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3.38% A Rider Kick in Marvel / Chapter 3: Chapter 03

Capítulo 3: Chapter 03

"So, Ace, what brought you to Midtown High School?" asked Aunt May

"My parents recently passed away from an accident. They have their assets here so I thought about transferring myself to New York from Japan to take care of their assets."

"Oh, sorry for bringing up your parents." Aunt May was saddened

"It's okay Aunt May, I appreciate the sentimentality."

"Are you living by yourself?" she asked

"No, I have an aunt and uncles who live with me. So I'm not really lonely."

"That's good to hear. Do you want some snacks? I can whip some really quick if you want."

"It's okay Aunt May, we have a Lego set to build."

The trio went to Peter's room and started building Ned's Lego set. They had some light banter and arguments like if the force is a supernatural phenomenon only people with Midi-chlorians can manipulate the force in Star Wars. Ned and Peter would not stop arguing and Ace just stood and watched at the side amused at their bickering. We heard the front door open and Uncle Ben came home.

"Honey I'm home."

"Welcome back Ben," said Aunt May

"Where is Peter?"

"He is in his room with Ned and a new friend. He's a handsome young man."

"Oh, really? Then I better meet him."

Ben went to Peter's room and knocked on the door. "Peter, I'm coming in."

Ben came into the room and saw three teenagers. Two were arguing and one was lying on the bed checking his phone. Peter noticed his Uncle Ben came in just now.

"Oh, Uncle Ben, welcome back."

"I'm home, Peter. Want to introduce me to your new friend?"

"Oh right, Uncle Ben this is Ace. Ace, this is my Uncle Ben."

Ace greeted Uncle Ben and shook his hand. "Nice to meet Peter's Uncle. The name's Ace."

"Nice to meet you too. Why don't you boys join us for dinner."

"Sorry, but my ride is almost here maybe next time."

*Car Horns*

"I guess that's my ride." Everyone went to the door to say goodbye and saw a black car. It was a Honda NSX but it was the Tridoron in disguise. The car door opened and Izu stepped out of the car.

"I'm here to pick you up Ace-sama." The Parker family and Ned were shocked to see a beautiful woman. Izu, dressed in her usual attire, looked neat and proper like a beautiful assistant.

"Let me introduce to you my assistant. Her name is Izu. She took care of me after my parents passed away."

Instead of the usual Humagear module on the side of her ears. They were hidden and only human ears could be seen.

"It is nice to meet you, my name is Izu. Thank you for taking care of Ace-sama." Izu introduced herself and bowed to the Parker family. Peter, May, and Ben also introduced themselves. Ned also introduced himself but was a little awkward.

"Ah, no need to be so formal. Ace is Peter's friend. So treat us like family." said May with a soft smile.

"Understood. Ace-sama, it is time to go."

"Right, Ned, Peter, see you at school tomorrow."

Ace and Izu entered the disguised Tridoron and drove toward their home.

"They seem to be a nice family, are they not Ace-sama?"

"They sure are. I can't wait to see how their future unfolds."

It is now the weekend. Ace has been getting close with Peter, Ned, and Gwen. Mary Jane has been getting closer to Ace. MJ has been seeking advice from Ace and occasionally hangs out. Ever since the cafeteria fight between Ace and Flash. Flash has lessened his bullying. The whole fight was recorded by some of the students and has been posted on social media. This increased Ace's popularity and everyone in school has been talking about him. The students respect him and Flash doesn't dare to confront him anymore after the one-sided beatdown.

Ace decided to patrol the city and told Izu his plan. "Izu, I'll be going on patrol."

"Please wait Ace-sama. Before you go I have requested Zea to create equipment for your protection."

Ace is interested in what Zea has made for him. Zea can fabricate almost any equipment with the help of the lab if she has enough data. So anything that Zea makes will surely be good. "Oh, what did Zea make, show me."

"Of course, please follow me." Izu led Ace to the Lab and once they arrived Ace saw clothes and a mask.

