"I sensed uncertainty clouding your path. Allow me to offer guidance," the fortune teller spoke to me with a mysterious and urgent tone in her voice. I looked back at the fortune teller's booth that I had just passed and saw the cloaked figure of a woman. Her eyes were hidden from me, but I could see the wicked smile on her face, which was quite unnerving.
I was stopped in my tracks, having just casually passed by her booth. I hadn't planned to visit her fortune teller booth or cared about any of that fortune-telling nonsense, but for some reason, my body subconsciously stopped me from leaving the alleyway and urged me to get closer to the fortune teller lady.
'What...?' My inner thoughts in confusion as I just realized that my body was acting strange all of a sudden. My body suddenly felt sluggish and stiff, as if a bunch of ropes were tying down each of my limbs. I looked down at my own body with confusion. What happened to my body? I was pretty sure that I was walking just fine before... but my body became like this after I had casually passed by this fortune teller's booth and she called me out.
I looked back at the fortune teller lady and only saw the same wicked smile that she had shown me under the hood of her cloak. Okay... she was starting to creep me out. I quickly looked away and returned my vision forward toward my original destination, which was the path out of this alleyway.
"Sorry, lady. I'm in a hurry right now..." I tried to politely excuse myself from the fortune teller lady and forced my body to move forward, albeit slowly as my body still felt sluggish and stiff. I was still confused as to why my body was acting weird all of a sudden, but I had a feeling that this fortune teller lady was somewhat... no, largely involved in it, so I needed to get out of this alleyway fast.
"Ah~, come on, dear traveler~. Just a quick little chit-chat won't hurt~." She purred at me, trying to entice me to get closer to her, which almost worked as my body stopped again and twitched for a bit as if it was responding to her words.
"Look, lady. I'm not interested in some fortune-telling crap!" I tried to reason with the fortune teller lady as confusion and panic began to creep over me due to my body's sudden strange behavior.
"Oh my~, 'fortune-telling,' you say? Fufufu~." She giggled at the notion of what I just said. Was I wrong? I was pretty sure that you would only find this kind of booth for fortune telling, especially those trying to scam people. Either way... I got to get out of here!
I forced my body to move again, fighting back the "ropes" that were tying my body down. It worked somewhat as I started to move slightly faster. But... she then began to speak to me again.
"Now, now, don't be shy, dear traveler~. Come over here." She purred again to me, beckoning me toward her with a command. Then all of a sudden, my body jerked back as if I were being forcefully pulled back, as if the metaphorical "ropes" that had been holding down my body were being pulled.
"Woah!" I yelped from the sudden force that had pulled my body. My body was pulled back right in front of the "fortune teller" lady's booth. I was then forced to face forward toward it, as well as forced to see the full figure of the lady sitting casually cross-legged behind the booth with her right arm propping her chin in a seductress way. She was wearing a dull gray cloak that hid most of her figure, but the cloak itself hugged her well-endowed figure quite nicely.
The fortune teller lady lifted her head to see me. Most of her upper face was hidden by the hood she was wearing, but I could see her lower face, and... she seemed quite beautiful from the looks of her lower face alone. Weirdly enough, the thought of seeing this beautiful and sexy "fortune teller" lady calmed my nerves a bit... Damnit, my own damn libido was starting to win over my fear.
As I tried to imagine how her full face would look, she showed me the previous wicked smile that took me aback a bit. She giggled at seeing my reaction, as her wicked smile was toned down into a mischievous one, and then began to speak. "Fufufu... you seem to be at a loss right now, traveler," she spoke to me, assuming that I was lost... which was somewhat true as I was indeed trying to find the location of my interviewer. Did I look too obvious?
Sensing her own accuracy, she giggled again. "Fufufu... tell me, traveler, what is your aspiration?" She suddenly asked me out of the blue, which again, surprised me. 'Aspirations'? Was this part of her fortune-telling tidbit? When I looked back at the "fortune teller" lady, she just showed me her mischievous smile again, as if she was waiting for my answer.
Aspiration, huh... was she asking about what kind of job I wanted? Did she know I was going job hunting? Maybe she knew because I was carrying this pile of job application documents in my hand.
I paused a bit, as I began to think. Truth be told... I have never thought about what my aspiration was. I have been too preoccupied with finishing college and after that, searching for jobs to no avail... I have never thought what I want to be in the future...
"Hmm..." I hummed to myself as I tried to think what my aspiration might be, but... nothing really solid crossed my mind. "I honestly don't know..." I answered the "fortune teller" lady's question with a bit of a solemn tone.
"Ah, how sad..." The "fortune teller" lady sympathized with me; her tone was also somber, but... I had a feeling that she was more toward teasing me rather than actually pitying me. "Well then... how about something that you want to have right now?" She continued, asking me another question instead.
