I am hugely tired, and I take a nap while Miles goes out the balcony to make some calls. By the time I wake up, dinner is ready and we all go to the dining room to eat.
I am slowly learning to appreciate the real Miles. He is funny, intelligent. He is so many things that I didn't think he was when we first met. Earlier on, I had dismissed him as some dumb hoodlum thug when in truth, Miles is just a sophisticated person. We are a good match. Never once had I seen myself saying, let alone thinking that.
Later, we go for a walk on the moonlit beach. The air around here is nice and humid. If I didn't have work waiting for me back at the house, id stay here with Miles forever.
We return to our room and go to bed. I rest in Miles' arms. He lightly strokes his fingers down my back. I feel so fulfilled, thanks to Miles. I've never been this contented. I know without doubt that he is the best thing that has ever happened to me.
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