"These are the protective suits made by Zea. The suit looks no different from a normal jacket but it is made with Hiden metal. It has zero penetration from knives and bullets. It can also resist beam weapons and explosives. The jacket can also attach to your body if you need to hide it and will act as a second skin. The mask is also made with Hiden metal and has the ability to retract or bend light to hide itself. The mask can also hide your facial features through holographic imaging."

Ace was very surprised. The defensive capabilities and convenience are amazing. The suit looks the same as the DGP players in Kamen Rider Geats but has a hoodie. The mask was a white kitsune with red highlights around the eyes. Ace was more surprised to hear that they were made with Hiden metal. The metal came from Kamen Rider Zero-One and Zero-One's MetalCluster Hopper form was made with Hiden metal. The metal can freely change its hardness, plasticity, and density. Although it is amazing I still doubt it is stronger than Vibranium or Adamantium in this universe but it is still amazing since the previous two are hard to find.

"These are amazing. What's more, you already made Hiden metal! How did you make it?" said Ace, happy and excited for his new suit.

"Zea already has the data and we gathered the necessary materials. We then manufactured it and outfitted the suit with the metal."

"Amazing…" was the only word Ace could say for the competency of Izu and Zea. He is grateful he has them when coming into this world.

"These were created to protect you Ace-sama. Although you have the power of the Riders before you put them on you are still human and defenseless. I hope you will accept these as a gift."

"I will, thank you Izu and Zea but I'm doubting I am still a regular human. Kivat has given me a hint before and I noticed my capabilities when I was fighting Flash. I will need to figure them out next time."

"I will add it to your schedule Ace-sama."

"Thank you, Izu,"

Ace puts on the new suit and mask. After moving around for a bit he felt more safe and comfortable wearing them. "Then I will be going Izu,"

"Please stay safe Ace-sama."

Ace drives through New York on Boostriker. He keeps an eye out for any signs of trouble. Ace would have thought since this is the Marvel universe there would be trouble popping every minute but he has been driving for an hour and there were no signs of trouble at all.

"Here I thought the Marvel universe was very chaotic. I guess they were exaggerating things out of proportion."

*Police Sirens Wailing*

Ace saw a getaway car speeding through the streets passing him and police cars were in hot pursuit. "Guess I spoke too soon. Better stop them." Ace revs Boostriker and pursues the runaway vehicle at full speed. 

The getaway car speeds through New York knocking over some cars and fire hydrants. There are four people in the car who are wearing burglar masks and one in the back was holding an assault rifle shooting at the cops and making some crash to the side. Ace goes between the police cars and catches up with the getaway car. The man with the assault rifle sees Ace and shoots at him. The bullets hit Ace but the bullets only flattens on impact from his new suit and then slide off. He barely felt the bullets hitting him and almost felt like someone just lightly brushed him.

"Thank you Izu and Zea for the suit," he said, thanking them again for seeing the capability of the suit in action.

The man with the assault rifle saw the bullets were ineffective and told the driver what happened.

"Boss! We have a problem. Bullets don't work on this guy!"

"What!?" the boss saw the rearview mirror and saw Ace holding the Magnum raise buckle





Ace transformed to Geats, ignited the boosters, and got closer to the vehicle. The boss saw this and immediately got alarmed. "Shit! We got an armored freak on our tail!"

Geats held the Magnum Shooter 40X and started shooting the back tires of the car. With back tires flatten the car skids uncontrollably and hits a traffic light post. Geats stopped and got off the Boostriker. The robbers got out of the car with bags of money. They saw Geats and started shooting at him

"There's the interloper, shoot him!" shouted the boss. All the robbers fired at Geats but Geats just continued to walk forward ignoring their shooting.

"Oh shit…" The robbers realized they were outclassed and stood still for a second. Geats rushed in and started knocking out the robbers. He tied them up on the sidewalk with the stolen money. The police arrived only to see Geats driving away.

Geats continues to find trouble as he drives through New York. Armed men robbing a bank.Thieves stealing from weak grandmas. Construction accidents, Steel beams falling and even a kitten stuck on a tree.

"Troubles are endless in this universe…" Ace murmured weary. It is not as if he is physically tired but mentally.

Some people notice him, such as him waiting for the traffic lights to go green. The car beside him rolled down the window and it was a pretty woman who could work in a modeling career.