I was slightly taken aback by another one of her questions. She was now asking me what I want to have? As in a selfish desire or something? Hmm...
"Well... I just want a job right now," I simply answered her question. Indeed, I was looking for a job. I didn't really have much of a selfish desire other than being able to work and not feeling like a deadbeat.
"Ah, a job you say?" She inquired about what I just said, tilting her head in interest.
"Yeah, just a simple job would be nice right now," I confirmed back to her inquiry.
"Do you have any specific job in mind?" She continued asking another question. Again, I was taken aback by her probing question. I tilted my head slightly to the side, my gaze wandering as I pondered her inquiry.
Again... nothing solid crossed my mind. The job interview that I was about to attend was for the regular old office job that you would find in most urban cities, but... I didn't have much confidence about it. I wasn't sure whether I could actually work in an office cubicle or pass the interview for the job itself... Still, I would at least need to try it before I got cold feet about it.
"Well..." I began while also trying to think of an answer. The "fortune teller" lady now leaned forward, her expression, while only the bottom part of her face was visible, showed keen interest, as if she was eagerly awaiting my response. "Any job is fine right now," I simply answered with a hint of finality.
I firmly decided: I would do any job. I was getting even more desperate with each job application and interview that I had been trying and failing. If this job interview didn't work out, I might as well try my luck with being a burger flipper in a fast-food joint too.
"Hmm... is that so?" She inquired about my answer, but her tone was that of boredom. My answer most likely didn't really satisfy her expectation as she had just lost interest in me, which was a good thing since it looked like she would finally let me off from whatever spell that she had cast on me... I hoped...
'You know what? Maybe I just gotta humor her at least once,' I thought to myself, but...
I would soon come to regret this decision.
"Yeah," I confirmed to her. "Hell, I might even do grunt's work," I jokingly said, as I vaguely remembered those kids in the public park with their 'Hero Vs. Villain' play, in particular, that poor kid who got forced into the villain's grunt role.
Hearing what I just said, the fortune teller suddenly lifted her face and showed me a wicked smile of hers that startled me once again. What's even more terrifying... was that she finally showed her eyes to me that were hidden under her cloak's hood... and they were shining red with an equally wicked intent.
"Oh...! A Grunt, you say?"
HIATUS. Not much to say here other than it's not working out.
"Oh...! A Grunt, you say?"
The "fortune teller" lady showed me her full visage that had previously been hidden by the hood of her dull gray cloak. No doubt about it... she was indeed beautiful, but... I couldn't exactly admire her beauty as she was showing me not just the wicked smile that sent chills down my spine, but also her beautiful eyes' irises were shining deep red... akin to a predator that had just found their next meal.
I was quite shocked and taken aback, not just by her wicked expression, but also by the sudden aura that she was emitting... an aura that radiated both wickedness and malicious intent.
If I wasn't convinced from being forcefully held down and pulled, this dark aura of hers that she was radiating was solid proof: this woman was not normal nor was she human... and I should get the hell out of here!
I tried to run away, but my body again suddenly felt sluggish and stiff, and it felt even worse than before, as even my own lips were shut tight! This... witch... might have cast the same spell that she had used to "tie" me down. Or worse... I might have just been paralyzed from fear at seeing and feeling this dark aura radiating from her.
I could only watch with wide eyes, an expression of fear and horror evident on my face, as this witch of a woman then stood up from her booth, casually walked around it, and now stood in front of paralyzed me. Her eyes still held the deep red glow, and she had an expression of both interest and mischief. Not a good combination.
I could also finally see the full picture of her cloaked figure. Her dark gray cloak was really hugging her well-endowed figure nicely...
'Not now, libido!' I chastised my own libido inside my head, which was not just filled with dread but also briefly entertained inappropriate thoughts at the worst timing possible.
Seeing my conflicted expression, she seemed to be amused instead as she giggled. "Fufufu... don't be afraid, dear traveler." She tried to calm me down, but her mischievous smile and shining red eyes weren't convincing. I was even more panicked than before, which she found even more amusing as she giggled again.
This woman then raised her right hand, and suddenly, said right hand was engulfed in a dark-flame-like aura!
'Shit! Is she going to kill me?!' I panicked even more from seeing her flame-covered hand. I might have just met my end here, being killed by a Witch in this dark alleyway while still being an unemployed deadbeat.
I tried and tried to force my body to move, but no matter what, it wouldn't budge to my will! The only thing that was moving was my own facial expression, which was most likely displaying an expression of pure terror of what was about to happen to me.
This witch of a woman saw my expression of terror and let out a giggle accompanied by the same wicked smile. Then she began to speak to me again, "Now, now, I'm just going to give you a little 'token' to help you on your journey," She explained, trying to calm me down again, but her mischievous smile remained. She then moved her flaming hand closer to me.
'Token'? What token?! All I saw here was just her dark-flaming hand getting closer and closer to my chest!
