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4.6% Warhammer: Imperium Ascendant / Legion V: The Lightning Riders

Legion V: The Lightning Riders

We ride free and die free! Carving a path others will follow!" - Tengri Khagan

Primarch: Tengri Khagan

Symbol: Rearing Horse with lightning for a mane.

Colors: White, Yellow, and Red

Capital World- Ordu

Specialty: Mobile Warfare, Reconnasince, First Strikes

Battlecry: Lightning Strikes! (Or individual war-poems)

The "V" Primarch

The Rider, the Warhawk, the Bolt from the Blue, Lord of White Lightning, Wildhearted Primarch, the Great Khagan, these are some of the titles of Tengri Khagan the V Primarch and sire of the Lightning Rider Legion. Fiercely independent and wise even by demi-god standards Tengri stands out among his brothers. A restless warrior-sage seeking freedom and glory always pushing himself and those around him. Stagnancy and petty tyranny have long been the end of Empires. Such things are anathema to the Great Khagan, he exists to be the tailwind pushing mankind to new heights and the lightning bolt cutting through the dark and revealing new paths. Tengri acts as the Outrider and Observer to the Imperium. Traveling far across the galaxy striking down any threat, then returning home and decrying any rot or failure his hawk-eyes find. Humanities free-spirit riding across the stars and pushing against its failings.

Among his brothers, Tengri is average in both height and build. With long black hair bound in ancient steppe fashion and facial hair cut similarly. His facial features bring to mind the nomadic peoples some of his genes trace too, aquiline eyes and strong cheekbones conjuring forth the myth of past Khans and Chieftains. The Khagan keeps to himself, solitary and aloof with only a small circle of his Sons privy to his thoughts. Even the Emperor and his closest brothers have difficulty reading the Warhawk. This suits the Primarch fine, his nature is to be inscrutable and almost forgettable. An eternally unknown variable existing to push the human race forward and tip the scales of destiny. While not possessing great polymath genius or divine charisma the Khagan holds a superhuman gift of equal or greater value. Tengri Khagan holds the wisdom of an outsider, the ability to look upon anything from an external perspective, and see its strengths and weaknesses through objective eyes.

This wisdom and mystery aid the Khagan in both his political dealings and upon the battlefield. Incredibly fast and focused the Primarch is a force of nature with a blade in hand. A living storm capable of cutting down enemy hordes then unifying into a strike killing the mightiest foe. Wielding a Force-Glaive atop his steed, the unique Jetbike is known as Red-Wind, nothing can withstand the Primarchs charge. Red-Wind is unique in that its machine spirit would be more appropriate aboard a Land Raider or Scout Titan. This intelligence is born of equine and lupine neuro patterns to create a subservient machine capable of acting as a hunter and mount. None of his brothers match Tengri in speed, only Magnus by manipulation of time itself can come close. Which even then can be countered by the Khagan's own subtle psionics. A surprisingly powerful Psyker among the Primarchs Tengri channels this talent into a steady aura of manic energy that invigorates himself and his sons. In times of crisis or at decisive moments this subtlety is dropped and the living-storm of Tengri Khagan is unleashed. Summoning tornados, calling down sheets lighting, coating himself or his blade in sparking power, moving so fast space/time struggles to keep up. All these and more are within the Primarch's power. While powerful psychically the Primarch lacks endurance in this field, forced to ration his power for key moments.