"Oh my god, it's Geats! Can I take a picture!" said the woman excited like a fangirl meeting her idol while holding her phone.

"Sure," Ace agreed he didn't mind

The woman took a selfie and posted it on her social media. "Thank you so much!"

"You're welcome."

Another was him getting lunch. He ordered some pizza in advance from Pepe's Pizza and when he arrived the clerk was in disbelief.

"I came here to get my order," said Ace nonchalantly, ignoring the curious gazes around him.

The clerk's mind was still loading, unable to process the man in white armor with a fox mask in front of him. "Yes, here is your order." The clerk was on auto-pilot and gave Geats his order.

"Thank you,"

Geats sat at an empty table near the window and ate his pizza. The mouthpiece of the helmet was able to retract so he did not have to cancel his transformation. The people in the shop started taking pictures and started talking about Geats. It is not every day you get to see a hero casually dining in a pizza place so casually. A week later the pizza place exploded in popularity and many customers decided to eat there.

That is how the day went and Ace returned late at night. "Welcome back Ace-sama. I believe you had an eventful day." Izu greeted him when he came home which felt nice to Ace. Knowing someone was always waiting for you back home.

"Yeah, there were crimes non-stop. I thought there would be less but did not expect them to keep on coming after the first hour." Ace said exhausted.

"I have prepared your dinner and take a nice rest Ace-sama. You have no school tomorrow so rest as long as you want."

"Thank you, Izu,"

It has been a few weeks since Ace started his patrols. Everyone in school and the media has been talking about Geats.

"Ace have you seen the video where Geats rescued people in a burning building!? It was so cool! He drove inside the building with his bike and rescued everyone inside." said Ned enthusiastic about how Geats rescued the people.

"Yeah, I guess he was pretty cool," replied Ace but he inwardly laughed. He thought how would Ned think if he found out he was Geats himself?

"C'mon, how are you not as excited as I am?" pouted Ned

"I am excited but I'm not just overhyped like you," Ace smirked and Ned frowned.

"How about you Gwen? What do you think about Geats?" asked Ace

"Oh, I find him cool too. It is nice to know somebody is helping the people of New York. I saw some of his fights. He is trained in martial arts and is strong but I couldn't help but notice how dramatic the way he fights… It is like he is putting on a show."

Ace was surprised by Gwen's insight into his fighting style. 'I did learn martial arts to become a suit actor in my previous world. I practiced a lot of the martial arts I learned to make them look cool in front of a camera.' Ace thought to himself.

"How about you Peter?" asked Ned

"Me? I'm still in awe of how advanced his suit is. It is way above what we have today and I have been reading research to see if it was possible to recreate it and I found nothing." Peter began to ramble more about Geats' suit until Gwen stopped him.

"Okay, Peter we get it. Geats' suit is amazing." The group of friends laughed and continued their lunch.

Although a lot of people support him, not everyone does. Some call him a vigilante and possessing dangerous weapons. The one calling him out the most was J. Jonah Jameson of the Daily Bugle. And just in time, a nearby student was listening to a podcast of JJJ.

"That armed vigilante is a menace! Who does he think he is!? He rides around on his bike and stops robbery, so what!? He is obstructing police work and sticking his nose where it does not belong! And who is to say he is not involved in the robberies he stops? He might have even orchestrated them! Wake up people! That white-masked vigilante is a menace!"

Ace's group frowned when they heard JJJ accusing Geats. "That Jameson is surely talking a lot of bull lately. How is he accusing Geats of creating those robberies? He is just helping the people." Gwen was berating JJJ for his lies and accusations. Peter and Ned agreed but Ace was contemplating what to do.

He knows of JJJ and labels heroes as vigilantes, especially the ones who hide their identity. He has been calling Spider-Man a menace for years in different universes so Ace knows he won't stop. It may be fine right now but if this keeps up JJJ will hurt his reputation. As long as people keep hearing him as a menace it will sooner become the truth for the public. Ace is thinking about how to defend his reputation and get the truth out for the people.

Ace went home and asked Izu if she could help him. "Hey Izu, have you heard of J. Jonah Jameson?"