Soon after... her flaming hand finally touched my chest, and it felt... hot! My chest felt the extreme heat of the flame, as if I was being branded by a branding iron...! I could only watch with a horrified and pained expression as both my body and lips were paralyzed by the Witch, who was currently "branding" me with this so-called "token".
The Witch herself ignored my silent, pained expression and instead focused on "branding" her "token" onto me. I couldn't do anything to prevent her from whatever she was doing to me, nor could I yell out in pain. As the pain became too unbearable, my mind went blank.
After what felt like an eternity, the searing heat finally stopped. My mind snapped back to reality quickly. I directed my attention back to the witch. Her hand was still on my chest, but it wasn't covered with the ominous dark flame from before. She still had that mischievous smile, but her eyes were hidden behind the hood of her cloak. She was rubbing my chest gently... as if she was checking her handiwork.
Seeing that she was satisfied with whatever she had done to me, she let go of her hand on my chest. She then turned around and sauntered back to her booth. Unfortunately, the way her hips swayed in a mesmerizing rhythm was both alluring and irksome to me...
As soon as she reached her booth, she turned around again and faced me. She raised both of her hands... and then clapped. Suddenly, I was able to move again! My body, which had been "spellbound" by this witch of a woman, was free once more. I quickly checked my chest where the witch had burned me.
I checked my clothes... and found that there was no burning mark. No burnt smell, nor any black charred marking. It was still my regular old formal suit that I always wore for interviews. I then quickly checked my chest under my clothes... and there was also no burn mark on my skin.
'What the hell...?' I cursed in my thoughts. I was pretty sure that this witch had just used a flame-covered hand to "brand" me with whatever "token" she had mentioned before. But... there was no such mark on me... Then I looked back at the witch... and she was just standing there, showing me the same mischievous smile as before, her arms crossed casually in a way that emphasized her well-endowed chest.
"Now, dear traveler..." She suddenly began to speak. I was startled, and then I soon put up my guard, anticipating whatever this witch was planning next. She raised her left arm, and I braced myself for a confrontation... only for said left arm to move outward. I looked at her left hand and found that she was actually casually pointing her left hand toward a direction. The direction itself? I looked to where she was pointing... and it was the way out of the alleyway that I was supposed to go.
"Go forward, toward your destiny, dear traveler," she simply said to me.
"Huh...?" I dumbfoundedly muttered, bewildered by what she had just said in a normal tone. Not sultry, not playful, but actually serious. She still had a smile on her face, but it wasn't the same mischievous smile as before. Just a normal smile.
I was still taken aback by her sudden "normal" behavior. I became confused, not knowing how to react to all that had just happened and what this woman had done to me.
Was this all... just an illusion? Did my mind play a trick on me...? Did this woman actually do something to me...? I was quite confused about what just happened.
But then suddenly, I heard the voice of the witch woman, "Go on then, dear traveler." She urged me to go. I was startled by her sudden order, but... I followed through with with it. I slowly walked in the direction where she was pointing: the way out of the alleyway which I was originally supposed to go.
My walk slowly started to gain momentum... then my walking pace became a running phase. I quickly ran as fast as my legs could toward the light coming from outside the alleyway.
'I GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE!' My inner thoughts screamed at me. I did not look back, as fear clouded my mind, never to interact with this witch ever again. I slowly but surely got closer to the light... and then, I finally reached it. The light blinded me as I entered it.
I finally escaped from that witch. But... I did not realize where I was standing.
"Hey! What are you doing?!"
"Is he crazy?!"
"Look out!"
I could hear a bunch of people yelling. I didn't know why... but it felt like they were all screaming at me. Then... I heard the sound of cars beeping.
*Beep Beep Beep*
And then suddenly, the sound of engines could also be heard. Something fast and quite large just passed by me, accompanied by the sound of a rapid gust of wind. 'Hold on... is this what I think it is...?' I soon realized where I was currently standing, as my vision finally came back after being blinded: an asphalt road. I was standing in the middle of the road.
I was about to process where I was, but I was not given any time for that, as suddenly, I could hear the sound of heavy honking. I looked at the source of the honking and found a large truck speeding fast toward me.
Suddenly, my vision blurred, and the world seemed to shift and spin around me. Everything tilted at an impossible angle, and I felt weightless, soaring through the air in a disorienting whirl.
Through my hazy vision, I glimpsed people gasping in shock and horror, their expressions reflecting the gravity of my situation. I realized... I had been hurled through the air by the speeding truck. A wave of excruciating pain washed over me, and my consciousness began slipping away.
However, before I lost consciousness, a figure materialized in my blurry sight: the Witch. She stood amidst the gasping crowd, wearing the same unsettling expression that had haunted me.
A wicked smile adorned her face.
Soon after... everything turned dark.
HIATUS. Not much to say here other than it's not working out.
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