Off the battlefield, Tengri Khagan is known for a stoic wit, solemn manner, and incredible skills of observation. Much like his nickname, nothing of interest misses the Warhawks' sight. In his hearts, Tengri is not one for the politics of empires or the complexity of government. He seeks freedom and the simple joys of his life. Be they poetry, song, or crushing his foes. The constricting fetters of Imperial dominion rankle Tengri and he has long questioned the wisdom of his father's rule. Many fierce debates between Khagan and the Emperor or his Sigillite echoed through the Imperial palace in days past. Tengri pointing out every ugly truth or hypocritical notion within the Imperium. Scoffing at Malcador and Uriah's arguments about the greater good and required evils. Tengri loves his father but sees how easily he could go from the least of the monsters to the worst of them. These conflicts reached a climax when the Khagan pointed out the similarities between the Dark Gods and his father, to his father's face. At that moment Tengri realized he had gone too far as his father silenced him with a look. A look that ironically enough ended the Primarchs doubts. In the ancient golden eyes of his father, he saw something long hidden. Self-Loathing and a desire for freedom. The Emperor hated what he was and what he had to do. The desire to ride free and explore the cosmos and its wonders within the Khagan was shared by his father. Dreams and hopes long quashed under the burden of duty to his species. Khagan then understood and both father and son apologized and an agreement was made. Tengri would be free from most of the responsibilities his brothers shared, in exchange for a far greater one. As Outrider it is Tengri Khagan's duty to see what is coming and warn of it. A duty that would extend beyond the battlefield and across time. It falls to the V Primarch to ensure mankind and its Master never fall, never repeat the sins of the past or walk down gilded paths leading to damnation.

The gift given to Tengri Khagan by his father is designed to help him in these duties. Originally the Emperor planned to gift a Sword once belonging to the Khan of Khans reforged in psychic fire. Only deciding against this upon touching the reborn sword and realizing the taint of Khorne was still buried deep within. Instead, a much plainer gift was arranged, a simple drum. Horse Skin drawn over bone and marked with a hundred ritual symbols. Impossible old, preserved only by luck and an incredible amount of psychic energy bound to its frame. The origin of what later generations would call the "Thundersoul Drum" is shrouded in mystery, even the Emperor is not truly certain of who created it. Only the vaguest memories of the oldest shamans within him speak of it. They all say the same thing however, it was the first. The first Shaman Drum took up by some wise man or women in eons past. Used to call up storms, drive out Daemons and rally the tribe against predators in the dark. A fitting gift for the Outrider of Mankind. Aside from acting as an incredibly powerful psychic focus, the drum possesses a few other unique features. Chiefly is its attunement to humanity's gestalt consciousness. It beats all by itself in response to human souls. Its rhythm and intensity changes with the location and state of these souls. Ensuring the Outrider is where he must be and aware of any dangers. Additionally, millennia of "wild magik" from generations of untainted shamans grant the Khagan a few unique tricks, including rapid close range teleportation and the power to instill fear in those seeking to do harm to mankind. Tengri recognizes the significance of this gift, inheriting a piece of his father's own inheritance. An investiture of trust and duty across generations and eons of mankind's protectors.

History of the Legion

The V Legion traces its origins back to one of the Imperium's first and most dangerous foes. Kalagann of Ursh ruled a vast empire powered by dark technology and fell pacts with the Chaos Gods. This Kingdom of Ursh spanned across much of the blasted Steppes of Eurasia and proved one of the most difficult foes the Emperor and the Thunder Legions faced in that age. However, the early Imperium was not along in this struggle. Many of the Steppe Tribes of the lands claimed by Ursh reviled Kalagaan and his minions. Joining the banner of Unity and using the vast Steppes against the Urshites. By the end of this conflict, the Steppe Nomads had been peacefully absorbed into the Imperium. Eventually providing some of the first initiates into the V Legion. Who brought wisdom and a free-spirited nature to Tengri's sons.

During Solar Unification, the V Legion fought alongside the VI Legion against a Xeno Pirate Fleet hiding near Jupiter. Tengri Khagan leading his sons to flush out the Pirates and chase them into the hungry maw of the VI Legion. As the Imperial outriders, the V Legion almost left the Solar System before the Chaos Incursion and spent the Lunar Crusade chasing after any damned vessels that slipped past the Imperial defenses and into the wider system. Once the Great Crusade left the Solar System the Lightning Riders scattered to the four winds. Traveling at the forefront of the Crusade alongside Rogue Traders and other scout forces. Tengri Khagan led the first strikes against dozens of the foes the Imperium would later face in force. Engaging in vicious sorties designed to misdirect and brutalize enemies while gathering information. To the Xenos and degenerate humans attacked by the Riders, it seemed a new breed of Pirate was plaguing the galaxy. Few realized these probing strikes were the start of an invasion. It is estimated millions of Imperial lives and at least 15 years of Campaigning were saved by the damage wrought and data gathered in these early battles of the Lightning Riders.