"The one who runs the Daily Bugle and has been reporting on you, Ace-sama?"

"Yes, he has been slandering me for a while now and I want to defend myself against him. Do you have any idea?"

"In order to prove your innocence. I suggest we have a recording of your actions. It should show your actions and disapprove of all of your false slandering. We can use the Takacandroid to record the video."

"That's a nice idea Izu! While we are at it. Do you think you can make contact lenses to record my POV as well?"

"We can do that Ace-sama."

"Good, do you think you can add new functions to my mask? I was hoping I could communicate with it and connect to the internet. I noticed during my patrols I have a hard time finding crimes and just happen to pass by them. Can you connect it with Zea and Ark to notify me of any trouble? It can also be used to communicate with you if I need help."

"I will notify Zea and Ark for your requests. We will be sure to complete them as soon as possible, Ace-sama."

"Thank you, Izu but there is no need to rush and take your time."

A few days later brought in the upgrades Ace requested. The mask looked the same but when Ace wore it a holographic scene was generated in front of him. He tested it and was able to manipulate it with his hands or by thought. It also worked when the mask was retracted. It had many features in it such as surfing the internet, hacking to radio frequencies, and different visions such as night vision. The contacts felt no different but Izu showed his vision on another screen showing that it worked. He thanked Izu and went out to patrol.

He drove around New York and in the corner of his view was a mini-map which made getting around much easier.

"Izu are there any people that need help?" Izu appeared in a corner of his vision on a small screen.

"We have a situation Ace-sama. We have a hostage situation with a group of robbers taking the bank employees and customers hostage." Izu sent the dispatch radio of the NYPD

"All units a group of armed suspects have assaulted a bank at 1249 5th Ave. Officers needed on location. Be advised the suspects have hostages. Approach with extreme caution."

"I'm on my way Izu." Ace increased his speed riding toward the location. Ace arrived to see a group of police cars forming a barricade outside the bank. A blonde man in front was holding a megaphone and talking to the armed robbers in the bank.

"We have you surrounded! Release the hostages and surrender quietly."

"Screw you! If you don't have a chopper in 30 minutes all the hostages are dead!" replied a robber insistent on his demands.

"Dammit!" The man was George Stacy. The father of Gwen and captain of the New York City Police Department. He can't find a solution to this problem without harming the hostages. His hands are tied.

"What do we do Captain?" asked a fellow officer

"I don't know… what did the higher-up say?"

"They… they said they did not want to give in to their demands…"

"What!? We have at least 30 hostages in there and they don't want to give a chopper for their lives!" George was furious at what the higher-ups were thinking.

"Seems like you are at a disadvantage, Captain." Ace casually walked near George Stacy and introduced himself

"I'm the Kamen Rider, I'm here to help."

Captain Stacy was surprised by Ace's appearance. He has heard of this new vigilante and is now meeting him face-to-face. He noticed he was young. Other officers also now noticed him and aimed their weapons at Ace.

"Stand down! Drop your weapons!" commanded Captain Stacy.

"But sir he is a vigilante." replied a cop still drawing his weapon

"I said stand down." Captain Stacy repeated but more sternly


A cop fired at Ace but the shot did not affect Ace. Ace looked at the cop who shot him. His face was surprised the bullet did not work. Ace took note to investigate and deal with him later.

"Who shot that!? Arrest him!" commanded Captain Stacy. The cop who shot was indignant and resisted but his fellow cops arrested him and took him away.

"Sorry about that! He was a rookie and didn't know any better." Captain Stacy apologized

"It's fine…" Ace was reluctant but would deal with it later. A lone Takacandroid is flying above recording everything.

"How many hostages are there inside?"

"They have about 30. My men can't move without fearing retaliation from them or harming the civilians," replied Captain Stacy.

"I see, let me see if I can find out anything more about them." Ace took out a blue and black camera. Captain Stacy was confused as to why he brought out a camera. Ace took out the Bat Memory and inserted it into the camera. The camera transformed into a mechanical bat and started flying into the back. Captain Stacy was surprised at the little thing turning into a bat, a sentiment shared by the nearby officers.

