with various gadgets and devices. One device in particular caught her eye. It was sleek, with an unfamiliar design. Unable to resist her curiosity, Victoria picked it up and examined it, inadvertently pressing a button.

To her surprise, a hologram sprang to life in front of her, and a figure materialized. It was a woman with an ethereal glow, her features sharp and intelligent. Victoria jumped back, startled.

"Hello, Victoria," the holographic woman said with a warm smile. 

[ "I am Cortana, Morty's AI assistant." ] Victoria blinked, trying to process what she was seeing.

 "What... Who are you? And how do you know my name?"

Cortana's smile widened. 

[ "I know all about you, Victoria. Morty anticipated that you might discover more about his life. He always prepares for such eventualities." ]

Victoria's mind raced. 

"So, you're like... an artificial intelligence? And Morty made you?"

[ "That's correct," ] Cortana replied. 

[ "Morty and I have been through many adventures together across different dimensions. We share a deep bond, not just as companions, but as lovers." ]

Victoria's eyes widened.

"Lovers? Wait, what did you mean dimension? And Morty, a dimensional traveler?"

Cortana nodded and began to explain everything to her where Victoria's face became rather intrigued since she had a hidden love for sci-fi but tried to hide it to fit in. 

"M-My boyfriend is a genius scientist who travels dimension? Basically han solo but dimensions?" If any of her "Friends" heard this would question who she was since only nerds would make reference to star wars. 

 "Indeed. Morty has traveled to countless worlds, faced numerous challenges, and formed connections with many extraordinary beings. I am just one of the many who have joined him on his journeys." Victoria sank into a nearby chair, trying to wrap her head around everything. 

"This is... incredible. I knew Morty was different, but I never imagined this." Cortana's expression softened.

"It can be a lot to take in. Morty didn't want to overwhelm you with everything all at once. But he trusts you, Victoria. He sees something special in you, just as he does in all those he cares about." Victoria looked up at Cortana, her mind racing with questions. 

"Why did he tell me this quickly? I know I'll be mad if he kept it but why would he trust me with this information?" Victoria was sobered minded unlike before and knew that she didn't deserve to know all of this immediately. 

Then again Victoria only knew him for 3 to 4 days yet she easily gave herself to him. It was illogical but she was happy that she did it because it was magical. Even though, Morty shared this with Max and Chloe but this is because of his mission to do so. In addition, he hardly cared if his secret was exposed or not since in the end. 

It's all according to his plans. 

Regardless, this information was too ludicrous to be revealed to her. What's next? He fucked his family? 

[ "Morty is quite possessive and now that you slept with him then he will treat you the way you wish to be treated as long as you do the same." ] Cortana explained. 

[ "He knew you wouldn't escape him therefore revealed this to you now.." ] Victoria nodded slowly, feeling a mix of emotions. 

"I guess that makes sense. It's just... a lot to take in." Cortana smiled again, reassuringly. 

[ "It is. But you are strong, Victoria. And you have a chance to be a part of something extraordinary." ] Victoria took a deep breath, steadying herself. 

"Thank you, Cortana. For explaining everything." She would have bragged about this to her friends if not for the fact that she changed and knew it would be bad if she did it. Not that anyone would believe her.

"Of course," Cortana replied, showing a beaming smile. 

[ "Morty cares about you deeply about you now that you're part of his harem, and so do I. We both welcome you to our family." ]

Victoria smiles, feeling rather strange having genuine connection with someone unlike her friends that she treats like servants before. Certainly her Life Is Strange.

"But the question is. Do you accept this? Morty will certainly try to erase this from ever happening." Cortana was simply testing her since Morty is a man who would not let go of what he considered his. 

However, Victoria did not know this and felt a sting in her heart finding it truly bizarre. She has infatuation and crushes before with short lived relationships but not made her feel this way. 

The thought of it hurt her. The feeling she had when they were together and talking even how short it felt made her feel like she knew him her whole life. He was charismatic, smart, knows what to say when she needs it, never looked at her external and saw her inwardly. 

"Strange…how life can be…." Victoria began to contemplate the blue skinned transparent hologram thinking about her words and who impacted her. 

She can ignore the cosmos and live a normal life in ignorance without…..HIM. 

"....I want to be a part of this. I want to stand by Morty's side and face whatever comes next." Victoria felt compelled to be part of this man who took her heart in a matter of 3 to 4 days! 

Not to mention, she can take pictures of many phenomenal places that she hadn't seen before and only a few could see! Cortana nodded approvingly.

 "Then welcome to the adventure, Victoria."

As Victoria sat there, absorbing the incredible truths she had just learned, she felt a renewed sense of purpose and excitement. 

"But, Victoria. Morty won't hold your freedom and you can continue to pursue what you wish. One thing is for sure, Morty will be there to support you." 

This causes a smile on her someone who would truly value her and care for her even if he has thousands if not millions of women wouldn't change anything. 

Morty never neglects his women and thoroughly takes care of them when they need his attention. Victoria nodded at this and began to chat with Cortana.