Scattered and independent compared to its Cousins the V Legion operated with a level of impunity almost unique. Wild outriders adding an element of surprise and unpredictability to the Great Crusade. Infamously other Crusaders and Expedition fleets would arrive in enemy systems in what they thought was first contact. Instead finding scattered broken foes and the storm-horse symbol of the Lightning Riders left behind. The free-spirited sons of Tengri traveled the galaxy hunting the nightmares at the edge of Imperial space. Only assembling when called by their Father or the Emperor. Wild winds coming together in a great storm to cut down anything that opposed them. An entire legion seemingly materializing from nothing to wreak destruction. These lightning-quick assaults earned the Legion its names.

During the later Crusade, the Lightning Riders were for the first time in the Legions history assembled into a singular force. A great Horde born of a singular purpose. To utterly destroy the Orkish infestation of the Golgothan Wastes. Tengri Khagan was the first to lead his sons into the domain of Beasts. Lightning of the V was quickly followed by the Storm of the X Legion. The Lightning Riders did everything they could to cause as much damage to the Beast-Bosses Empire giving time for the Imperium to regroup and strike back against the Orks and encroaching Rangda. In one of these particularly daring strikes deep into the Wastes, the V Legion was almost destroyed after one of its greatest victories. Advancing well past the Imperial invasion force the Riders struck the Greenskin temple-world of Ekgrund. Devastating the planet and more importantly slaying Zahubu-Ura-Gog, the Beast Prophet. In an act designed to cripple the Orkish leadership by slaying one of the infamous Beast-Bosses. This act has the surprising effect of stirring the surrounding Orkish worlds into a religious frenzy and encircling the V Legion with a level of cunning viciousness previously unseen in Greenskins. Aid from the Lunar Templars helped the Lightning Riders break through the Xeno blockade but both Legions suffered heavy losses.

Humbled and owing a debt to Horus Lupercali and his sons, the V Legion fought alongside the XVI for a period before returning to independent operations. While keeping in more contact with the broader Imperial invasion to allow for better coordination. Acting as the Vanguard force for the broader Imperial offensive. During this time Tengri fought alongside all six of his brothers campaigning against the Orks. Both Primarch and Legion forming friendships and rivalries with their kin. The Phoenix Blades and the Lightning Riders in particular engaged in a fierce race to claim more Beast heads for the Emperor. A rivalry that ended with the Battle of Ullanor where Tengri Khagan, Horus Lupercali, and Ogdain Vulkan fought alongside the Emperor to slay the Beast of Beasts.

With the Beasts slain and the Great Crusade coming to its end the Lightning Riders did what they always had done. Scattered and set to work hunting down the remnants of the Empire of Ullanor. Hounding the Orks and a dozen other dangerous Xeno races to the galactic edge. Before returning to the Legions newly settled homeworld. Starting a cycle of Tengri's horde traveling far and wide across the galaxy exploring, conquering, and slaying with wild laughter. Returning to the Imperium proper once in many Generations to recruit and requip from Ordu. The records of the V Legion indicate hundreds of fledgling nightmares growing in the Galactic wilds have been cut down by the Lightning Riders before they could ever threaten Mankind. Since the Great Crusade, the scattered V Legion has been reassembled a handful of times to face the greatest threats of mankind. Threats that Tengri's sons brought first warning and first blood from. Tengri himself and the heart of his Legion fought in the Webway Wars. Leading the first human raid on Commorragh itself, and eventually aiding the XV Legion in attacking the Black Library.

Astartes Biology

Appearance and Apotheosis- The Geneseed of Tengri is unusual among the Legions for its paradoxical ease and difficulty in use. Finding an initiate who can accept the Gene-Seed is more difficult than other Legions. Not as testing as that of the Phoenix Blades, but above average in difficulty and requirements. Interestingly once an initiate makes it past the initial stage of implantation with no difficulties they almost never experience any form of rejection or biological failings. Leading to the superstition among Legion apothecaries that the Geneseed is in someway "picky" only accepting certain candidates but doing so with its full support. Apotheosis leads to a notable "streamlining" of facial features, giving a hawkish, edged appearance to the Lightning Riders. With a lean but strong build to match, and the signature eyes of their father and brothers.