Ace took out his phone to see the live feed of Bat Shot. He saw there were around 10 armed men and one had body armor which looked too high-tech for a bunch of robbers. He saw the hostages all gathered into two groups near each other and had a bomb strapped to each group. He could also see multiple bombs strapped to different areas in the bank. The bombs are rigged to explode in less than 10 minutes.

"We have bad news: they have bombs all over the bank and on the hostages. They will explode in less than 10 minutes," said Ace grimly

"What!?" Captain Stacy realizes the dire situation but they don't have time to react.

"Everyone evacuate! They have bombs and we need to clear the perimeter," commanded Captain Stacy to his officers

"I'm going in," said Ace

"Wait! What are you going to do about the civilians?" asked Captain Stacy

"Have faith in me, Captain. I know it is hard to trust a vigilante but I promise to get them out unharmed."

"...Fine, make sure they are safe. Before I let my men go in when it gets out of hand."

"Thank you,"

"Everything is ready boss." said one of the henchmen

"Good, we are leaving in 2 minutes. Those cops won't know what hit them."

They plan to stall for time while they retreat into the sewers while simultaneously blowing up the building to cover their tracks.

"After this job, we will be stinkin' rich!"

"Uwah~!" A little girl was crying and her mother tried to comfort her but it did not help. The boss was annoyed by the little girl's wails and shouted at her.

"Hey shut up! I hate fucking annoying kids! If you don't shut up I'm going to break your arms like a toothpick!"

"Please don't harm her, I'll keep her quiet please!" The mother pleaded for her child to not be harmed but the boss did not have any of it.

"Too late I lost my patience!" The man went to grab the girl but before he could he was stopped by a voice.

"How pathetic… A grown man lashing out at a little girl."

The boss looked at the person who insulted him and saw Ace standing in front of the bank's entrance.

"What did you say you piece of shit!"

"Are you deaf as well? I guess you will be a scum for the rest of your life." Ace further insulted the man. The veins in the man's head bulge in anger.

"What are you some kind of hero are you!? Well, if you want to be a hero so badly, take one more step and all of these people will have their brains full of lead!" The henchmen aimed their guns at the hostages and the boss had a wide smirk on his face. Ace was unfazed by the robber's blatant threats.

"Is that all? You all are really weak." Ace said confidently

"What!?" the boss was getting even more enraged

"My Grandmother said this… Children are treasures… The greatest sin in this world is to damage those treasures…" The robbers were confused by what Ace was saying but suddenly a small red blur flew by them. Before they knew it all of the weapons they held were destroyed.

The red blur flew beside Ace and it was revealed to be a mechanical red kabuto. "I'm the Kamen Rider. Because of you harming a child and endangering these people. I will defeat you!"

The Kabuto Zecter flew around Ace and he grabbed it. "Henshin!"

Ace inserted the Kabuto Zecter into the Rider Belt

[Mechanical Noises]


A silver and red armor resembling a pupa covered Ace. The helmet had blue eyes with two small horns. He is now in Kamen Rider Kabuto Masked form.

The robbers were shocked and were in disbelief. The hostages now had hope they would be saved. The little girl saw Kabuto with awe in her eyes. As if her prince charming came to save her. The boss was to first snap out of his dazed state.

"Don't just stand there! Get him!" the boss commanded his henchmen. The henchmen heard their boss and rushed to Kabuto holding bats, pipes, or anything they could get their hands on.


Kabuto calmly walks toward the incoming robbers. He dodges their weapons and punches and kicks them with minimal movement. Kabuto can just ignore their attacks and hit them directly but doesn't want that. He wants to win with skill and not just rely on his armor. The fight lasted a few minutes with all the robbers on the floor bruised and some had broken bones. They were not able to land a hit on Kabuto despite their numbers.

"Useless shits! How much do you think I'm paying you all for!" The boss was furious he took off his jacket and revealed his arms had gauntlets attached to his chest armor. The tech glowed a purple light coursing through the chest and gauntlets.

"If you want to do something right you do it yourself! Show's over bug, with this tech I can punch through steel. Let's see how it feels to smash your skull in!" The boss taunted Kabuto.