As he drove to meet Kate, Morty smiled seeing his plans went smoothly moving according to the path he laid. Time weaved and eventually he arrived at the agreed-upon spot, a small café near Blackwell Academy. Kate was waiting outside, looking nervous but relieved when she saw him. 

"Hey, Kate." Morty greeted her with a warm smile.

"Hi, Morty." She replied, smiling back. 

"Thanks for coming. I just... I really needed someone to talk to."

"Of course. Let's go inside and grab a drink," Morty suggested, leading the way into the café.

They found a quiet corner table and sat down. After ordering their drinks, Kate looked at him, her expression earnest.

"I wanted to thank you, Morty," she began.

"For everything you did at the Vortex Club party. I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't been there." Kate smiled remembering the time he rescued her 4 days ago. Morty reached across the table, taking her hand in his. 

"You don't have to thank me, Kate. I'm just glad I could help." Morty moral compasses are complicated. He is not truly kind of anything, he is evil and selfish. Kate nodded, a look of gratitude in her eyes. 

"Still, it means a lot. I've been through a lot, and it's nice to know there are people I can rely on."Morty squeezed her hand gently. 

"You can always rely on me, Kate. We're friends, and friends look out for each other."

Their drinks arrived, and they settled into an easy conversation. Morty listened as Kate opened up about her struggles and fears, offering support and understanding. 

"You know, Morty, I'm really glad we met. You've made such a difference in my life in such a short time."

"I'm glad we met too, Kate," Morty replied sincerely. 

"And I'm here for you, no matter what."

Morty and Kate sat in the cozy café, their drinks warming their hands as they continued their conversation. The atmosphere was relaxed, and Kate seemed more at ease than before. However, she fidgeted slightly, as if gathering the courage to ask something that had been on her mind.

"Morty," Kate began, her voice a bit shaky. 

"Can I ask you something personal?"

"Sure, Kate," Morty replied, leaning in slightly. 

"What's on your mind?" She hesitated for a moment, then took a deep breath.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" Morty saw the nervousness in her eyes and decided to tease her a bit to lighten the mood. 

"Well, Kate, it's a bit more complicated than that." Kate's eyes widened, a mix of curiosity and anxiety showing on her face.

"Complicated? How so?" Morty smiled gently, not wanting to alarm her but also knowing he needed to be honest.

 "I have a harem." Kate blinked, clearly shocked. Her Christian upbringing made this revelation particularly jarring. 

"A harem? You mean, you're with multiple girls at the same time?" Morty nodded, watching her reaction carefully. 

"Yeah, it's a bit unconventional, I know." Kate's face paled slightly, and she looked down at her hands. 

"I see," she said quietly, struggling to process the information. 

"I didn't expect that." Morty reached across the table, touching her hand gently. 

"I understand if it's a lot to take in, Kate. It's not something everyone is comfortable with."

Kate's mind was a whirlwind of emotions. She had always admired Morty for his kindness and bravery, and somewhere along the way, those feelings had deepened. But the idea of sharing him with others conflicted with her values. 

Despite this, she couldn't deny the strong pull she felt towards him. Taking another deep breath, she looked up at him, her eyes filled with a mixture of confusion and determination. 

"Morty, I have to be honest with you. I have feelings for you. And I know this is probably not the best time to say it, but... I just needed you to know." Morty squeezed her hand gently, his eyes softening. 

"Kate, I really appreciate your honesty. And I care about you a lot, too. I understand if my lifestyle is difficult for you to accept. It's not for everyone." Kate nodded, feeling a tear escape down her cheek. 

"I know it's not easy, but... I don't want to lose you, Morty. Even if it means being part of something I don't fully understand yet."

Morty felt a deep sense of admiration for her bravery and openness. 

"Kate, you're an incredible person. Whatever you decide, I'm here for you. We can take things one step at a time, and you don't have to rush into anything you're not comfortable with." Kate wiped her tears away and managed a small smile. Why does she develop these feelings for someone she only met for 3 days!

There's barely anything she knows about him and yet felt comfortable and safe around him. The thought of not being with him does hurt. 

"Thank you, Morty. I think I'd like to try and understand more. Maybe... maybe this is part of my journey, too." Morty smiled back at her, feeling a mix of relief and gratitude.

"That means a lot to me, Kate. Let's just see where this takes us, okay?" Kate nodded, feeling a bit more at ease. 

"Okay. One step at a time."

As they left the café and walked back towards her dorm. When they reached her dorm, Kate turned to him, her eyes still showing a hint of uncertainty but also a newfound resolve. 

"Thank you for tonight, Morty. I feel like I've taken a big step." Morty smiled and gave her a warm hug. 

"You did great, Kate. I'm really proud of you."

"I really needed this."

"Anytime, Kate," Morty said, giving her a warm hug then kiss on the forehead surprising Kate but felt immense joy. 

"Get some rest, and we'll catch up again soon." Kate nodded, smiling as she opened her door. 

"Goodnight, Morty."

"Goodnight, Kate."

As Morty walked back to his car, he felt a deep sense of satisfaction. He drove back to his apartment where he was going to have a chat with Victoria. 

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