Unique Organ- Warhawk's Vision. The Lightning Riders have their eyes and entire optic nerve replaced with this unique organ. Connecting and upgrading the systems of the Occulobe implant. Composed of transhuman cellular tissue and cybernetic sensory apparatus the Warhawk's vision provides augmented vision superior to anything of similar size. Enhancing the already superhuman vision of Astartes to new levels. Unhelmed Lighting Riders can see with accuracy and focus comparable to their cousins using weapon targetting arrays. While the enhanced kinetic vision, infrared detection, and rapid adjustment could be accomplished by armor-systems. The Warhawk's Vision streamlines and accelerates the connections and efficiency of the optic nerve. Shaving off crucial microseconds of reaction time and visual adaptation. Allowing for levels of visual acuity at a high velocity not thought possible. Additionally, the augment changes the appearance of the Astartes pupils, to that of a bird of prey.


Battlefield Deployments- Independence and speed are core tenets of the Lightning Riders, a fact reflected in how the Legion deploys itself. Independent chapter-strength strike forces known as Mingghan are designed to be completely self-sufficient military forces. Allowing Legion forces to scatter or consolidate as needed. Granting unparalleled mobility and response time on the battlefield and across the galaxy. Surprisingly to some, the organization and methodology employed by the Lighting Riders is strict and incredibly precise. Every Mingghan or company-sized Jaghun fulfills its role working in concert with its fellow. While still having enough independence and self-reliance to adapt to a changing situation, and succeeded in operation goals. Groups of Mingghan operate together as Tumen armies of 10,000 battle ready Astartes. Force of more than one Tumen is known as a Horde and is under the direct control of a Khan, which is equivalent to another Legions Lord-Commander.

Homeworld: - Ordu- Located at the far western edge of the Segmentum Pacificus, Ordu is the heart of a sector that shares its name and is ruled by the Lighting Riders. A world of great steppes and mountains, where life is harsh and megafauna roam. The great grass seas of this planet are home to thousands of tribes and nomad cultures selected by Tengri Khagan from across the galaxy. To provide neophytes born of the restless winds of migration and adventure. The actual Lightning Rider Legion spends little time on Ordu. The mountain-range capping complex of Fortress Monasteries known to scholars as Storm's Roost is only fully inhabited once every few decades when the Legion returns to rest and gather recruits. The Roost's halls and pavilion-temples are home to expansive galleries containing the finest artwork and battle trophies of the Lighting Riders. Along with feasting halls and chambers enough to hold the entire Legion in those rare times the Khagan calls all his sons. In the years between returning hordes, an army of Legion servants maintain the Roost and diligently aid the Stormkeepers and training Neophytes.

Recruitment- The largest percentage of Legion neophytes come from Ordu and the surrounding systems. Every few Orduan generations the usual rites of passage for nomadic youths are changed. Becoming much more intense, with tribes working to elevate their sons into the ranks of the Lightning Riders. Preparing the potential Neophytes for selection in festivals honoring the arrival of Stormkeepers making their pilgrimage across the Ordu Sector. Daring and talented boys and young men who catch the hawkeyes of the Stormkeeper are brought to Storm's Roost and if not found wanting, elevated to Astartes. Facing further mental, physical, and spiritual trials devised by the Khagan and his favored sons. Designed to create the next generation of Lighting Riders. The remaining recruits to the Lighting Riders come from peoples encountered by the Legion in its travels. Sometimes entire tribes or population groups are claimed by the V Legion. Its promising youths becoming Astartes, the rest serving the Legion, and potentially arriving back on Ordu and becoming another Khagan-chosen people.