The boss throws punches at Kabuto but he calmly dodges them.

"Stay still bastard!" Kabuto only scoffs at him

"Is that all you have? You're only swinging your arms widely and so predictable. It's like fighting a child." Kabuto held the Kabuto Kunaigun and slashed at the boss using the axe side. Each slash made sparks at the chest and gauntlets of the boss. Leaving deep scratches. The boss started to panic and punched Kabuto to gain some space.

"Get away from me!"

Kabuto crossed his arms and was knocked back a few feet but landed on his feet. "What's wrong? Feeling unmatched?" said Kabuto sarcastically

"Shut up!" The boss was sweating and tense when fighting Kabuto. 'Where the hell did this guy come from!? This was supposed to be an easy job. But this freak showed up and ruined everything!' the boss thought his situation grave

"I've already gotten used to this form. Time to get serious." Kabuto flicked the horn of the Kabuto Zecter. Electric sparks coursed through the armor and started separating.

"Cast off!" Kabuto flips the Zecter 



The armor explodes off from Kabuto and some pieces hit the boss. The boss covered himself to not get hit. After putting down his arms he saw Kabuto now in red sleeker armor with a red horn going up his helmet which resembles more of a Japanese rhinoceros beetle.

Kabuto walked towards the boss while shooting him with the Kunaigun. The boss brought his arms together to block the shots and when Kabuto got close, he threw a punch and Kabuto dodged. Kabuto kicks and punches him and he cannot block or hit him. Kabuto in his Rider form is faster and more offensive. Kabuto throws a punch at the boss' chest which sends him flying. His armor and gauntlets barely held on and were sparking in a few places.

"Dammit!" the boss yelled furiously. He grabbed the little girl from before and threatened Kabuto.

"Stay back or this girl's spine is done for!" The mother was pleading to let her daughter go and the little girl's face was in pain.

"Harming a child is unforgivable… Clock up!" Kabuto pressed the side of his belt to initiate Clock Up


Everything slowed down as if time had stopped. Only Kabuto was able to move normally. In "Clock Up" the user's time flow accelerates making it seem time slows down for the user. He dashed and hit the boss's fingers, bending them unnaturally. Kabuto kicked him toward the entrance of the bank. Kabuto held the little girl who was suspended in the air in a princess carry.


Everything resumed at normal speed and the boss crashed through the door of the entrance and landed outside. Kabuto looked at the girl in his arms and asked if she was okay.

"Are you okay?"

The little girl nodded with her eyes filled with admiration. Her face was smitten being saved by her prince charming. Kabuto gave her back to her mother who thanked him repeatedly in tears hugging her child.

Kabuto exited the bank and found the boss groggily getting up.

"Surrender, it is already over."


Unwilling to concede he threw a punch at Kabuto. Kabuto dodged and punched. He presses the button on his Zecter


The boss punches again but Kabuto dodges and counters again pressing the button on the Zecter.



Kabuto faces away and unflips the Zecter. "Rider Kick…"

Kabuto flips again the Zecter


Electricity travels from his belt to his horns and then to his right leg. The boss charges at him and Kabuto turns around to kick him with his leg infused with electricity. The kick broke the boss's armor and gauntlet while sending him flying towards a police car. He became unconscious and the police checked on his condition. He was not in a life-threatening condition so they cuffed him and let the paramedics deal with his injuries.

*End OST*

"Bomb squad get inside and look for the bombs! Get the hostages out and secure them!" Captain Stacy commanded and the police started to go inside the bank. Captain Stacy went up to Kabuto to thank him.

"Thank you for your help. Without you, things might have gotten worse."

"Don't thank me yet. The bombs have not been disarmed yet."


About the X-men. What age should they be? Kitty, Kurt, Bobby, and Rogue will most definitely be teenagers. Professor X, Beast, Wolverine, and Storm are adults. What age should be Jean and Cyclops? Should they be teens or teachers?


You can also suggest a hero name when he is not transformed into any Riders. Something for the media to call him generally. Kamen Rider is a mouthful to say every time and it is a title.


Let's reach 200 power stones for an extra chapter 63/200

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