Unique Ranks and Roles-

Stormkeeper- The Lighting Rider Legion employes a unique specialization known as Stormkeepers. Who acts as both Librarian and Apothecary on Ordu. Overseeing the recruitment of new Astartes and ensuring the sanctity of the Legions homeworld. While traditional Apothecaries and Librarians fight alongside the Legion as Shamans and Sages. The Stormkeepers are composed of the eldest members of the Legion, those who have ridden the length of the galaxy and fought countless battles. Now ready to step back and take an advisory role. The age and will of these Astartes have often increased their psychic potential which is further unlocked by arcane rituals imparted by Malcador the Sigillite himself. While it falls to the Khagan to ensure humanity never strays from its path, it falls to these elder warriors to ensure the Legion itself never strays.

Khouk-Hunters- In a legion of outriders and far travelers, those officially tasked as scouts stand apart from their brothers. Only the most effective warriors who have mastered the bloody arts of war and subtle paths of survival are inducted into the Khouk-Hunters. It falls to these self-sufficient squads to travel far beyond even where the Lighting Riders travel. Into the deepest wilderness or enemy territory. Tasked to uncover secrets and eliminate enemy scouts. These Astartes have the crucial task of ensuring the enemy does not ever gain a clear picture of the larger Legions momentum or location. Employing near-silent jetbikes and Cyberhawk familiars the Khouk-Hunters ensure the element of surprise is always in the V Legions favor.

Kharash Brothers- In a legion that celebrates freedom and independence it faces the inevitable downside of such beliefs. Insubordinate, unfocused, and dishonored Astartes must face the consequences of their freedom. Upon failing their duties these Battle-Brothers are given a chance to regain their honor among the Kharash. Stripped of Rank they act as the rearguard and suicide-troops. Tasked with ensuring the main Horde escapes or repositions as needed. To be assigned into the Kharash Brotherhood is the ultimate mark of failure, but also an opportunity at redemption. Great acts of bravery and persistent survival can elevate one from the Brotherhood back into the Legion-proper. Giving a rare second chance never squandered even after thousands of years of warfare.

Legion Culture

Personality- "Calm before the storm" is an idiom often used to describe the Lighting Riders. A composed and observant Legion whose members pride themselves on mixing self-control and a passionate desire for freedom. Believing one who has mastered himself is truly free. Stoicism and aloof uninterest characterize the V Legion when dealing with outsiders. A means to hide the Legions' inner nature and allow them to carefully observe their surroundings. Inside each son of Tengri is wild energy that pushes them ever onwards. Driving them to ride across the galaxy, laughing as they kill, collecting the heads of monsters, and singing songs of brotherhood and war. As fast, powerful, unexpected, and beautiful as the Lighting they are named for. The V Legion believes in carving a path of freedom into this galaxy, a path others will follow.

Customs- The arts and deep spirituality have important places in the V Legion. Poetry, painting, and sculpting are common practices of Lighting Riders in their free time. The sons of Tengri view themselves as artists of war and believe taking up a secondary art helps improve their primary focus. Granting greater wisdom, understanding, and skill that can be applied with a blade or a brush. The art of war and art of peace intertwine in the Legion practice of War-Oaths. Short poems following the ancient syllabic tradition of the Dragon Isles, outlining a task or duty the author-Astartes will complete no matter the cost. Completed War-Oaths are etched into the armor of the Astartes, forming lines of flowing script surrounding the Legion symbol on their pauldron. These oaths are usually sung in a deep resonant throat-melody right before the first crash into enemy lines.

Unique Features- Each of the great Horde-Fleets of the Lighting Riders follows a "seasonal" schedule in their ranging the galaxy. Spring is when they leave Ordu with fresh recruits and new supplies. Traveling to the farthest reaches of Mankinds territory and beyond. Summer is the time of war when foes are sought out and battles are won or lost. Summer continues until the Khan in charge of the Horde decides it is time to return to Ordu. Summer Hordes can go decades or even centuries without contact from the broader Imperium, using foundry ships and mass-haulers in these great wanderings. Once a Horde has dropped significantly below its peak strength it enters Fall and travels back towards Ordu. In this time the Horde is honor-bound to accept any calls for aid they detect, acting as surprising and powerful reinforcements at the edges of Imperial space where Webway Gates are rare. Upon arriving back at Ordu, the winter season starts. A season of recruitment, recruitment, and reorganization. During this time a Horde will regain contact with the broader Imperium and receive any missions or pertinent data that will become part of the coming Springs campaign.

Battle Strategy and Equipment

Tactical Doctrine-. Mobility and raw destructive force are the preferred assets of the Lighting Riders. An ideal engagement for this Legion is for the enemy to be just aware enough of them to be afraid until a devastating attack comes over the horizon and strikes like a bolt of Lightning. After this initial devastating impact where modified Landraiders, surrounded by Bikes, Skimmers, and Aircraft plunge deep into the foe. The "spear" formation of the united force disperses into multiple smaller "swords" that wreck havoc. With highly mobile "arrow" formations encircling the battle, picking off targets, and preventing any escape. If the enemy recovers from this assault, the Force quickly reforms into a spear formation, breaks away from the battle, and escapes. Striking again when the enemy has just started to relax. Repeating as necessary until the foe is completely broken. During sieges or similar battles where this mobility is not as useful, the Legion will ensure its target is cut off from all aid and supplies. Turning enemy cities or fortresses into isolated death-traps being whittled away by Auxilia heavy armor and daring Legion raids at any sign of weakness.

Weapons and Armor- The importance of fast attack and mobility within the Lighting Riders is translated into their choices of military hardware. The majority of the Legion is assigned to what its Cousins would consider its Third and Fourth Branch but is the main body of the V Legion. Cavalry in the form of bikes and modified armored vehicles provide a host of steeds for the Lighting Riders. Armor-Skeletons heavier than Terminator Class are virtually unheard of within the Legion. With the rare Terminators accompanying the infantry deployed from Razorbacks and other transports. Usually existing the craft before it has even properly stopped into the enemy horde, blasting and slashing until the signal is given. Then rapidly returning to the transport and moving elsewhere on the battlefield. Somewhat rare power and chain weapons like glaives, scimitars, and spears are popular among the V Legion. The extended reach complementing the mounted combat favored by the Lighting Riders. Also to the surprise of some, high-accuracy bolters are commonly seen among the Legion. Used to pick off key targets or just inflict more damage when the Astartes retreat and regroup for another attack.

Fleet and Transport- The fastest and most mobile patterns of Imperial vehicles are used almost exclusively by the Lighting Riders. Further modified with tacit Martian permission for even greater speeds. Animal-based Machine Spirits are common in V Legion augmented craft. Allowing a more effective autopilot in the thick of conflict. The Great Horde of Tengri Khagan, a fleet composed of nearly a million Astartes is headed by the Flagship Swordsteed. A ship that possesses speed and maneuverability unheard of in its weight class. The other four great hordes of the Noyan-Khans also are headed by Gloriana Class Ships. A gift from the grateful Mechanicum after the Forge World Temü was saved by the V Legion.


The Lightning Riders have strong rivalries and friendships with two legions. The Void Champions, as the two explorer Legions, and the Phoenix Blades, sharing a talent for speed, precision, and grace.

The skull of Zahubu-Ura-Gog decorates the Khagan's throne, as a reminder of great victories and near defeats. It measures five feet in diameter. The Beasts left tusk has been carved into a ceremonial knife in possession of the Legions High-Shaman.

V Legion Shamans are revered as some of the wisest and most formidable psykers in the Imperial military. Displaying a canny mixture of skill and strength that lets them match their cousins in the XI and XV Legions.

Across the most distant reaches of the galaxy, similar legends of "warriors who ride the storm" are recounted. Thousands of cultures can trace their survival to the Khagan and his sons appearing at the brink of destruction.

To overcome the specialized nature of the Legion large numbers of Auxilia regiments capable of infantry and artillery centric warfare are assigned to the Lighting Rider. Notably the Taimur Oliphant Divison, Tataric Rifles, Black Hannites, and Xanadu Artilarists

Five greater Hordes and around a dozen lesser Hordes make up the majority of the V Legion.

A secondary task of the V Legion is the seeding of Imperial webway gates across the reaches of human space.

During the first Doomtide, the Thundersoul Drum saved Tengri's life from the Daemon King Drach'nyen. The End of Empires warded off by some secret contained within the artifact.

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